Street & Travel Photography - How to find the Best Camera for you. Fujifilm edition.

Street & Travel Photography - How to find the Best Camera for you. Fujifilm edition.

The Raw Society

2 года назад

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Nuno - 08.01.2022 00:38

Thank you Jorge for the Street and Travel Photography full online course. Great great value, usefull advices and amazing photos. I also do documentary photography and i only use my old Fujifilm XT20 and my favourite focal lens, a 23mm, same as yours. Keep it simple as you said. Thank you for this great content.

paul jewell
paul jewell - 21.09.2023 05:05

great vid good sound advice well done

Radin Nasir
Radin Nasir - 03.08.2023 06:19

Wow. Wow. Your videos. Just came across your videos today and it resonate with me. Thank you so much for making this video.

Chris Mitchell
Chris Mitchell - 23.06.2023 02:44

Agreed, love my XT-3

Pierre Costa
Pierre Costa - 03.05.2023 21:16

Once again this makes perfect sense man , I am selling so much more of my art by focusing on exsposure with not using the latest gear.
When I visit the camera stores I see so many people focusing on the latest lens or megapixel camera and spending unnecessary money on gear .
This is sad because photography is a art that we see through the lens and gear only contributes to a small percentage of the end result.

Mark - 01.04.2023 01:25

This is cool, very inspiring real talk

Adventure & Art
Adventure & Art - 19.03.2023 20:26


Allie B
Allie B - 11.01.2023 20:38

I agree with your guitar story. I originally got back into photography when I bought an Olympus camera. It was so tiny and stylish and fun to use that it actually made me do more and improve more because I carried it everywhere. I feel the same joy now using my fujix100f

Didier Petre
Didier Petre - 11.01.2023 16:21

Muy de acuerdo contigo Jorge, no es la última camara que cambiará fundamentalmente tus fotos.

Mark Castillo
Mark Castillo - 04.01.2023 22:11

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to your thoughts about what makes the journey and process of photography worthwhile and enjoyable. Thank you for sharing such insights!

Kurt Gledhill
Kurt Gledhill - 01.12.2022 00:26

Superb! Thank you so much!

Jordan Andrew
Jordan Andrew - 15.10.2022 22:33

Brilliant video. Nice delivery with the written and illustrated content… Messages like this are lost and need to be heard more often than not…

Tomas Mano
Tomas Mano - 13.09.2022 16:43

thanks a lot for this, very strong message.

Michael Vincent Magic & The Vincent Academy
Michael Vincent Magic & The Vincent Academy - 20.08.2022 19:18

Excellent; Common Sense Vs Ego. I really appreciate this. My D700 is old and it still works 12 Megapixels and it delivers the most gorgeous colours, better colours than my Fuji. My XT1 is no slouch, it delivers beautiful images. Let’s Travel and document our world. Let’s develop our skills - that is the magic.

David Kroll
David Kroll - 30.06.2022 11:25

Thank you for the great videos and courses. All this helped me clarify my own needs in terms of camera and lenses

Nitin Bhogan
Nitin Bhogan - 31.05.2022 13:09

Thanks for this video... i have Nikon z6 which lens do I choose for Street photography Pls suggest

Jason Longbrake Photography
Jason Longbrake Photography - 31.05.2022 04:55

I needed to hear this. Thank you

Neil Cole
Neil Cole - 26.05.2022 11:33

Wise advice,thank you!

Elazar Kotkes
Elazar Kotkes - 15.05.2022 02:19

What Fujifilm series would you suggest for using with their 70-300mm lens? Will an x-pro with the optical view finder work ok? I'm planning on 13mm + 33mm + 70-300mm setup. I Just can't figure out what Fujifilm camera to buy.

Fernando Naiberg
Fernando Naiberg - 24.04.2022 01:59

Amazing channel, great content and an amazing way to expose the subjects. It's a joy to listen to you my friend, just a chill and relax way to pass the info. Saludos desde Portugal. Cheers!

stéphane dubarry
stéphane dubarry - 05.04.2022 11:26

Fully agree : stop running after brand new and useless (for your needs) updated technology

Ahmed Charafouddine
Ahmed Charafouddine - 13.03.2022 14:26

Merci pour cette vidéo.

Tomo Bistrot
Tomo Bistrot - 12.03.2022 17:06

I have only a fujifilm x-a2 with a vintage lens and a rollei 35. The fuji will be the last digital camera because 16mp are enough to tell stories or make a documentary project and for prints too. And the rollei is pocket-sized and have amazing quality lens.

Corto Maltese
Corto Maltese - 11.03.2022 19:33

True! Thank you from a owner of a Xpro 3!

JN GARDE - 10.03.2022 16:32

Very true don't we say "it's not the pen that makes the writer" it's very true for the photo why this race for pixels more. A camera to be seen or to photograph? I too have an Xpro2 and an XT2... Vive la photo.

Guru Gamer
Guru Gamer - 09.03.2022 20:20

Hi, hope you can give me some help please. I have brand new films not expired all 35mm - Portra 400, Portra 160 and Fujicolour Pro 400H, Kodak Tri-X 400 - which ISO gives the most pleasing results for each of these films? Will be using with Leica M6.

tate randy
tate randy - 01.02.2022 14:36

Oh yes i agree with everything you said ☺️ i a X-T1, Sony a6000 & Fujifilm X E2 I jus getting back into photography and want to learn the basics and not worry about the MP!
Like you said you rather spend the money on a trip or on a photography course than worry about how many mega pixels!

Zues Shamarn
Zues Shamarn - 25.01.2022 23:21

Really enjoying your channel. This is an interesting subject. Often when I travel, I find myself wanting wide angles and then super telephotos, along with key focal lengths like 28mm, 35mm. I've tried soo many cameras. My favorite film camera years ago was Contax T2. So I've been trying the digital equivalent of that in size, focal length and quality.

Stephan Bartholomeus
Stephan Bartholomeus - 23.01.2022 00:50

Just the way it is…you point the essential and the logical way to enjoy and practice photography…👍. So much sense, hope you’re audition will grow the same way

moved mind / poRUSZony UMYSŁ
moved mind / poRUSZony UMYSŁ - 22.01.2022 10:27

Beautiful, wise video! Thank you!

guido kaz
guido kaz - 18.01.2022 23:01

Very smart Video. Probably saved me a lot of money on gear. And by the way your pictures are incredible

James C
James C - 18.01.2022 20:13

this is possibly the most honest video on camera gear I have seen.

Steve Hooker
Steve Hooker - 18.01.2022 10:41

Agree with you. I never see the point of buying the latest camera. Like the quote: the eye takes a photograph not the camera. Also use Fujifilm, X Pro 1 and X-T1. My carry all the time camera is the Ricoh GRII. In my street photography, I need to look as less like a photographer as I can. One camera, one lens and no camera bag. Always. Camera settings dialled in so I can take a shot without fiddling about. The exposure compensation dial is the only thing I'll use and then only if I have to.

yh yh
yh yh - 18.01.2022 07:42


GeoffGrant2010 - 18.01.2022 06:48

Thanks so much! Well done!

OMC1109 - 17.01.2022 23:29

Suscribo lo dicho en este video, muy necesario frente a esa enfermiza obsesión por los listados de especificaciones, que es en lo que se ha convertido el diálogo (por llamarlo de alguna manera) fotográfico. La imagen, finalmente, es el sentido, desde las primeras emulsiones químicas de Niépce hasta el sensor digital desarrollado hoy en la mañana.

Guru Gamer
Guru Gamer - 16.01.2022 23:39

Please do review of Leica m11 black

roberto posa
roberto posa - 15.01.2022 19:00

Great video - absolutely agree - love the x-pro fuji - love your photos - new subscriber - keep the good honest work on

7Artisans Official
7Artisans Official - 15.01.2022 10:05


Hai it’s Tom
Hai it’s Tom - 15.01.2022 03:17

Very insightful. I’m learning the hard way that new gear doesn’t mean better gear.

Random Life Productions
Random Life Productions - 14.01.2022 12:12

Camera Reviews, I don’t follow…. I use a Leica CL, an Sl2s and an M6 mark 11, and an Xt3…
The funny thing is that any camera is good, it’s the passion and the eye involved. You capture a moment, stopping time. I also think the lens as well I love the vintage vibe, the Takumar, the Konica Hexanon… I also have a 23mm lens… I Find though it comes down to this… If it’s your passion it will show in your work. I am far from a professional photographer, but my passion has take me on a journey, and I feel I’m constantly improving with it

Haitham Almuzayan
Haitham Almuzayan - 14.01.2022 07:23

And thank you— a lot for clearing my 💭 thoughts

Haitham Almuzayan
Haitham Almuzayan - 14.01.2022 07:21


Nithin Ravi
Nithin Ravi - 13.01.2022 12:20


Laurent COURTET - 12.01.2022 23:39

Completely agree with you

Agustin Orozco
Agustin Orozco - 12.01.2022 23:36

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la postura con la que Jorge abordó este tema, yo personalmente he pasado varias decenas de horas viendo "reviews" ...ja!, he caído en la tentación de querer tener tal o cual cámara, más megapíxeles, mejor IQ, etc. Estamos muy vulnerables a tanta información y lo que nunca pensamos en realidad es que basta y sobra con lo que tienes a tu disposición... Al final lo que importa es lo que tu sientes al hacer una foto con el equipo que tengas, la satisfacción de poder lograr estéticamente una composición, no es mejor un platillo por la estufa en donde se elaboró ¿verdad?, es el factor humano es que realmente importa y da sentido a la imagen. Recibe un saludo.

AufKohleGeboren - 12.01.2022 21:20

What a wonderful video and thoughts. Whit the music it was like meditation. And the words are 100% my opinion.
