The ULTIMATE Heizou Team | Genshin Impact

The ULTIMATE Heizou Team | Genshin Impact


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@itmonstersproductions7157 - 13.04.2023 19:19

Kaeya's burst snapshots 👍

@lunaredelvour2972 - 20.01.2024 20:40

Why wasn't this on my recommended back in like September of 2023, I got Heizou around then (I was a month into playing Genshin and was at like AR 10-15 or so) and loved him to pieces but didn't know how the heck to build a team around him😂😭

At AR 53, I've now finally started fully building a team with Heizou lately. I have him as my main DPS alongside Sucrose, Xingqiu (sometimes Mona?), and Shinobu. I've built Heizou fully into speed instead of raw damage simply because....god, Heizou is unbelievably fun with high movement and attack speed, I know it's not ideal but god it was so fun! I've got him on Desert Pavillions Chronicles (or whatever that artifacts set is called), and his weapon is...I forget what it's called but it gives crit rate and its passive is Guerilla Tactics (it's a 3* weapon that I got often enough to refine it to rank 5) - I don't have Prayer of the Lost Winds so this was the best I was gonna get LMAO. Sucrose is the one with VV. I get skills up with Xingqiu and Shinobu, burst with Sucrose to get everyone in one place and shred resistance, charge attack with Heizou, and go ham, swapping between normal attacks and his E skill whenever I have it. I love it so much, he's such a satisfying character to play with <3

@DRuero - 12.01.2024 03:52

i'm working on a team thats Heizou Kazuha Qiqi and Xingqiu

@asherriffs2023 - 25.10.2023 20:22

i use Heizou as main dps, Yelan as sub dps, Keqing as sub dps and bennett as healer and buffer.....

@diytrashpunks - 15.10.2023 17:29

I am currently loving heizou, zhongli, yelon, and c6 faruzan

@rockstarvishal8718 - 27.08.2023 12:32

What if I replace Kaeya with Layla?

@abdelhafid6285 - 27.06.2023 02:13

What if i replaced kayea kazuha

@primozpv - 17.06.2023 03:11

Can try your team soon Just gotta raise kaeya and heizou

@primozpv - 07.06.2023 00:28


@primozpv - 06.06.2023 03:53

What about kazuha, heizou, bennet, electro aether? Im thinking of running that

@Keshkup - 11.04.2023 16:10

The versatility of Yelan and Xingqui-a blessing or a curse? XD
I've always used Heizou as a Tazer driver and he... performs. It's just that I've never got around building him up to 80/90 cuz his ascension mats are so annoying to get
