Starbound - Mod Recommendations for Newer Players

Starbound - Mod Recommendations for Newer Players


1 год назад

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cronnoponno - 15.03.2023 18:09

I would highly suggest reading this if you intend to get Betabound.

There are two major problems with Betabound that you might not like. Well, there are a few more but they're more minor.

Betabound re-introduces discontinued items from Starbounds early-access days that have been replaced with better, more useful items in the game proper. Many of these items have no real purpose or use and are weaker than what they were replaced with, and can cause massive confusion to the player and cause them to end up regretting using materials to craft things that are much weaker than they thought.

The biggest issue in Betabound is that it brings back older discontinued weapons. Many melee weapons in Starbound when it first came out were unique in that they would shoot some form of projectile based on their element, even a few unique weapons which would spray a type of red acid and the like. These projectiles cost no energy, so you could dual-wield one-handed swords and spam your attack button, creating an infinite amount of projectiles that do the same, if not more damage than actually physically hitting an enemy would do. Make no mistake, these weapons are so overpowered that you could take them into Frackin Universe and DOMINATE nearly everything up until Aether gear. I took some of these weapons and fought the Aeon boss in the Arcana mod(a huge HP sponge) and absolutely WRECKED him. These weapons also corrupt your normal loot pool, so even if you elect to ignore these weapons to enjoy the rest of what Betabound has to offer while maintaining a healthy balance, you'll end up finding them everywhere in chests...replacing other loot you might be interested in.

In my honest opinion, Betabound does not offer anything of real significance or importance, and the weapons it brings back into the game completely break any balance the game might have had. If you don't care about that then by all means go ahead and get the mod, but take this into consideration before getting it.

Luckily, if you know what you want from Betabound, many ''standalone'' features of it can be independently selected from separate mods. So if you only want to use the Radios you can download strictly that part of the mod and nothing else.

Betabound in my opinion adds a lot of useless bloat that doesn't necessarily contribute to a good experience in my opinion.

ひとり ひきのばす
ひとり ひきのばす - 21.09.2023 09:07

So which mod overhaul is the best to play?

Am I PattyFishhh?
Am I PattyFishhh? - 30.07.2023 20:04

Could i add aracana into my first playthrough. It looks a lot like fun and im very familiar with terraria. I did alread finish repairing my ship though. Would it corrupt my world??

Thee Mighty
Thee Mighty - 07.07.2023 09:01

Omfg! You completed a playthrough..... Newer player..... Click baiter..

glög - 02.07.2023 21:19

i wanna buy it. on sale until 13th.
is it like mods-galore? compared to Terraria

PlayfulDead - 04.06.2023 03:05

Know this video is a bit older but was recommended this game and see it's on a really good sale for like 1 more day and trying to confirm some things. The description makes it sound like combat can be turned off or something and I haven't been able to find any confirmation of this. I really don't care for combat in games much anymore so am wondering if you know if this is true, or if maybe there's a mod that will do this - or make me invincible at least, like I have set in SDV lol Thanks!

MarkelESP - 03.06.2023 20:21

Y el mod de que funcione el pto SteamCloud que tal

Lime - 01.06.2023 14:43

another thing about fracking universe if you want to play online dont download it and if you had it and played with the mod then your character is gone if you delet it becouse its then an modded character i lost my main char becouse of the mod

[REDACTED] - 04.05.2023 05:23

I know I'm a year late, but can all of these mods be used at the same time? I already use Frackin' Universe, and I was thinking about adding Arcana too, but I wanted to make sure that these two mods wouldn't collide with one another.

G2Timmy Wonka
G2Timmy Wonka - 28.03.2023 09:50

Woah, you're a dude?! Your channel pic is super misleading.

Melon - 12.03.2023 15:26

wow starbound apperantly is still alive
That makes me happy! cause i am looking for a mod that Shows what items are from which mods IF
for example Terraria has a mod called What mod is this from and it shows items in thier tooltips where its origin is like wooden katana from FRACKIN universe

AlucaBr Games
AlucaBr Games - 12.03.2023 10:04

Recomend any mod like applied energistic? For store itens in digital driver storage without bugs

That Brionne Individual
That Brionne Individual - 27.01.2023 00:28

It would be helpful to have links to the mentioned mods in the description to reach them easier, that aside, this is an incredibly helpful video!
I unfortunately tried Frackin' Universe for my first modded run (with my fellow Floran OC of course)
Dear lord. There is more stuff than it needs to and it's just really overwhelming, couple it up with unsatisfying amounts of grinding, and I'm a grindy person myself!

I'll definitely try these out with a fresh new save file and see what these other mods can offer me.

TigerFestival - 30.12.2022 10:00

There's Starforge, Maple32, Troubled Waters V2(recently released), United Systems Expansion, Voided, Extended Story, Feast of Fire and Smoke, Omeruin's planet mods, Ancient Project Cosmos, RPG Growth, Peacekeeper's Arsenal, Anomnom's Outpost Overhaul, CN's More Farming mod, Ocean Caves Reworked and Shellguard are some good mods.

Cap'n Renshaw R. Ridley
Cap'n Renshaw R. Ridley - 20.12.2022 04:43

maple32 is also a pretty cool mod

Dawnshock - 20.12.2022 01:55

Nice list, me and my friend are about to do a modded run.

We didn’t touch the game since 2017-2018, but played it back in beta days, when cold and hunger were a constant problem.

I remember when it was promised to have a specific food for every race, like humans obviously wouldn’t be able to eat Floran and Glitch food.

Sometimes I miss those pre-release days tbh.

SCPMichigan - 19.12.2022 07:26

Thank you for sharing your suggestions keep up the good work
