I got an unusual yesterday :D!
ОтветитьI got a haunted weapon, is this normal?
ОтветитьWhy do you call the item colors "secret"?
ОтветитьForesome reason I have strange huntade
Ответитьonly ever seen a single community item ever i believe it was a rocket launcher but i cant remember i do remember it was on dustbowl where i spotted it
ОтветитьCommunity and self-made must be the best.👌
After unboxing unusual, only thing left is to have strange popped to the Hale's own level.
Huh, how DOPE.
ОтветитьJust wondering (i know this is an old video but still)
from a while back, I have this cosmetic called the "Strange Haunted Herzensbrecher". Its color looks like its haunted, but it has strange in the name, and it has stat clocks on it. Is it just the same as any other strange weapon?
Idk why but the haunted quality being marketable is not true. I have a 120$ haunted item in my backpack but I can't sell it or trade it. Either its a bug or valve fucking despises me.
ОтветитьWhat about ragged? I have a ragged frying pan
ОтветитьI just realized that my winger that i bought of the community market is over 10 years old because its vintage wow
ОтветитьBro forgot killstreak
ОтветитьI can already hear the americans screaming: "HES ENGLISH!!!"
ОтветитьItem quality in tf2 have always seemed like a strange case to me
ОтветитьI have a vintage frontier justice. Is it rare?
ОтветитьMann i cant wait for the new, (breaths in heavily) hale's own classic normal unique geniune vintage vintage strange unusual festivized self-made community valve unusual decorated haunted diamond botkiller mk. II collectors golden frying pan. Thats a mouthful
ОтветитьI wish people like Robin Walker or Gary Newman would boot up their old games every once in a while and say hi to the community again :(
Ответитьhang on the unusual haunted scrap metal is actually useful? i've had one for years and thought it was just some random reward item or something
after looking it seems i never turned off the option to ignore unusual items when crafting when i tried to see if it was useful so that explains why i didn't know
I met a valve employee in game.
ОтветитьI remember selling my hats and other things to get a box and I got a bat outta hell
ОтветитьI remember seeing a guy with a Triclops and a Community comp badge, which was pretty nutso
ОтветитьGreat Presentation
I Hate This System
Normal can be expensive, a streamer bid I believe 10,000$ on a bugged pan that had a normal text. He won the pan
Ответить"Hale's own Mad Milk"
I have never heard someone say gibus like that lol!
ОтветитьWait, so the quality of the weapon means (almost) nothing?
ОтветитьQuality smality so long as I look good!
ОтветитьYou forgot another color GABE NEWELL VALVE
ОтветитьThe collectors one is the biggest scam and a joke on anyone attempting to make one on valve's part
ОтветитьHale's own mad milk 💀
ОтветитьGarbage quality top long as my char looks great. This is nothing shy of a dick measuring contest.
ОтветитьI got a strange haunted medic cosmetic that i cant sell for some reason
ОтветитьThe fact that the stat counter showed 69 is golden
ОтветитьI can’t wait for my brother to grow up since he is a young cancer survivor if he gets into tf2 hope he gets it
ОтветитьI remember seeing valve weapons A LOT back in the day. Nowadays they are basically extinct..
Ответитьimagine if a hhhh chemistry set started dropping.
boy would that be expensive
I played with a valve employee back in the day! I forget who. He had a valve quality weapon but was very polite and wouldn’t use it. Everyone in the server started asking to see it tho and he equipped it for one round of upward. Only time I’ve ever seen a valve quality anything
ОтветитьI gave away collectors items and australium medigun when collectors items were worth less than that back when a key was 3 red
ОтветитьGreat guide, thanks
ОтветитьHal's Own?
ОтветитьI have a Vintage Foster's Facade.
I managed to craft away all my vintage items because I had no idea what it meant, they should not have been craftable :,(