7 Signs Your Parents are Gaslighting You

7 Signs Your Parents are Gaslighting You


2 года назад

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@Psych2go - 21.08.2021 00:35

Comment below where you're from and how the weather is like there so we can find each other ;)

@cristianruiz3396 - 25.01.2024 03:16

This happens ALL THE TIME with mexican parents!!

@raisotope - 22.01.2024 23:53

My entire life i’ve had ADHD and my dad will constantly yell at me and blame me when i struggle to keep up and remember things. He’s aware of my diagnosis but at this point I don’t think he really even cares much. He constantly will tell me to stop being dramatic and over reactive. recently my uncle had covid during christmas and was around me, my mom and dad and my partner. I wanted to take every precaution that I could. My Dad however, told me the usual that I was “being dramatic.” and even did that in front of my partner which embarrassed the hell out of me. 3 days later and my family tests positive.

@latikas9748 - 18.01.2024 23:32

Literally all of them !!

@onepneuma8612 - 16.01.2024 12:33

Any form of invalidating your feelings is gaslighting and it’s not just parents or family members it can be friends and even strangers on the internet. “Oh I’m just telling you what you don’t want to hear.” Lol 😒

@shars104 - 15.01.2024 21:57

Riyal im too self aware

@ladennayoung2939 - 13.01.2024 01:58


@ajay_stitchstitch1891 - 10.01.2024 07:42

The thing that hurts the most is she will never understand what she's doing, she will always think she does everything right and she doesn't things to help me when she won't even talk to me

@mikasauchiha6785 - 05.01.2024 04:10

I love my parents and I want to live with them forever but I want to have my own privacy. I'm already an adult and a work but they don't want me to sleep on my own room. If I'm making faces, they always assume that I'm throwing tantrums on them. I want to have my own business but my mom discouraging me. She just keep on saying that I should take civil service exam to become a regular emplyee. I'm afraid that I will develop hatred toward my parents. I don't want taht to happen. I know my siblings will side on them. Not on me.😒

@allisonhunt891 - 04.01.2024 16:58

This is so great! Gentle ,quick to the point examples, wisdom, and validation!!!

@Amasha_Yashohara - 01.01.2024 22:30

I was 18 when I realized there's not a single person that I open up about how I feel. In fact I had involuntarily developed two completely different lives, one for myself, one for everyone else.
It's hard to try and fix the damage as a grown up.

@alexxussmith836 - 31.12.2023 10:14

I just want to cry, I literally been dealing with this my whole life raised by my grandparents. My grandma in particular is good for this and this created a lot of insecurities within myself which made it hard to trust myself. I always knew about gaslighting and I’ve been I relationships with that toxic dynamic. Something that I’ve grown and learned from. Today I had a heated conversation with my grandma and as I was telling my friend the conversation between me and her, it all made sense all of a sudden, this started with my grandma, she’s checks off 90% of this video. I think I always knew that my healing was beyond dating but deep in the roots was her and I didn’t want to believe it but as I get older I’ve started to see pass the smoke and mirrors, it’s like when I ask to be heard or have my boundaries respected it’s like I’m this horrible person so she pick the bear until I snap and I would always find myself feeling shame and apologizing, today I didn’t fall trap and I’m proud of myself, I’m more concerned on how I reacted to her vs responding to her, it’s a practice tho that’s why I’m here watching videos to remind myself. I love her but she’s not good for my health mentally, so I must limit my time, love her from a distance and control how I respond because that’s the only thing I can control…

@gojo9442 - 29.12.2023 01:26

I am finding myself starting to respond to gaslighting with well...gaslighting as well. Conflicts with my mom are endless cycles and I am worried that I will treat other people the same as my mom does. That's why I don't want children, because I just don't want to traumatize them the way she did. Sometimes I feel like losing my mind, I don't even know what's real anymore cause she keeps saying that all those things she said never happened. I even find myself thinking I am not the victim but she is. I told her about my feelings and how her words have power, she says it's my problem if I react so sensitive and even accuses me of lying when I told her that I cried every train ride back home. She gaslit me to an extent, where nothing feels like reality anymore. Situations are fake, my feelings are fake and I am the one to blame. I'm the monster.

@Thegingerbreadm4n - 28.12.2023 23:41

Hey look it’s my parents and they won’t stop

@cindyplusten701 - 24.12.2023 17:40

The last one

@iamlunalane - 21.12.2023 22:25

So I need help, I feel like i've been gaslit by my father since forever. He used to yell and scream at me that I can't be trusted with money, but growing up we never had any serious conversations about money management. I made the mistake of partnering with a very mentaly abusive man who took all my savings. Rather than understanding my side (I couldn't see what he was doing until it was too late) he just kinda shunned me like I was stupid or something. To this day, he sends all checks to my husband. We don't have the same last name, I never changed it. Is this my father gaslighting me? Acting like I finally 'made it' yet intrusts everything to him? I don't even want money from my father. I told him once that I would like to work on our adult relationship and he just made that hahaha laugh like he was patting me on the head. The man is a master with numbers and it all feels like a big slap to the face that he would rather scream at me and shame me than be a respactable man and have educated me financially.

@thedramainew - 14.12.2023 14:04

My girlfriend doesn't get that her that parents while they are "good people" as she says are every last example in this video.She dosen't get how controlled she is and why things are going so wrong in her life

@daishaw4847 - 12.12.2023 05:19

I guess all of our parents are gaslighters then

@EllaWunderella - 06.12.2023 01:03

I agree with everything 😢 My childhood was not easy...

@vanessav.h34 - 03.12.2023 06:34

I haven't really seen any of the signs (except the last one) apply to me. To be honest, I am having alot of trouble since I got hospitalized for mental health issues and got a diagnosis of a dissociation disorder. I have been able to keep it under control with meds and am living a pretty full life but ever since I got this diagnosis I feel like my mom has been using it to question my reality whenever something doesn't go her way and my disorder doesn't affect my memory but she'll always try to gaslight me into believing I am imagining things since that diagnosis. I have been telling her to stop because what she was saying didn't even have anything to do with my disorder but she just keeps repeating it and saying it's my diagnosis and things are just this way. I've been trying to find ways to deal with this situation but I feel like it is so specific I won't find anything related to it

@soppyholicqueen6731 - 28.11.2023 00:07

Subscribed because of the intro.

@dannahpearlamad2676 - 19.11.2023 10:01

My mom always borrow money from me and when I ask for it back she gets mad and says that she already did and gets mad that it’s my fault if I don’t see it

@HunnyBee23 - 18.11.2023 23:42

When your parents become flying monkeys that gaslight you 🙃

@bhoomisoni915 - 14.11.2023 18:50

One time my mom had a fight with my younger sister and then after some time she hugged her and apologized ..i felt bad because my mom never did that to me even though i always do whatever they expect from me then some time later my mom was feeling bad so she made a joke saying that even i am a bad child my heart broke and i started crying and yelling then i confronted my mom that i felt so bad because of what she said .... then she said that she is not my mom anymore and that i don't like her and that she wouldn't talk to me if i feel so bad talking to her and in addition my father said "you are greater than us? Do you think you will teach your mom? Ooh your more mature than us ?" That just broke me i don't know what to do

@whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat - 14.11.2023 06:45

I literally avoid eating supper because every time I go down, there's an argument. I feel so trapped having to hide in my room all day just to avoid conflict.

@niflheims - 11.11.2023 12:55

Oh man…
But now that I’m a father I’ll do my best not to be like that.

@selene__obsidian - 05.11.2023 23:49

What if i felt guilty on my own always looking for a evidence to prove something happened or someone did something wrong to me. I dont since when am i doing this. Sometimes they blame me or it is what i feel like yet they say they do the things necessary for me.
Sometimes feeling like they did everything they could and i am ungrateful but everything single choice in my life is theirs

@rogerr.7228 - 29.10.2023 00:45

My grandmother gaslighted me today. Because I'm autistic, she admitted she doesn't believe I'm mature enough to be involved in a romantic relationship with anyone! That devastates me inside 😭😭😭 Being autistic does NOT automatically mean you're not mature enough to be in a serious love relationship. Period! There are millions of autistic individuals who ARE capable of marriage. Parenting as well.

@UnicornWingbb - 20.10.2023 09:22

Left home for a long time. Had a bad relationship and later realized I was gaslighted after it went on a long time because I thought it could be fixed. Eventually understood that it was not going to change. Now I just came back to my parents' home. Been feeling like walking on eggshells and trying to avoid communication with my parents because of constant demeaning yelling and being criticized for things that do not suit their ways. Now I just realized how my brain got familiarized with being in a gaslighting relationship with people, and my brain couldn't tell it was bad for me so I suffered for so long in a relationship. Now, my friends, is it time to get my own apartment?

@RandomGuy-pc4gp - 20.10.2023 03:42

These parental videos are so relatable, that it makes me want to kill myself.

@autosteez - 14.10.2023 20:53

I literally told my mom that I was being bullied in school, and she turned around and said “well it’s probably something that you’re doing“. She also told me “your feelings don’t matter” when I attempted to expressed to her the way it made me feel when she cursed me out over things that I simply didn’t understand because I was a child.

@autosteez - 14.10.2023 20:50

I have conceded that I will never have a “real” conversation with my mom. She’s apparently flawless, & has a way of immediately forgetting the disrespect and demoralization that she’s perpetrated. She’s a sleight-of-hand master.

@Animefan1803 - 13.10.2023 19:01

"Have you done your work already?"
"Yes i have done my work yesterday extra hard so i don´t gotta do it today"

Story of my fucking Life. Can´t wait to drop em off in an retirement home just so i can specifically make sure to never visit them again.

@nishasangi473 - 10.10.2023 17:07

Im 19 years old but my parents control me like a 5 year child they always tell me i have to be a good and obbident daughter or they will do something to ruin my future i just i want to become a dancer as it is my dream but they said. If i became a dancer they will be criticised by the other so they said i did be better of dead than follow my dream. My mother said if i don't follow her wish then she will ruin my college life . I truly prays god if i become a mother i want to be a good mother not like my own parents 😢 please god bless me so atleast my child has to be happy 😢

@nataliemcfarland5263 - 09.10.2023 17:40

Yes I related to all of this and my parents accused me of trying to Manipulate them

@vaudIsHim - 30.09.2023 23:38

I relized that my parents are 101% gasslighting me. HOW DO I STOP THEM????

@maytalacedo2942 - 23.09.2023 09:59

Honestly my parents entirely like thank you tangled for this it open my eyes.

@Katthecontrarian - 19.09.2023 22:07

I've been gaslight my whole life. It's brutal.

@tahanakhzari - 19.09.2023 19:48

Thank you but what do I do?
I'm in a 3rd grade world where I don't have enough money to go to a therapist or get away from them.....
I need help....
What do I do?
Help... . . .

@danielmay571 - 15.09.2023 08:05

This sums up perfectly my relationship with my parents in my teens. In kept trying to understand why we couldn’t be open together. Every time I tried they would lash out and use there authority card and miss quote the Bible to gas’s light me. Eventually it got so bad they completely cut ties and slander me to my siblings behind my back because I actually lived my life instead of encouraging there control issues. There so insecure and scared of what would happen if they let there son actually tell them how he feels about the relationship to the point they decided it would be easier to ignore me all together. And now they won’t even let me see my siblings. All this they do in the name of Jesus. It makes me sad and angry that they associate my lord and savior’s name with there selfish hypercritical actions.

@musicsnob4226 - 09.09.2023 05:36

You have black hair, pretty but know it. Green or hazel eyes. I'm getting all this from the sound of your voice. Am I right?

@Soleil954 - 08.09.2023 13:21

Ho un dolore così immenso, che quando quelmaedetto giorno ho scoperto tutto questo, non volevo crederci. Dopo essere stata rinchiusa per molto tempo, non ho veramente capito cosa mi stava succedendo.... Ho cercato qualche informazione, ed ho capito che era tutto questo!

Incredibile sofferenza che ti uccide.. Ma per sfortuna o sfortuna, me ne sono resa conto, sulla mia pelle... Questo è GASLIGHTING... É TANTO ALTRO SULLA MIA PELLE!






@Ari_0147 - 06.09.2023 00:38

Every time I try to talk to them I always getting yelled at and hit

@kendra3595 - 22.08.2023 22:51

I’ve never had a conversation with my parents ever, all they do is yell at me then laugh when I start to have a breakdown and further tell me I’m crazy even when I beg for them to leave me alone they don’t stop this makes me so fucking suicidal and hopeless:/

@redmushroom8166 - 16.08.2023 01:04

when you try to communicate that they are gaslighting you and they gaslight in response

@AbduIIl - 14.08.2023 19:51

My parents used to gaslight me specially dad, I went into depression in my teen.
From then I scold and humiliate them everytime I'm having a bad day.

@ShisimodoExperiance - 25.07.2023 18:12

I got gaslight horribly and ended up with anxiety PTSD and still on medication .

@user-vz1cx9dw4s - 25.07.2023 01:24

Imagine all of them were truth🙂

@The_Rat_Qu3n3 - 24.07.2023 19:02

I related to 6/7 of these points.
