Use Docker to Set Up Plex on a Synology NAS (Tutorial)

Use Docker to Set Up Plex on a Synology NAS (Tutorial)


3 года назад

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@mk553 - 19.08.2023 20:31

Do these instructions still work? I get 'not authorized' after I go through the routine. (This is with the PLEX_IUD/PLEX_GID difference as well).

@morgolan360 - 17.08.2023 16:58

hey i just did all by your guide but seems i cant find the media folder .. it shows it empty and its not =S what am doing wrong here

@iotaslair - 14.04.2023 01:50

To help people in the future, if you're running into a problem where it's showing "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." after you setup the pod correctly make sure you add `/manage` to the end of the URL.

@danielhalsall5660 - 04.02.2023 23:34

Thank you so much for the video, Just wondering if since the new update, if it is this still the best way to set up Plex on a Synology with hardware transcoding?

@neilmartis17992 - 28.01.2023 13:04

Thank you so very much for this video!!! It was so helpful and helped me fix it after the last update bricked my Plex completely!

I am still facing an issue where there is a problem in claiming my server. Would you be able to advise on how I can get it done?

@jamestacular - 28.01.2023 09:26

hmm it doesn't seem to be mapping my media folder as nothing is inside the "media" folder when I go to add a new plex library. Volume looks like "/Media:/media". Should have movies and tv show sub folders. any help? EDIT: figured out it was a permissions issue with the folder

@zotosdim - 20.12.2022 18:51

Hi. First of all i would like to thank you for this video. I did everything as should. I am having access but i face the same issue as the native app which is i can't add my library. In my name the only option is to get plex media server....

@ThirdRules - 27.10.2022 18:15

This is fantastic, thank you. The setup is slight different via docker now but as long as people take a minute to watch it in advance and then start its no problem. Plus with docker its very easy to delete running container and start again.

@EddieAppell - 10.10.2022 23:53

I've gone through all the steps, but when I try to load the manage console I get a 404. I have triple-checked the IP for my NAS and it's definitely the right IP, with port 32400/manage. I've tried restarting it, changing the ports to 325xx, but nothing works. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? I do still have the DSM package installed, but it's not running. Thanks!

@thewaytolos - 09.10.2022 10:13

Thanks for this video it made it easy. Will Plex stay updated to the latest docker version or do I need to do that manually? Thanks!

@pnddesign - 01.09.2022 19:42

I run this since 3 months. The plex server container is stocked at 1.26.x and we are now at 1.28.x. For some reason docker in DSM 7 does NOT take the latest version ... I did "reset" on the image but the container is still stock using v1.26.x. And of course I don't want to redo all the step explained here to update the container :-/

@DH-co5vi - 03.08.2022 02:51

doesn't work !!!

@alvaropicatoste2546 - 19.06.2022 16:40

Working in Synology DS720+ with DSM 7.1 with no trouble. There are some modifications in the UI of Docker but apart from that all good. I also modified PUID and GUID by PLEX_IUD and PLEX_GID as suggested by other comments. I also added "users" group to the Media folder so it has permissions, before doing so the folder was empty for Plex.

I first tried Beta from the Packages Manager directly but it did not worked. Glad I could do it with docker thanks to this tutorial.


@TheBeardedAmerican87 - 12.06.2022 14:45

Is there an updated video with the new UI?

@pnddesign - 21.05.2022 04:52

Warning. Make sure you installed Docker in the SAME volume than your media :-p

@MrBrandenS - 10.05.2022 00:23

Thanks for the concise video on this! Simplified the setup immensely.

@mrtndable - 09.05.2022 15:43

i'm wondering, after installation, do i need to have ssh enabled still? since i understand it's best not to mess around in ssh on your nas? can i disable ssh?

@ReneSkotte - 13.04.2022 23:53

I upgraded to DSM 7.1 and now the environment settings have been removed. Don’t know what to do to set user and group.

@WillShrop - 13.04.2022 12:40

Can't get plex to see my media. I have all my permissions set, so not sure what could be wrong.
edit: So the issue was that the User Group "User" also had to have read/write permissions to my media folders. Thanks to David K down in the comments.

@onlydevops - 07.04.2022 03:21

Hey! Thanks for the great video. Is there any advantage of running Plex inside the docker? Plex can be now installed directly from the package center. I believe this would be the most efficient now?

@derekguaren7393 - 02.03.2022 10:55

Will this do HW transcoding?

@ivgnmonkey - 25.01.2022 18:45

I have set up the docker in DSM 6, if I upgrade will it break my dockers?

@csizo13 - 23.01.2022 13:15

Could you help me?
What can i use instead of Docker on DS214Play? Is there any other solution?

@somrojvanichvatana4044 - 31.12.2021 18:44

Dang! It works!

@aubreysmith5231 - 17.12.2021 19:17

Thank you, such a great video. I ran Plex on DSM 6 & early no problems but since DSM 7 in keeps shutting down every 3 day with max memory problems. I have tried everything to fix it & had enough. I have been told to use docker by so many people. Never use dit before so this was a god send! Can I ask two questions...... (1). Now the install is complete can I delete the image from docker? (2). How do I do the periodic updates? sorry new to docker. Thanks again!

@abramsandfriesel - 12.12.2021 22:06

I had to add "system" group for read/write permissions on my plex media folder (outside of docker folder) for it to recognize even if the values for plex_gid and plex_uid were set correctly.

@iggymgreen - 30.10.2021 16:41

Thanks for the Docker Plex instructions. Have managed to set up a Docker Plex,but im struggling with loading photos. I have seperate media folders for Music ,Photos and Video. I have no problem populating the Videos and Music using the shares but Photos I cannot load. the permissions for the 3 folders looks identical so Im not sure whats wrong. If you have any views I would appreciate it.

@sabs1423 - 10.10.2021 04:27

Fantastic video, thank you very very much. I'm fairly amateur at techy stuff, and was incredibly frustrated and disappointed that plex didn't work through the package centre, especially when the QNAP it's replacing was so easy and seamless. Your video was excellent, step by step, and wiped away the anxiety of wasting money on an upgrade that didn't work. Cheers

@smaiderman2 - 09.10.2021 17:46

I followed your guide, but I can see no media even adding it.
It looks lik I did something bad in the volumes, but I dont know how to solve it.
In my NAS i have two main folders, "data" and "docker". I created the folders you tell inside /docker/plex, but I need plex to access the main data folder of the NAS, where every media file is inside its proper folder (/data/media/tv and /data/media/movies), but inside the plex app, it looks like it can´t see outide its own docker folder.

Could you help me?
Thank you!

@ceslmadmin2466 - 04.10.2021 07:50

Thanks for this, I am just starting with dockers and it is a very good tutorial. Question, I have been running Plex on my 920+ but want to move it into a docker, can I do this without losing what shows I have already watched as well as other customizations like Collections, posters, etc?

@tombilas - 24.09.2021 00:20

For me it only works when I set GUID=100 (users). How can I set up group only for administrators - 101 in my case? Setting GUID to 101 does not works.

@MusthafaAli - 22.09.2021 09:36

I need instructions to tv mosaic on synology nas docker

@EGallmusica - 09.09.2021 00:42

Thank you for the very helpful tutorials!! (Wunder in German means wonder, and that's it! an amazed channel!)

@charlesrones7221 - 05.09.2021 17:35

Great video. Glad you came out with a fix. I just have one comment about the video. The GUID and PUID have been changed I guess by the plexinc/pms-docker company to now be PLEX_GID and PLEX_UID. Thanks

@tomsea7500 - 04.09.2021 09:32

How does Synology Package Center differ from Docker? Besides portability are there speed or efficiency differences?

@stuartnyman6740 - 29.08.2021 17:23

Hi. I did everything correct up to creating the media file locations in Plex (approx 6 min 08 secs on your video. but unfortunately, when i try to add folder, then select 'media' folder, i do not see the 'movies' or 'tv shows' folders in there can please advise? thx so much!

@davidk.9560 - 20.08.2021 14:48

Hey, I noticed that the Docker version doesn't support hardware transcoding. It seems a variable is required during installation for this. Could you please please make a video or a written guide for this? Thanks alot

@loudogfotog - 13.08.2021 17:10

I just got a synology and am trying to run plex. it installed and I've loaded media but plex won't let me play over an "unsecure network". Will using docker solve that? thanks in advance

@docdigit4639 - 07.08.2021 13:12

Can you explain why I have to login to Plex if my Plex Media server is locally installed?
Does my local installation serve as kind of Torrent server from which users that are logged in to any plex media server can stream my content from?

@harpremdoowa7010 - 03.08.2021 15:03

I keep getting this error in the log. Any ideas? Critical: libusb_init failed
Synology 1019+ DSM7

@ACallander22 - 02.08.2021 20:10

I tried to setup the Media folder so I can keep that separate like you did but I can't see/find the inside contents of this folder. I have it pointed but in plex when I select /Media and go inside the folder it doesn't show my subfolders.

@phatindy - 26.07.2021 00:57

Great video my man.. straight to the point, appreciate it.

@davidk8822 - 20.07.2021 02:25

Hello, great video. I did everything according to the instructions and it worked perfectly. But now I wanted to add an additional folder to the media library. However, no content is shown to me in Plex, although I have given all reading and writing rights. Please ask for help!

@ZMarcoS90 - 17.07.2021 18:28

How does one enable hardware encoding using the docker creation wizard? Where can I enter the command "--device=/dev/dri:/dev/dri"?

@KrispKiwi - 12.07.2021 11:09

I'm not sure why, when I scan for movies it can't find anything even though I did the GUID and PUID, any ideas?
