CRACK cocaine - WikiVidi Documentary

CRACK cocaine - WikiVidi Documentary

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eastgate munchiebabie dabankrobba
eastgate munchiebabie dabankrobba - 01.08.2023 23:18

DC crack money was crazy back in the day

Mike Neidlinger
Mike Neidlinger - 27.07.2023 03:38

I smoked crack twice and thought it was one of the most dangerous things you could do! The smoke numbs everything it touches, including your lips.

James Anagnos
James Anagnos - 20.07.2023 17:18

Lock them all up

if it has eyes it dies
if it has eyes it dies - 20.07.2023 05:10

There's no such thing as leftover crack...

redshirtman - 18.06.2023 03:32

8 seconds? Ridem cowboy🤠🤣

Jeff - 17.06.2023 23:08

I prefere to order my white online amd cook my own

ItsJustD - 10.06.2023 21:33

Good to teach the kids what not to do

P996 Wraith
P996 Wraith - 02.06.2023 20:30

Do not get addicted to crack unless you know at least 5 dealers trust me.

Nathan Ford
Nathan Ford - 14.03.2023 15:20

What were you thinking? What is this music? What's the matter with you?

Brainfried Permanate High
Brainfried Permanate High - 15.02.2023 13:07

If you find something to do in the omg I need more stage drum roll WOW you come down and are ok with not getting more untill you get high again I smoked for years and still will every chance I can but not non stop a few puffs here and there usually I'd smoke after work and I ate Rock up a 20 and hit it up save a good cloud for morning b4 work and yeah other than that I lived a normal life but now hahaha I can't do shit important thanks to meth I'm always late or falling asleep when I need to be up the most shit ruined me and I don't even enjoy it but unlike crack I can't maintain a normal life a strong mind don't help it's a mental addiction it takes over you become meth it makes the choices the dumb ass shit that just sounds like a bad ass plan omg and atleast 3 times a day argue about a fucking screw driver either someone took yours or they think you took theirs all to find out later that week everyone I mean all tweakers have the same fucking screw driver that's a gurrenttee lol

bruce Lee
bruce Lee - 26.01.2023 22:18

Once bitten forever smitten , If I could go back in time I'd never of touched it , smoked it on and off for 20 years but back then I could binge for 2 days then not touch it again for years , recently I have been smoking it every day for 18 months I'm on day 3 now without it and feel great , makes me paranoid and agressive , hasn't stopped me smoking it though as there is no better feeling ... I got addicted to heroin through using it to come down form the crack for which I'm clean 6 months now , best feeling in the world but an evil life destroying drug , I'm picking up the pieces from me addiction to both smack and crack now , lost my job , in severe debt but luckily managed to not lose my daughter , for the short amount of time of the high it gives you it's not worth the damage it causes

Lieuieloro - 23.12.2022 11:15

Stay away from drugs !

Jamestown - 21.12.2022 01:45

I stopped taking crack over 7months ago.
Anytime i hear about it my heart beats faster 😂😂

Sick side Worldwide
Sick side Worldwide - 28.11.2022 02:22

Ones too many and a thousand is never enough

Thomas Ledwick
Thomas Ledwick - 26.11.2022 08:29

I love smoking crack

Shawn Prentice
Shawn Prentice - 20.11.2022 17:26

I guess it's probably the most addictive drug I've tried really. I mean while you're doing it you don't want to stop but if the money or supply runs out (which it did in the small town I used to live in) I'd typically and eventually go to sleep and wake up feeling like an idiot for spending so much money as I'm sure about anyone who had tried it in any form. Not like opiates where after I did them it made me feel comfortable and gave me the ability to do pretty much anything while I was high, then I just wanted to do them everyday and eventually was physically hooked. Usually after just a few days ... Never really woke up after I partied on Coke or rock and thought to myself hey I want to go get some more right now so I can get through the day. Lol but I'm sure there are plenty of folks that have though.

Whiskers The Spy
Whiskers The Spy - 03.11.2022 02:46


Chrismitchell Thebadguy
Chrismitchell Thebadguy - 27.10.2022 01:41

You could smoke pure cocaine too you just have to put it on something you have to use like a filter what I do is sprinkle it on top of my weed in my weed pipe you know what I need officers

ibrudejude - 20.10.2022 20:57

My daughter in law has a long history of drug use.. I have known her since 1994 my son and her gave me the most amazing granddaughter in 1998 they both have never put her first they separated a few months after my Angel Face was born... My granddaughter is and alwaz be my Heart we are soul mates. My son is a meth addict he lives in another state my daughter in law local. How can I detect her signs of crack use

kenneth stephens
kenneth stephens - 19.10.2022 01:37

Stuff is evil

Mìchel - 08.10.2022 23:24

I do love smocking freeBase

Mìchel - 08.10.2022 23:24

I adôre cocaïne

Jake Knapp
Jake Knapp - 14.09.2022 02:36

I don’t know if it’s necessary to do a video since it’s already been research also that drug should never get to these cool pulse cities then I wish someone get a time machine to go back and stop it and save the day

mikey Bombers
mikey Bombers - 04.09.2022 01:32

My brother been smoking this sht for 30 yrs can't kick it

Michael Clark
Michael Clark - 03.09.2022 21:20

That is why cocaine is deleterious beyond 20% solution read medical texts

Kate J. Velvet
Kate J. Velvet - 30.08.2022 00:36

its "controllable"... still addictive

Zman - 26.07.2022 07:10

I was addicted to cocaine and then crack for a total of year. Smoked 5 grams a night at the height of my addiction. Haven't touched the stuff or for 5 years but I sometimes still have dreams about it. Crack addiction is no joke

Jeremy Brown
Jeremy Brown - 13.07.2022 10:41

That's not the only feelings people get from Crack I am a mainly balanced severely bi-polar person and when I feel my mood start to go down or I start getting manic then I smoke some rock for a couple days and each time I take a hit I get a soothing relaxing euphoria that mellows me out and levels my moods back off so I would have to say that crack is not always bad all the time

Judy Martin
Judy Martin - 09.07.2022 09:10

I'm so glad I've been clean over 12 years off this mess

Jay Smith
Jay Smith - 08.07.2022 01:11

The area i live in is well popular for crack / light not dark, I met some girl while out drinking and she was selling it, I couldn't believe how often her phone was going off, she met about ten different people in the same hour and made over a grand! It was like 4am i was shocked but you see it all the time where I live, I made out I was going for a piss not left n never fuck that shit I don't shagg crack heads lmao

Vince Nelson
Vince Nelson - 05.07.2022 01:39

First $20 rock led to $600 cookies and a life of crime. I'm a lucky one, I got away ,not before 10 years of using and 3 years in jails. Been over 10 years and that motherfucker is on my back still. Whispers come on bro! Just a little..
No for me

Lord Farquar
Lord Farquar - 25.06.2022 16:43

The true stoners. People dont get the term the lighty use for weed

Lord Farquar
Lord Farquar - 25.06.2022 16:43

No one:
Geologists: ah yes im sort of a crackhead myself.

Jawan Moore
Jawan Moore - 19.06.2022 17:25

A I got curious

Nijy Islam
Nijy Islam - 03.06.2022 08:44

I smoke 30 dollars a day

SNoWfLaKe_Da_BoSS - 02.06.2022 04:25

I really wanna smoke crack now thanks

faggots r Drug addicts
faggots r Drug addicts - 16.05.2022 01:36

Basically ur gonna have to kill or permanently damage a crackhead! They have too be sent too the hospital! Let the doctor handle it or worse case scenario

faggots r Drug addicts
faggots r Drug addicts - 14.05.2022 08:04

All Crack cocaine addicts smoke cigarettes and drink beer!

Bose Pepe
Bose Pepe - 24.12.2021 23:56

If only pp go and look how cocaine is made I think pp will not buy that shit

Banat ALSham
Banat ALSham - 23.12.2021 07:16

The Fasting of Crack Cocain

J M - 10.12.2021 02:06

So much fail in this video. Stop with the misinformation please. Nobody washes crack with vodka.

Puerto Rico mejor 2024
Puerto Rico mejor 2024 - 06.12.2021 21:16

Is sad how people distroy there life 😟

TC63 - 04.11.2021 07:02

Crack and freebase are completely different.

Mick Mick
Mick Mick - 24.10.2021 06:01

Propagande pour pas changer !!! Le problème il prenne pas de taxe et cela les ennuie ! Comme leur fameuse image de terreur avec des mecs en pleine defonce foncé sur des voitures c est n’importe quoi 20 ans que je prend Et plein d ami idem ça vous en merde de rien gagné dessus voilà la raison.vos alcools font plus de tuer !

Nutri Swallow
Nutri Swallow - 23.10.2021 05:04

Hope I don't loose my friend to this cos she's lost already and isn't even going to admit needing help

Tuke the Recluse
Tuke the Recluse - 10.09.2021 01:41

Last I checked crack doesn't numb your mouth like she said.

Segun Akerele
Segun Akerele - 11.08.2021 13:34


acajudi100 - 05.08.2021 00:21

THE truth can never be censored.

EVICTIONS ARE so wrong. Give every American household $38,000, so they can pay their rent etc. How safe will we be with even more people on the streets, and it will cost you more.

Thank you for these beautiful videos. Stay safe and blessed always.

A famous Quote:

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Some people will talk about you, because if they talked about themselves, no one would care or listen.

Pay these landlords and the people. It is already deadly on the streets, and these evictions will be
the end of us, as a country. Unless everyone is safe, housed, and fed, then no one will be safe.

A word to the wise is sufficient...Do the right thing America and the world.

Thank you for these beautiful videos. Stay safe and blessed always.

A famous Quote:

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Some people will talk about you, because if they talked about themselves, no one would care or listen.

Don S
Don S - 10.07.2021 23:12

Can't you even use a human voice to narrate? Fuck...DISLIKE

Andy Moreno
Andy Moreno - 28.06.2021 08:56

I'm just trying to feed my daughter can somebody please help Me become a baking soda and cocaine cooker .... I definitely have an email please reach out to me
