Triple Flag Precious Metals - Shaun Usmar

Triple Flag Precious Metals - Shaun Usmar

Jimmy Connor

9 дней назад

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@reggieduquesnoy - 10.07.2024 21:39

Another winner, Jimmy! Only Sandstorm and Vox rank higher in my book, in terms of growth potential & rerate.

@alexkuhnert6856 - 10.07.2024 21:41

TFPM has been run better - for the small mining investor's benefit - when compared to OR, SSL. Been a shareholder since inception.

Buying well run Maverix was a smart move - it made TFPM much stronger. Elliott's deep pockets are a great back stop with strong backing by a wealth gold bug....

The big questions revolve around Mr. Usmar : management continuity - is he staying at TFPM or heading out to run Vale Base Metals (as recently reported in a large business newspaper)??

Metals mix? Missing PGMs presently but... new projects could fill this gap.

Country Risk? Well, TFPM needs to avoid FNV's Cobre Panama debacle...that is political risk which all these capital allocators really need to manage well.

Oil in the mix? FCX got this really really wrong a few years ago. But FNV got it really really right. As a metals hedge, oil works.

Can TFPM - continue its good stewardship with strong focus?

@steventaylor5283 - 11.07.2024 07:35


@bullishforgold8790 - 12.07.2024 02:26

World class assets and management! I would love to see them acquire SAND on the cheap.

@omerarduc7371 - 12.07.2024 22:23

Thanks from the UK! Big fan of TFPM.
