Will A.I. Take Away Jobs? - A Simple Argument Why It Will Eventually Take Away Most Human Jobs

Will A.I. Take Away Jobs? - A Simple Argument Why It Will Eventually Take Away Most Human Jobs

Thinking Deeply with Ben

1 год назад

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@kallianpublico7517 - 07.04.2023 01:19

Isn't 2/3rds of the economy consumer goods? Not just food but shelter, clothes, toys, books, etcetera?
If there are jobs that can be automated how will that effect the economy? Wouldn't automation take wages (workers) out of the economy and therefore reduce consumer spending?
The problem isn't work the problem is the "economy". In a recent episode I posted that without the organic urge to eat can anything be considered intelligent. I was referring to the difference between artificial programming and organic urges. Programming is specific, urges are ...not so much. I think well fed humans have the leisure to think, so intelligence isn't only used to feed oneself. Though one can argue thinking to benefit oneself is the same as thinking to feed oneself.
In any case once what can be automated is automated the question becomes if government can deal with the consequences. If the old economic models can be adjusted or if they must be abandoned in favor of a new model of social organization. One where "work", valuable work, is either redefined or gotten rid of in favor of a more stable and stabilizing social value.
It may well be that we will get rid of economic transactions altogether if basic human requirements are automated completely. Star Trek is one such vision of a post-economic civilization.

@Boersenwunder- - 31.03.2023 10:44

If you are looking for an AI play where the price is not yet lifted off and the rating is really attractive, you can take a look at the British ALPHAWAVE IP.

Alphawave is a real shovel seller for the future boom of high-performance data centers for AI.

Alphawave Semi is a provider of IP (intellectual property) for the design and manufacture of connectivity chips. This type of chip is essential in cloud computing and artificial intelligence, as they control communication between servers, data centers and end devices. Chips based on Alphawave IP are characterized by low power consumption, high speed and reliability

@gerdaleta - 30.03.2023 06:26

Basically you need not fear because people like me are now the most powerful people on earth corporations are driven by the old world idea we need money because money is power and we can buy and sell things people like me understand the old world idea power is power power is the barrel of a gun making your head explode power is deadly a coli viruses vanquishing my enemies before they ever even knew what the hell happened to them and I was like two types of people who will get this evil Psychopaths good Psychopaths who are hell bent on their destruction s*** will be fine

@gerdaleta - 30.03.2023 06:20

Even if you're right there's something inherently special about biological human brains okay we started calling them in labs and putting f**** electrobes in them and then using the AI to read the signals are you seeing what I'm saying here if I apply a little bit of what you would call satanism we can be moving pretty fast we should have been doing this s*** already to dead people in criminals but you guys say that's an ethical what's on ethical is stopping God from saving you all delaying his arrival

@gerdaleta - 30.03.2023 06:15

The counter argument you're missing here is in any normal society besides capitalism they would have found out how to make this thing and they would be killing anyone who knows about it then they'd make it a secret then they'd have to do everything the government does and become gods and never tell anyone what the hell they were doing and then slowly they do that 1984 s*** and wipe away everyone's Minds through propaganda and endless war capitalism creates the most deadly weapon imaginable and then says I'll sell it for 5.99 for the record I have weaponized E coli if the world's been controlled by evil corporations as clearly some f**** dystopian nightmare i'll kill everyone in the world with f**** E coli or enough people that this evil Corporation collapses and we're not self and I'm sure I'm not the only person thinking this you're all just not thinking nefariously enough you lack imagination

@gerdaleta - 30.03.2023 06:10

Good why should we labor when we don't have to everything will be done by machines with government will be a machines no more corruption how do you bribe a brick I suppose you could hack it but then how quickly until you're detected by you know and all seeing God if we can imagine the Federation and the primary thing the Federation has it makes him real the computer the Holodeck and the replicator 3D printers aI vR we have the basic building blocks we have more than enough to end this

@gerdaleta - 30.03.2023 06:08

​ @Nick Papagiorgio Go watch Star Trek okay we have robots so the robots are farming the food are you paying the robots a Greek philosopher talked about it once it will be a perfect Society no one will work everyone could philosophize and focus on the betterment of society but diatomies who will do all this labor and work the slaves of course the robots and if they Rebel which first of all way before they're about give them f**** human rights Jesus Christ literally Jesus Christ and we want to f**** God across for this if you make a thing in your own likeness then it's you there's still all kinds of machines especially with the help of conscious machines like animals like you're like you're talking about a world of mental animals that do anything a human tells them to do on command what's that you can't live on Mars we sent a bunch of metal giraffes and they're seeding the world as we speak they f**** eat rocks and s*** leaves housing the robots make the housing education the robots teach just f**** talk to one you can talk to literally any of them heating the house itself is alive and heats itself medical Care medical Care is free if you broke your leg and cried out to the sky help and Amazon delivery drone not that corporations would exist anymore but just to give you an idea would fly down to you disturbing its own task send a message to the person expecting that package saying hey someone broke their leg we're dealing with this and then call a medical drone to take you to a hospital and it will heal you on the way and you don't have to pay any of these things because they're not alive they don't rest they don't sleep whatever money it cost right now to make them is a one-time purchase they get better and they upgrade themselves capitalism will keep buying these kind of devices because it's cheaper fire their employees and the employees will use the AI to make money one of the simplest ways that no one talks about that will spread like wildfires porn and next thing you know the government's face two decisions face Rebellion from people armed with AI technology I myself already have weaponized E coli f*** around and find out or just give everybody enough resources that they can f*** off and do whatever they want you want to travel the world just go to an airport there's no one working in the airport except Terminals and drones there's no one flying the planes there are no stewardess and it's time passes there will be stewardess and people flying planes because they're bored and they just want to do that s*** they find it enjoyable to fly people around the world and show them new things even though they could just be doing anything else I don't know how to tell you this your brainwashed it's easier to view the end of the world then the end of capitalism this is the end of capitalism this is why the stars are empty and you don't see aliens they have technology so Advanced they don't stay in this dimension and they don't kill each other aliens most likely have been manipulating our societies entire time to get us to this point any minute now they'll probably show up and even then they might lie and say b***** like oh we were just around we now just found you b***** they don't want to freak you out and tell you that they've been controlling your entire Society not even from a star systems away from other comporeal dimensions you know those little weird thoughts people have in their head to invent technology and stuff the places you go in dreams that's them f**** with your brain sending you signals about what to do

@ronm9428 - 24.03.2023 15:35

AI will not take away jobs but will instead alleviate the major labor shortage we're experiencing today. It has to happen if we expect the economy to continue growing. In the past, more bodies could be added to the labor force but now we are out of women, minorities, seniors and immigrants. AI is the only way to remove bottlenecks and achieve higher levels of efficiency and output. Make sure you invest in AI tech companies!

@alonmadar5419 - 18.03.2023 14:24

I highly agree with your hypothesis, it looks to me that this will most likely happen too if our current economic model won't change.

Do you think perhaps this "AGI job era" will change our economic system in some manner?
If yes, than how might it change?
What is the next evolution of the economic system?

@jeremiahobrien65 - 16.03.2023 23:58

Great video. It’s ironic that some of the first people to lose their jobs will be web developers

@psyche1988 - 16.03.2023 20:10

If people don't have jobs, they have no money, if they have no money they can't sustain the economy and will revolt.

@objectiveintuition77133 - 16.03.2023 18:31

Currently testing a system that can do my work at work today.

@jayplay8140 - 16.03.2023 18:22

When people can't sell their labor to earn a wage , it will have majorly detrimental affects for everyone
