The Ultimate Bang-for-Buck Racing Sim! My Gran Turismo 7 Setup

The Ultimate Bang-for-Buck Racing Sim! My Gran Turismo 7 Setup

Jorge Powell

1 год назад

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@whitetigerworkshop8413 - 30.11.2023 01:18

What is your coffee table? It's sick.

@nicokimchannel2813 - 29.11.2023 12:45

nicokim likes but so expensive.....................

@BDESAI777 - 28.11.2023 19:32

What an exellent gentleman’s review. Thanks for the video effort.

@mikegraham8319 - 28.11.2023 13:07

Used by all the competition racers ...Thrustmaster TGT ii belt wheel 😉

@buzzjohnson-hp6lu - 28.11.2023 04:07

why no vr or atleast multi screen

@YouAreTrash. - 28.11.2023 03:37

Why would you spen £200 plus on Lytmi LEDs when you can get phillps hue, the creme de la creme for cheaper. I'll pass thanks.

@DimstTalon - 27.11.2023 23:38

regarding vr. I know what you mean about having bad VR legs.
It was rough for me at first too. I wonder though if you have had the opportunity to use VR in a sim setup yet. Cockpit environments are where I found my vr legs. Driving and flight. Something to do with such a large % of your vision still being locked to your perspective (the cockpit itself) so it does not move unless you move your head. It's games where you are soaring through the air like superman, or glide along the ground to walk. Those are really really hard on the old internal ear area, until you find your legs.
Now I can pretty comfortably handle things like vrChat and Boneworks/Bonelabs (when I first started a 30 min session in bonrworks would WRECK me for the whole day... sometimes 2 if I was having fun and pushed it too far)

kind of a missed opportunity to share that information (about the lumbar support) for the very likely others that will experience the same problem. xD

@SangNguyen-ql3qm - 27.11.2023 07:06

Add a normal fan to VR experience. The airflow gives you the normal motion, balancing out the motion sickness.

@SangNguyen-ql3qm - 27.11.2023 07:00

"my teenage monkey brain". haha. Brings back memories to a 40 Year-old.

@phisit8813 - 27.11.2023 05:41

If you can afford Sonos Beam + Sub mini I'm sure you can afford a better wheel than that !!

@deadaim5161 - 27.11.2023 01:18

Regarding motion sickness, you've just gotta stick with it.
Game for short intervals and gradually increase the time you play.
You'll soon get your VR legs

@eldomell4749 - 26.11.2023 16:38

Logitech xD

@kimmyyimmel2010 - 26.11.2023 08:04

seems like an odd choice of parts for a "bang for the buck" setup, you went with the cheapest force feedback wheel on the market and a pretty expensive cockpit, there are much cheaper cockpit options available or you could go with a stand. but at least then you would have a bit more budget to get a belt driven wheel or direct drive wheel.

@CallMeLaxBro - 25.11.2023 21:57

This was really helpful 👍

@AKCobra1120 - 25.11.2023 17:46

If your first VR experience is a driving sim you're practically garanteeing motion sickness. VR motionsickness occurs when there is a disconnect between how the world around you is moving vs. how your body is moving, and your brain gets confused (I'm sure there's a much more technical explanation but that will do). In a nutshell you need to train your brain and body to be able to handle VR without motion sickness. The best way to do that is to 1) start slow, and 2) whenever you start to feel sick, get out immediately and take a break. This is what a lot of people do wrong, they try to push through it and just get sicker and sicker. When you do that you are actually doing the exact opposite of what you want, you're training your body to get sick in VR.

Now by starting slow I don't mean driving slow. I mean starting with something that has more of a 1-1 corolation between how your body is moving vs. how the world is moving. Something like Beat Saber is an excellent choice. Golf+ or Eleven Table Tennis are also great choices. Anything where your body is moving naturally in the VR world. If you can do that you can then move up to something where you're moving around more in the world, like a military sim such as Pavlov or Zero Caliber. Start off with teleporting and snap turns, and progress toward smooth motion and turning. Once you can walk around in VR without feeling sick you're ready to try some driving. THEN start off driving slow lol.

Almost everyone can develop VR legs and kick the motion sickness problem, but it does take some patience. Oh yeah, some additional feedback from the outside world might help too, like a fan blowing on you or something. That's only an additional possibly helpful measure though, you still need to start small and work your way up to driving in VR. Good luck!

@moskitoh2651 - 24.11.2023 10:28

600 EUR seat 8nstead of a better suitable chair? In addition the place you need for it.. 2 m^2 cost you per month another 20 EUR rent, 240 EUR per year?

@duotings9479 - 23.11.2023 23:41

What part of Wales are you from

@dougbeard7624 - 23.11.2023 21:11

Tell me you're not a sim racer without telling me you're not a sim racer. Forza... Gran Turismo...

@tomciglar5537 - 21.11.2023 22:21

Hey. How did you be able to mount g29 on playseat trophy? I have exactly the same setup but I can't mount wheelbase. It leaves space between wheelbase fixer and mounting platform. And also the same question for pedals. Thanks

@rfbthree - 20.11.2023 17:18

VR Tips. The only real way to get over VR sickness it to use it enough to get "VR legs." I used to get VR motion sickness, but not anymore. I suggest easing into it over the course of 2 weeks or so. Start with a short, 5-10 min session and up the time each day as you get more comfortable. After a few weeks of use, assuming you stick with it, the motion sickness should be completely gone. I also suggest starting with games and experiences that are less intense at first. An example of this would be beat saber. Eventually you can move up to fast motion games with no problems.

@T22DUNN - 19.11.2023 08:04

I like how clean you setup looks. As far as VR motion sickness goes I used to get bad motion sickness after a half hour with older VR systems I went to my friends house to try his PSVR2 out and I felt perfectly fine for the twoish hours I played didn't feel queezy once

@mackenzieturco1284 - 19.11.2023 07:11

if your looking into dd set ups the moza r5 bundle might be good for you but its not console compatible

@minners71 - 19.11.2023 03:25

Got the same rig as you arriving in the next few days. Just bite the bullet with vr you will soon get over the motion sickness and GT might surprise you as a lot of people who suffer motion sickness in some games get none with gran turismo. Seriously it's a game changer and once hooked you will never go back, it's better than real life.

@waynewang7851 - 19.11.2023 00:30

And that thing does not make you faster.

@noir-13 - 18.11.2023 13:28

Why would you use a $600 seat with a $250 wheel when instead you could have gotten a $600 direct drive wheel with a $200 racing seat?
That makes no sense
The seat is important, but the wheel is definitely clearly more important.

@kelidonthaveone2008 - 17.11.2023 23:10

Is it also good for F1?

@maplegui - 17.11.2023 07:14

Great content, valid considerations. Really enjoyed it! Keep up the great work

@RASKALBASTARD - 16.11.2023 05:02

Bro never knew that chair existed wow !!! I gotta have this Xmas 🎄 🙌🏽

@Utubeisazzho - 15.11.2023 10:02

Is there a mount for a curved gaming monitor in the tube frame?

@yassmunchies2311 - 11.11.2023 17:20

To no have to nap after VR don’t go on it for so long

@camomauldin - 10.11.2023 07:35

Will the Playseat trophy work with a fanatec dd?

@EmanuelFuchs - 08.11.2023 17:29

Ok burnout and need for speed and complex input with controller does not seem really sound logic 🫣😂😂😂

@yuraymarstewart - 08.11.2023 17:06

Nice video! Are you still happy with the setup?

@wikinger2012ttv - 08.11.2023 02:10

the worse game franchise ever. ew disgustig.

@Eskoxo - 06.11.2023 09:49

Would have to disagree with logitech g29 best to just skip it and get like fanatec dd 5nm it's on sale now for $200 if you get any wheel and any pedal set from fanatec.

@mike6976 - 04.11.2023 10:54

How did you connect the bassspeaker to the PlayStation? Or is it connected to the tv?

@mynamea.n.s.s5472 - 03.11.2023 11:32

If it doesn’t fold away and you don’t have a girlfriend or a wife and don’t buy one because you can bring one home and they say that they walk out that door

@joeymustang - 02.11.2023 18:59

what was the original stand you had? Looks like it would be able to get pretty small, giving my toddler the chance to play around with it and still reach the pedals.

@kiranm6749 - 01.11.2023 22:42

After sending so much of money he is sitting on Bonet and drving 😂.

@sgt.teacup4997 - 01.11.2023 18:11

Please not the hood cam😂 nice set up tho!

@nozopoke1782 - 31.10.2023 09:56

Oh, it’s a commercial :(

@supergreg72 - 30.10.2023 10:47

Is this seat (playseat Logitech) easily adjustable for pedal distance? Let’s say you have visitors with young children and adults, can you quickly change positions without tools?

@fccmbc87 - 30.10.2023 03:38

great video what was the make and model of your first sim wheel stand and where did you purchase it, thank you.

@nationgamer5849 - 29.10.2023 22:29


@shawnonsens3377 - 29.10.2023 09:38

Imagine spending all that money on a rig, just to plug it into a ps5 lol

@salaheddineabid5453 - 28.10.2023 15:23

the g29 is a toy not a steering wheel, try moza or fanatec then remake you setup, otherwise im wasting time here.

@thefat400 - 26.10.2023 03:05

You get used to vr.
At first, 30 seconds of Skyrim made me want to puke.
Now I can play for 1 - 2 hours

@d.b.s.6381 - 25.10.2023 02:08

Really bro? You gonna drive in your socks like that?😂

@INCREDIBULHULK - 24.10.2023 17:15

the Granturismo was , is and forever will be the master of motorsport simulation
the rest are TOOTHPATES, or hear this , the rest is a hair from granturismo's testicles
