Cloth Diapering Can Save You $1000's | How To Cloth Diaper

Cloth Diapering Can Save You $1000's | How To Cloth Diaper

Bridget Teyler

2 года назад

153,479 Просмотров

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margery m.
margery m. - 16.10.2023 17:17

Is it safe to buy second hand CD?? Is it hygienic??

Allison Erwin
Allison Erwin - 09.10.2023 20:47

Are cloth diapers more bulky than disposable diapers? Are there any concerns about clothes fitting over them? Do you have to size up in clothing?

Nicole the seeker
Nicole the seeker - 04.08.2023 21:10

I love your channel ❤️ i just had a baby after a 15 year gap and ive been lost. Your videos come up on almost all my google searches

Nicole the seeker
Nicole the seeker - 04.08.2023 21:02

I just started cloth diapers yesterday and i love it. I just tried to wash them and some of them stained with her newborn yellow poop. Im going to try and re soak... any suggestions ???

JanaLee Gray
JanaLee Gray - 29.07.2023 06:52

Even though baby’s poop is water soluble in the first few months with strictly breastmilk fed babies, I’m still getting stains on my inserts.. how do I prevent this without spraying stain remover? Im trying to avoid toxins as much as possible.

J B - 15.07.2023 15:56

I am thinking about switching to cloth diapers for one of my twins. I think she's allergic to most regular brands and it's making her miserable :( She's 1 so potty training soon, but I can't let her suffer until then.

Landa Compton
Landa Compton - 04.07.2023 02:50

Can you use the All in One for newborns too? Or would you need to buy the newborn size as well?

Rovi Blue
Rovi Blue - 13.06.2023 17:13

the cloth diapers are not only good for the environment, but also if you get to find them non bleach and chemicals free for your baby, because we have to remember, that's in contact with a really sensitive part of the body!!! that should be the most main reason to use them

good video!

Palmer Jones
Palmer Jones - 01.06.2023 17:50

Hi Bridget! Can you do a video showing how you do all this? I'm such a visual learner. Thanks for your content :)

Whitney Walton
Whitney Walton - 17.05.2023 18:00

Have you used or heard of or used Esembly Baby Cloth Diapers. I started using this brand recently and they are a great cloth diapering system. I will probably only use this diapering system for all of my babies. The company is very informative. They have cloth diaper 101 webinars people can sign up for and encourage people to contact them with any questions they have regarding cloth diapers, laundering diapers, and more.

heidy ramirez
heidy ramirez - 16.05.2023 02:23

Does anyone have the link to the agitators? It’s not in the description

Deyaneyra Garcia
Deyaneyra Garcia - 08.04.2023 22:55

I really can’t find the Natural Baby Company Diapers 😭… someone help!

snookiekat11530 - 05.04.2023 13:39

I think this video has officially scared me to do cloth diapers to be honest 😂 It just still sounds so intimidating and kind of a lot of work even though I so desperately would love to do it! I’m 30 weeks pregnant with my first baby so I’m just overwhelmed and nervous right now for obvious reasons. I hope once baby is born I might have the motivation to try this after a few weeks/months!

adr a
adr a - 23.02.2023 22:33

To get started I need a home washer and dryer 😂

Winghaven Floral Farm
Winghaven Floral Farm - 23.02.2023 05:10

What do you do with the poopy diapers when you're out and about? Just put them in the wet bag?

World of Trends
World of Trends - 21.02.2023 13:51

No doubt cloth diapers are best
I just bought cloth diapers for my daughter because they are safe to use and save a lot of money

Butterfly Taylor
Butterfly Taylor - 18.02.2023 10:21

Tips on drying?? I’ve dried my liners 3 times and they weren’t dry

Alesia's Inspiration
Alesia's Inspiration - 12.02.2023 20:00

This was probably one of 5he most helpful videos I've watched this pregnancy so far

benjamin oppong-twumasi
benjamin oppong-twumasi - 12.02.2023 06:38

Good product and appears well made. Easy to use.

Bearclaw Bryan Adventures
Bearclaw Bryan Adventures - 06.02.2023 20:03

When do I need to use lanolin? Do I use it every time I change his diaper? Or only when he sleeps in his diaper for long periods of time?

Artemis Photinou
Artemis Photinou - 27.01.2023 12:26

Do they deliver only in the United States?

firu it punch
firu it punch - 14.01.2023 04:24

😂no thank you!don’t even know why am watching this .can’t do this.

Mark G
Mark G - 04.01.2023 08:14

Well maybe when they were made with plastic backing but now days there cloth backing and not many toxic chemicals are used to make them .

suketh reddy
suketh reddy - 09.12.2022 07:52

Could you please exactly point me to the link where i could purchase your favorite green color shells ?

dayo tapere
dayo tapere - 10.11.2022 12:44

I'm about to start cloth diapering for my triplet girls and i got the pocket diaper. This video has been of great help. Thank you!

Natalia - 30.10.2022 22:19

Don’t really care about the environment but I do wanna save on cash

Melissa Do
Melissa Do - 25.10.2022 22:29

Rockin green detergent rated a D (high concern) on EWG website.

KimCamacho - 11.10.2022 14:26

I always wanted to try but I'm not sure how deal with the poop and explosion diapers lol but I'm willing try it for my 2nd. Thank you so much

Courtney Mellinger
Courtney Mellinger - 05.10.2022 00:02

Combining cloth diapering and part time elimination communication for the last 3 months with my 6 month old. I’ve only changed 2 poopy diapers in 3 months and those were only because I wasn’t going to put my baby on a public toilet. We use disposable at night because he will almost always wake up with a rash when he sleeps a 7-9hr stretch while in cloth.

Teresa BL
Teresa BL - 04.10.2022 20:50

I am currently cloth diapering my 18mo old and my 5 mo old and it’s going amazingly. We use Esembly Baby cloth diapers and I HIGHLY recommend them. I love that the inners are made of 100% organic cotton!

Elizabeth Mejia Sala
Elizabeth Mejia Sala - 15.09.2022 23:49

trying to find a diaper pail for cloth diapers, any suggestions?

Rachelle - 06.09.2022 20:21

32 weeks and just got my Nora’s Nursery pocket cloth diapers!!😊 This is my 2nd child but my oldest is 18…. Starting all over again and glad that cloth diapering is so doable now!!!

Alyse Nicole
Alyse Nicole - 31.08.2022 19:29

TO be honest, I have been thinking about doing a mix of cloth diapering and disposable but...this looks kind of gross to be honest. I'm impressed with everyone here who is able to do this. It sounds like way too much work for me. I would rather just throw the diaper away and be done with it and not have poop around for a few days.
I wish everyone well on their cloth diapering journey! ☺ Just doesn't seem like it's for me.

Lincoln A
Lincoln A - 31.08.2022 03:39

What kind of washing machine disinfecting stuff are you using?

doubtingdennis - 26.08.2022 01:45

I just wanted to thank you for saying "hello parents" at the beginning of your video; we are a same-sex couple expecting our first and it made us love your videos even more to feel included!!

Tahlia D
Tahlia D - 21.08.2022 11:11

I’m having twins in November, how many will I need shells and inserts?

Rachel Massey
Rachel Massey - 16.08.2022 03:47

Hey Bridget! I love your videos and watched many throughout my pregnancy. Now my daughter is 6 months old and I am making the transition from disposable to cloth diapers! I’ve got a couple questions for you. What kind of wipes do you recommend as a reasonable and clean biodegradable option? For a newborn, would the normal cloth diaper fit or is the newborn size needed? If the new born size is needed, how many of that size would you recommend since it’s a shorter stage? Would love to hear your opinions/ideas. Thanks!

T. Angie Hart
T. Angie Hart - 07.08.2022 10:30

I don’t see a link for laundry agitation balls. What are good? Thank you

Alisol Kanu
Alisol Kanu - 07.08.2022 10:15

If money is not the issue, and time is more valuable than what you are saving, then this is very inconvenient

Alexis - 03.08.2022 21:48

I cloth diapered my 4 year old and I’m so excited to be back in cloth :). I have a newborn and one size stash and all are in good condition to use for this baby.

Neftali Gracida
Neftali Gracida - 19.07.2022 22:51

Girl 😂it’s still gross

Cristina Magsaysay
Cristina Magsaysay - 22.06.2022 21:37

I want to use cloth diapers. How many of each size do you suggest? (Newborn, regular sized)

EC peesy
EC peesy - 12.06.2022 10:50

We love cloth diapering! Especially with natural fibers. I don't necessarily save money, though, since I buy a lot of cloth diapers. 😜💜Heidi

Erica - 06.06.2022 19:39

What is the agitator for the front load washing machine

AmallieGames - 31.05.2022 01:07

Thank you for actually showing the cleaning process lol, so many videos don't and so I haven't really be able to evaluate the best choice for me.

Colorless Oz
Colorless Oz - 29.05.2022 17:55

How do you deal with the thoughts of poop and pee being in your washing machine when you put in other clothes or towels and stuff in there? Pl

I also know whenever my mom washed a bedsheets from my nephew because he wet the bed the machine would always end up smelling like pee and I would NOT want to wash my clothes for a while

Chely Juarez
Chely Juarez - 22.05.2022 22:19

Mil gracias

ايمان عبد الله
ايمان عبد الله - 20.05.2022 18:00

Reusable wipes make me sick 🤢

Amy Lichach
Amy Lichach - 18.05.2022 20:45

It honestly blows my mind how many people aren’t willing to try cloth diapering ! It’s so easy and who doesn’t love saving so much money and helping out planet ! 🌍 I wish I government would offer some sort of tax incentive to encourage families to go this route!
