How to handle multiple forms in one template with Django

How to handle multiple forms in one template with Django


3 года назад

9,956 Просмотров

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Damine 47
Damine 47 - 28.08.2023 22:39

Good video bro you saved me a lot of effort <3

Philip Lebios
Philip Lebios - 04.11.2022 20:01

Hey bro, can you make a video for the UpdateView if this?

Adam Cypher
Adam Cypher - 28.07.2022 01:54

I know this is an old video but I just wanted to say that you've summarized in less than three minutes something that I've been trying to research for hours. Every post I go to seems to have a different answer and somehow none of them work for me except for this one. Thanks a lot, dude!

Eric xls
Eric xls - 23.07.2021 06:32

Interesting and very clear, thank you. How to have a single update button as opposed to 3 of them?
