Gaming Bliss - G-SYNC on LG OLED TVs!!!

Gaming Bliss - G-SYNC on LG OLED TVs!!!

Linus Tech Tips

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@deny_s - 24.08.2020 13:04

Need help please!
I didn't quite get which cable you used exactly... HDMI 2.1 to HDMI 2.1  or  HDMI 2.1 to DisplayPort 1.4 ???
I just can't find HDMI 2.1 to DP 1.4 cables anywhere!
Thing is, my RTX2070 has DP 1.4 ports but only a HDMI 2.0.

@alexh.9550 - 24.08.2020 23:36

My brother is annoying with the boring stuff I’m like 🙄

@saravjc - 06.09.2020 22:48

A great follow up review would be testing the latest model LG with the 3090 "HDMI 2.1 Theory"

@colbyjameslopez - 11.09.2020 18:28

You should re-perform this with the RTX3090 for 120fps at 4k since the cards support HDMI 2.1.

@broke1824 - 14.09.2020 16:15

Alright, I got an lg oled55b9sla and going to get Xbox series X (both of them have HDMI 2.1), will I be able to play games at 4K 120hz HDR?

@XBnPC - 16.09.2020 14:59

Nextgen console VRR compatible?

@b6s4shelter - 17.09.2020 23:35

@linus, can you hook this up to the RTX 3080 and see if G-sync is working over HDMI?

@glennclifton8655 - 18.09.2020 01:55

whats the difference between the e9 c9 b9 models please?

@hannibalhector3719 - 23.09.2020 12:01

OLEDs don't have smearing? Tell that to my LG V60 lol.

@aris9125 - 24.09.2020 05:58

Hi Linus! can you make a GTX 1080 Ti recognized as a RTX card (maybe GPU BIOS?) just to make Pascal Cards on PC to be recognized as a Gsync compatible under Nvidia Control Panel?

@Pipes61874 - 30.09.2020 10:30

If its not ulta everything and at least 120 fps at 4 k its not for me

@pavelandreichikov1051 - 05.10.2020 02:13

does the cx have G-SYNC?

@GamerX000000 - 05.10.2020 16:37

When my current tv/monitor die, I'm srsly considering going gsync tv. Currently the smallest I can find is 48". I wish they made one in 30-36" size. And I guess I'll have to go back to using a screensaver to avoid burnin.

@Carrot_Handler - 23.10.2020 13:49

I got this exact TV 3 months ago the 65" LG B9 and f***ing love it, I will be upgrading my PC to a RTX 3070 and I will get a PS5 on launch so I can get 4K/120!... Cannot wait!

@CrypticStudiosYT - 25.10.2020 18:44

is it compatible with the ps5?

@rockybalboa5611 - 25.10.2020 20:45

Can sombody test power consumption when use 4k 2k 1k screen pixel usage?

@tester12z - 26.10.2020 10:06

You have to lower your max FPS by 1-2fps for gsync to actually work at max that's 118-119fps max, otherwise GSync won't work properly...

@seanwilliams8024 - 02.11.2020 10:19

Lmao u really did a video a month prior about getting rid of oled smh money makes people do some crazy things easy to say u are all about that money so now I don't really trust ur advice or opinions

@Newtimer49er - 03.11.2020 20:44

Could you guys use the motion blur cameras like ya did on the monitors as a standard for testing screens? Its really helpful as far as ghosting and things are concerned. Thanks

@RenxChilla - 07.11.2020 14:05

I got a used version of this from Amazon and it has burn in,hence it was half the price.Only really notice this when watching TV in dark scenes but not when gaming,for me worth it for the price diff.Gaming on ps4 pro was pretty decent compared to my monitor and can't wait till this Tues to get my series X

@matthewankrum2541 - 08.11.2020 11:44

there is one thing that I don't understand is that what is the different between Sony A9G MASTER Series OLED 4K (Picture Processor X1 Ultimate) vs LG CX Series OLED 4K UHD (unknow Processor). My question is that which TV is better for gaming and better color & pictures. Linus Tech Tip is saying that LG having a new Nvidia that is better gaming that make it reach 120hz and I don't know anything about G-SYNC.

@PostFormitable - 11.11.2020 10:15

Goodluck with burn in ;)

@alexnguyen2382 - 25.11.2020 20:36

It’s been a year and a day since

@jackielauro8569 - 10.01.2021 07:50

this is a win if you have PS5!

@isaacmondragonortega - 04.03.2021 23:45

Anyone having problems with this? I have an LG E9 and a 3090, but everytime I enable the HDMI ULTRA HD Deep Color on the TV I get a no signal screen. If I shut it off, the picture comes on but will only do 4k @ 60. I'm using a audioquest chocolate HDMI, which i don't think might be my problem but throwing it that out there to avoid that comment. Someone please help me.

Edit: TV software version is 05.00.03

@yardh - 23.03.2021 14:56

Wth sandwich man

@LFC-Star - 27.03.2021 15:12

ok I'm considering getting an OLED and I would connect my PC to it.. except I'm worried and Burn In from static images such as energy bars at the bottom of the screen and static icons on the Windows 10 Desktop.. Those things worry and concern me using my PC with an OLED. As OLED's are pretty expensive TV's..

@xambone712 - 07.04.2021 21:46

Can't get past the opening of the video, it's turkey and swiss ham and cheddar

@BrotherShaq - 14.04.2021 10:08

Jus noticed this is dude from the memes with the blank face

@matthewmatlock4526 - 22.04.2021 04:22

YO YO LINUS.........BRO i just realized that BFGD are dead...LG is killing it. My 79" LG NANO THIN IQ 4K TV is INNNSSAAAANE the resolution the MS and the fact that it has GSYNC and is 120hertz....Im actually dumping my old 35" ASUS Ultra Wide to buy another 79" LG for my gaming room....THE TV IS INSANE I CANNOT BELIEVE how clear and how sharp the images look....Im not big into 4k gaming even though i have a 4,000 rig that can handle it but even with 4k enabled im capping out at a whopping lol 60FPS but it still looks pretty good. I do choose to play it at 120FPS and not on 4k but dude this shit is INNSSSAAANE...I've had my TV for a year and i just learned this 4 nights ago lol

@SuckeroftheYear - 26.04.2021 23:31

it shows no g- sync option ??? for me

@drgroove101 - 18.05.2021 02:12

What is that lap thing which looks like has a keyboard built right into it? That looks awesome

@pogtuber5146 - 24.05.2021 20:47

I'm here from the future to tell you that 4k@120hz+HDR+VRR is fucking glorious. Thank you.

@Scheisse0chasge - 20.06.2021 11:54

Which Graphicscard did you use in the Computer?

@Quaddragon - 24.06.2021 05:13

I have an LG C1 and a 2080ti and yet the Gsync option is missing from the control panel. What am I missing? Gysnc is turned on though the TV and I even turned on FreeSync still no GSync menu.

@fizyoterapistayberk1303 - 01.07.2021 00:47

good evening everyone I connected a lg oled c1 2.1 hdmi pc i can't play hdr in 4k but i can't play hdr in 2k what should i do to play hdr in 4k it should be like the 3 pictures but it doesn't work so i can't turn on hdr in 4k please

@danielgriffiths845 - 01.07.2021 18:18

So, does this work on 10 series? Both have HDMI 2.0b, but you mension 20 and 16 series and my cnotrol panel doesn't show g-sync

Ответить - 21.07.2021 00:50

Can we get a retest with some 2.1 devices now that they are out?

@sethf2258 - 29.07.2021 22:07

Butt tree smooth?

@kfl611 - 20.09.2021 02:08

I don't game, I know blasphemy, but I didn't inherit the gaming gene - not even a latent one. Would g-sync be useful watching my tv in a non-gaming manner - regular tv and movies? Was it as good as a ham and swiss cheese andwich?

@wapperjaw8282 - 23.12.2021 04:58

Appears G-SYNC available on C1 & G1 models also. I went a head and ordered G1 model. I just returned Sony XR model which is suppose to have 120 HZ at least, but it wouldn't maintain it, every time when I booted up my PC it could not hold. Screen would flicker and I always had to go into settings to fix the external inputs for 120 hz. And sometimes I had to unplug the HDMI and plug it back in. Worked great at 60 hz, it has a very nice picture to watch 4k and Blue Ray movies. But then occasional when I turned on the TV it acted like it was the first time and had to go through the setup process. Tried updating the firmware which had no improvement. This is the first time I have been disappointed with Sony.

@HazewinDog - 16.05.2022 15:29

looks like I'm finally getting one of these. yes the older ones, they're finally coming down in price on the used market, and the new market isn't budging at all.

@blacbraun - 22.05.2022 09:18

Little bit easier for Linus to get excited when LG pays him to be...

@EricGraham1987 - 22.05.2022 09:47

Who puts ham and swiss together? Weird mofo.

@James-js7fk - 29.06.2022 21:18

Any advice on how to get sync working with triple LG C1’s?

HDMI to hdmi works great

But only have 1 hdmi 2.1 port and 3 DP ports on my 3090.

Can’t find any adapter that converts the gsync signal from DP to HDMI

Wish the LG C1 also had DP ports

@SeaJay_Oceans - 26.09.2022 01:19

DISCONTINUED on the LG website... :-( ?

@MonkeyPunchZPoker - 24.11.2019 23:12

Did you just say AMD is using a proprietor standard and Nvidia is using an open one? You have that backwards.
