Community gardens decorate New York City's urban landscape

Community gardens decorate New York City's urban landscape

CBS Mornings

3 года назад

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@Kangaruworld1 - 12.03.2023 12:24

Message to all. I see lots of people talking about community gardens for general hospitals to help with mental health. But what about having some community gardens for mental health hospitals. Mental health facilities patients could greatly benefit from having a garden at their facilities as well. And it would give them more fun and healthy extracurricular activities instead of just blank colorless walls, tv, music and books. If we are talking about creating community gardens to benefit mental health, then Mental health institutes should definitely be included in the quest for health and healing. They should not be abandoned. Plants for everyone, everywhere!! Anyone out there ready for this challenge?

@ritasrimustikasari - 14.09.2022 16:51

Good idea to have a community garden in the village too.

@ChristineJonah88 - 18.07.2022 05:09

I like this

@lornathomas1650 - 24.02.2022 23:31

Ms Ena setting down the chicken! Love the concept - green spaces providing Oxygen, nature for pleasure and rest. Real joy.

@lesjardinspartagesrakrouki1357 - 19.10.2021 12:35

Merci pour le partage l suscribe

@sunshinesun101 - 03.10.2021 01:28

The fact that there are more "community gardens" in New York than any other metropolis is NOT something to be proud off...Most people choose not to live on top of others and have their own garden.

@shad0wCh8ser - 10.06.2021 08:04

You're telling me.. I'm getting addicted. Various family and extended family has always grown something and I never though about it. It was until there were contained Romaine lettuce scare for 3 months in a row that I decided that I'm going to start growing my salads supplies. Now its becoming a real problem. I've got 20 cucumber plants, 24 corn plant, & a lot more other things while eyeing fruit trees. LOL.

The pandemic hit and I was trying to limit trips to the store by growing some more vegetables and now I'm growing more to give to family and friends. Also, I'm feeding all the birds in a 2 mile radius with my strawberries. They are unrelenting.

@jacpoy3416 - 08.06.2021 08:14

I wish more cities in the world will do the same

@kosycat1 - 01.06.2021 23:34

This is exactly what the world needs. I'm so lucky that I have about 1/4 acre plot I took over in my parent's back yard in Baltimore County. It's my own little jungle

@jhf99991 - 22.05.2021 19:12

The reporter doesnt have a clue

@annelauterbach294 - 19.05.2021 15:18


@hscamzhscam177 - 19.05.2021 06:35

green space NEEDS to guranteed by legislations

@hscamzhscam177 - 19.05.2021 06:32

thanx to those 70s badass kids!

@toniy5515 - 18.05.2021 15:15

Beautiful and restful. The volunteers are much appreciated.

@adajemison1779 - 17.05.2021 20:09

I am so very happy to see CBS doing a story on city gardens.
The Liz Christy garden is very special to me.
I have gone there with my friend since they began the garden....

@silkwoodart - 17.05.2021 17:03

Do you silly New Yorkers think that these gardens make your cesspool state of crime and bad leadership into some sort of Garden of Eden?
We see right through the windowdressing.

@tashikoweinstein435 - 17.05.2021 06:55

You know, Central Park is amazing until you find out that wealthy diverse communities of both Whites and POC, but mostly Wealthy Blacks Communities many former Slaves were kicked out in order to build it! And that Natural Habitats were also destroyed in the process as well! Great Legacy there Central Park. Great Legacy

@godoggo407 - 17.05.2021 03:56

Good for them!!! Chasing with pitchforks. I am on your side.

@anactaneustheeleventh2542 - 17.05.2021 02:18

Ah this is beautiful!!!! I love it.

@thebastardgift - 16.05.2021 20:52

Dirt is good. 💙💙💙

@WAM13 - 16.05.2021 18:33

The seed grenade idea is genius !!!
I'm going to do that where I live in San Diego CA, thank you for sharing 💚

@livefromplanetearth - 16.05.2021 16:07


@da1stamericus - 16.05.2021 15:45

I grow on my balcony and terrace, in my apartment. Wind is my nemesis. And I also have a community garden 20 minutes from Amsterdam. It's awesome, but I know I am extremely lucky. I wish more people could eat and grow their own food and cut flowers.

@rosephoenix4634 - 16.05.2021 15:30

There are so many ways that at there is no enough trees flowers grass on your old neighborhood but the problem is that there is covered with concrete metal signs and the smell of sidewalks or the streets that it is unbelievable but you know what how comes that Manhattan it is the only ways that are of showing like this but what about from Brooklyn Queens Bronx they need to have a more tree small Grass more flowers more relaxed fun bicycle jogging walking Funtime playtime relaxing and specially that will take a picture it's not fair everyone because my head is getting popular more and more but what about all those orders Brooklyn Queens and Bronx including that Staten Island

@tobehonest7541 - 16.05.2021 04:38

As a New Yorker I can tell you these "gardens" are disproportionally in WHITE neighborhoods  

total incorrect "journalism"

@islandgirl8914 - 16.05.2021 02:00


@mainnevent515 - 15.05.2021 18:00

I wonder how big the rats are that roam that garden?

@jaridkeen123 - 15.05.2021 17:32

We need to redesign our cities to have less roads for cars and more parks, and roads for bikes only.

@patricemarie2960 - 15.05.2021 17:27

Fascinating, beautiful oases in the city! ... So sadly, in the 1970's, ..... throughout the entire City, many of these gardens were razed, to develop apts, and buildings! .... There was a very beautiful garden space, right off Riverdale Ave, in the King, Riverdale section .... that grew spectacular plants, vegetables, and flowers! It was much more than a respite from the City grit, .... just minutes away! It was a very special, neighborhood refuge! It was a serious, deeply felt loss, when the bulldozers came ... to begin the building, of a small apt complex, and adjoining parking lot!💓💕👍

@lisah5784 - 15.05.2021 17:21

So the movie Green Card was based on this 🤔🤔🤔 Loved that 🎥

@firojmnalam6121 - 15.05.2021 16:30


@RDsToys_Games - 15.05.2021 16:29

More meaningless feel good propaganda, does New York need tourism or what? Economy that bad huh?

@realityqueen3173 - 15.05.2021 16:29

Stop revealing these secrets. Cant New Yorkers have something of their own? Not everything needs to cater to tourists
