Why I Still Use Godot after Switching from Unity

Why I Still Use Godot after Switching from Unity


10 месяцев назад

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DiegoSynth - 19.10.2023 00:48

I totally agree. Lightweight, no need to install (just unzip and good to go), runs 100 times better & faster (no more constant reloading, recompiling, freezing, crashing, pop up loading who knows what, opening with errors, again, again and again, etc.)
Also no more creating prefabs to send as parameters to the code, to declare in the code, to instantiate them, etc. Godot's interaction between editor and code is great, the full model is really good.
Yes there are things that are controversial, or lacking, like physics, soft bodies, some UI decisions, and more. But all in all, I find it closer to my way of thinking.

saman golahmadi
saman golahmadi - 15.10.2023 12:15

Unity bad godot good

Darth Negative Hunter
Darth Negative Hunter - 06.10.2023 11:36

i think if other game engines prioritize expansion and new features to attract more money coming in.
thus they will not be storage efficient, solid, or prioritize linux support.
i use godot as an investment. the better the engine gets, the more valuable my past experiences with the engine becomes.
while this is the opposite for unreal and unity. the more time passes, the less valuable your experience with them becomes.
also godot isn't just a game engine. you can use it to make utility softwares quickly if you know what you're doing.
if you need to prototype an app for robotics purposes or smth else, godot is the one to go with.

Lümmel - 03.10.2023 01:28

Why are all the ppl. always using the raw binary size of Godot as a huge plus point?
It doesn't matter how huge the initial download is, as you will likely only download it once or twice.
When you develop a game, you pin down the current version and only update when it is really essential for your game.
Yeah, a ~50MB game engine is nice, but I wouldn't even list it as a plus point. lol

Also, all the people always mention: "It is open source, you can add that feature". Sure thing. We use an Engine to focus on the game, but we are obliged to contribute to the Engine first? That is such a stupid argument; only a few people contribute to the engine because they don't have to focus on a full-time game they are creating right now.

"When you need a feature you can request it". Again - lol. First, you don't know when that feature will be released; maybe never. So you develop your game with a missing feature you never know when it arrives.

Regarding the performance. You did open an almost empty project. Try to boot up GoDot with hundrets of nodes with hundrets of megabytes in size. Your showcase is pretty damn useless. sorry

Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing GoDot. I am just sick of hobby programmer who praise an engine (doesn't matter which) with advantages which aren't really that important to 99% of the game-devs. That is just missleading for all new ppl. joining the indie-dev scene.

it's a secret to everybody
it's a secret to everybody - 30.09.2023 05:21

In the worst possibility, if they screw things very big, a well know popular project like Godoy will be forked in no time.

Harold Bright
Harold Bright - 29.09.2023 14:32

Godot has A* BUILT IN?

wartem - 29.09.2023 10:46

The fact alone that Unity crashed all the time was enough for me to switch. Let alone all the other issues.

RDM - 29.09.2023 01:18

if other_game_engine.get_news_tree().is_giving_trouble():
self.emit_signal("world_game_dev_listeners", self, "switch_to_godot");


Wanfanel - 28.09.2023 14:27

Godot C# is faster than GD Script 🙂

Wanfanel - 28.09.2023 14:24

Open Source isn't always mean is free, Unreal Engine is open Source too and is not free

Unduloid - 25.09.2023 16:08

Best of all, the money you save form using Godot enables you to invest in a pop filter to keep down the plosives,

Do it!

Scorphius Multiplayer
Scorphius Multiplayer - 25.09.2023 05:34

I am deep into my Scorphius multiplayer game. Cannot make the swtich right now.

DCTrain - 24.09.2023 16:39

If Godot had a small (1-2)% "licensing fee" and just used that money to pay the people who fix bugs and add features we could have the best community driven game engine out there

Scott Zhou
Scott Zhou - 23.09.2023 13:23

the fund page in your video showed 25591/month. after one week, it is 50300/month...

Seth Brundle
Seth Brundle - 23.09.2023 12:32

Been thinking about giving Godot a shot a while now. That speed you demonstrated with the startup is a big "why". U might just have given me the push to finally (go) do it. (Sorry).

V - 21.09.2023 23:27

Oooooo what if people make a brand new Open-Source PC Games Distribution Store that could be interesting

Donovan's Dimension of Art
Donovan's Dimension of Art - 21.09.2023 17:43

I just noticed, that you were using Godot 3 for most of the video.

Chhatrapati - 21.09.2023 10:52

Unity has unity remote 5,
Is there something similar for Godot to live playtest game on Android mobile devices ?

B4PH0M3T DK - 21.09.2023 01:39

"5 is a nice round number"

ttrev007 - 20.09.2023 23:37

for me the difference between a cult and a tribe is the toxicity. If Godot is not toxic its a tribe. Just look up the BITE model to see if there is any toxicity.

God Of Dream
God Of Dream - 20.09.2023 22:19

I want to get Max vertical scroll of a vscroll container.... how?

王羽佳的屁股 - 20.09.2023 12:46

Because all you have made is just moving bunch of sprites around on the screen and it can be easily done with any kind of frameworks and you are better than making these wave riding videos than any games that have decent content so it doesn't really matter?

Liz Michaels
Liz Michaels - 20.09.2023 01:04

Love your giant cat tree. Nice video, very friendly.

E R I C S - 19.09.2023 18:13

Godot is basically the LINUX of game development. Free, community driven project. That's good!

Валентин - 19.09.2023 10:33

1. With current download speeds it doesnt matter if Godot is 30mb or unity with 3gb, so this is miniscule advandtage.
2. Open-Source has its own advantages and disadvantages.
a. Yes you really can distribute or change engine, make pull requests, learn c++, but in reality less than 1% of developers will do engine changes, its more for a company that afford doing this. Most of indies wont have time or money doing that.
b. Its obvious that free engine goes for no cost, its an advantage for sure, unreal with 5% is very expensive. With unity and pro license you should pay only 1.8k per year, so its not that hard to pay if you earned at least 200k$.
c. Open-Source projects have no responsobility over features, bugs, stability etc. So if you have strict releasing period, and steam/google/apple release something new and you need those changes, good luck on waiting it from open-source.
3. Unity is slower than Godot, but not that much actually. I have pretty big project, it opens in ~10 seconds. Its not blazing fast, but enough to work.
a. Crashes happens from time to time everywhere. Its never been an issue - you dont loose your progress, engine just closes.
4. GDscript/javascript is crap in comparison with c# or c++, its better to use c# with godot 100%
5. Community is much bigger in unity.

Dont get me wrong, unity fee is absurd, but as tool its much better in current state.
I would better switch to UE than Godot 100%, but its just my personal opinion.

William Castro
William Castro - 19.09.2023 05:10

Aarimous, question? From your personal experience what platforms can you port your game over too? Is it only on Steam? So I am guessing you'll be making Desktop games only?

Retro Jon
Retro Jon - 19.09.2023 02:51

Been using Godot since probably a year before Godot 3 came out. I'm currently developing a procedurally generated dungeon crawler, inspired by the first Legend of Zelda. This project is really making me appreciate the lightweight aspect of the engine so much because it allowed me to optimize the heck out of the dungeon generation code to the point where I can generate up to 300 rooms in half a second! I'm usually generating 20 rooms which takes an average of 35 milliseconds! (based on a sample size of 1000 generations) I've messed with other engines before but Godot is the only engine that I kept coming back to because of its ease of use, reliability, and flexibility. Also, I just made my first VR project in Godot 4 and it only took 20 minutes to get the headset and controllers tracking properly so that's a major bonus!

Ivailo Burov
Ivailo Burov - 18.09.2023 18:21

Now Unity looks like a tax authorities who will charge you whatever tax they like. Just the possibility of a future dispute with them is a sufficient condition not to use their engine.

Lil fimbul
Lil fimbul - 18.09.2023 15:36

I wish someone could explain the deep reasons why gdscript is so different from c#, but in more simple terms.
I've used both as a unity dev and a godot dev and it's like, there's functions, for loops, vector3s etc. So the transition was really simple. Of course I'm a artist and not a real programmer.

I don't really feel I dodged a bullet by learning unity though because I can make use of a lot of unity tutorials when making stuff in godot.

MrHarumakiSensei - 18.09.2023 06:27

If you haven't been getting any crashes, try Godot 4. That's when I started getting a bunch, and it really gives me the feel that Godot can provide the experience I'm used to with bigger engines.

rocket 007
rocket 007 - 18.09.2023 05:23

Thank you for the video

Kawakami - 18.09.2023 01:21

In case someone replies to my comment:
Hobby games are ok, but what about ones of the same scale as the BrawlStars for example, or Hearthstone?
If I want to make a cool multiplayer game with some SDKs like Facebook login and others, how reliable is Godot it this case?

Chucky Master
Chucky Master - 18.09.2023 00:48

Godot has won!!

Nathidraws - 17.09.2023 21:59

smartest guy on earth, switched from unity early. 3 years early

Vaisakh K M
Vaisakh K M - 17.09.2023 15:12

Big community maintained open source project? == cult

IloveBlender - 17.09.2023 14:52

I heard that godot has many unfixed bugs and wondered whether the engine is usable. What do you think about bugs in godot?

Secret Pickle
Secret Pickle - 17.09.2023 08:18

lol "you could learn c PLUS PLUS"

mjs28s - 17.09.2023 00:11

crashes taking a couple hours of progress out?

Doesn't saving every 15 to 20 minutes take care of that?

Alter - 16.09.2023 22:17

Alternate Title: "Why I still did not go in front of a bullet, after I dodged it."

Alexander - 16.09.2023 19:22

What? Do your godot games 1 million a year? What bullet did you dodge exactly?

Ekaros - 16.09.2023 18:04

Oh, Chess Survivors is pretty nifty game. I have enjoyed it. Didn't even think what engine it was written in, but seems like it works well enough. Which is great for open source software.

Mike Krow
Mike Krow - 16.09.2023 17:52

i just started a project around 2 weeks ago and man glad i chose to use Godot over unity. The clean interface and light weight were the main reasons I chose Godot.

egg - 16.09.2023 17:51

look at godot source, the spaghetti code is insane. good engine otherwise.

Andrew - 16.09.2023 16:26

So many unity refugees are considering godot for c# support... but gdscript is great and the editor is pretty good and includes documentation... don't sleep on GDscript new unity converts

delqyrus - 16.09.2023 15:53

The fun thing about open source is: There actually can't be a missing feature, because you can put any feature in by yourself. For me this is the reason i really love Godot and tend to use only open source software. You basically never have to wish for a feature, because all it takes is learning programming and implement it yourself. If you put your work out open source too, everybody benefits from it.

Mr Scav
Mr Scav - 16.09.2023 15:45

Too make it short Unity is supiror in any kind of thing

faequeenapril - 16.09.2023 14:30

Godot is an option im considering when i start my own project but im still unsure how itll handle a small scale semi open world.

Rocksfir e
Rocksfir e - 16.09.2023 13:54

you didn't dodge anything because it wont affect you or 99.99% of people who use it.
go read what it actually entails, stop farming clicks, be better.
it's 200k in a 12 month period, which is actually pretty hard to do unless you actually make it big. even if you DO make it big, the actual fee is so tiny (compared to what you just made) that it pretty much doesn't matter.

you gary's mod? that game has been out for 17 years, has made 277m dollars. do you want to know how much they would be charged in fees for a single year? well they would of lose 0.12% of their yearly revenue due to runtime fees. yes that's not even 1%.

before you step on a train, you should really see where it's going and if it's even logical to ride on said train.

Nocturne - 16.09.2023 12:35

I want to use Godot, but still have issues with it's lack of fully supporting C#.
No, I don't want to learn GDScript, because I already know C# really well, it's syntax is better and I already have libraries written in it to help with development.
