Mack is used as the muscle so many times in this show I almost forgot he was a mechanic.
ОтветитьSon of Coul is always so smiley
ОтветитьI miss this show
ОтветитьWith the whole multiverse saga going on, makes you wonder if we’ll see them again in Phase 5 or 6
ОтветитьForgot that l.o.l.a.
ОтветитьI miss you, Phil.
Ответить❤❤❤❤love agent of shield. I want agents of shield to come back ❤❤❤
ОтветитьTake a look Disney, this is how you make a good mcu show
ОтветитьJiaying dieing again is my only problem. Daisy deserved her mother.
Ответитьi miss this show rn
Ответитьnever forgetting this show
ОтветитьGlad Daisy spoilt Brat Johnson isn’t in charge of Shield.
ОтветитьI just watched it today and it's peak
ОтветитьI was always upset and mega disappointed that Marvel killed off Agent Coulson in the film franchise. It never made any sense and I do believe the franchise suffered a little bit without Coulson.
ОтветитьHenry Simmons as Blue Marvel. Make it happen.
ОтветитьBest Show ever, loved it.
ОтветитьSucks we never got to see ward again. At least his rookie version could’ve made a 10-15 second cameo since Garrett died before recruiting him. He was a big part of the series.
ОтветитьThe show was poorly written stupid and not relevant to anything.
I can't believe this is used to make me excited.
Did I miss the the show being shown in reruns all the time like they do with lesser shows? Like L&O and so many others on TNT and TBS? I would watch the hell out of reruns of this.
ОтветитьAlright, I’ve had time to grieve. This show was fantastic, so I accept that it’s from an alternate universe in the multiverse (I didn’t at first but hear me out) JUST so the powers at be in marvel could bring a few back in Secret wars 😭 wouldn’t it be great if that space anomaly that daisy and Sousa were looking at was a portal to the sacred timeline. Idk, Hopefully they find a way to write them in the the multiverse sagas conclusion.
ОтветитьEssa série era muito boa. Sinto multa falta de acomoanhar ela. Toda semana um episódio na TV. Sem streaming na época. Era muito melhor do que acompanhar hoje pela Disney, Netflix e tudo mais mas.
ОтветитьDid Coulson joined MIB?
ОтветитьMCU made a mistake by sidelining this series. A lot of interesting characters they could have used
ОтветитьIt was (for the most part) a fun adventure
ОтветитьThis show could still be going, shield is always needed and the fact the avengers found out coulson is alive after all this time is CRAZY LOL
ОтветитьFury, up at his new compount in space, getting a signal of a flying car
also fury, how the hell is he alive
ОтветитьSo now why hasn’t SHIELD been in any other Marvel tv shows/movies ?
ОтветитьLoved this show ^^
ОтветитьSomehow the green screen for the helicarrier deck part looked so much better than that one scene in Brave New World 💀
ОтветитьWow, I’m glad I didn’t watch this show … it looks stoopid.
ОтветитьCoulsonis the mightiest avenger a human from earth
ОтветитьI imagined that the Grant Ward from the Framework come to the real world.
ОтветитьI never got closure about why Couslson didn't die after Avengers 1.
ОтветитьI love it when Coulson cracks a grin and says just one word. Cool. B-)
ОтветитьA show that should not ended
ОтветитьIs he going 88 mph?
TVA was sleeping all the time
ОтветитьThought Colson died in Avengers movie
ОтветитьWith Stark repulser lift technology your car wont even touch the road. ...
ОтветитьI hope they canonize the show like they did the Netflix ones, because Quake, the Inhumans and Shield would be a great help (also that at the end looks like the Phoenix)
ОтветитьPlot twist: Coulson really died and during all the series he's in the "limbus" where the souls still need to evolve and have the chance to help other souls. Everybody in the series is either dead or sometimes in comma. Nick Fury shows up once because he was in an induced suspended animation in Captain America 2. The only super-hero that really interacts with them is the Ghost Rider/Driver because he can see and get along with the dead.
Ответить"Agents of SHIELD" is my personal favorite among Marvel's shows.
ОтветитьHow come this is not canon, but Secret invasion is???????
ОтветитьHoward Stark would've been surprised to see a car flying after he got one to be off the ground, but only for a few seconds years earlier before he got married.
ОтветитьAll the retired shield agents would’ve all been provided with secure identity’s and with plenty of financial resources to start a new life elsewhere hidden in plain sight
ОтветитьGod, I missed Carlson some of the best lines ever in the MCU probably the best character to come out