To anyone going through a breakup.

To anyone going through a breakup.

Lana Blakely

3 года назад

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Lana Blakely
Lana Blakely - 22.11.2020 21:21

Regardless of who initiates a breakup or if it’s a mutual decision, it can be a pretty traumatic experience. Here is some (mostly) practical advice (please fill in!):

1. Don’t stalk their social media. If you feel the need to, unfollow them and/or block them. Don’t wonder “what they’ll think” – remember, you’re doing this for you.
2. Don’t look at your photos together etc., unless you’re at a mental state where you can do it as “therapy” or where you can look at them only to genuinely appreciate the time you had together. It’s ok to get rid of everything if you want to, it’s also ok to keep it. :) (unless you have any “private” photos of them, then you delete them out of respect.
3. Don’t get comfortable in your sadness, guilt or whatever you’re feeling. If you are, talk to someone about it.
4. Listening to music that you can relate to at the moment is helpful for some people. Test the waters. If it makes you feel worse, don’t listen to it.
5. Don’t compare your healing journey to anyone else’s.
7. No one will ever fully understand what you’re going through – don’t blame them for it. Just like you’ll never fully understand what someone else is going through. That’s the beauty of relationships, it’s unique for the people involved. It’s also what can make it difficult to move on.
6. Be grateful that you’re a human who got to feel love! How cool is that?! What even is it?! I can’t see it, can’t tough it, yet here I am feeling all these things. Woho! I’m alive!
7. Yes, it didn’t last, but neither do some of your favorite meals or the trips you’ve been on – that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t appreciate it for the time they lasted. (note for point 6&7: again, every relationship is different, and I know people go through horribly traumatizing relationships where someone telling them to be grateful can be absolutely maddening. Please seek out someone to talk to if this is you. You deserve healing.
8. Change your ringtone.
9. Don’t numb the pain, deal with it. Alc*hol, dr*gs, meaningless s*x—those things are unhealthy and it’s not dealing with what’s going on.
10. Remind yourself that what you’re feeling is a universal feeling.
11. It might feel like you’re dying, you’re not.
12. It gets better, even if it doesn’t feel like it.
13. There is a reason the two of you ended, regardless of how many excuses you try to make up for how “maybe” you could’ve made it work “if ony xyz”. Well, you didn’t.
15. People often act out of selfishness, it’s our nature. Most things aren’t as personal as we think.
16. Breakups normally happen because one- or two-people’s needs weren’t met. Sometimes it’s fair, sometimes it really isn’t. But fair or not—it is what it is. Life isn’t fair at all and love and relationships are no exception.
17. You give yourself closure.
18. I wrote this whole thing right before posting, so excuse any grammar.
19. Love is the most beautiful thing, remember that. :) <3

Bro B Saikia
Bro B Saikia - 25.09.2023 16:00

Yeah thanks for all what you advice but it is very very hard to go through when you love someone n after 20 yrs there is brekup n someone you love very much it is very hard to through sudden breakup some time it is batter I would not fall in love and some time i feel why people not understand the true meaning of love why only they go money pleasure enjoy fun etc hope we will get more vedio on this ❤

heyman - 19.09.2023 19:01

I am proud to be the type of person who takes ..... This line changed my thought process , I was blaming myself struggling with the situation of not getting any value from other person , but now my perspective is completely changed , I am proud to be me , I have lost nothing , but the other person has lost a complete human being who was completely his only and I had lost the negativity that even doesn't belong to me

AIDEN ZAE ♪ - 09.09.2023 11:06

fuck it hurts. ive been trying to get her back for 3 months now. but she said "isnt it obvious that i dont want u anymore"

AS Aziz
AS Aziz - 27.08.2023 07:12

You're superb cute 😍

Unicorn - 17.08.2023 16:11

It's sad when you see you ex (in real life or online) and they are wearing new clothes or they have a new haircut and that person feels familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.

Marco Chan
Marco Chan - 02.08.2023 18:30

I've come back to this video way too often

Mikayla Lindsay
Mikayla Lindsay - 29.07.2023 03:23

the fact that there are literally hundreds of thousands, if not even more, of us going through a breakup rn just lifts some weight off our chest to know we aren’t alone. we can do this. we will heal. ❤️‍🩹

Priyanka Dey
Priyanka Dey - 07.07.2023 12:57

so ill be leaving in 1 day to a new city for my studies and i will be far away from my ex. He dumped me weeks ago because of our mistakes, what's hurtful is that he was so sure about not being with me. I called him 10 days ago asking him to meet me one last time before i leave for the memories we shared and everything(i still had hopr about ending together)he said he didnt want to. After alot he finally said yes he would call me if he wanted to meet. Since then ive been counting days and days and today its just 1 day left, i've finally accepted that he won't meet me and that was our last meet.I am so hurt right now. He was so sure about loving me and now this. I can see myself crying in the airport rn because i didnt get to see him.
But ya ik everything happens for a reason.If he doesnt meet that's the end of our chapter and a new one will start.
To my future self if you happen to comeback here
remember how you felt your heart about to stop? how you couldnt see a bright light?
ik you are doing amazing now
i am proud of you, i love you.

Victor Saldana
Victor Saldana - 29.06.2023 07:26

I never thought I could love someone so godam much and end up hurting even harder.

Ash - 26.06.2023 16:14

I just got broken up with the other day… and it’s my first relationship so this really helped..

Kimaya Parkar
Kimaya Parkar - 16.06.2023 19:07

Thank you Lana !!

Mary Catherine
Mary Catherine - 09.06.2023 22:29

The worst feeling is that 2 seconds after waking up in the morning. The remembering hits your heart like a train 💔💔💔

Idie4ubb - 05.06.2023 00:16

Just got broken up with lastnight and it was physical pain. The worst pain I’ve felt. I cried for 6 hours straight and vomited 4 times… I woke up today with no appetite, numbness, and just asking myself what could have I done to make it work. But, shit happens for a reason. It hurts, it sucks… but, we are all strong.

Swapna Sarkar
Swapna Sarkar - 15.05.2023 14:38

I have never been in a relationship. One must suck ?

TheForgottenOneYT - 07.05.2023 22:24

All the worst advice 😂 ,,, like destroy yourself,,, if you love them ,,,respect their decision of leaving you,,,

Leda - 02.04.2023 03:27

this made me cry again and i hope this is gonna be the last time.

Ginger Fox
Ginger Fox - 21.03.2023 02:05

It hurts so much knowing that it was your fault man. I wish I could go back and change everything. But who knows, maybe it is for the best. Wether it works out with him again, or with someone else in the future, time will pass by and things will get better. They always get better. I’m currently trying to find my happiness, but first I have to learn how to forgive myself.

FloweringFuture - 19.02.2023 04:39

I feel like I need to share my break-up. I was best friends with him for 2 years before our relationship even began. We didn't last more than 2 months in it because of so many outside sources. My mama didn't think it would work out. His father did not like me being his significant other. There were so many things working against us and it has ended in pure misery to me. Not only did I lose my love, but I also am losing my best friend. And we are both madly in love with each other still. It didn't end because of us. It mostly ended because his father did not accept us being together and it affected our relationships dynamics so much. It hurts badly. He is family to me and now he is just gonna be gone. He isn't gone because we wanna be apart. He is gone because his father wanted us to be apart. I just. I. I. I don't know if I can ever go back to being just friends with him again.

etzenhammer - 18.02.2023 05:03

3 months in, nothing has changed, it hurts like on day one...

JustLizzy22 - 18.01.2023 23:23

Soon it will be strangers again

JustLizzy22 - 18.01.2023 23:22

Hii tysm

GOLVMOPP - 05.01.2023 22:41

What I did. My girlfriend broke up with me because she felt unsure of her sexuality and didn't know if she even liked girls anymore. She said she didn't want to hurt me and be honest and that she wasn't ready for a relationship. This was yesterday. Today. I cleaned and tried to erase the empty feeling. I cried a couple times. That worked. Then I watched something I liked. Then cried some more. But I think crying is a big part of healing. Ofcourse you should try to find happiness. I watched my favourite movies. Played with my brother in the snow after he had begged for half an hour and then we played minecraft (also after his constant begging) it made me able to distract myself a bit more. I'm trying to get over it because I'm going to a vacation to Germany and the group I'm with have decided to go to a concentration camp. I see stories In pictures in my mind. And we will have a guide wich will probably traumatise me a bit. Since I've been to other places and I see things very extremely visually. I don't know about the rest of the group since some people i know are popular kids from my school and I'm worried they will not be respectful. Will probably be the most tough experience I've ever went through. But I will go in there with full respect and be as calm as possible. I will probably need to warn my friend I will possibly pass out or have an anxiety attack. Last time I passed out apparently she held me and did thumbs up just saying "she will be fine" with a very calm voice. Sorry for saying so much but it cheered me up a bit from the whole breaking up thing.

-Levi-Ackerman- - 23.12.2022 08:08

I know this video is a bit old and the creator wont read this but I just got cheated on by my best friend ( yes she stole my partner)and found out yesterday. This helped so much thank you.

Marc Padilla
Marc Padilla - 15.12.2022 23:57

Break ups are usually over another person or substance. Always red flags and signs before any commitment. Even before babies. It's not worth it. It's all Narcissism and bad faith. One man or woman's junk is another's treasure. Fuck that.

Algaebebe - 10.12.2022 22:34

I just broke up w him 3 4 hrs ago. It feels painful. But ik this is right cz our relationship is not right. In the sense he doesn't treat me right. This was a great video

Nida Aslam
Nida Aslam - 09.12.2022 20:36

When you are mentally tired you are physically tired

I built the Sheesh Mahal
I built the Sheesh Mahal - 07.12.2022 19:22

I've never been in a relationship so can't relate with this video but I hope everybody recovers from heartbreak. ALSO HOLY SHIT HOW IS SHE SO GORGEOUS BRUV 💀

calzona - 07.12.2022 03:05

I dont know how to get over this break up because we are in the same class and I see her everyday

InchNut - 01.12.2022 18:44

broke up with my 13 months gf about 2 weeks ago and damn its hard man. She was my first girlfriend :(

•MY ANKLES• - 01.12.2022 11:16

Our relationship started because I complimented his smile. Now I have to get use to not seeing his smile ever again.

fairy - 25.11.2022 12:34

First of all thank you for your time to read all this comment I'm gonna let it all out here since I have nobody to talk to. So in my situation I was in a relationship that lasted for 3 years I was in love he helped me alot in the first year but things started to change when I had severe depression I'm not gonna lie he helped me alot financially and emotionally but he also was one of the reasons I wasn't feeling good sometimes, we started to fight alot every single day about every small thing we did hurt each other but the things he have said and done to me was very hurtful I tried and tried to break up but he always managed to find a way to get me back cuz he knew everything about me my weaknesses and when I'm vulnerable, the fighting didn't stop but I was trying really really hard to understand the reason why I tried everything possible to stop the fights cuz it felt like a waist if we broke up, I wasn't ready to be alone, he was still in the same spot the same toxic childish behavior, but I was seeing hope in him that didn't exist it's just my love for him that made me see the hope that he is not like that and he's gonna change. I gave alot of chances and the last time was 2 days ago, I was regaining my trust in him we had a calme week we promised each other to not do what the other one would be hurt by but sadly he managed to start a fight over something so stupid that I haven't even done. and I had enough of this immaturity I left him and hopefully it's the last time ever to go through this cuz it's not my problem if he is immature and want to pick fights over things that doesn't exist and hearing insults about it.. I don't know how I lasted all those 3 years, now that I left I feel like I don't even know who he is even though I known him for 3 years, I really rushed to accept the first person who offered me help, love etc.. But i was paying for it with my health with my time and happiness that all went away from me my youth that I wasted thinking that's the true love but it's not. I want to give you girls an advice if a mistake is repeated more than 3 times it's not a mistake anymore it's a habit and you should leave cuz no one is going to give you back the days that you waisted crying

wthhhh - 08.11.2022 02:33


An Truong Pham Hoai
An Truong Pham Hoai - 06.11.2022 10:16

Thank em,con lai .......

Total Privacy
Total Privacy - 03.11.2022 18:49

It’s been 3 months since the breakup for me. I’ve taken steps to improve myself and I’m really happy with my progress, of who I’m becoming. I just wish she was here to see it. I just miss having her in my life.

Лера Бутурлымова
Лера Бутурлымова - 28.10.2022 15:29

my boyfriend just broke up with me on our anniversary so here i am watching all the videos about heartbreak that i can find online
he was my first true love, this was my first serious relationship, and i've gone through all the day without breaking down and feeling that i've got this but then lana said "at this moment, there are probably many, many couples around the world sleeping next to each other for the last time, and they might not even know it"
and now i'm ugly sobbing
i'm not ready to sleep alone but god give me strength i will be able to
if it isn't the time to reinvent myself i don't know when it will come

aldán alvarez
aldán alvarez - 27.10.2022 18:42

Right know I'm going through the thoughest breakup I have ever had and the real first one. We were a couple for three years and she is still my first love. And right now I really feel like crying and throwing up. I feel empty and ill and I just hope that I can go through al of this and find myself again

neenaxo - 26.10.2022 17:19

The add made me mad

MySky Ahmed The III
MySky Ahmed The III - 26.10.2022 04:22

Masha Allah

Andie Infantino
Andie Infantino - 24.10.2022 06:58

the fear of never getting over it sucks too ugh

blackcat - 23.10.2022 13:54

A lot of people told me to " meet someone new, hangout with friends, focus on yourself", guess what? Those things didn't help or make it any better for me. I'm stuck in this sh*t situation. Besides that my life is a bit a harsh since I was child, so being dumped by the person that I loved the most is really tearing my life apart

Belgrade Assassin
Belgrade Assassin - 11.10.2022 09:11

It's good knowing that we're not alone in experiencing this sort of trauma. To anyone out there reading this - congrats! You've just won a free hug. Why? Because you are an amazing person going through a difficult time. You are worthy and deserving of affection. Be your own best friend, no one deserves the honor or needs it more than you.

Sude Sarraf
Sude Sarraf - 09.10.2022 13:42

I am so sad. My ex dumped me 2 months ago. I begged him to come back in the first weeks. I said that I’ve changed. We were in a relationship for almost 1.5 year and we would argue like a normal couple every week but sometimes i said mean things. It feels like my fault that its over and maybe it is he also said that it was my fault. I feel so bad. I miss him so bad. Our relationship was great. I am doing the no contact rule right now for about 1 month. I see him everyday at school he is also in some of my classes. My ‘girl friend’ is very close with him now and she lies about me to him. So i cut contact with them both. This girl said to my ex that I would leak his nudes?! And my ex believes her. I dont know what to do. I really want him back.

TheDentalBoard - 03.10.2022 23:40

Hahahaha that is so typical of infj : “ how long that initial time is completely individual…” I’m an infj too and I’m 100% like you and so I really love your videos. I see me in you when you talk:) so I enjoy and learn what I don’t know from your videos. They’re motivational. Thank you so much Lana:) ❤
P.S: you are giving words to my feeling deep down 😭

Zahra Aboutalebi
Zahra Aboutalebi - 02.10.2022 21:59

Wooow how beautiful are you 😍 you look stunning

Giordana Lombardo
Giordana Lombardo - 01.10.2022 16:23

look at the views. 555

Brian Cisneros
Brian Cisneros - 01.10.2022 14:49

How come no body talk about putting heart for god first
