How to get your Gym Crush to Approach YOU

How to get your Gym Crush to Approach YOU

Courtney Sarracino

5 лет назад

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@Alejandra-by5lf - 26.01.2024 04:56

Not me being Delulu get into the sauna around the same time sit next to eachother and not a single word exchange 😂

@obe3690 - 18.01.2024 12:34

She didn't say cuffing season is just around the corner..... what she actually said was cucking season is just around the corner

@samuelpersaud3044 - 14.01.2024 06:07

Lmfao attractive guys wouldn't approach women in the gym. She usually lose him to the other girl that approaches him. Most guys that approach girls in the gym are usually desperate lmfao. With tik tok and all the stupid things going on these days made by women to degrade some men, it's already a turn off.

@battlevain - 29.09.2023 00:16

If a girl doesn't smile at me. I will never approach her. Too many angry looking girls at the gym.

@Michaelllllllllllllll - 12.09.2023 20:05

Great advice. Got me cracking up 😂

@namrata1998 - 08.09.2023 23:54

I really like this one guy at my gym and we have been just making longer than usual eye contact with each other and I’ve noticed he asks to alternate with the same machine I’m using and always working out closer to me. I spoke to him once and asked for help with my form and he taught me really well and I took the opportunity to introduce myself and ask him his name and what he does etc. he spoke a lot but cut the convo short and said enough of talking, let’s get back to working out. I felt super rejected and stopped making eye contact thereafter. I could still feel his gaze on me but I didn’t reciprocate until one day when I accidentally made eye contact with him cuz we were both on the floor and he said hi to me and kinda blinked twice and smiled. And I smiled back. I was downstairs waiting for my ride and he coincidentally was about to leave as well and he noticed I was there too and had this huge ear to ear smile and blinked several times and waved me goodbye lol
Any advice? Should I just let him be and not make any moves anymore?

@JT-91 - 30.08.2023 04:26

Nearest gym is a mile from my place the next nearest gym thats decent is almost 20 miles away. I'm never going to risk my gym membership on asking a women out there because there exists a very real chance of losing it. Women on the other hand you have nothing to lose but some pride (incase rejection) so lady up and be direct its 2023 not 1950.

@kellyzhang5685 - 01.08.2023 20:08

I don’t get what you mean on tip #2 by not following him but to show up near him. Could you tell me what you mean by that?

@stormwickham1675 - 28.07.2023 11:17

So theres this chick looking at me every now and then. I think shes got the same routine or shes checking me out, sizing me up. I am a wide shouldered male kinda built and kinda got a little fat. Bearded and kinda wild curly hair.
Shes muscular and small. I kinda like her myself. How do I approach and not look creepy? She was going to the machine I was using, I go back to wipe it down and she says "thank yooou" and I walk away. I could tell she was blushing. Then she went to her man or friend later. Do women tell other guys if they like another man? Kinda wanting to make a move and see where it goes. If its no, then I'll just be friends.

@HazardousTheOne - 26.06.2023 20:20

Women have stated that they hate men and hate being approached at the gym.

What even is the point of this video then?

@dyanateixeir - 03.06.2023 13:17

I loved this video 😂😂😂😂😂

@ghost_7766 - 14.05.2023 14:45

I'll just ignore, you none of your tricks would work on me . Real Men only respect one thing be direct about your intentions we dont have time for hints and mind games

@1camry - 25.03.2023 22:36

this guy at my gym whos way more into his fitness journey than me, im still skinnyfat from losing weight too fast and trying to tighten up so i dont feel very confident

@doczenith5491 - 21.03.2023 05:27

Ain’t nobody approaching anyone in the gym. Not now not ever.

@worscohli - 02.03.2023 05:17

Wat does it mean if she stares? cuz she for sure stared at me today

@lindacapek5704 - 18.02.2023 22:55

we both have stared at each other at the gym as i was on the booty thrust machine- but still have not come up to me!!!! do i still need to wait for him? i do think he may be shy/ nervous

@BBoysAndTrickers - 13.02.2023 21:13

i cant believe this is a video, just approach the man? "not following him?", you are following him without making it look like it. so stereotypical of girly antics, lowkey kinda disrespectful to assume women wanna do this

@activemusickid - 04.02.2023 05:42

As a man in his 20s I can tell you that the NUMBER 1 TIP is TAKE YOUR HEADPHONES OUT !!! As a guy, I don’t want to come across as a burden when I’m trying to talk to you… I want to the process to be as seamless and smooth as possible!! That means not having to nudge you in any way to take your headphones out to hear what I have to say… Just keep them out… The moment you see your crush, just take them out !!

@auntyb7543 - 01.02.2023 08:44

I am trying I will keep trying

@David-xy9yo - 29.01.2023 14:09

Ladies in this day and age you are going to need to throw him a very obvious signal that it is okay to approach. This is due to the many videos and articles that tell men DO NOT BOTHER WOMEN AT THE GYM 😡.
These are the times we live in.
So no resting bitch faces. Make eye contact for 2 to 5 seconds and give us a smile.

@smokeyvision217 - 12.01.2023 07:16

I think everyone knows when someone at the gym is checking them out. Personally I don’t hit on girls there. I like to keep the little fun going 😂

@Luivart - 02.01.2023 01:11

The smile tip yes that works. I can confirm.

@hellachan8080 - 06.12.2022 21:30

first genuine advice I found in here. Thanks.

@davidbolha - 18.11.2022 10:10

Not worth ending up on her TikTok as a creep eying her up. 😌😝🖕

Those who approach you never know whether she'll modify the video in order to make YOU look bad in the end. Especially if you don't fill up her requirements on your/her first date. That or use that video as "revenge video" when you break up.

There are so many filming themselves at the gym you never know. 🤔😕

@Nydb98 - 09.11.2022 09:03

Ahhhhh I’m crushing so hard he probably thinks ima weirdo 😭😭😭😭 it always makes my day jus to see his face I wanna talk to him so bad but I’m scared I’ll get nervous and say something stupid 😢

@crankycraig228 - 06.11.2022 22:38

Mgtow 4 Life

@sciencewizard8805 - 25.10.2022 21:46

First or second time at the gym, and I think a girl was doing this. Hope I talk to her next time.

@aakili - 16.10.2022 18:32

Okay, a man approached me in the gym today. I already told him I'm a minor just about to begin college. Was friendly with him,polite I would say. He was trying very much to be intimate,like offering to take me across the street and buy me a drink and what not,asked me when I come and how much more time I'll be working out. Spoke to me for a long time,I really wanted to workout but the talking made it,made me give my socials(me being super awkward I couldn't refuse or didn't know how to refuse). I'm not interested in any type of relationship as my education is very hard already as it is..ill have to see him again tomorrow and it will be very awkward,I can't even change timings.

@Lilymoo88 - 07.10.2022 00:26

I've done all of these and he smiled back at me. But he seems like he's very shy. Might be a slow process lol

@anyalia3837 - 13.09.2022 20:14

You ae funny 😂

@BoltieBolt - 10.09.2022 10:45

All signals are mixed signals 🤷🏻‍♂️ men don’t read signals. Men won’t approach easily. Following someone around at the gym is not a bad idea for women. Honestly 99% of men would think its pure coincidence. If someone complains here saying a girl who does that is a creeper might not be very sure of his sexuality. No men won’t approach if there is the slight chance that girl is not interested. And if he gets turned down, he won’t do that again with anyone at the gym. Its time for women to approach, if she approaches and he blows her off, there you have it, he was 100 gay all along. Im not saying it would be your boyfriend after you approach him, but, men will do anything so, at the end of the day you will not be discarded, that is unlikely. So applying the logic that 99% of men won’t decline to have sex with a woman unless he is married or has an std, rest assured that he will say hi back and he will be as polite as possible, if he is rude he is gay.”, men don’t blow off any woman.

@infinitegalore1266 - 27.08.2022 22:31

I’m going to do it lol

@alexbrufladt171 - 27.08.2022 19:27

It seems like more often than not women need to approach men these days cause we're so scared of being looked at as a creep. I've seen so many tiktoks of girls at the gym talking about how guys are total creeps at the gym just for glancing at them. The days of men feeling comfortable approaching women and starting a simple conversation are beginning to fade more and more. It's sad.

@rachel_murphy06 - 29.07.2022 01:06

My gym crush is the guy who works there. Help

@orang375 - 24.07.2022 19:55

I'd say my social skills are about a 8/10, but with the ladies that drops to a solid 3/10. How do I make myself engageable

@emeraldcrown6332 - 19.07.2022 02:53

All you ladies have to do is introduce yourselves that's all

@LanaClarkLC - 06.07.2022 21:49

🤣 im at the gym listening to this and laughing out loud. I probably look like a freak. Thankfully he isn’t here

@TeiaiCEO - 05.07.2022 00:28

video for guys pls :)

@0mn1P4wn4g3 - 01.07.2022 07:26

As a guy, I have to say that the hard to get tips you are giving are kind of shitty. Do that if you want to attract the gym asshole, the same asshole you wonder why you end up with because that guy doesn't care if you're interested, he just cares if he is. Eye contact and smiling is super important, kind of hard to pull off at the gym. I'd also say there is nothing wrong with following someone so long as you're not stalking, just do a workout and don't do this constantly. Once you get his attention you're good. Also, just ditch the headphones and hat unless you never ever want to talk to anyone in the gym. It's extremely dissociative to bubble yourself like that and ain't nobody got time to try to talk to every headphone wearer. Lastly why not just talk to the guy you are interested in? Most guys aren't going to talk to you at all during their workout (it's an awkward time to do so) and even if you engage in friendly conversation, quality guys will just assume you are friendly which makes it easier for the to talk to you. Keep the hard to get act for the guys who follow you to your car after working out. Most guys care a lot less than you might think.

@StraySigma - 12.06.2022 18:42

The only thing that actually mattered was #4. Every other tip you gave was indirect & does nothing for telling a man you want him to approach you.

@ForzaRoma1927 - 08.06.2022 06:58

There’s a girl in my gym and she’s absolutely beautiful. What makes things even harder is she’s taller than me. My friend caught her checking me out once, so right now I’ve been seeing if she does it again. Definitely noticed some of the tips

@mikebingham9700 - 07.06.2022 00:24

The Gym is my stage. I shall not want!

@mikebingham9700 - 07.06.2022 00:10

The problem with girls is they are too vague in letting a guy no they like him and scared. A lot of times we don't understand your signals, however, if you smile, we will get it.
Unfortunately, girls are too scared to smile. The one thing girls can't tolerate is rejection. That's why they are so hesitant in letting the guy know that they are crushing.

@deyanmihaylov5702 - 04.06.2022 17:29

Or if you like a guy, maybe it would be enough just to talk to him, instead of ''playing'' ?

@bravenkind7843 - 03.06.2022 13:43

Step 1 and done. Approach the guy and tell him straight up. We ain’t going to try to read all these signals that aren’t blatantly obvious.

@TheHamsterMaster - 27.05.2022 20:59

Hey ladies, I have the ULTIMATE tip that doesn't require much on your part at all: JUST FREAKING TALK TO A GUY. You won't have to play mind games, or act all weird around us, or do some 12 step process to get our attention. Just approach us like normal, functioning, mature adults. Step out of your shells, let down your egos, and just say something. The worst that could happen is that he is not interested, and you can move on with your workout and with your life. It's not that a guy is "dense" or "clueless" if he doesn't talk to you, it's that yall females are too self centered. I can tell you right now.......we men don't like that one bit.

@h.tsangkhumi9464 - 17.05.2022 11:56

hiiii.. so ive seen my gym crush only twice which is last year before we started talking.. four days ago,i hit the gym again after exams and i was taking rest and he stood next to me and asked ,"are u done with your exams" and i asked him how he knew and he said that he heard me talk about it before i took a break cauze of the exam and we started talking from there.. our convo was nothing interesting, both of us were pretty nervous, so i walked away.. the next day, he approached me first again , asked me my name and where i live.. he approached me first today too, but the thing is he talks to other girls as well with the same energy, but most of the time, the gurls talk to him first .. sometimes i feel like he's interested but sometimes i feel like he's just being friendly.. and i lowkey got jealous and ignored him throughout my workout , i could see him staring at me from the mirror but i looked really uninterested bruhhhh idk what to doooo

@MB-ti4ie - 16.05.2022 09:18

Haha 😂 hmmmmm.... I only notice one of the four. Is it has to be all four? 😂

@napmaster383 - 14.05.2022 22:23

There's this girl at my gym who stares at me occasionally. She looked irritated when I left the same area she was in. I think she wanted me to talk to her but she look so young like a college student. I look much younger than I really am. I don't want it to end up awkward which is why I don't approach at the gym.

@4200224 - 01.05.2022 09:28

How do you talk to a shy girl in the gym. I can tell she’s feeling me but I don’t want to be creepy?
