Linux Mint 19 - Linux distro review

Linux Mint 19 - Linux distro review

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A quick look at Linux Mint 19 - Linux distro review
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"The purpose of Linux Mint is to produce a modern, elegant and comfortable operating system which is both powerful and easy to use. Linux Mint is one of the most popular desktop Linux distributions and used by millions of people. Some of the reasons for the success of Linux Mint are:
It works out of the box, with full multimedia support and is extremely easy to use.
It's both free of cost and open source.
It's community-driven. Users are encouraged to send feedback to the project so that their ideas can be used to improve Linux Mint.

"Based on Debian and Ubuntu, it provides about 30,000 packages and one of the best software managers.
It's safe and reliable. Thanks to a conservative approach to software updates, a unique Update Manager and the robustness of its Linux architecture, Linux Mint requires very little maintenance (no regressions, no antivirus, no anti-spyware...etc)." From the Linux Mint website.




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Joe G
Joe G - 06.01.2020 02:09

Will it accept different browsers?? AKA Brave, duckduckgo ?

edalder2000 - 27.02.2019 21:12

I have a 6-7 year old ThinkPad and Win 7 will be "officially out of support" soon.

Put on Mint 19.1 Cinnamon. I just had to download a wireless specific driver. Other than that Mint works great.

Humble - 22.12.2018 15:58

Just installed Mint Tessa, works flawlessly and fast. Not bad for my first Linux Distro.

Surja Gain
Surja Gain - 31.10.2018 02:47

Mint 19.1 is coming out with big changes soon especially Cinnamon 4.0. Hope they will out a beta soon for testing.

Don Little
Don Little - 18.10.2018 08:06

I've just installed 32 bit Mint 19 with Mate on my ancient HP Mini 110. It's like it's got a new lease on life. Is it fast? Well, maybe I wouldn't call it that, but it's extremely usable, and it is now back from unusable.
I like your channel. Keep up the good work!

Henrik Andersen
Henrik Andersen - 26.09.2018 09:31

Which desktop, Cinnamon, Mate or Xfce, do you think is the best for a newcomer to Linux? I think, I have heard the most positive about Cinnamon... Ram is 4 gb, so that is not an issue...

Antonio Diaz
Antonio Diaz - 25.09.2018 20:32

Zorin OS is better... change my mind!

Oslo - 09.09.2018 06:26

شكرا لك صديقي :ç

Nigel Johnson
Nigel Johnson - 31.08.2018 02:45

Is the sound support still rubbish. The mixers are usually horrible, either allow the adjustment of everything or almost nothing.
Drivers for sound and video are always a problem, particularly on the older 32bit machines.
I really want to move away from Windows because windows 10 is so horrible and I because I dislike Microsoft's take it or leave it attitude towards their customers.

orrin clerk
orrin clerk - 30.08.2018 22:08

I like Linux mint 19 my first time on linux .youser friendly 😊

Audio Visual Proof
Audio Visual Proof - 20.08.2018 10:30

HA! I finally figured out why any Linux Distro, I tried installing, did NOT recognize Windows 10! Turns out I had to adjust some settings in my Bios: (Sata Mode Selection = AHCI) (Boot Mode Select = UEFI with CSM) (Secure Boot = Disabled). Just because I post comments asking for help, DON'T THINK FOR A MINUTE THAT I'M ACTUALLY SITTING ON MY ASS WAITING FOR AN ANSWER! Well I am waiting for an answer BUT in the meanwhile, I'm still attempting to figure it out on my own! Figuring things out for myself is the best feeling in the world especially since I'm not an advanced Techie! Well not yet, at least! lol ^_^

Counsel LRA
Counsel LRA - 17.08.2018 18:26

Hi Chris :)
Currently installing UbuntuMATE and I'm at the 'Installation type' screen. Do I really need LVM?
Tried reading about it but can't find satisfactory expalantion on it benefits/disadvantages for the everyday user
Do assist, thanks.

one-stop killing
one-stop killing - 07.08.2018 23:03

If cinnamon is too resource heavy use mate or xfce. Mate is the middle man from what ive seen and xfce is the lightest of the bunch that ive tryed

akwalek - 28.07.2018 19:46

Very articulate & informative (As usual) Thanks for the review, Chris. Currently running Sylvia on a Vista-era laptop. Time to upgrade.

Jeff M
Jeff M - 26.07.2018 11:22

Great review Chris, I have just upgraded from 18.3 and I love it.
Thanks for the heads-up on Redshift!

Luke Martinez
Luke Martinez - 21.07.2018 07:51

The reason it's not popular as windows and macOS is simply because of a wide range of selection of distros (100+) and if you include different environment like kde,xfce,cinnamon; i don't even know where to start the counting.
A newbie user always get confused choosing the distro suitable for themselves and end up on either purchasing macbook or windows pc. That's the reason even nvidia or intel doesn't care about screen tearing issues one face on linuxmint or another distros cause lack of market share.
Further more many distro exactly look same(99%).
And it's shame that even an old linux user always hops between so many distro that new people get confused since they don't know where to start.
R.I.P ..

David Kane
David Kane - 16.07.2018 18:07

Did an upgrade from LM 18.3 recently and it was fairly smooth! Liking the new version so far.
