The “TRUTH” about Shane Dawson's cancellation...

The “TRUTH” about Shane Dawson's cancellation...

Tea Spill

2 года назад

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@brendenlance - 30.08.2023 17:34

I just know theres no top in the relationship so they just go to bed after holding hands

@keithreynolds6444 - 22.08.2023 04:13

Shane certainly had the last laugh.

@lwalker9862 - 06.08.2023 08:27

stop talking about shane's "childhood" goddamn

@lwalker9862 - 06.08.2023 08:18

the fact that he's talking about the blm movement and then saying exactly RIGHT AFTER "i mean idk i felt bad" like WHY DO U FEEL BAD U HAVE A HIGE PLATFORM TELL PPL WHY IT WAS WRONG INSTEAD OF SAYING "idk"

@tori9208 - 05.08.2023 17:08

something's happening!!!!!!

@byunniq9060 - 14.07.2023 08:24

So what did he do?? The cat thing is ridiculous 🙄
Ima still watch him. Always have been. Idgaf

@abigailvanvleet - 04.07.2023 16:13

Forgive my ignorance but I’m still not sure what he did wrong in the first place

@chey7101 - 03.07.2023 02:58

am i the only one who doesn't care about this.... I still love him!

@user-pp9cd1vl8r - 26.06.2023 03:13

I will always like Shane.

@nomiddlenamenmn427 - 19.06.2023 17:10

I believe a genuinely skilled therapist would advise someone such as Shane to keep out of the public eye for a long time. He isn’t the only one who is healing. His victims are healing, too.

@JoeyLloydPhotography - 06.06.2023 01:39

I think its funny when someone gets "canceled" they automatically start saying their childhood drama. lol Shane is an attention whore, and he is a pedophile

@teeeeeee1708 - 16.05.2023 15:36

I love me some Shane, hes matured

@og_bozz1276 - 12.05.2023 02:37

I love Shane Dawson he's funny, everyone just too sensitive nowadays, don't come at me saying I'm old bc I'm 23 and I can handle a joke unlike a lot of the internet

@athenasannicolas9797 - 01.05.2023 19:47

im so unaware of this cause i would watch him and i watch the podcasts and stuff and just find stuff they do funny with the same humor so idk but like eesh

@soothan86 - 09.04.2023 22:08

He was also accused of being a pedo he’s fucked in the head

@jordanhasch2544 - 29.03.2023 03:02

Were people REALLY offended? Or was it simply matter of "Oh; I need to be offended at this because it's the right thing to do"? Bear in mind; what he did was disgusting. Make no mistake. But if you REALLY wanted to "cancel" him or anyone else, this whole mess should have started years ago, not in 2019. As I said in a previous post, I'm willing to bet money I don't have that those calling for his head were laughing theirs off early in his YT career. Prove me wrong; I'll wait. This whole thing reeks of convenience. No two ways about it.

@ChickpeaMilkshake - 25.03.2023 14:38

Shane Dawson is a literal predator. Put him in the ground, like for real...

@mik6090 - 04.03.2023 00:28

should’ve asked about garrett

@goldenhoneybee7823 - 05.02.2023 09:28

I don’t feel bad for him at all, and I don’t believe him. Text book narcissist

@lauramarsden8976 - 18.01.2023 20:37

i feel like he's been blaming us...

@beehive5157 - 13.01.2023 08:53

I wached him when I was younger….and he scares me💀

@celeste_lives2747 - 10.01.2023 21:36

I was just trying to understand his cancellation ❤

@jawahirajaved1356 - 04.01.2023 15:54

Every one grows and learns. CHILL THE EFF OUT people.

@Bellexxlux - 03.01.2023 20:21

Honestly idc I miss shane

@jackiehammerton - 30.12.2022 12:47

These people are disgusting. Their whole poisonous circle of drama and bullying, they’re like middle schoolers getting paid to be toxic narcissists.

@witchybaby2898 - 16.12.2022 07:59

Is he still friends with trisha?? How much you wanna bet he will groom her daughter?

@sandorhartig3957 - 26.11.2022 02:07

Bla bla bla bla endless nothing bla bla bla verbal diareya bla bla bla brain vomit bla bla bla blAAAAA!!! that one hurt bla bla bla.........

@higurashianduminekoconnect1702 - 13.11.2022 23:12

Like him or not cancel culture is worse than the people they cancel because it tells the rest of the world that they are taking the choice to choose if they want to choose if they want to continue watching or not. Also let's be real cancel culture is a lot of time's unjustified yet it still ends in unjustified cancelation. It's become a key leagalized harassment even if cancel culture is in the wrong in a sense of being false or just made up by cancel culture it's self. It's time for a movent to cancel culture. Cancel culture is a lying facade we need a cancel lying culture and harassment culture. Which is what cancel culture really is harassment and lying culture.

@Olivia-bl8ez - 05.11.2022 19:36

Unpopular opinion: I still love Shane. I’ve watched him literally since I was a little kid and never took any of the stuff he said as serious and he seems to have learned from it. Like everyone who watched him for a while knew they cat stuff was a joke. No one thought it was real until people who didn’t watch him went back and looked through stuff. And if it was real I’d be disgusted but it so clearly wasn’t if you watched him for a while.

@charlizew23 - 02.11.2022 18:47

You all are “sticking up for people that were hurt” by hurting people. You guys all are doing this because you want less hate in the world yet you are the one bringing more and more hate, depression, and divide

@charlizew23 - 02.11.2022 18:36

I understand the things he used to do are wrong but I believe in second chances and the time between those videos, 7-10 years that is a lot of time to mature, grow up and change, I’m sure you all have offended someone or said something slightly racist so don’t act like your perfect and you have the right to ruin peoples lives. 😊

@justkatie9535 - 23.10.2022 07:12

SHANE DAWSON He announced that he will be working with Destery Smith In 2023 AND he is just so excited about it he might just puck!! I might just puck too 🤮
On his Shane2 channel, on his community page, he posted the information and a pic of them together 4 days ago and fans are freaking out.  Why he would work with a known predator is absolutely insane. But please inform the people because many don't know about Destery and comments are getting deleted of people trying to spread awareness.  Still there tons of pissed off people including myself.  Thanks for reading.

@WsgPeopleee - 15.10.2022 18:11

Short terms - Shane, started beef with someone, so his used to be so-called fans digged up old footage to try to cancel him.

@Theeblaccking - 10.10.2022 02:34

Do t feel bad for him

@laurenmelissa6988 - 07.10.2022 03:05

you realize that shane always says how he was impacted, and not about the animals/people/kids he supposedly negatively impacted

@laughaholic13 - 29.09.2022 02:59

I used to watch all 4 and now I just watch Tati lol one drama can’t dictate you forever she’s doing good with her second chance while Shane, James and Jeffree are still being problematic.

@lisaforbes7325 - 05.09.2022 00:20

I want to know who exactly told him he shouldn't apologize for his racism. Although, maybe it was because they knew he would fuck it up too.

@ben10489 - 25.08.2022 01:55

Seriously, can we have the CIA just kidnap this guy? him and Ezra Miller, Onision, and Monty lopez, and then have all 4 of them fight eachother to the death infront of the world on TV

@krenW - 23.08.2022 16:27

Wait why is ur voice like that…robotic…has it always been that way lolol

@romantic_ch3micals336 - 22.08.2022 22:37

Everyone got flaws, it isn’t a crime to be dubious, moving forward, Shane is the perfect example of having faulty personal behavior. Id be amaze and will see it as a win if he rises again. It might help some who can relate and realize there’s always room to grow. But yeah it ruin his proposal I agree with that. Like cmon 20 million people, obviously he great, just fucked up 😂

@whatthefunkyo9023 - 19.08.2022 05:09

Honestly everyone needs a reset. He got actually cancelled. I think he's come back better and I like his podcast and Rylands vlogs. Seriously. We all have a past we are ashamed of. Keep it there. Everyone sided with Trisha and look at everything she has done since yet she kept an audience and everyone is hating on Shane trying to make a gentle comeback....drama just to drama.

@99babygirlyoucrazy - 17.08.2022 08:01

This is so mindnumbing to listen to. It didn’t even explain or show evidence of what the cancellation was.

@TheFourBusyDebs - 14.08.2022 19:26

Only apology I accept is Jenna’s .

@doctorh31l - 07.08.2022 17:54

Dam people really be getting triggered over small sh*t like that

@shelbypatton7571 - 06.08.2022 06:08

okay imma say this rq. i grew up watching shane. and. i do not agree with the things he has said or done. but i still watch his content and enjoy it. doesn’t mean i support what happened. but i do enjoy it

@junie1017 - 06.08.2022 00:00

In my opinion cancelling someone just makes it to where that person has no room to grow or change. We have all probably done something worth being "canceled" for.

@melissamarshall5880 - 02.08.2022 01:55

Shane is still a child. Never truly taking accountability for his actions. I honestly wish everyone would just ignore him that way he truly learns a lesson.

@toma-pj5wl - 01.08.2022 10:13

if any of these problematic influencers were minorities it would have been a rap
