What is the Blue Revolution?

What is the Blue Revolution?

Atlas Pro

3 года назад

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@Edward-bn2vw - 21.12.2023 00:18

So the video starts talking sbout land grown crops (mainly wheat), and livestock - and ends up being about fish. Fucking waste of time, and annoying presenter.

@orionstark - 26.11.2023 18:54

People who talk smack about livestock have never worked with cattle. Here are some facts for you. Cattle graze on marginal lands which are unsuited for crops and their waste fertilizes the land with their waste. Pasture can become arable over time and arable land can become depleted. Plants and animals work together to grow the soil which grows our food.

@smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - 25.11.2023 01:18

Should be built plentifully wherever there's clean water flowing

@123chargeit - 24.10.2023 04:02

Theres also the simple fact that its easier to transport the raw product. Its by far easier and cheaper to transport by sea then any other way.

@johnmoreno4212 - 17.10.2023 19:45

Jules Verne wrote about large scale sea farming in the 1800s. He would be amazed!

@johnmoreno4212 - 17.10.2023 19:40

The AI voice over sounds very real. Great video. Explains our current food production situation very well. Thanks

@hhu9016 - 13.10.2023 22:08

Thank you!

@albion4044 - 10.10.2023 20:03

Did it ever occur to you Atlas Pro that large amounts of agricultural land are only suitable for the production of livestock? The vast majority of livestock is raised on land that is incapable of growing crops. Farmers and Ranchers aren't stupid. If there is a way to increase productivity and profit from the land they own they'll take it.

@adamblackman6660 - 21.08.2023 15:02

Is this created by AI?

@Leo-ws1id - 13.08.2023 22:59

Alien technology

@obviousimp8767 - 08.06.2023 19:36

As always very good video. Just a slight remark, In what we would call first world countries we produce so much food, that we actually waste up to 50% of it because it just doesent get distributed properly or just expires nedlessly or even just trown away, perfectly edible. With this production we could today already feed 10 billion people(or more). IT IS A DISTRIBUTION PROBLEM!!! We dont nee more land... at least not in the next 3-4 decades

@bsheldon2000 - 20.05.2023 01:56

I love this channel, but there is a lot of over simplified comparisons and one sided information in this video. For example, 1 kg of meat is virtually all food, whereas 1 kg of vegetable matter varies a lot in food content and is generally low in food content. Why, because vegetable matter tends to have a lot of water content and non digestable fiber. So the 8 kg of vegetable matter a cow eats contains less than 50 % usable food value. Thus the apparent 8 kg to 1 kg ratio, is closer to 4 kg to 1 kg, from a food value point of view.

Then there is the land use issue. A lot of the land used for grazing animals is barely capable of growing a significant amount of vegetation and what can be grown would be highly inefficient.

Even the plants that are high in protein, tend to require more land than plants that are high in carbs. Cows are ruminants and eat plants that are rich in carbs and non protein nitrogen, that they use to synthesis protein. Whereas us humans cannot synthesize proteins and need to get our food from sources that tend to require more land, whether the source is vegetable or animal. As to the difference in land use between the two options, I am not sure, but the analysis needs to use more complex methods than these grade school level comparisons.

Makes better use of the ocean for food production looks promising, but I hope they use care in implementing it. Let's ensure we are just not robbing Peter to pay Paul or moving the issues from our back yard to someone else's.

@larryengland989 - 10.05.2023 06:45

That is a good idea .

@shaunandreycandelaria9961 - 09.05.2023 17:10

its hard to think how hard the world are if u want to leave u want to have food and water i like humans and animals i think the real solution is that we have a maximum people like the world can only have 10 billion people and the worst is humans know tat over fishing or u kill more fish tahn theu can produced is some day all animals will die and peoples too because we dont care to the nature if we dont stop this we will ran out of animals and then us will die

@starblight22 - 08.05.2023 05:25

Eating insects is not a bad ideas, high protein, low space, low resources and most populace (aside from microorganisms) life on earth.

@michaelkobrosky8717 - 06.05.2023 03:46

This is great!

@domehammer - 01.05.2023 23:41

We should genetically engineer a fish chicken hybrid that grows chicken meat.

@MG-te9ub - 30.04.2023 20:35

livestock acres are greatest in arid areas unsuited for crops like Wyoming, at least in the us. better to use those acres for livestock than further destruction trying to make them crop suitable

@geckoo9190 - 22.04.2023 03:45

Yea well, live in the oceans depends on the availability of sun light, so its not surprise that most of them are empty, like you said, a lot of empty space perfectly useful for aquaculture, as long as living in the middle of the ocean or regular trips to mainland are not a problem, also who knows what would be the effects on the life forms below the farms, even when they are deserts, there maybe life deep below.

@parkershaw3753 - 21.04.2023 21:58

I know this was posted years ago, but I can't help but ask some questions here: Wouldn't there be impact on the deep sea benthos, if not through direct means then by altering the marine snow so many creatures rely on? That's to say nothing of any organisms we simply haven't encountered yet. And how does this compare to GMOs and lab-grown meats? Is it truly that more effecient? And even if it is, will it not run into the same issues as insect farming where a large number of people refuse or are unable to consume a specific type of protein? I have no doubt that this is dramatically more efficient than terrestrial livestock, but that's a pretty low bar.

@garymattscheck9066 - 21.04.2023 17:50

My dream job!

@cliffcampbell8827 - 19.04.2023 21:41

Fat Americans and Europeans could cut back on eating (we are seriously fat) and the welfare baby factories could keep their legs closed instead of seeing getting pregnant like it's getting a pay raise. That will help with needing more and more land for growing food.
Some fish farms are disgusting. They keep the fish penned up in small areas where their waste doesn't go away but builds up under the fish causing disease and easily spreading parasites within those pens. There is almost always going to be unscrupulous practitioners who value quantity above all else and are more than willing to keep their numbers up/growing regardless of consequences.

@catriamflockentanz - 12.04.2023 12:17

There is a different massive challenge to deep sea agriculture.
Who owns what part of the ocean?
That's mostly intentionally left vague.
A massive problem as soon as it comes to farm possession.

@QuesoCookies - 12.04.2023 00:19

Any time humanity has said "it's just empty space" we've been kicked in the nuts by how not empty it is. The air is just empty space, no amount of emissions could fill it. The ocean is huge, no amount of plastic could fill it up. Space is just empty space, we can just jettison our spent stages into orbit. If we look at any large area and our first thought is how to exploit and "develop" it, that is exactly how we got into our current situation in the first place. We need to be occupying as little space as possible and being more efficient, not trying to spread out as wide as we possibly can. That's how we fix the damage we've done rather than doing more of it.

@olehbovsunivskyi7261 - 11.04.2023 16:02

So nice idea, I like it so much!

@ferretfather2000 - 10.04.2023 18:07

vertical farming is designed for places that dont have farmable land...how is that naive?

@ComptonCrypto - 05.04.2023 23:13

You know the internet is running off of fiber-optic cables in the ocean and not on satelites right?

@wednes3day - 01.04.2023 14:51

"prior to the 20th century" most food was made in a context of sustenance farming .... and yet in 1911 'only' 44% of the population was employed in agriculture? By definition those people would have to produce over double their personal needs by that point (which I assume doesn't happen on accident) .... and even before the 20th century, industrialised countries supported large-scale urbanisation and groups of factory workers so .... my bet is on that original dating being intended to be about the 19th century instead?

@astroman0500 - 01.04.2023 04:01

What about the heavy metals like mercury we're always warned about in tuna?

@siewmj1 - 31.03.2023 18:51

But this video failed to mention is what is fed to aquaculture …. Fish meal. While ruminants take advantage of the most abundance resources which is grassland. Something that we cannot eat and turn into meat.

@metal87power - 31.03.2023 07:12

Ok, create chicken-fish, cow-fish, and pig-fish hybrids and I'll become Blue. Nothing against a piscarian diet, but I prefer variety.

@Nana-vi4rd - 23.02.2023 04:49

I hate fish.....don't like the smell of it when first purchasing it or cooking it. I do like a lot of the shell fist, shrimp and such but not all the time. Give me steaks, burgers, meatballs, pork chops, lamb, even chicken is better than FISH. We didn't get the brain power we have today from eating fish anyway....DAH.

@Grand_History - 14.02.2023 17:43

This was a fantastic idea for a video. I hadn’t heard of this. I can imagine going to a grocery store and seeing “ocean grown” labels on corn or tomatoes or other crops

@johnransom1146 - 15.01.2023 19:44

If the feedstock is wild fish, there’s still a problem.

@stickmanbrains - 07.01.2023 06:40

Just sat through 6 mins of "intro".... yea I'm outta here

@kerryfoster1 - 29.10.2022 17:37

Great video! I've witnessed the decline of sea fish numbers for over 50 years now. With a few exceptions the 'efficiency ' of catching wild fish has decimated the shoals of what once was (and COULD be again) vast numbers of edible fish. The arrogance and stupidity is simple mind boggling.
What sort of 'industry ' destroys it's own resource in pursuit of money?
Luckily there are a few countries who rigorously pursue conservation measures. These are very few.

@cabral_del_elpaso - 19.10.2022 01:57

If we stop eating to much beef.

@cuzz467 - 12.10.2022 08:59

We need to farm whales, dolphin, seals, and penguins as well.

@EuroWarsOrg - 01.10.2022 23:31

Challenges: Huge whales gobble up your whole farm for breakfast...

@EuroWarsOrg - 01.10.2022 23:18

non-meat protein creates beta male soy boys... it is fine for females.

@EuroWarsOrg - 01.10.2022 23:15

Green is the new Red

@bethliebman8169 - 28.09.2022 19:14

Love your graphics

@mkzhero - 26.09.2022 16:27

"Plastic improved our lives"
lol, it caused more harm than good actually.

@ryancormack6934 - 21.09.2022 00:46

You make it sound like the land that is used for grazing could easily be used for farming instead. Often this is not the case.
