Krakow under GERMAN Nazi Occupation 1939–1945

Krakow under GERMAN Nazi Occupation 1939–1945

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@markusdylewski7592 - 06.04.2024 23:30

Niemiecki narrator lze jak myszowaty. Polacy nigdy nie straszyli ze pojda na Berlin. To Niemcy zdradziecko napadli na Polske kradnac,mordujac i niszczac wszystko co sie dalo.

@grzegorzmalenta2359 - 02.03.2024 23:58

Under German occupation. There is no such an animal as NAZI

@thomaskowalski3578 - 25.02.2024 19:55

Dobry material ale zla muzyka 😐

@beneundercover2885 - 31.01.2024 22:26

The music represents Germans mentality. They still blame others for their wars & holocaust. I hope you people know the history & understand how Germans are.

@glenncheatham1320 - 26.01.2024 01:05


@frederiklaureys1516 - 26.12.2023 15:53

Deutschland uber BULLSHITS alles….😂😂😂

@claddaghclare22 - 08.07.2023 23:50

My beloved Kracow. This video makes me weep. Wish I could go back in time and save them.

@andigray722 - 24.01.2022 21:31

Mind boggling .

@elWieslaw - 19.01.2022 23:42

Interesting photos, but the howl of this idiot as background music is a big failure ...

@kjlmomjihnugbzvftcrdes - 16.09.2021 17:27

He is saying in the beginning:

The burial was carried out in Saarbrücken by German troops with military
honors. The German chaplain emphasized that the German Wehrmacht would
also meet a chivalrous opponent in a chivalrous manner. Germany
knightly honors the memory of the great Polish marshal "Pieldutzki" who,
together with Adolf Hitler, wanted to establish the future of the two
peoples on peace and friendship.
After entering Warsaw, the German Wehrmacht put an honor guard at the
"Pieldutzkis" crypt.
His legacy exposed the problems of the Polish government. Because
megalomaniac Polish politicians wanted to march to Berlin, these Polish
soldiers have to make the sad journey into captivity.

I wouldn't set on his honesty

On german it's:

Die Bestattung wurde in Saarbrücken von deutschen Truppen unter militärischen Ehren beigesetzt. Der deutsche Feldgeistliche betonte, dass die deutsche Wehrmacht einem ritterlichen Gegner auch ritterlich begegne. Ritterlich ehrt Deutschland auch das Gedenken an den großen polnischen Marschall "Pieldutzki" der mit Adolf Hitler zusammen die Zunkuft der beiden Völker auf Frieden und Freundschaft gründen wollte.
Nach ihrem Einzug in Warschau stellte die deutsche Wehrmacht eine Ehrenwache an der Gruft "Pieldutzkis".
Sein Vermächtnis hat der polnischen Regierungspflünge verraten. Weil größenwahnsinnige polnische Politiker nach Berlin marschieren wollten, müssen diese polnische Soldaten den traurigen Weg in die Gefangenschaft antreten.

@abbotsburyjoe4285 - 17.07.2021 11:53

This is an insult to people of Poland who with death from nazi Germany war machine in September1939 from the blitzkrieg in the west and soviets destruction in September 1939 with no help from England an France who promised to help defend Poland but too fearful to do anything who sat back to watch destruction of not only Jews but Christian poles left to defend themselves from mass destruction and death…. Meanwhile President Roosevelt of the USA stood back to watch…. Finally Polish air troops who manned British planes to defend Britain where given to Stalin after the war as part of the giant “screw you by British “ for keeping Britain safe from Germany. Together with People of Poland who broke the ENIGMA CODE” TO BRITIAN FOR WHAT…… to be given to Stalin by Churchill after the war….. Poland got the worse treatment for doing the most to help end the Battle of Britain.

@zwijntje3010 - 31.03.2021 15:40


@gerardh.7828 - 03.03.2021 14:21

Liar, why don't you show round-ups and scenes of everyday murders of civilians? You show scenes of some idyll. And what happened in Krakow - the killing of the Polish Intelligence, round-ups, killing Jews, deportations to concentration camps, poverty and fear. Curfew. Orphaned children. Turnip soup at best, potato peelings, cries of people hurt by ordinary, decent Germans.

@gerardh.7828 - 03.03.2021 14:13

There weren't any "German Nazi" - there were German occupation. Ordinary Germans killed ordinary Poles and Jews and then received iron crosses for merits. Why are you faking history?

@rdmedia1949 - 08.12.2020 02:06


@danielm.4346 - 20.01.2020 22:01

No English subtitles when German is being spoken.
Somebody has a screw loose putting music like that along with these pictures.

@joaorosa31 - 03.12.2019 17:45

Um porco no chiqueiro e muita mais digno que todos os nazistas juntos

@jorgetacho1740 - 17.04.2019 23:58

Hubieras puesto música de Chopin

@pauldavis044 - 09.03.2019 23:39

Germany should have never been allowed to exist as a country after the WW11

@rdmzpl3304 - 07.01.2019 16:51

Fuck germany

@maryrosed8475 - 07.11.2018 17:11

So sad. I wonder how German people feel today watching this?

@BigTez40 - 16.09.2018 02:32

Turn away if you don't like it.

@algi1948 - 23.05.2018 14:59

who needs this atrocious music

@degitz - 22.04.2018 12:46

Highly annoying and distracting music... What is this, a fucking musical?

@ILOVEMINCEPIES - 06.04.2018 21:44

what song is this and who is artist ?

@pocominazwa9815 - 24.08.2017 21:40

Dleczego no coment
