Warframe: The BEST Upgrades and Systems You Should Focus On As a Returning Or Even new Players

Warframe: The BEST Upgrades and Systems You Should Focus On As a Returning Or Even new Players

Tactical Potato

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@jazzyjswift - 27.01.2024 07:27

"Pound me daddy" Ack and Brunt?
Don't think we didn't see that, Potato.

@BangBangNoee - 26.01.2024 22:17

Started playing back in 2014, played for like 6 or 7 years, was max ranked, and top ranked at the time.
Coming back to it would be like coming back to a new game, it's amazing to see how much has changed.

@Dhalin - 26.01.2024 17:16

Last time I was trying to play Warframe last year, I was trying to get the Necramech and... well, they made the missions pretty much impossible to solo. Did they ever fix that? Or do you still need to hope and pray there are groups doing those bounties? Really wish they would let you solo required stuff to get into endgame so you don't have to worry about finding groups for that kinda stuff.

@elcancerv7804 - 26.01.2024 16:50

Ok, thats a lot of new stuf

@Hades_Tempest - 26.01.2024 08:56

After a long time away, it's good to be back... and now playing on MnK rather than controller, I have so much to learn now.

@Aba19xx - 25.01.2024 18:25

How can I add counter in seconds over abilities?

@darkdreems6523 - 24.01.2024 12:54

Also still rocking my tater glyph 😊

@darkdreems6523 - 24.01.2024 12:47

Just picked it back up myself. Lotta hrs logged and mr23 and im really trying to ignore the reasons i put it down to start with. Its mainly all the open world related grinds and the lagging out stuff. Was grinding fortuna just today and had done several bounties and just got dropped and sent to main menu. I hate that the open world stuff u get just sits in limbo until u zone bak into town. I suffered through it with plains when it came out but refused to do the other open world rep grinds and now its quest blocking me and i have to grind em for the mech. Ntm that theres some things i could do before and had access to that now i so not and my star chart was completed and i had already started doing steel path stuff back when it came out and arbor stuff but now its telling me ive got like 10 nodes to complete my chart none of which are actually on the chart that i can find. One section claims its on the mech planet but all those nodes are done and the other says zaiyermon or something. Now be it i been out awhile and rusty and mayb missing something but i cant find them so i can do them.

@illuminoeye_gaming - 24.01.2024 01:16

this is really good timing, actually

@D34doneTTV - 23.01.2024 21:35

One thing i'll mention, as a returning player who was SUPER overwhelmed and basically wanted to not only farm the new stuff but also had some unfinished primes I wanted to finish up because I was only like 1 part away, I had a much better time when I got over myself and just bought the necramech. Now, I bought the plat to do it, but it doesn't mean you have to. It's not impossible to trade your way to 375 plat or whatever it was, but my god I was so happy to just move on from that farm. It was waaaay more tedious than I wanted to do when I was being told everywhere that I need to focus on steel path and it was a big requirement of course.

Not saying everyone should just dump money into a game they are just touching the surface of again, but for me, it made the difference of already dreading loading deimos again and again to just doing the next quest I wanted and actually having fun and being interested in the story immediately again.

@KushyCouch - 23.01.2024 06:12

Made me feel like I have a direction to work towards in Warframe now that I’m returning. Moving from nintendo to Series X has been amazing. I can actually play at a good quality lol

@user-px7cj8eu4p - 22.01.2024 23:00

Haven't even watched the vid yet but had to comment I used to use your guides 5ish years ago when I played and just got access to cross save so am looking at returning and when i saw this video i heard "Beautiful Feckers" before i even clicked

@dezorn - 22.01.2024 22:00

Thanks for this! I just had x-save enabled on my account and logged in and was instantly drowning in overload.😅

@lewischannon4401 - 22.01.2024 16:02

I have half of the necramech parts i need to mainly farm the resources and thats gonna take ages

@CxNightshade_Music - 22.01.2024 15:05

I used Arbitration to get my galvanized mods, are there more galvanized mods?

@chesterrory - 21.01.2024 19:16

I want to return but my old e-mail got hacked and disabled so I cannot finish the validation process therefore I cannot play on my account with 1720 hours of game time. I spent a lot of time and effort, and a little bit of money too to get where is it now. I've opened a ticket on the WF website 4 days ago but no answer so far... So I've got to smurf now.

@richykid9631 - 21.01.2024 18:44

Perfect video.
Haven’t played in 2 years, linked my old account to PS5 and… I quit lol.
I have no clue what’s even happening, too much content

@olamideige7379 - 21.01.2024 15:16

Stopped playing the game 2 years ago and currently 5 minutes in I have done everything he’s said already😅

@reggiemoore755 - 21.01.2024 03:35

Lol man I haven't played since the railjack event 😅 I jumped into steal path and it took 20mins just to be earth lvl 1

@tayjionbrown1455 - 20.01.2024 19:33

I haven’t play for 2 years I just got back into it

@lorddraonic6199 - 20.01.2024 16:08

I'm 3 nodes away from a complete star chart after returning from a 3 year break. The grind was grueling but I'm almost there. Necramech grinding, for some reason, does not sit well in my soul, my gut. I HATE it. I gave up and started farming relics and selling and trading for plat and just bought the damn thing for 375 plat from DE themselves LMFAO. I can't wait to bang my head against the wall with Steel Path

@TheMrDewil - 20.01.2024 14:35

Oh man, more grinding, lovely. I was thinking of returning after quite a while, but now I think that maybe it's not such a good idea. Some games you just quit and forget.

@luckless6945 - 19.01.2024 13:52

This was super helpful!! My only question is as a returning player when should I focus on getting the amp thing for operator from Cestus or should I just stick to this guide?

@darthplagueis13 - 19.01.2024 13:32

One thing that might give returning players a little scare is that a bunch of mods were changed to be based on the current value of a stat rather than the unleveled base value. For example, Vitality used to multiply a warframes starting health by 440%, with all the subsequent health increases gained through levels just being added afterwards.
Now, it has been changed to instead increase the leveled health by 100%, as a result the mod looks like it got a massive nerf even though it's just as powerful as before. Most Warframes also have received some minor changes to their base stats so their statline doesn't instantly get nuked if you forma them.

@niktuscemek4247 - 19.01.2024 00:39

I leave warframe when plains of eidolon cames out... was playing on PS4, it was so laggy that i quit. I am trying to return these days coz cross-save, i can play on steam with my ps4 account. But no returning guide begin @ eidolon so it;s too much for me.

@safaiaryu12 - 18.01.2024 21:09

Thanks for this! I have all of these systems unlocked, but between work and some health issues, I haven't been playing much lately beyond completing the major quests. I knew it was time to grind, but I was starting to get overwhelmed trying to figure out what to focus on. This is SUPER helpful. For example, I didn't realize Incarnon weapons are better than Kuva and Tenet ones! Looking forward to spending more time with that system.

@therealbahamut - 18.01.2024 19:52

I honestly think they should've kept the mastery locked story quests, though perhaps they could have lowered the ranks needed. It would be nice to know what order the story quests go in because I think I might have done a few out of order and went "wait, wha? How do I know these people already? Oh."

@mauruskpus - 18.01.2024 13:59

Also getting hellminth, and normal rotation of duviri to get warframes.

You get the Warframes from normal duviri.

You level them

Then you feed them to hellminth

If you like that wf probably there's a prime variant!

You farm the prime variant and not occupy the slot ;)

@hoopla5502 - 18.01.2024 01:08

All this time gone and I come back and can still rely on the tater himself for the good info.

@onurbayramoglu880 - 17.01.2024 18:14

Too many systems for a beginner ı hesitate to return

@ShadowRavenGaming222 - 17.01.2024 04:29

Came back after a few more years and there is a lot going on, glad some old prime stuff got those upgrades so I can use em for the new end game stuff. I’m definitely gonna be on that.

@Msskhalifaa - 16.01.2024 22:56

It’s been 5 years since I’ve been able to play. Finally today, I activated cross save and my MR22 account was back. And I sat there utterly lost because I don’t know where to start. I came back to my favorite old school warframe content creator and now I know where to start! Thanks !

@michaeldarna9049 - 16.01.2024 19:05

General tip for everyone: RAILJACK: USE LAVOS not only is Lavos a horribly underrated warframe in general but he makes all railjack abilities cool down based so you can literally ability spam your way to victory

@wilderuhl3450 - 16.01.2024 10:57

Bro it’s been 7 years. The amount of stuff to do has easily tripled.

@fema_tequila7382 - 16.01.2024 09:39

The opening clip is 100% correct

@vilerywk7541 - 16.01.2024 09:12

MR18 founder here, burnt out during PoE, played main quest only afterwards. Tryna get back after hearing melee is back like the good ol' days, got overwhlemed by how everything back then still needs to be grinded.
This vid defo helped me organise stuff. Thanks!

@DT-hy6px - 14.01.2024 23:53

Warframe isnt a game.....is a whole career.

@ericdempsey6097 - 14.01.2024 19:33

Returning player here. Fine video....daunting work but worth it.

@kuja5809 - 13.01.2024 23:15

I'm a returned player havent played in years 😢 so confusing

@aceusmusic2168 - 13.01.2024 21:36

Pretty crazy it seems that there’s a lot of returning players from the 2019-2020 era, me included this is a great video

@TheRealSavageMaestro - 13.01.2024 05:51

Always relevant bro. Another awesome video.

@karlwittenburg5868 - 13.01.2024 03:31

Holy crap I found this at just the right time. I think the last time I seriously played was a bit after Plains of Eidolon and The Sacrifice dropped, and I still haven’t killed an eidolon yet because I run solo and haven’t figured out how to do it myself yet. I assume the mission nodes on the Zariman Ten Zero are unlocked after Angels of the Zariman is done?

@1273dave - 13.01.2024 03:06

This game is so overwhelming alone. It was a bit hard to find others to play with when I left three years ago.

@ellejay1326 - 12.01.2024 21:45

Holy crap. I have around 500 hours in the game to date. I have only been able to play casually the past few years. This is great info, but it's quite daunting. I had no idea that these weapons/mods were even in the game. I just log on about once a week or every two weeks and play for a few hours and that's it. This might give me a reason to log on a little more and it gives me a goal instead of mindlessly doing a mission just to level up a weapon. Thank you!

@deknof3396 - 12.01.2024 10:08

I love steelpath its the exact right challenge for casual players the best thing is that you can do them with relic runs
So you can farm mulible things at one

@TheGreythreat - 12.01.2024 04:26

As a new player, this makes zero sense. No idea what any of this stuff means.

@morgangiles5768 - 11.01.2024 12:00

I got all part for necramech except damaged engines I just asked the chat an traded a damaged something for it

@konigderwelt2174 - 11.01.2024 10:20

I came back because I like collecting shiny Prime warframes...
