How copywriting gurus scam you

How copywriting gurus scam you

Copy That!

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@MeganBrain - 26.09.2024 01:11

Good old greedy guru's are everywhere you turn on the intrterwebs. I'm going through the How to Start Copywriting page on the Copy That discord. Hopefully I can manage to follow some of the great advice and start taking action this time. I have been learning about copywriting for some time. Its time to take it seriously now, so I need to put pen to paper and practice on the daily! Thankfully I dont feel the need to pay ridiculous amounts to do a course at this point in time.

@RoguePorqupine - 26.09.2024 23:42

I'm starting this journey because living in a truck Monday to Friday working 65+ hours a week and not seeing my family is ruining me mentally and physically

@ChadNickelson - 28.09.2024 22:44

so it’s really not possible to make 5k a month doing copywriting within like a 5-6 month period???

@john80944 - 29.09.2024 17:04

I don't want to make a lot of money. I just want to learn how to do copywriting.

@abhijitjagdishprakash4104 - 30.09.2024 06:31

Have been learning copywriting since a year and wasted my time hoping to earn 6 figures and now watched this video. Wish I watched this earlier

@rr7g - 06.10.2024 18:51

I'm 14 and I'm planning to start copywriting, but my parents don't believe in online business and I'm planning to prove them wrong

@stiglas - 06.10.2024 20:00

Views on Tyson 4D please

@timidhamster2003 - 10.10.2024 08:50

My simple purpose for copywriting is only to become a freelancer and to earn 1k to maximum 2K per month is my dream.

@kaosaechao4049 - 11.10.2024 19:06

You have just opened my eyes up and I totally agree with you. I bought a course over a thousand about a year now and they just left me on my own after a couple of months doing the courses. They won’t even give me no feedback. So I have to figure out everything on my own. I still haven’t even gotten my business license or create a portfolio yet because they won’t even bother answering my questions when I ask for help. I won’t mention who sold me the copywriting courses though. But I feel like it’s a scam. Thanks for making this video.

@debbrockmann7935 - 13.10.2024 17:50

I appreciate this - thank you 😊

@kirbycosmico7 - 16.10.2024 07:24

Thank you so much for this video, I'm going to start this journey and now I know what to look out for, it's better to learn these lessons that you taught us in this video so we don't end up making a very serious mistake.

@kcdarshan - 17.10.2024 21:01

You spoke eloquently, break a leg.

@syreetamcdonald8669 - 17.10.2024 23:58

Thank you soooo much for this information. May the Lord bless you, young man. You prevented me from wasting much time!

@PrimeInfo-y3d - 23.10.2024 21:48

Tyson 4D and tomstoic?Tomstoic is a great guy who doesn't promote anything and gives insane free value

@Redmentalhm66 - 05.11.2024 22:04

Even 2-5k a lot in my country so yeah ıll try

@johnny-boi0795 - 06.11.2024 05:16

Sad that I watched this video too late. A fxcking scammer here in my country (Philippines) just stole my $1,000

@pinkmechnicalpencil-x7m - 07.11.2024 23:25

but youre selling us a course

@akshatsrivastava1232 - 10.11.2024 08:51

no @TYSON4D was harmed here

@pinksupremacy6076 - 10.11.2024 22:46

I wonder if Tyson4D, Orestis, Mason, and the other gurus are watching this😁😅😱

@kickassets6414 - 13.11.2024 06:47

Copywriting is everywhere. The thumbnail for this video is copywriting. It depends on how u play the field

@mattbizeray6140 - 15.11.2024 05:49

Sad, Sexy with an Exciting twist... great combo! Love you guys! Thanks. Will pawn over your older vids. 🤙

@sah8825 - 18.11.2024 10:35

How long would it take me to learn copywriting? Is it even worth learning it when theres other business models that are probably way more beneficial and that i should be putting my time in instead of copywriting. Not that i was planning to have copywriting as my main focus but instead something that i can do instead of working a 9-5.

@brennac.mabrouk8789 - 23.11.2024 14:44

Whew, I was just 'hooked' by one of these 6 figure guru's. The thing is, I'm already 50, I learned when I was very young that if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
I'm going to go ahead with the meeting they've scheduled with me. I'm going to secretly rate their sales pitch. I don't have a dime to my name & no credit, so there's no worries I'll be buying. Lol

@PhillipLumsden-yg7my - 28.11.2024 16:26

Yeah, these scumbag guru's are the worst and lowest forms on earth. I want to become succesful and make alot of money but I'd rather to live poor than to create my wealth from scamming and relieving poor folks out of the little money that they have. That is disgusting and sub human behavior.

@Thank-299 - 29.11.2024 08:22

To be honest, I’m like this is one big pyramid scheme and the second thought was if you’re making so much money from this why are you trying to sell a course? Then they say they are doing the course so they don’t gatekeep.

@DKS_008 - 02.12.2024 16:22

Making $10k a month with copywriting isn't some crazy, unattainable goal. It's actually pretty simple. You just need 5 clients paying you $2k a month each. That's it.

"And let's be honest, if you're helping these clients with any of the following:
long-form VSLs,
funnel setup,
sales page copy and headlines,
email copy,
email marketing,

You're providing them with a ton of value. You're literally helping them make more money. Charging $2k plus a small 3-5% rev share is more than fair. It's a steal for your client.

Plus, delivering all these services would take max 24-48 hours. So, I don't think making $10k a month or more with copywriting is that difficult.

And that's what professional copywriters like Cardinal Mason, Ben Bader, and Tyson 4D teach you...

And yeah, you could figure it out on your own, but why bother? (Its really stupid of you, especially if u have the capitalmto invest)
Why waste your time and energy trying to reinvent the wheel when someone way more experienced can guide you?
Investing $4k in coaching is a no-brainer compared to the ROI you'd get from investing the same amount in school/college.

I mean, even Alex Hormozi took Tyson 4D's course back in 2019!

My point is, if someone's free content has helped you, buying their program isn't a bad thing.
It's a way to learn more.
It's a way to invest in yourself and your future.

So, no matter what Alex says don't be afraid to take the leap. If you wanna make a 100k you gotta learn to risk at least 10k. Don't be afraid to invest in yourself.

@daxtonedwards - 03.12.2024 19:49

Thank you. This video helped me to decide not to do a $6000 payment plan for Copy MBA. No wonder that Mason guy is a multi millionaire.

@RicoReefa - 05.12.2024 18:40

Yeah ngl when I was watching Tyson 4Ds course and I saw spelling & grammar mistakes my first thought was how does this guy make money from copy writing 😂

@mohekin93 - 10.12.2024 06:15

I got scammed trying to buy a course on how to grow my social media lol never again.

@mohamedrizwan4439 - 13.12.2024 16:32

You truly mean it, coz this correlates with each and every copywriting newbies like us!!

@EllieBergeron92 - 15.12.2024 07:57

Man I wish I'd found your channel before this girl I paid 1943 $ CAD. Luckily, I've earned about 3500$ in a year so far by working a few contracts on and off, but knowing I spent so much for a rather honest class, but very basic course I could've gotten for free leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

@will_i_am1565 - 16.12.2024 15:58

I wish I saw this vid back in 2022 before spunking £3k on one of these courses 😂

@MohammedBouziyanHna - 21.12.2024 15:36

When you will suggest your course

@bostoncopywriter - 30.12.2024 20:48

This. ALL OF THIS. I keep telling newbies this, but I get the allure of the six figures. Sigh. Thank you for making this video!

@AhmadMohammed-u6v - 03.01.2025 22:13

So is copywriting not worthing the time consumed in learning ???????

@BigTalkSports-l5o - 08.01.2025 07:29

Either you're telling the truth, or you're the guru of gurus!!!

@utopiadweller - 10.01.2025 08:42

Countless likes and thanks for being real with us! You're awesome for using the power of words to reveal the truth, rather than prey on those in need and struggling. Stay blessed!

@ChS111-s1y - 15.01.2025 05:06

Would really appreciate it if someone could give me an honest review of Alex Cattoni's Copy Posse LaunchPad course!

@wallacebankley3384 - 16.01.2025 19:21

Alex Cattoni Launch Pad 8 week.program. it's better than anything else. Historical significance study. Success.posse coached

@danielrennie8945 - 27.01.2025 03:01

Good idea to actually read books and listen to legit, proven copywriters. Theres plenty out there. And tbh my goal was first to improve writing, persuasion, and communication skills. From there, if I can turn it into a legit business that offers real value, thats a bonus. Finally, learning how to write and communicate better will open doors for you, but it may not be as a copywriter.

@angelamohn7858 - 05.02.2025 23:12

I totally wish I saw this video before buying into some of the copywriting educational materials and programs I paid a LOT of money for... with no ROI

@Maazin-i2k - 22.02.2025 14:04

just starting out.
thanks, for this

@yashgajbhiye1019 - 02.03.2025 04:24

Only question to ask yourself is why not me

@PHONKEDITS-n1v - 06.03.2025 18:30

Is Tyson 4D a guru

@pumxd5754 - 12.03.2025 19:20

This is not just copywriting but it can apply to all the other things online

@GoldenJulyAtTheBeach - 14.03.2025 19:37

OMG Finally somebody says it!
I'm SO freaking tired of these millions of stupid videos of FAKE copywriters claiming to earn $30k/week.
In the best case, most people will get $4k/month, and that's already great in the vast majority of countries.
Let's be realistic!

@bvdizon - 17.03.2025 14:28

Talking about “real talk”. Love the content. Instant subscriber here. 🎉

@MichelleKitzAuthor - 21.03.2025 01:30

Thank you for breaking it down so clearly. I've taken my share of free courses only to be pushed to pay for something more. But money is limited ATM so I'm here to learn!

@HrideshGurung - 23.03.2025 11:56

Is Tyson 4D one of those gurus
