Don't use Linux! Just use Windows!

Don't use Linux! Just use Windows!

Titus Tech Talk

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@madeinhvn - 28.01.2024 21:46

Linux is not meant for everyone. Let's be real. Most of the times it's just developers, engineers and hardcore FOSS enthusiasts who make the best use out of linux. And thanks to Valve there are some support for games. But that's it. Linux is still unstable esp with Nvidia. There are often times when new users would totally opt for a completely minimal OS (like Gentoo, Arch, Deb) and then mess up the OS. And the package management is also ass. But thankfully NixOS has somewhat fixed it. As much as freedom linux based distros give, it might sometimes be dangerous if one doesn't know what they're doing. Windows has abstracted a lot of these away which is pretty nice. But then their entire DE is linked to the functioning of their software. If only we'd have a sweet middle ground of these two.

@EquaTechnologies - 28.01.2024 21:06

Here is why Linux is great:

1. System stability
2. Linux is highly customizable
3. Security - Linux is more secure
4. Privacy, no tracking!!!
5. Price
6. Performance
7. Transperency - can see all the code
8. FULL Freedom
9. Portability - can put the drive on another computer and it just works
10. More options

Here is why Windows is great:
1. Familiarity
2. More programs on Windows

@piotrludorowski9529 - 28.01.2024 18:37

The only reason I left Linux is that I lost a long battle with Altium Desiner. This is my main program I work with. So after 3 happy years using Linux (MX an then Pop!os) i sadly left them. Now I used to W10 and it works ok-ish but no more customization as i Linux and the need to use Antivirus. On the older machine I use Pop! Os, XP and W7. Cheers!

@ralphmarzusch9755 - 28.01.2024 15:36

Even macOS is not for everyone. I've been using it for more than 20 years as my primary system, but I always had software that I couldn't run on macOS.
For a long time (as long as Mac was based on Intel) I could make use of virtualization. Now (with Mac ARM) this is no longer an option.

My new laptop is Intel-based, and this means I'm running Windows and VMs (Linux, *BSD, Windows) on top of that.
I don't dare (yet) to use Linux as virtualization host.

No more macOS. I don't even miss it, because nowadays most software is available for macOS and Windows, and sometimes even Linux.
The desktop experience no longer makes a difference for me - today's Windows and Linux even outperform macOS in this regard.

@pajeetsingh - 28.01.2024 14:22

Ppl that ask such questions should stay on windows. kekw.

@mikegarwood8680 - 28.01.2024 13:24

Wrong. Put down the crack pipe, dood.

@slctdmbntwrx - 28.01.2024 08:34

So true, as a musician, getting low latency in even Ubuntu Studio was impossible, such a shame, one day we'll get there though.

@SabiazothPsyche - 28.01.2024 07:52

Linux is for everyone, but just not for everything (that statement of yours is so accurate.) My Being uses Linux for everything; except, for a photo manipulation and editing program. In Windows, my Being uses the discontinued "Microsoft Picture-It" app, and that's all (everything else is with Linux.) But you see, even in Windows, the new available manipulation and editing photo apps are not so user friendly either. So that, even if my Being would be only using Windows, IT itself still would be using the discontinued last latest "Microsoft Picture-It" app. So you see, even with Windows, not every new app is "user friendly". Linux is the best, and only the best.

@iver0 - 28.01.2024 00:33

This is something I realized on my own, but a tad' bit late
I still love Linux, but have to admit that it doesn't make any sense to use it for me, and it doesn't work for my use case well
tbh Linux doesn't work for me yet even just for gaming, many games I've played simply don't work well on Linux (aaand some don't work at all), which is worse for me because of my dated hardware

@patrickprafke4894 - 28.01.2024 00:09

My favorite thing that makes me laugh about Linux. I have to use Windows to create an install media. Because I can't just download and click go. Lol. Someday, that'll happen. Hope it does.

@daedelous7094 - 27.01.2024 20:57

Thank god someone is speaking sense on this. People are being talked down to for "not using Linux" and those people are zealots whose grazing ground when they were young was Slashdot. Linux is indeed not for everyone and it's going to make you miserable trying to get it to work within your abilities. Use what works best, otherwise you are just wasting your energy.

@nescius2 - 27.01.2024 15:59

great subject, its nice that don't suggest this channel is at hand!

@lazarpro3030 - 27.01.2024 15:39

Nice april fools

@SpartanG007 - 27.01.2024 14:23

WIndows is not free in any sense of the word, while Linux is in all senses of the word. F MS

@Storin_of_Kel - 27.01.2024 13:08

I stepped away from Windows nearly a decade ago, I became a Linux user and I never looked back ever since.

@laksflaks - 27.01.2024 11:20

I feel like im always disagreeing with you, but when you say "linux is not for everybody" you sure are correct.
No point of trying to make Linux into Windows. If you need the apps windows provide, you want to play your 4k Gaming newest games and want it to be 100% supported yada yada. just use windows.

@Tailslol - 27.01.2024 10:41

Agreed,for my job just no compatibility layers can help.

@evacody1249 - 27.01.2024 05:25

If there was a work put onto just a few Linux distros it would work better.

@ChrisFaulkner - 27.01.2024 04:54

I always suggest Gentoo linux for people wanting to get started because that's how i started in 1992

@homeopathicfossil-fuels4789 - 27.01.2024 01:05

Linux is not for anyone who doesnt want mozilla crap shoved down their throats. I hate Microsoft and google but the practice of Mozilla is so noxious it kills my desire to work on anything with a linux kernel in it, why? Their invasive, cult forming, aggressive and hostile behavior around Rust and how their cultists have nagged and pestered Linus and the kernel development community into forcing rust into the kernel. Windows sucks, is full of spyware, but I am not in any way allowing bloated and insecure binaries and unauditable dependencies into anything I would use seriously for work, and the abusive, repressive, obnoxious and intrusive behavior of Mozilla and the Rust community has made this impossible, and basically voided the purpose of the only distro I would use in the first place, Gentoo, compiling all of your function on the system for that specific system, knowing exactly what goes on, etc. I enjoyed it back when the awful waste wasnt in the kernel, or even invented yet, and js skids stayed in webdev and phonejunkdev and didnt try to steal jobs from actually competent system devs by inventing a bullshit language specifically for marketing it for it to be forced in by ignorant corporate decision.

I am desperately looking for an alternative to Windows and Linux, Macintosh is completely excluded for obvious reasons being about the worst of both, but I am also unironically considering a complete departure from digital anything, binning my phone and computer and getting an education as something sensible like a blacksmith, because again, the other obnoxiously marketed poisonous snake oil specifically peddled to corporate management; AI will be put in my place to write broken stupid gibberish that only corporate white collars and suits will look at and say "hey it only compiles with warnings, lets fire the C programmer, oh wait I mean the two javascript programmers using the free version of chatgpt to rewrite everything in rust we hired as replacement for the C programmer, as I learned from reddit that we had to do."

But seriously if I dont end up forging iron and stick to programming and try to solve this problem on my own there will just be another one user userbase OS out there, to form a trio with TempleOS and DuskOS

@MrRecorder1 - 27.01.2024 00:40

Hey... the actual answer here is Proxmox! Obviously. You still need your windows key and everything and you can run everything. And no dual-boot required!

@phobes - 26.01.2024 21:59

Run Windows in a VM with GPU passthrough, problem solved.

@aniksamiurrahman6365 - 26.01.2024 21:34

I use windows in a virtual box for a few Adobe things. Apart from that, there's nothing in Windows that either also doesn't run on Linux or doesn't have a good Linux alternative.

@cxpiuum - 26.01.2024 20:31

i found out that hackintosh world is better for me than linux world

@Warrior_Resisting_Colonialism - 26.01.2024 19:35

I gave Linux a try a couple years ago. A couple different types, whatever they were called at the time. It was like going back in time when I used to play games on the Commodore 64. However, much nicer looking, but it was like that giant book I had, I had to read how to do everything and type in commands... I'm well, it's only to set stuff up, then it will be more like modern PC... After a few weeks and stuff I had wouldn't even run on it, no matter what you tried, it was just...well, an even worse C64 cus I couldn't even do stuff hahaha. Then I tried dual boot and figured, I'd just boot into Windows when I needed something then.....Well after a week of that, I realized Linux is really just waaaaaaaaaay behind the times, as cool as it is, it's not not there yet with support and by no means ease of use. You have to WANT to always be tinkering and entering commands like the old days, otherwise it's nothing but a PITA.
I just deleted it altogether. Been there done that back in the day. I've got no interest in going backwards and spending forever and a day learning how to setup basic stuff that does it itself on windows in seconds lol.
Yes, just use windows. Linux is for nerds who like to play with computers. It's got a LONG way to go, if it will EVER compete with windows mainstream. A long, long, long ways lol.

@R4V3N4NT - 26.01.2024 18:07

The best Linux distro for this commenter is Windows with a Linux subsystem

@igamblenull2258 - 26.01.2024 17:01

I first went into the video with a blatant defensive attitude because I thought it was going to be pure linux bashing but after the video I was like "Yup, everything is right, like this and not otherwise".

@martyaussie4538 - 26.01.2024 15:26

It seems ANY linux hasn't been ready for ex-windows users for 30 years.
why-oh-why-oh-why would anyone in their right mind want to use a command line to get anything done, when a GUI window is all you need (ala windows installs, configs, system settings etc).
It seems the Linux world is so ingrained into their old ways that maybe they don't want windows users to join in.

I used Ubuntu happily from 2005 to 2015 to keep away from leaky windows, but later versions of ANY linux distro never seems to install, or detect Wifi, or keeps freezing up to 2024, so of course i'm stuck back on windows again and Linux will never reign supreme. ;-(

@Bekon241 - 26.01.2024 11:23

Hi i watch meny stupid vid like this, to recomend best distro, and first time someone not lie. Im 100% with You Friend Titus, cheers from Poland! I use meny distro, i start witch mandriva when i was 13 years old, then time was hard becouse X was a child project to display, with meny bugs. Even change wallpapers was pain in as... Now all is ez. I stick with windows on dual boot with puppy bionic meny years, becouse 2 application one is Photoshop, not let me work on only one OS. Im 42 years now, i Stick in fedora, becouse i dont have any problem with this distro, all super simple, i like mate desktop on my 10y thinkpad. All work super fast, and for me this is time when i plan delete windows pernamently 14. October 2025 when win 10 end support coz i never try win 11 and i hate him even looking on this shit, then when MS tell win 10 is last im sure this is for me. : ) Conclusion is simple i use fedora i dont have 0 problems now, soon i test also maybe 5 app using wine, if i setup all with 100% succes and will be work like native on win now i can delete windows 10 even today. And for all others, if You use OS win linux osX shit or any other, and all work, dont update anything what is not broken, stick with OS as long as you can if you can do job fast, I hate Arch, i use it meny time, but loong loong ago, and i alweys looking solution some stupid small bugs, or my OS random crash after update even if i not use Aur... Then i done with arch, and i dont want comeback anymore. Now I use fedora half year without any problems, even one time. When time delete windows come, i just swap my nvidia rtx2060super to some RX model, and i install same os and deskop, on my main PC as main OS Without dual boot. Best solution for all is use dual boot, use linux for all and windows for gaming only or some apps. Or just not use any windows app and find some linux app for same task. This is why, i think You have right. For me all is simple, i dont care what OS will be, if i can work fast, and not spend half day to repair then i just swap OS to other who let me just use PC as i like, simple. Apple i hate, 0 freedom, or custom, linux is best, win 10 also ok i hate win 11 thats why fedora will by my OS after win 10 support end.

@VladiFx - 26.01.2024 10:57

i use linux, to have less stress, better life etc.

@-__-_-_--__--_-__-_____--_-___ - 26.01.2024 08:51

I wish every linux evangelist recognized this, I wouldn't have wasted so much time on linux

@echostik - 26.01.2024 07:56

I use linux most of the time for my uni work and normal stuff. But there are things you can't just do without windows. And I have my pc dual boot and I have no problems. I get the joy of working and learning with linux and no stress because whenever I want i can just switch back to windows.

@orektez - 26.01.2024 07:50

after spy happy win10 came out, i basically looked around and realized there's nothing i personally used windows for that linux can't do, so i switched and never looked back, and now linux even runs steam and all the games i play. with the current state of triple a games, i basically have no desire for any modern games at this point. even if you gave me those games for free i wouldn't play them yuck.

@lp3880 - 26.01.2024 06:55

windows is the EVIL

@leighton138 - 26.01.2024 03:29

no not every one can use linux have you seen these women going to the gas station to fill up their tesla with gas lol

@kirekocev2587 - 26.01.2024 02:14

Dude i wanna switch to linux so bad but my apps aren't compatible with it and the graphics drivers are weaker in linux

@desktorp - 26.01.2024 01:57

people look at the Windows compatibility thing backwards.. if you are ALREADY using Linux and end up needing to use some Windows-only software for work or whatever, then by all means, try to get it to run on your existing system. If it works, great.. if it doesn't, dual boot or get another machine. But switching to Linux without the intent of using native software will never work in the long run.

@Golecom2 - 25.01.2024 23:10

I'm starting to use linux (LMDE on desktop and Nobara in my gaming laptop). But if you want both OS, you can dual boot or VM. For now i'm dual booting and using Windows only to work, but when im done working i boot Mint and will slowly transition once the time is right. Windows path to the future is bleak, too much crap preinstaled, too much telemetry and i'm pretty sure that is going to be suscription based from one moment to another.

@WeMakeSuperLuckyFace - 25.01.2024 18:00

I could never use Windows, and I'm so glad I don't need to.

@wilwad - 25.01.2024 17:32

I work full time on Linux (Ubuntu and Mint).
I use windows to play my Red Alert

@MickeyD2012 - 25.01.2024 17:17

You can always use VMs. And sure, everyone can use Linux, it's called Android.

@MartinWoad - 25.01.2024 16:11

Bad take

@Skelterbane69 - 25.01.2024 15:46


@gelfling6 - 25.01.2024 15:45

Let's talk viruses. The majority of them are targeted at Windows. A virus under Linux would have to be run, where as one under windows would load, and execute immediately.

@samuraix6702 - 25.01.2024 13:57

BEST LINUX for AVG users is WINDOWS 11.
Linux was'nt and never will be for most users as it was made by geeks for geeks.

@MaisistkeinGemuese - 25.01.2024 11:21

I've been switching between Windows and Linux the last half year constantly because of that... My biggest annoyances were MS Office, no HDR, No Dolby Atmos...

Then I had to recreate my Job Application Papers from scratch and decided to use LibreOffice. I got into it way quicker than I thought! There are some small things still missing, like different shadow effects on images or mirror effects, but Overall, very good.

I also had to cut on my subscription, so no need for HDR and Dolby Atmos. Now I've been using Fedora for a month and I love it!

@PS3PCDJ - 25.01.2024 09:13

I see it like this
People who only treat the OS as a bootloader for the web browser and email client like parents and grand parents, can use Linux no problem
People who are technically inclined and skilled, aka can deal and fix shit as it breaks, can use Linux
Everyone else, like vast majority of gamers and professionals requiring the use of certain hardware or software will unfortunately be forced to stay on existing platforms until a working, easy to use solutions have been worked out. However due to the anti-competitive monopolies established decades ago, I highly doubt it will be changed any time soon.

@GANONdork123 - 25.01.2024 09:13

Installing Linux to run Windows software is like buying a Mac to run Windows software. It's just silly. If all the software you need to run is only available for Windows, then your best off just sticking to Windows. If not, and you only have a couple older Windows programs that you need to use, you might be able to get away with using Wine and Lutris/PlayOnLinux. Personally, I no longer trust proprietary software. Corporations like Microsoft, Adobe, Google, etc. have shown they aren't to be trusted, so I'm replacing proprietary software with open source alternatives wherever I can. For someone like me, Linux is great because nearly every piece of software I use is either on Linux or has an alternative on Linux. The only exception being a single old Windows program that easily runs with Wine.
