r/ProRevenge | Fired Maintenance Worker Destroys 15 Years of Knowledge | Reddit Revenge

r/ProRevenge | Fired Maintenance Worker Destroys 15 Years of Knowledge | Reddit Revenge

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@grimmstryke9627 - 18.02.2021 13:21

Lmao 1st story lady gaurenteed just got shuffled.

@stephensurio6030 - 26.02.2021 19:57

I remember "Ballmart", they got lots of balls.

@johnphilipfosterdobson551 - 04.03.2021 13:45

I liked the story of the guy and the notebook. Reminds me of a engineer that left our job because the company downsized ( printing industry). But we had a water chiller motor that only the now gone engineer could fix.
After trying to find parts for the motor, none available, it was discovered that the motor was from a WW2 Liberty ship. Sorry no more parts & we got a new motor.

@franciscocv1995 - 29.06.2021 03:33

For the teacher I had that many times. They don't care and well I ended up getting them in trouble and did as I want and even corrected the teacher and other people

@chriskelly5127 - 01.07.2021 01:40

I'm an old ass grandma who was a school custodian. If I heard a student being abused like. I would beat her bloody with a mop bucket. I live a non violent life.

@PKPhoenix83 - 09.07.2021 01:48

I wanna hear those tapes!

@brianwild4640 - 20.07.2021 21:22

what a dumbass he tighened a nut once a week for 3 years

@cramsa - 25.08.2021 19:14

Yup… I would have done the same, fuck them.

@spartanray2173 - 17.04.2022 01:27

Loyalty dont mean anything. Im glad i have now started working for myself.

@skylinefever - 30.05.2022 02:35

I'm a big fan of the maintenance man. Some people who graduated college to get where they did are unkind to those who got where they did through tech school or apprenticeships. Have some respect for different honest laborers and their career paths. Besides, college certainly isn't for everybody, no matter what K-12 schools tell us all.

@TonyRedunzo - 25.07.2022 18:06

robot voice robot content waste of time

@jupitersnoot4915 - 22.09.2022 22:24

A business is like a machine. There are some parts that are more vital than others and perform more important tasks, but those parts wouldn't be able to perform their function without all of the other "less important" parts that work to enable that function to be done.

When you are an employee of a company, be you the CEO or simply a receptionist, your role is vital and without you, the company will struggle or collapse.

@monotonecthulhu6709 - 26.09.2022 01:42

To be fair, getting fired from a job doesn't financially ruin you. Guarantee the lady had either another teaching job or equivalent paying job by the next school year.

@lucasemanuel5146 - 05.10.2022 18:38

That song in the background its really, really, really pissing me of ngl

@davecrupel2817 - 11.10.2022 17:16

MG didnt go too far with anything.
Tf are you talking about?!

@JahBreed - 11.10.2022 18:45

All these Bred to lead, wannabe gangsters forget Rule 1-Don't Fxxk Your Friends.
*Friend-Person in a position to ruin you and will if you decide to get cute.
Welcome to the new world, Fearless leaders.😡👹

@SchazmenRassir - 12.10.2022 19:39

You'd think any place that trains managers would remind them to "Never fuck with the maintenance or IT guys."

@Babbleplay - 13.10.2022 17:03

Accept the un-firing. Take the notebook, simply write 'F*** You', and then tell them you quit.

@rnkn88 - 14.10.2022 19:07

Story 2: I would have start laughing like mad, either Mark Hamills (joker) or Cesar Romero joker when asked for the note book

@antonyjharper31 - 14.10.2022 22:35

He should have put the notebook 8n his car and offered it back to them at a price!

@davidpaikins3172 - 15.10.2022 05:19

The second story. That MG made it dangerous at there store.

@michaelbuttle7772 - 16.10.2022 17:21

Great stories, aweful computer voice

@kryptofly - 19.10.2022 07:38

….I retired just in time from a job with a big insurance company. Mostly because they were cutting benefits to save money, just got out under the wire. The old reliable managers happened to be retired before me and with them they took a lot of knowledge and respect. The new ones had no idea what we did and how we did it and came up with all kinds of new and disastrous ways to do our jobs. They did this from a couple of floors above us, whereas the old managers worked with us and knew our work. Think the new managers made all these changes to look important and like they were doing something. All they did was make it harder to work quickly and a lot of mistakes were made. Before I left I put down a job description online as requested. I did it mostly because I was leaving (retirement) and didn’t want the people I worked with to have trouble doing the job. I liked them and felt bad with what they were going to have to put up with. Found out later there were some major disasters after I left, but I don’t know the details. I will assume they either didn’t use my instructions or lost the transcript. One old co-worker told me they missed me not being there anymore. After that, no further information as most of the people who worked there moved on. Modern management treats its skilled workers worse than slaves…

@dr.JackieBright - 19.10.2022 21:31

When I was young, I had trouble keeping up with my peers in school. And had little interest in my education. (I feel like I had/have some disorder or another but my family is poor, so never got it diagnosed.) And when I say young, I mean up to Third grade. Well, in the Third grade, my teacher, Mrs. Prossor, got fed up with my lack of interest and got in my face about it practically yelling at me because I was having difficulty with memorizing multiplication tables. I remember this vividly because I kept thinking about how she smelled weird(a bit like spoiled milk) and the wart on her face was huge.( yeah, to put it politely, I would now describe her appearance as being hag-like)
After this incident (me being too young to properly articulate just kind of accepted this) I then began overcompensating by listening to everything and commiting it to memory as best I could. Eventually, this led to me having too little trouble in school and never getting good study habits. Which continued up until I got my GED and left high school at sixteen. Really, I feel like I got screwed over here and hope eventually behavior like that from her got her fired. Because when a kid struggles to understand, you don't yell at them like it's something they can control.

@oneuup2490 - 23.10.2022 21:25

1st story: Kkay it was funny what the teacher was saying to him.. I'm not going to lie when I was in college, this happened.. This person that was always asking questions like they couldn't comprehend or understand in our philosophy class..

Especially when it was almost time to go, the teacher would say any more questions and then this person would wait until the end, almost end of the class and ask the questions when we were ready to walk out the door. That used to piss me off..

Of course the teacher is wrong for doing that but if you are weak and struggling in the subject get a tutor get someone to help you..

@hugosinclair6798 - 30.10.2022 00:20

2nd story is why you befriend and if necessary kiss the ass of the maintenance guys, especially if they've worked there almost as long as you've been alive XD

@nco_gets_it - 04.11.2022 00:29

I worked for a telecom for a couple years as an engineer. I kept files on everything. Everything. One day I come to work after a couple days of leave and all of my files are simply gone. Some manager had decided the file cabinets blocked his view to the windows and they "had to go". The next day, I resigned and went on to a new job at a company not run by idiots. About a month later, they had a significant failure of a system and wouldn't you know it? Not one scrap of documentation on it existed.

They actually wanted to pay me to come back and fix the system. Eff them. They are long gone now and that manager now works in a deli.

@glados4765 - 28.02.2023 18:55

Every single one of these stories "I was perfect at x, and I have no idea why I was treated this way".

@itskamal17 - 26.06.2023 07:33

We need more video 🔥🔥🔥

Please start doing more video ...... Appreciate you videos 🎉

@davids-c1f - 19.07.2023 08:57

When your the one that assembles the engine then you are the one with the knowledge on how to disassemble them. Then management can reassemble them - oops they have no idea how to.

@billietyree2214 - 11.09.2023 17:59

I worked as a welding inspector back in the 70s and 80s, working in nuclear power plants under construction, and I know that sometimes to get things done right, you just have to burn a bridge or two.

@The2oFuS.-hr3os - 01.10.2023 12:14

🤔..😡!.wE Are 2 Years Out From This Videp. In Fact, wE Believe Times They Have Changed. Unfortunately, .This Leaves Your Conclusion Of Mrs. Frank At a Foregone Conclusion. In This Day In Age, Teachers Are SO Difficult To Aquire, They Will Re-Hire & Pass Her Around Like A Candy Cane!! HAHHAHHAHAHAHHAAAAAAAA!!!!!! <=== so say wE boTH!!🤔...😡

@astaraoneill9166 - 07.10.2023 22:33

Ai voice sucks.

@panagea2007 - 23.11.2023 04:19

This is the reverse of pro revenge; my employer screwed themselves. When I retired, I waited a month for the store to send me someone to train to take my place. They never sent anyone. They also never asked me for the sixteen years of machine manuals and SOP's and business contacts I had on my company email account. I kept them there because that is how they were supplied to me. The day I left, they removed me from the system and deleted my email account. Oh, well!

@zonked1200 - 26.11.2023 21:40

Is it necessary to blast us with a loud beep at the start of the video? With headphones on, it blasted right into my ears. Thanks for that.

@matthewcullen1298 - 25.02.2024 01:10

I struggled at school. Was a very Average student but tried and asked questions. I remember my history teacher who was an extremely serious no nonsense but fair guy. I went to him quietly and told him i was struggling and asked for advice on an assignment. He was more than happy to help although he made sure it was my hard work and research that went into the paper. He went through multiple times how to structure it and gave me no answers . At the end of the day it advanced me from a c average to a b plus but more importantly it gave me an interest in education and history. I went to a pretty rough school but due to some good teachers i did ok. The next year i started an apprenticeship and my real life learning started. The point is i learnt as a tradesmen to be a bit more patient with other people who were struggling. Especially younger apprentices. If they were genuinely struggling but also genuinely trying i was happy to go over the same things multiple times in order for them to pick it up.sometimes the teaching process varied in order for them to pick it up. We all find different ways of understanding concepts. Im better with practical concepts rather than theoretical concepts for example. The days of teachers bullying students are hopefully mostly behind us . I remember my grade one teacher giving me a belting with a cane because i couldn't dance properly even though i was recovering from whooping cough . One of the rare times my mother intervened in a teacher's discipline of one of her kid. It was no longer discipline just a bad tempered old woman belting a venerable child. I'm glad to see the teacher in this instance was removed from her position of authority

@PeachHerkimer - 01.03.2024 01:56

The managers had no right to demand he hand over his personal notebook. They were total complete idiots about everything.

@ProfessorontheToadstoolC-nh1yz - 28.03.2024 06:58

A slow boy who asks questions (that could not have been answered by listening or reading) is a treasure because they are telling you exactly what you need to be teaching more carefully.

@k.chriscaldwell4141 - 08.05.2024 11:22

The thing I’ve had come up in my work life over the years is efficiency resentment. I’m very efficient in getting things done. If there is a more efficient way to do something, I find it. Some people can’t fathom another way to do something, no matter how much better.

Then management steps in with, ”that’s not how we do that.” Not because of safety or similar, but because their ego hurts.

I once led a team filling out a huge retail department pre-store opening. My team and I got it done in record time, but not before my butting heads several times with the corporate suits. One idiot especially.

It never ceases to amaze me some people.

@paulcerny3805 - 16.05.2024 09:42

My dad did same thing to eldgers in Maryville, oh haaa haa lol LOL

@jeremywhitesell2688 - 25.05.2024 03:40

When i was in Europe i heard a story about this guy who started in a company as a kid. He learned a machine in the company and became the only one who knew how it worked and how to fix it. Ran it for decades. Then a kid fresh out of college who probably only saw the machine in a book became his boss and told him to run the machine a different way. Guy said it doesnt run that way and they sent him home. Within an hour they ran the machine the bosses way and it blew up. They called the guy and asked him to repair it. He said no and hung up. Sad that this is now a daily occurence in businesses across the globe and they are dying. Empty buildings littering the landscape.

@steventrostle1825 - 06.06.2024 22:44

Many years back my baby sister was in Kindergarten and had a HORRIBLE teacher, all the kiddos were deathly afraid of her and would come home with soiled undergarments because she did not allow them to use the bathroom. She had been under scrutiny for years and the board knew about her but were kept from doing anything about it. She was evidently untouchable, my Dad who was an oil company executive went in to visit her-she retired the next day!!! I asked him 2 times to explain what he told her but he said that he would not repeat it- I didn't care then nor do I care now!!!

@wallywest2360 - 20.06.2024 19:37

I went to a small school, so we just had one teacher per grade for the younger kids. I was in 6th grade and had to deal all day every day with a teacher just like Mrs. Franks. My mom didn't believe me, and I just shut down and said nothing in school for most of the year.

Abusive teachers are a real thing and it sucks.

@chadgdry3938 - 28.06.2024 04:28

Radio Shack... a blast from the past. Build my first transistor radio from that shop before it became a mini Best Buy,

@alexdenommee3219 - 11.07.2024 10:35

First story makes me want to go full Escanor.

@glenmassey3746 - 13.07.2024 22:59

S1. Teachers shouldn't have privacy in class.
S2. Just as well he destroyed the notebook. He saved himself a problem of them having physical evidence that he may have done those things, and it since he did it became a he said they said.

@aggimania7901 - 23.07.2024 11:59

I hope the guy was bringing up the topic to her first, giving her a chance to think about it and change her behaviour... if not, this is pure evil. I've learned from my own, even the most clear things need to be spoken out to your opposite in order to make realizing them. Just it is clear to you or others, it might not be clear for this person as you always look on yourself somewhat different and you have particular picture of yourself. It is hard for a lot of people to get the idea of how you view them.

@dockaos924 - 25.07.2024 00:59

Never mess with maintenance they know more than you realise

@anderssigfeldt335 - 23.08.2024 19:02

Anslut er till fackföreningen !

@hiddenlineage4296 - 26.08.2024 01:57

Even if he hadn't threw his notebook away, they had no way to make him give them the notebook.
