a very *real* work week in my life ️️‍it's ok to have bad days, imposter syndrome, fav creators

a very *real* work week in my life ️️‍it's ok to have bad days, imposter syndrome, fav creators

Abby Asselin

55 лет назад

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@jeahavvalentin980 - 17.02.2025 20:23

Excellent video 👌👍😊

@hyerin7101 - 17.02.2025 20:25

Hi Abby, thanks for the lovely vlog. Your vlogs are my fav to watch ❤️ curious, where did you get the double floor lamps in your living room? Love the look of the lamp!

@manyadventuresofashley1561 - 17.02.2025 21:31

as someone that had a bad week last week with school and exams, i don't like seeing you stressed but life has ups and downs and like that you include everything and are always authentically you hope this week is better! 💕

@talonc1075 - 17.02.2025 23:25

i dont find the venting about bad work days/weeks offputting and i actually enjoy it because nobody is ever real online about their jobs especially tax and how difficult (but rewarding) the job is. I work in tax and have mental luls as well that are extremely frustrating , & days that are so mentally exhausting. i have no other friends in tax who can relate and thats why i subscribe to you. you sharing the good and bad at work makes it more relatable because we have enough fake positive “highlight reel” social media posts on the internet as it is. & imposter syndrome at work is so normal even with me being a 4th year there is always new things or laws i havent seen. oh and also. I have tried F45 because of you too and really enjoyed it 😂

@LottieSmalley - 17.02.2025 23:30


@LottieSmalley - 17.02.2025 23:31

doing my makeup while watching your vid 😇

@LottieSmalley - 17.02.2025 23:31

I feel the same about katieisreading!! she’s on another level of cozy

@LottieSmalley - 17.02.2025 23:32

side note the hot pink nails look SO GOOD I just keep staring at them

@LottieSmalley - 17.02.2025 23:38

the days I just wear a ponytail to the office are so freeing … the slippery slope is so real

@RJ-bj8ic - 18.02.2025 00:00


@Brenda_xo - 18.02.2025 00:42

I love how you looked for the silver lining towards the end of your video, it really added a touch of positivity!

As a former PA, I am sending you all the positive vibes this busy season! You got this!

@jordanlouie6603 - 18.02.2025 03:14

i've been binging all your vlogs <3 so impressed at the amazing content you're putting out while working a corporate job as well as maintaining super healthy habits. also yes to the long vlogs!!! love them.

@Tbeckchemist - 18.02.2025 03:28

Really appreciate you talking about bad days while simultaneously appreciating wins! A great reminder ❤ I hope you have a great week!

@kenzie2451 - 18.02.2025 03:36

Hey Abby! Love your videos. I used to watch when we were both in college, but when you started working I was in grad school and just couldn’t relate to your content. Now that you’re back to work, I can relate again and just love your content! PS I know you said some people didn’t like the microphone, hut I love the sound quality!😊

@paigesheffer929 - 18.02.2025 03:49

yay another upload 💌 i FELT the part where you were talking about imposter syndrome of starting a new job!! the fear of doing a bad job is also a trait i have. it creates so much unnecessary stress in my life, as im sure you can relate. so refreshing to know im not the only one in this boat. hang in there, we got this ❤️

@JJ-uf1ml - 18.02.2025 03:50

Love your videos!

@charlottecusson6838 - 18.02.2025 04:01

I had a pretty bad day at work today too and it felt really good to see your vlog. ❤

@debrafirestone861 - 18.02.2025 04:06

I heard about those crazy Grammys With thst crazy woman who came out naked those people hsve no morals I’m glad I didn’t watch it nuts

@debrafirestone861 - 18.02.2025 04:07

See you can hsve all the money in the world Thst doesn’t mean you hsve class

@debrafirestone861 - 18.02.2025 04:07

See you can hsve all the money in the world Thst doesn’t mean you hsve class

@debrafirestone861 - 18.02.2025 04:18

Yes I watch Michele Reed she’s so comforting and she doesn’t put on aires

@Julez128 - 18.02.2025 05:19

Michelle reed brought me here lol

@Riasunray - 18.02.2025 08:34

i love your content, you constantly seek growth and prosperity and its really satisfying to watch. long time subscriber from 2018-19 era i think. can you share more about goals and habits? i think i resonate with you a lot in terms of goals, books and accounting.

@brendaedith - 18.02.2025 09:15

Love your vlogs! So inspiring

@lelele4you - 18.02.2025 09:58

If you share both the highs and the lows its way more relatable for me. I am doing my legal clerkship rn and on most days its hard so I don‘t feel so alone when you‘re sharing that 🫶🏻

@AnastasiaMinyard - 18.02.2025 13:34

Love you so much ❤ I've been following you since 2016, I guess. And since we're the same age it's so funny to realize how I've been maturing and figuring out adulting with you. This vlog was so real and relatable that it made me realize what a long way we've come since that moment I started following you✨🫂 You're an amazing human being ❤ I'm so grateful for all of those years 🫂

@hannahwassom - 18.02.2025 14:23

One of the biggest reasons I subscribe to your channel is because I relate to your full-time CPA life. And bad/stressful days are very common in our field. I am 100% with you on this and would love for you to share more about your authentic feelings/experiences in the field. Doesn’t mean it’s all bad - I love what I do! But it’s refreshing to recognize I am not alone in those feelings. Sending you good energy during this tax season💌

@JennaHong - 18.02.2025 15:08

I appreciate whenever YOU shout me out, it really means so much and I love supporting each other 💗 I completely relate to what you talked about with focusing on the bad things, perfectionism and also confidence with work tasks because you just want to do a good job… I’m with you and I also appreciate the honesty because it shows REALITY more than anything and I think so many of us subscribe to you because of that, and your audience also just wants you to be happy too ❤ ILY proud of a 35 min video too bc that takes so much more effort and time

@marandabazillio - 18.02.2025 17:57

“They weren’t 25 or 24 in the book yet..”
Blink blink 😂

@Allieischill - 18.02.2025 18:06

So relatable with the performance anxiety at work. Whenever I’m feeling dumb and not understanding something I literally say out loud to myself, “You can do it. You’re not dumb, you’re just learning something new. It’s okay to be confused. You’re so smart. You’ll figure it out.”

Literally feels so weird admitting I talk to myself like that but I SWEAR it relieves the shame immediately.

@mirandabeall2686 - 18.02.2025 19:03

Never miss an Abby Asselin vlog <3

@KaelynGraceApple - 18.02.2025 19:16

I used to watch your videos back in 2018/19 and its comforting, in a way, to see that the girl I saw then who worked her a** off, was so genuine and authentic, and who cared about doing good work is still a part of you but has become, for lack of a better term, more mature and elevated. While you have those insecurities, your ability to process them out loud with us, to share vulnerably when you are struggling, etc is why I have loved following you for all these years. In fact, it was your channel (and your podcast in 2019) that led me to start my channel and share my own experiences in graduate school and working in tech in London. So, while it may be scary to share 'the negative' or the down moments, just know that we are here for all of it and are supporting you through every stage <3

@QoyaD - 18.02.2025 21:35

I love Dossier and use it for all of the reasons you stated! Their scents are amazing, and they have the best “dupes” when you don’t want to spend the big bucks. Side bar: I resonate so much with the whole “performance anxiety” you’re feeling. It’s not even imposter syndrome, but more of the fact you care about your work quality and reputation as to whether you can get the work done. I’m facing the same challenges at work right now. I didn’t start at a new firm, but I’m on a new project, so it’s been interesting lol.

@annafinister7116 - 18.02.2025 22:37

Give yourself grace babe🤍

@ByMariahK - 18.02.2025 23:50

It’s so nice having someone also say they had a hard week and talk about the anxiety that goes with areas you don’t know much about. I left healthcare and moved to financial services and I get really down on myself because I just don’t know as much about this world as I did about health care. It’s nice having people who relate! I hope the weeks to come are better 🫶

@jaidebucher6938 - 19.02.2025 04:18

I watched this last night and literally thought about it all day at work. Seeing you be raw about having hard days/weeks at work helps me not feel so alone. Nothing is always perfect so why pretend it is? 🤍✨

@briannahall1615 - 19.02.2025 17:31

abby i love your videos!! and you’re editing! thanks for putting all the effort in for us :) what program do you use to edit?

@tanyabaldwin636 - 19.02.2025 20:29

I absolutely love your curly hair! The face frames looked so cute 🥰 We were just told to return to the office 5 days a week. ☠️ It won’t be implemented until later this year but it’s crazy because we’re going from 2 days to 5 for no real reason. Our company had even sold properties in order to accommodate for hybrid work. I am shook 😭

@kaitlingreco1826 - 20.02.2025 01:45

I actually really like when you talk about bad work days. It's very relatable and helps me feel better when I have them too <3

@daniellejosephine - 20.02.2025 22:50

Your stress has never made me feel like I didn't want to watch. It just comes across as real. As for the good and the bad in a week, in the words of our great poet, T.Swift, "Both of these things can be true." I think that's such a good reminder - acknowledge the bad things and allow yourself to feel a certain way, but also look for the good and celebrate it!

And the ipad - yeah, nothing makes you realize what you can use an ipad for until you sell your "old" dusty one because you aren't using it. After a year of frustration, I got a new one and I use it every day and it's really helped me stick to certain goals and be productive, though I never used my old one that way!

And love the recs at the beginning and the accounts to follow - will give a watch! :)

@AshleyRobles - 21.02.2025 02:13

I can definitely relate to the anxiety of doing badly at work even when I’m learning something new and am not expected to know everything as well as having major freak outs when I actually make a mistake. Working at consulting/accounting firms is a special kind of hell for an anxious people pleaser. Side note: if you’re not already using your calendar to track your 15 minutes and make little fake meetings with yourself, color code the different charge codes, it helps so much. Sending you rest and confidence this busy season 💜

@user-gj8ri2vt6p - 21.02.2025 10:53

Omg your little crop blazer is to dieeee for! I’m obsessed 😍

@yolandaramirez2894 - 22.02.2025 08:42

You’ve hit the nail on head with how I have to function in life. I haven’t found that balance.. but you’re not alone. ❤

@mirandaalexis - 24.02.2025 05:30

i feel the fear of doing a bad job dailyyyyy

@emmas.online - 24.02.2025 17:48

I love your work week videos so much!! As a fellow HTX gal, I watch them while I get ready and get started with my own work. TY TY!! 💛💛

@emmawormington6246 - 25.02.2025 21:51

I’m a defense attorney and have billable hours too. Love living my day in 6 minute increments 😂

@hayl97 - 03.03.2025 22:13

"Looked like I stuck my finger in a socket" the imagery this sentence gave just made me laugh and made my day.🤣
