You can't 'apologise' for the crimes of empire!

You can't 'apologise' for the crimes of empire!

George Galloway

1 год назад

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@tommackling - 21.09.2022 07:25

I should like to fling in my two cents here. First, I would like to suggest that practically anyone, with British heritage, who still feels fondness for the British royals and monarchy is entirely sentimental. Secondly, just about the only utility of the British royal family seems to practically serve, is to set a kind of example, to demonstrate that it is indeed possible to be obscenely wealthy without actually being or becoming obscenely evil. And whatever utility they serve in representing the nobility of the extraordinarily priviledged has long since passed away. And finally, as living human beings they of course yet posess the opportunity to prove themselves helpful and worthy of their adoration and admiration they still recieve from sentimental types, who seem to still yearn to serve a monarch. Let them do so. Let them actually demonstrate that they are worthy of the love and admiration of all the "common folk". King Charles III, demonstrate then, your obedience to God and your love for all the common folk, and your ability to recognize and understand that all of us common folk are indeed your kin. Set yourself not apart from us, but walk with us and share our struggle.
And of course, may God be merciful to you, and may you know His grace.

@shamburg8588 - 21.09.2022 08:36

This is it Mr Galloway. You have lost a faithful subscriber. The queen is a beneficiary of the riches taken from the countries Britain colonized. You should be intelligent enough to realise this.

@karlos55555 - 21.09.2022 08:46

I'm a fan of George's but I can never defend the Monarchy and its continuing rule over us whilst our people starve and freeze to death all the while the Royal family bathe in stolen gold and diamonds. There's people dying on the streets...many ex army who have served for "Queen and Country" and yet the Monarchy have thousands of homes, acres of land, and riches beyond anyone's dreams. The French had the right idea about their Monarchy, I just wish the virtue signalling serfs who queued for 22 hours to walk past an empty coffin would feel the same. Scrap the Monarchy

@tomhill3262 - 21.09.2022 08:49

The old history hear it is the Queen not at rest 1 day ,what Bo------- .We helped them make good country's out of lawlessness tribalism wars and extreme poverty malnutrition etc etc . ,education ,hospitals better health electrical water and laws . We put in the infrastructure ,railways roads government buildings .When we left they took it all over. its still there and they are proud of it .Go and live or visit is the only way. Comparisons French in Vietnam ,,Belgium in the Congo and Robert Mugabe in Ex British Rhodesia

@davidevans6618 - 21.09.2022 09:15

No but we can stop being idiots and let go of the damn thing , someone private legalized tendering of us for their benefits and purposes, like the movie Speed, " at the whim of a madman", huh !, We're Sloooow on purpose.

@freedom4639 - 21.09.2022 09:19

Well said George she a figure head no real power 👍

@davidevans6618 - 21.09.2022 09:20

All those places money showed up, and blood all over the world now. Perhaps the waters turn red again like the beaches of Normandy. If money has its way we won't have to wash our hands, we'll be getting them bloody again. Money is the governor OF THE PEOPLE. MONEY is powerless WITHOUT US.

@onepom63 - 21.09.2022 09:40

Well said GG SPOT ON..

@liborsoural5016 - 21.09.2022 09:42

Wow, very well said, agree 110% ! The benign Monarchy would go totally bankrupt. The sinister government can´t afford such a perfect apology $$$hitshow. In Lease we thrust, Liz Trust much?, bloody fookin hell ! Greetings from a bit educated savage in the wilderness of Nicaragua, my underground real heroes, George and Gonzalo ! A great point, well said ! Russia is definitely getting value for its rubles not turned into rubble as Bidumb babbled. The Apocalypse soon, love it or hate it ! Doubling down Nazi Nato now knows it is too weak, too few shells, missiles available, this is the Artillery and Missile Age, they just cannot really mess with Russia, which is being proven by the Nazi U What debacle. No matter what you, I, or anybody else, think or say. What really matters is what the big guys on the playground do. Yet the strictly-business US, interested only in creating enemies and destruction, not friends and progress, unprecedented in greed on a biblical scale, Nato, a huge scam, the actual war machine producing mass weaponry, ripping everybody off, is the origin of all evil in this world. Look, bra, the big boys or bullies, like the United Satanic America, Ru$$$hiat, and China$$ own each and every right, they actually create it ! The little Chihuahuas, like the EU, and any other country, can just imagine or dispute any right, which is happening in the Nazi U What, that simple ! Hell o, comrade, I am back as I survived the relentless attack of no internet, no money, no honey. Russia is now the center of the Universe ! So my glorious counteroffensive to fetch a dollar or euro is actually materializing, full throttle, lol. Here a one-armed Bullship Fighter in the tropical jungle of Nicaragua trying to raise some funds to win this bizarre war. I am disabled and without a pension and tragically enough cannot land a job despite my high education, a BA in English and Spanish Philology. Do you have any money surplus or a job I could do to make a living, please ? The only way to receive any money down here in Nicaragua is either through a bank transfer or much cheaper Western Union or Moneygram. I would travel and pick up the cash in Managua, the capital. Can you support my noble cause to want to live, not lost ?

@Juan-ud3if - 21.09.2022 09:47

The frank and honest way George Galloway present's the truth is a blessing. If only those in control could start thinking like him and not create hurdles for urgently needed change of vision for humanity and the world.

@Juan-ud3if - 21.09.2022 09:48


@janinge8696 - 21.09.2022 09:57

Do something about the echo chamber you are sending from. It gives me a feeling of low professionalism and your credibility suffers from it and we don't want that, do we.

@24zelock - 21.09.2022 10:01


@AlienEgyptianGoddess - 21.09.2022 10:05

ROCKSTAR CLARITY IS EVERYTHING, 😎👍👍🐍 superb communication beyond

@sputnik1315 - 21.09.2022 10:09

The most useful apology would be that Britain stops committing crimes. The biggest illusion the British have is that crimes were a thing of the past, NO! they are still going on in Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Libya, Ukraine .. whenever Britain interferes in a world conflict it stand with the evil side. Look at the Arab monarchies - they are all still supported by Britain. Look at Israel it is still supported by Britain. No point in apologising for the past while you are still committing more crimes. Last point: the Queen didn't vote to any of her government .. the British people did

@hb19110 - 21.09.2022 10:44

The money donated by people through charities to Ukraine was used to raise salary of soldiers and Gen. At a time of war. Who is brave enough to investigate this? What journalist is brave enough. The people will not speak out and are clearly warned before travel to safety. Is that like N Korea.? The silence of Ukranian people speaks of the existing corruption. The people have no opinion?????

@Gemini73883 - 21.09.2022 10:59

I come from an ex-colony of England.
Growing up we sang "God save the Queen"! In school we were taught world history. Our history books never made mention of the opium wars, no mention of slave trading, no mention of the massacre of Indians etc.
It was only recently that I discovered the existence of the opium wars and the sacking of the Summer Palace. I knew about the theft of tea and was vaguely aware of slavery in the US. Slavery was talked about as if it was an American problem but the truth is that the Brits were in the thick of it. I read that the UK church head had pronounced to the effect that Africans had no soul. In some ways it is somewhat true because the existence of a "soul" has no scientific proof. Indeed if push comes to shove we can deem those slave traders of yore to be really and truly soul less. This is because only people without honour or integrity could ever subject another human (of whatever colour) to the denigration of slavery. The Kings and Queens reigning then must bear responsibility. Those reigning now cannot hide behind the "it wasn't done in my reign" banner! Reparations are not what is requested. Acceptance that the Crown is and was implicit in those atrocities is what is expected.

@Ashleii - 21.09.2022 11:17

Apologies mean nothing. Are countries demanding apologies? I don’t know but it seems the west is more obsessed with apologies
It would just be empty words bearing in mind that Britain is still actively involved in fraudulent wars of terror.
Instead of apologising , just get out of the countries you meddle in and destabilise.

@GordanaStetin - 21.09.2022 11:23

I can feel and understand your anger Mr. Galloway. Apology can never return lives of killed children, women, men, old people in those war torn countries. I agree with you. Only war can settle down people's hearts. And people families of fallen victims are thursty for war. Still, royals are to blame in UK as government too, delivering government's decisions makes royals no better, it makes them part of making decisions. They never came to people in public matter saying look we don't want to be part of nazee regime government. Royals don't care for people !

@lillylee3817 - 21.09.2022 12:14

apologise... it's just cheap word. Return the jewels, the lootings back to the original owners.

@rachmondhoward2125 - 21.09.2022 12:21

I have heard this argument before by the Boers for Apartheid atrocities and from other blood sucking parasitic institutions, so called royals/monarchies. By their very nature, monarchies, are based on a lie and deception that some humans have a special genetic (“blue blood” - fairy tale for children) makeup that divinely ordains them to enslave (the modern masked term is “subject” that idiots willingly embrace) others and extract benefits and privileges. Can a parasite claim a divine right to exploit its host and who is worst of in this relationship. In reality, when you study the often hidden history (not presented in the popular white washed history taught in schools) of the establishment of such an institution, it is blood drenched and evil in the worst kind. What is interesting that those who hold this view, that the sins of fathers should not be held against their children, ironically contrary to the Bible which some of them also subscribes to, does not have problems supporting the reparations paid by the Germans to the west for Hitler’s war crime. They support the Jewish Nuremberg trials and the west supports the state of Israel financially and militarily as guilt payments for the crimes they committed against the Jewish people. Until the 20th century Britain paid the slave owners reparations for freeing their property the slaves and no reparations to the slaves and their families. Haiti still had to pay the French for defeating the French in liberating themselves from their slave master colonisers. So why this one sided position. It is ludicrous to think, that since the establishment of Britain as a “democracy” that the so called monarchy’s power was diminished, Britain does no have a constitution; the House of Lords consists of unelected royal stooges. We know the role of the dark state, as for example in America, the dark state consists of the oligarchs who actually controls the elected governments and this has always been the case of the so called British Monarchy. Atrocities continued under this parasite called the queen, for example the 480 000 Mau Mau butchery, the Bangladesh famine and the list goes on. She endorsed the illegal Iraq war that killed millions of Iraqis and her reward was Saddam’s golden toilet and piano, and the gold bars stollen. And the war criminal Tony Blair received one of highest royal honours from the queen. Her children and the oligarchs attached to this so called royal institution continue to use their blood drench loot to derive further benefits including subversive war economic wealth. Like in America these elites are captains of big business, gain access to privileged educational institutions and business opportunities not through ability or struggle as most of us. A couple of years ago Mark Thatcher and the dons of Oxford ( a royal click) were planing a coup in Guinea to steal oil, a time honoured banditry of these parasites, look at the Robber Barons. The hand of evil of this so called monarchy is still much alive. Not even the devil trusts the English in the dark, and the Irish, the Welsh and Scots should know better. As the common law states he who posses stolen goods are complicit in the crime.

@christopherczajasager9030 - 21.09.2022 12:25

Same applies to all of the West, Commonwealth, 🇺🇸..

@brianOcurradhin - 21.09.2022 12:26

NZ. Our government doesn't want to discuss even a referendum on becoming a Republic where the voters have the power to hold the govt to account. No surprises there. PM Ardern is dancing with the 5 eyes puppet masters right up their backsides. Shaking hands with devil's with a very toothy grin. Giving aid to the enemy and cohorting with the sleeze e.u. love the show thanks.

@1953streeky - 21.09.2022 12:38

George is Irish today American tomorrow and a Scot the day after

@gergelyzoltan8422 - 21.09.2022 12:50

Its useless to ponder upon the crimes of the Empire, as its useless to poner upon the crimes of other countries when they were an empire. Should Hungarians /Balkan nations protest about Turkey for the centuries long occupation? Or should Spanish cry about the Arab invasion ? Depends how far you want to go back in history. Every nation thats powerful will have a not so glorious chapter in its history, depends on how power it was . There are, as we speak imperial wars in Africa. Anyone intersted in that? Between Armenia and Azerbaijan? Between India and Pakistan?

@patriciacarrerasj8315 - 21.09.2022 13:14

Thank you for telling the truth.

@bubakarjallo3499 - 21.09.2022 13:19

That's right george

@sandgrownun66 - 21.09.2022 13:38

"Dragging them form the lands of Africa". Weren't they captured and sold by other Africans first?

@Gambit771 - 21.09.2022 14:16

That explains why the irish have never apologised for the English and Welsh slaves they took 2,000 years ago.

@veenakhaleque8152 - 21.09.2022 14:31

The issue is the crimes continue in new avtar

@judykraska400 - 21.09.2022 15:02

You forgot the crimes in Australia till today, after the English Crown arrived here with the English flag, the genocides against the natives of Australia, the Aboriginals, who were under the British Crown knew no mercy nor restrictions, the natives were non existent as citizens till 1948.
“Aboriginals, owner of the land of Australia, and Torres Strait Islanders were granted (how generous) Australian citizenship along with all other Australians (Migrants) in 1948.”

But notice Aboriginals we’re not allowed to buy houses, not allowed to use restaurants, and all white facilities till the late 1960’s. Even today they are invisible for the white people at least in Melbourne. One has to go on purpose in special areas to meet natives mostly living In misery. Mainwhile the Aboriginal flag hangs in Brighton in the wind, and there are reminders, what Aboriginal tribes lived once, where we are living now. How cynical, evil is this???? 😢 you can’t find the Beautiful Aboriginal flag in googles/you tube flag emojis. The only thing what has been done their Art has been exploited in tourism, and domestic white galleries, and souvenirs shops. Good day from Melbourne, Australia

@joanacagido7457 - 21.09.2022 15:11

Boom... with facts

@discount8508 - 21.09.2022 16:05

god save the queen ..........from the government that rules her ........and us

@kooisengchng5283 - 21.09.2022 17:50

The royal family made its fortune by slavery, drug trafficking, sex trade, illegal gambling, prostitution in its former territories. Today the queen/king's fortune is managed by a committee from the Bank of England, who uses all its data and information, most of them top secret, to invest the ruler's money. How can you not be wealthy without this insider trading at the highest level? Nothing to be proud of.

@roderickpineda5886 - 21.09.2022 20:15

I don't see how and why any Asian, African, south American, or middle eastern person would care about any monarch especially one that brutally colonized, oppressed, enslaved and plundered their homelands and their peoples for hundreds of years and left them with nothing then continue to dominate and control them through a world financial system that keeps them poor and enslaved

@fillipo1972 - 22.09.2022 01:09

The U.S and U.K governments have been vile towards the underdog nations for centuries. I just hope that the citizens of these countries dont judge us UK citizens on the actions of the privileged aristocratic and corrupt governments which have defrauded and lied their way into power. The propaganda machine and state TV here is brainwashing just as much as it does in N. Korea and Russia. Iraqi state TV was no worse than UK state tv pre-invasion.

@Rubylove48 - 22.09.2022 12:53

Complicity requires a sophisticated discussion to broaden thinking and expose those who use their power and privilege silently to oppress and enslave others, and who knowingly endorse the oppression and enslavement of others. .

@dougcane4059 - 22.09.2022 15:06

Whilst the Queen herself was a likable person, the Royals are a relic of the past and represent everything that needs to be changed in the present i.e., vast inequalities, entrenched inherited privilege - support of and profiting from imperialist wars, murders of foreign leaders (including one of their own Princes Diana) and theft of other countries' resources and an affinity towards racism and Nazism to name a few.

@stephenbaker-lemay479 - 22.09.2022 23:23

Reading through all these replies is eye opening, there’s no real justification for any attack on the British Royal family unless you can confirm no guilt in your own past or the past of any institution you believe in, it’s really jealousy, Britain ruled a third of the world with two men and a dog and no one can work out how, don’t talk about stolen wealth if you believe in the any religious group, don’t talk of racism unless your Country is free from it, don’t ask for apologies for things that were not wrong by the standards of the time, hold the Country that’s been a paragon of virtue for its entire history and I will apologise to them for any wrong my people are doing to them today.

@angelwhite376 - 23.09.2022 06:11

You can't change the old past empire all you can do is have a look back to change the future.. We have let all countries who don't want to have or be in the commonwealth. They have THIER own countries. The UK had the biggest empire ever and no one will ever see a bigger empire.. Now its only a little couture but still has taken the world forward. Ask any one in the usa India Austria Canada 1000s of Islands bksck or white if they would rather be in Africa or living in shacks hunting with the spear speaking non English. Ask them when they call out race.. Its over you can't change the past if you live in the past your present life is secondhand. Live for the future. Rrmember the past and look back to change the fiutre that's why we all no matter which counties have a past not to go back but to look back and change the future you can call it mistakes or whatever but its in the past... And yes all people make mistakes without appplige .... Its the world's way the way we were all made. Learn from your mistakes and change the future.... This is the last time I'm saying this shit....

@frankhayes1135 - 23.09.2022 21:44

Thanks for at last educating the many ignorant followers of your channel George. It's like educating children not adults. They know nothing about our history or even the electoral processes that govern us. Indeed many are so ignorant of these processes they shouldn't be allowed to vote.

@TrumpRFC - 24.09.2022 14:53

Didn't drag... They were sold by other African slave owners. It was a horrid business, but a business none the less. There are more slaves now in the world than there was then, your ignorant to that though because of the "current thing".

@ItopaAl - 26.09.2022 07:41

Without acknowledgement, apology, and reparation, the beneficiaries of crime are just as guilty as the perpetuators; and when the so called independent government - which still labels itself as the crown’s government - comports itself in a manner indistinguishable from the crown in its heydays, it makes no difference the baton has changed hands. Coming from a culture that brought us “Original Sin”, why is this so difficult for you to grasp, Mr George?

@nobbytang - 26.09.2022 20:20

You don't inherit guilt... Its the corner stone of any legal system....

@kg8489 - 27.09.2022 16:55

The British Empire abolished that slave trade and enforced that abolition around the world. But that fact doesn't fit into your narrative, does it...

@kievanmacnouri3569 - 01.10.2022 03:21

There are a lot of allegations against George; this video and the comments may prove them 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

@brucegibbins3792 - 01.10.2022 15:37

The Queen is dead, she had no duty no obligation to apologise for Britain's dark years of colonisation.
I am familiar only with the Treaty of Waitangi here in Aotearoa New Zealand where the Treaty is an agreement between The Crown and ten Paramount Chiefs but once the Treaty was signed, perfidious Albion, broke the Treaty and went after as much Iwi land belonging to the Tungatawhenua as they could by various means take from the many different tribes as much land as they could.
In much later years it took bus loads of Treaty Lawyers to reach a point where hundreds of Treaty claims could be settled.
So, it was the British Crown that entered into the Treaty of Waitangi with Maori. I assume the British government took over the agreement Maori believed they had with the British Crown. Is there room for the British government to acknowledge their early roll in land theft and killing in Aotearoa and the British sending Red Coats to start the land wars? Who knows, the British had a role to play, but refused to offer any financial compensation.
Then a most wicked and indefensible act of treason occurred when in one Waitangi day, the Queen and her enterage we assaulted verbally. Except a Whahine activist threw a wet dish cloth that caught the Queen about the lower jaw leading to the wet towel flinging Whahine being arrested. The incident can be found on Google, but any obligation the Queen may or may not have had before any of that, they they were all thrown into a steaming pool of hot bubbling mud.
That's the over view but the background to the incident is so shameful that a person who remembers the incident from being there will be hard to find.
The Australian government has oppologised to their Aboriginal people for a great many incidences of hurt, but now things have changed there and Aboriginal culture has been embraced to some extent by the wider population. It all happened, it was dreadful and appealing, but my own belief that is represented by nobody else is to forgeeetabout it.

@justliveandletlive - 20.11.2022 22:17

Wrong George. "We" did not elect the governments - A minority did. So, I can say "Not in my name". I have never voted for a successful party in an election as I could not vote for Blair or any filthy Tory.

@thespartan8476 - 26.04.2023 16:08

Perhaps, George Galloway, you should have the decency to apologise and maybe you and the UK might have more friends. I'm not here to offend any one. I'm just being honest. I'm from Cyprus Greece. The British and George Galloway, are obviously Suffering mental delusions. My family fought against British colonial rule in Cyprus. 1955 - 1959. The British Queens soldiers are wanted in Greece for war crimes. It's disgusting to see George Galloway, and the UK government trying to sweep their atrocities under the rug instead of persecuting all of the terrible British involved. My great grandfather was tortured to death by the British and my grandmother survived but she had to run to escape torture, and she managed to hide in a well, gashing and breaking her leg on the descent. She died a few years later in my mothers arms. I know that a few British people had nothing to do with the invasion of Cyprus, Greece, but there is still some semblance of hate within me towards the British people. My family hate the Scottish bagpipes and hate the Scottish people from Scotland. My family were Enosis veteran's and Hated the English and the Scottish the most. In Greece and Cyprus we Call the British invaders, bastards and terrorists.

That little respect, I had for George Galloway, was just diminished by his ridiculous comments about that nasty Nazi Queen of England. The Butchers Apron otherwise known as the Union Jack drips in the blood of many a nation exploited by the Empire. The British criminals had a torture and murder policy. And executed Greek children for war crimes in Cyprus Greece.

The British Soldiers even raped Greek teenagers in the Name of the Queen.

The imperialist English language has been at the cost of local languages in many countries. Was it Stephen Fry who said: A true thing, poorly expressed, is a lie. Britain should set up a “museum of colonialism” where children will be able to learn about “the really terrible things that happened in the British Empire past”.
History of Britain's official English history is so full of nonsense I might as well read peter-pan.

We are here in Cyprus Greece, still celebrating the death of that Nazi-Prince Philip and that Nazi-Queen Elizabeth II with the Enosis veterans’ association, activist and the civilian survivors who proudly resisted and defended Cyprus from British rule in the 1950s. I proudly say. It really is an honour, indeed. Cheers.

George Galloway, I want you to know and understand that I had the pleasure to have desecrated the U.K. flag twice in front of British soldiers, here in Cyprus Greece. And I'll keep on desecrating the U.K. flag, till the day I die, indeed. To day with Brexit, the British are seeking friends in Europe. And Greek Cypriots are outraged at the UK and US officials that allow UK and US oligarch companies in Cyprus but not Russians. So, I'm glad you British don't have many friends in Europe and Asia and Africa.
