Stray | Review in 3 Minutes

Stray | Review in 3 Minutes

The Escapist

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@looniemoonie5955 - 18.07.2022 21:02

Pre ordered it month ago on Steam. Not every day you play as a cat)

@rtoops9126 - 18.07.2022 21:07

Hopefully the sequel has a cat creator so we can create a cat that looks like our real life cat 🐈

@NekoiNemo - 18.07.2022 21:30

The jumps are contextual, not free? Well, damn consoles, ruining the freedom of movement... That severely reduces my anticipation of this game... Thanks for the warning

@nobodyinparticular9640 - 18.07.2022 21:34

Kinda basically seems something like "little nightmares or what but you're a cat", lol
Doesn't look bad at all tho

@johnnyexponential7229 - 18.07.2022 21:51

'Knocking drinks over and meowing my dominance'. The endlessly quotable reviewing career of Elise Avery continues at maximum quality. Thanks for the review, very glad to hear a positive opinion; been looking forward to this one.

@darkjanggo - 18.07.2022 23:35

this game looks like it was made in Dreams

@joseluispcr - 18.07.2022 23:51

in this game you can play with the mouse?

@MrZRACER - 19.07.2022 00:11

i'll get it when it gets a physical in september.

@VaultGirl16 - 19.07.2022 00:25

Solid review! It's good to know this is more of a linear game than an Untitled Cat Simulator going in, so I appreciate the review

@MikeJBeebe - 19.07.2022 00:38


@Singularity12 - 19.07.2022 01:41

You can’t play this game without a cat next to you

- 19.07.2022 01:42

Number one reason to get a PlayStation.

@piggytailgirl - 19.07.2022 02:33

It reminds me a bit of "Contrast" at the beginning of this review, and more of "Little nightmares" by the end.

@Cooleepable - 19.07.2022 02:38

I've been looking forward to this one. Great short review. I'll adjust my expectations accordingly.

@Nevertobebad - 19.07.2022 03:52

Game of the year

@Guerrilla_Grodd - 19.07.2022 04:02

Stray is also listed as a "free" title under PS Plus Extra. For anyone who hasn't upgraded from Essential to Extra yet, it's actually cheaper to do that than it is to purchase this game outright.

@librast - 19.07.2022 04:33

The most important thing in this review is that this game is "polished"

@lovemadeinjapan - 19.07.2022 07:23

This makes me want a cat game. One without an iPhone on my back and without the distopian atmosphere. I want the Sims Cats.

@beleanonline - 19.07.2022 07:46

Sounds good - short game, but a very positive review.

@UnreasonableOpinions - 19.07.2022 08:49

This lets you not just knock things off of tables, but veeeery slowly push things to the edge of the table, lock eyes with a witness, then push it off to prove a point.

This makes it the most realistic cat simulator yet devised.

@catgodswim - 19.07.2022 09:45

as a cat enthusiast this has been on my radar since i heard about it at an E3 or something a couple years back, glad it's finally coming out

@matthuck378 - 19.07.2022 10:18

I wish you either couldn't die at all, and this was a pure (modern, walking sim style) adventure game or this was a full on "video game" where you could jump, climb, and otherwise completely freely interact with the environment like a modern action adventure (Assassin's Creed, Dying Light, Dishonored, etc.) I mean, cats literally CAN parkour around IRL like protagonists do in all those video games. I'd like to do that here. I hope we get a Stray 2 that's more expansive, but I doubt we will. I bet we'll get Dying Light 3, Assassin's Creed elevendy million, and Arkane's next game where a person can act like a cat but with a gun.

@paulrus-keaton439 - 19.07.2022 17:28

The 'little guest in a strange robot world' reminds me of Pid, an indie game no one remembers.

@doctorno3912 - 19.07.2022 19:23

Spams meow key to shit stir my cat irl.

@The4thGear - 19.07.2022 19:51

Is their any chance this is online or split screen multiplayer?

@talion7268 - 19.07.2022 21:00

Just finished it and I highly recommend it really enjoy it and the pacing is superb my only complain is that it's too short

@pietro_ferrari - 19.07.2022 22:14

I will play with my cat! 😻

@007feck - 20.07.2022 01:04

This being a game makes me realise that I must be getting too old for games

@joaogrrr - 20.07.2022 03:23

Imagine calling yourself a platformer when your jumping is context sensitive.

@PinothyJ - 20.07.2022 03:52

"Puzzles often involve encountering a problem, and scouring the maze of buildings around you to find an item to solve it." Wait? So a character does not talk to themselves as SOON as they encounter a puzzle by telling the player exactly how to solve it? But is this not a modern game?? How will I enjoy playing the game if I have to solve a puzzle on my own?

Goes back to Horizon: Forbidden West

@genebbyy - 20.07.2022 04:45

just finished the game :) i thoroughly enjoyed and recommend it

@RangerOfTheOrder - 20.07.2022 16:52

I was hoping Yahtzee would review this one just to see him piddle all over a game that's supposed to he wholesome and adorable

@92814323 - 20.07.2022 20:34

just beat the game, damn, this game is good, loved every hour of it, to anyone on the fence about it being short, it's content is compressed in such a way as to make every moment feel worth the time spent.

@DrJunkhead - 20.07.2022 21:36

makes you wonder if this game will get any sort of DLC

@bootleg_24 - 21.07.2022 03:24

i need yahtzee's opinion!

@matthewanderson7824 - 21.07.2022 04:07

I always wanted the game to be just a little longer

@michaelandrews117 - 21.07.2022 12:34

The game is fine, probably a solid 7/10, just due to the fact that the story is pretty bland & the cat makes every emotional scene accidentally hilarious completely undercutting anything they were trying to do narratively.
It's a lot better as a cat sim, than it is a full fledged stealth/fetch quest game.

@KamiThulak - 21.07.2022 15:52


@chetthehoss - 21.07.2022 16:39

If you can become a cat loaf while napping, hell I'm sold. Nothing better than a cat loaf.

@billy5642 - 21.07.2022 20:24

Will Yahtzee do a review on this as well?

@aliasnando - 23.07.2022 00:34

Is really an action-adventure game? With focus on action.

@Noname304y2u2 - 24.07.2022 17:58

I just beat the game. It's an oke indy game. It's atmospheric and the music is good and it's fun to explore.

@Jagerbomber - 27.07.2022 16:58

The cat’s more robotic than the robots.

@Craxin01 - 30.07.2022 03:17

I LOVED this game. 9.5/10

@herpderp728 - 31.07.2022 08:34

Stray absolutely sucked. Definitely one of the worst purchases I've made this year.

@TheCreepypro - 30.08.2022 05:10

don't get me wrong this sounds like a great game but can you do zoomies at 3 am? because whether you can or can't is kind of a deal breaker just saying....

@SomeRetroGuy - 15.12.2024 21:43

I just beat the game and it was very fun. I felt sad for B12 but I am very glad I played this game. I never thought something simple and innocent could be so emotional. Plus it's art is so awesome. Actually grabbed the iam8bit exclusive edition and I have 0 regrets

@davidravenscroft1641 - 30.12.2024 03:17

Really enjoyed this game,and so did my cat,who enjoyed watching the cat on the screen lol.

@segagirladventurespico - 22.01.2025 09:45
