WOKE Feminist PANICS Into ACCIDENTLY Making Best Republican Ad Ever After Reading Project 2025!

WOKE Feminist PANICS Into ACCIDENTLY Making Best Republican Ad Ever After Reading Project 2025!

Black Conservative Perspective

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@randallminchew6780 - 07.07.2024 16:41

We in the USA have the freedom to create and pursue our own dreams, ideas, and, goals. In the Soviet Union they didn’t have the freedom to create and invent.

@randallminchew6780 - 07.07.2024 16:47

We do need more traditional families. That’s what made our country so great in the first place. Mom, Dad, and children! Teaching them to have strong moral values is paramount as well.

@randallminchew6780 - 07.07.2024 16:48

So without capitalism then what? Communism? Communism has killed millions of people by starvation and oppression.

@randallminchew6780 - 07.07.2024 16:52

Her way of thinking is completely alien to how regular decent people think and feel.

@justinwilson1930 - 07.07.2024 17:28

This creature doesn't deserve my service nor the freedom it bought her.

@milkman69x - 07.07.2024 17:28

What a tard

@paulrobinson3213 - 07.07.2024 17:30

But that trollop wasn't one of those people

@JohnSmith-oz1fe - 07.07.2024 17:44

They where motivated by money. Without money where would not be any motivated.

@Gary-zq3pz - 07.07.2024 17:56

She described capitalism perfectly when she dissed it. Yep, you got it.

@perrymc2243 - 07.07.2024 18:00

I would love to know where she thinks all this money people are motivated by comes from.

@DragNetJoe - 07.07.2024 18:15

So that first gal makes a perfect case for free-market capitalism, and then twists her brain into thinking it's an argument against because they didn't do it for the right reasons? Yet she hits the target, just not the one she was aiming for. Communism/socialism REQUIRES people behave altruistically in a way that has never happened in human history. The free market allows people to pursue their best self interest. Whish is more likely?

@lukkaredwolf3534 - 07.07.2024 18:18

Even more than cash profit, advancement can only exist in surplus environments. If you are not in a surplus environment, you dont have the resources to even try to advance society.

@TheToledoTrumpton - 07.07.2024 18:20

well we have a mix of capitalism and socialism and both have got to the end of their life and have problems. Our capitalism has too many cartels, monopolies and legacy money, so there isn't a very good free market economy, or a good meritocracy.

And Socialism has a bloated middle class with too few working-class people supporting them. There is no longer egalitarianism and the workers are held in lower esteem than the exploitative pretentious middle class. Your worth to society seems to be dependent on how much you are oppressed, rather than just giving everyone the same. Which is one of the benefits of socialism, that you don't have internal competition and are united in a common purpose.

So she isn't wrong, we have both economic systems going, and are suffering the disadvantages of both and receive the benefits of neither. Needless to say, no one is very happy.

@lifehackertips - 07.07.2024 18:27

Well, she argued for capitalism then claimed she was arguing against it, so I don’t expect anything else she believes to be logical

@lifehackertips - 07.07.2024 18:32

Capitalism is just a positive reinforcement award system. If you create something that billions of people can enjoy you will be rich. If you create nothing, you won’t be rich. Very simple. Without the award, no one would create anything to improve billions of lives. Technology will still improve, just at a much slower rate.

@GustafUNL - 07.07.2024 18:43

My libtard mom was telling me her woes about it and she said, in a dire and serious tone, "They want to ban contraceptives!"

And I was like, "? ...GOOD! Contraceptives have been rotting society since they became commonplace!"

@switchtalent123 - 07.07.2024 19:37

This women is mad that a political party want people to have successful families and lives…… oh the horror

@JohnDebasa - 07.07.2024 19:38

every single system that has ever existed has all been for $$$$ or power...capitalism is the one system that gives ppl the most freedom out of all systems...

@Funnyfresh420 - 07.07.2024 19:55

god shes an idiot.... it was PEOPLE who gave us these things! who just happened to be motivated by capitalism

@kitchnerlesley - 07.07.2024 20:03

Does it really matter why our lives are better?

@bdhardwick - 07.07.2024 20:09

This could make a good Abbott and Costello routine, I suppose.

@noyou9379 - 07.07.2024 20:10

That woman in the beginning hates capitalism so much that she wants to change the words so she can still buy phones and coffee and clothes supporting capitalism but feel good about herself because capitalism bad but the people behind the different brands...good? I feel like I confused myself trying to even explain her mindset lol

@alandodge6549 - 07.07.2024 20:11

These leftist, feminist women are unlovable, even unlikable.
This is their cross to bear in life and for that they are unredeemable. Imagine what a day spent with this woman would be like, insufferable is my guess.

@Sweetness71775 - 07.07.2024 20:20

Man all these women complaining about a strong family are making the case for repealing the 19th for us. DO. NOT. SILENCE. THEM.

@Sweetness71775 - 07.07.2024 20:22

The root cause of fatherlessness is feminism.

@matthewmiller6979 - 07.07.2024 20:33

I find it funny that every anti-capitalism rant I see they leave out what makes capitalism unique from other systems, individual choice.
People choose to spend their effort/money on.
The individual chooses well, they succeed, the individual chooses poorly, they fail.

@ReturnofBenjamin - 07.07.2024 20:42

As usual, the liberal Karen cares more about whether people have the "right" motivation than on results.

@761jared - 07.07.2024 20:59

Imagine a bunch of bureaucrats beholden only to the current President, changing policies every 4-8 years on the whim of an egocentric individual (because anyone who wants this job is) instead of legislated laws. Who would continue making sure grandma and grandpa got their SS checks or paying their medical bills?

@crayonchomper1180 - 07.07.2024 21:24

Capitalism breeds innovation like better farming machinery/farming techniques. Innovation raises quality of life like increasing the yield from harvests. Which leads to better access to food, which leads to further innovation, beginning the cycle again.
It's an ascending corkscrew, made possible because the innovators knew that someone was willing to buy into their idea to make life better for everyone. An incentive is needed for innovation to happen, if there is no reward at the end of the line, why pursue the idea?

@Twotone-ld1fb - 07.07.2024 21:25

Also with women treating men like enemies the young up and coming men aren't being raised to be men. Their internal values many times are all over the place and they saw what their parents went through and that influences them as well in a negative way if they ever get in a relationship. Men aren't being taught how to be responsible caring fathers at a young age and young women are being taught that men are expendable and not needed. This feeds on itself eroding away at each new generation tell we reach a tipping point where women are now starting to wake up and wonder why they can't find any men. Men are removing themselves from the dating scene and saying, id rather be single then be in a relationship. I'd rather be single then have all my work effort and possessions taken from me. It's natural danger avoidance, relationships now days are more of a threat in most mens eyes then the benefits that might come with them.

Thats not to say all men are good, many of them need to grow up and learn how to respect others and themselves. But current trends and society aren't bringing the new generations up right to do so, with no father in the house many young boys don't have a readily available example of a man to go to for questions. The destruction of the family unit is the destruction of society.

@MichaelOrphanos - 07.07.2024 21:41

That ……was the stupidest thing I have ever heard…..she shouldn’t even be allowed to dress herself…..when Trump wins make sure she doesn’t have any sharp objects nearby

@derrillfloyd5571 - 07.07.2024 21:43

She’s so delusional that she knows the truth and still can’t get it.

@pab1381 - 07.07.2024 21:45

I wonder what motivates her to go to work everyday. That is if she has a job. Ya need money to live. Idk what dimension she lives in.

@-GrimEngineer-1337 - 07.07.2024 22:14

She just went and made the argument that proved her wrong, out of her own mouth. Wow, she thinks that "people" would have just invented all of this stuff with no motive for gain or income. And then goes about explaining that's how it all happened. Delu-lu...

@CMDRFandragon - 07.07.2024 22:20

Project 2025, agenda 47.....yeah, my dad been going on about Gesara for fucking 4 years now. It all sounds great, but id love to start seeing it happen.....

Men marrying women and women having children? IT wasnt controversial 6 years ago.....never mind 30-40......people have just completely, utterly and absolutely lost their damn minds....we need to make America Sane Again.

@lolzism1 - 07.07.2024 22:47

And to think they honestly believe that Trump is associated with Project 2025 in any way, shape or form.

These people are fucking idiots- why are we giving them the time of day again? They don’t want a conversation- they want control.

@lesscommonsense1804 - 07.07.2024 22:57

“What inspired you to make something so useful and innovative?”


@Testicool96 - 08.07.2024 00:16

Did she just say capitalism isn't responsible for innovation, while stating that its ACTUALLY capitalism's fault for innovation?

@taigenraine - 08.07.2024 00:25

No factory worker anywhere is making 1000 widgets an hour that go into your favorite technology because they want to improve everyone's lives. They do it because they have to in order to support their family. The only way you get those widgets is if you pay to have them made or use a threat of consequences if he doesn't work. We tried that way too...

@brutusofnn - 08.07.2024 01:15

Everyone knows you cannot fix krazy witches!

@ahdoeknogh - 08.07.2024 01:53

That TicToker has only shown she is the standard bearer of ignorance. She literally described the happy results of capitalism by listing it's attributes and accomplishments all the while describing the word "capitalism" as the exact opposite of what she had just described. She disproved herself and is too blind to see it.

@vincentgrove8787 - 08.07.2024 02:21

Dumb as a bag of hammers. Did her mom have any kids who lived?

@SteveLong-kf4wx - 08.07.2024 02:46

Can someone teach this "lady" about the "Mayflower Compact" and how it damn near destroyed this country before it ever began. Her ignorance gives me a headache

@xersys2556 - 08.07.2024 03:33

Capitalism is the reason she can talk like that and not be hit.

@AddamsMUNSTER_Family-DJ-VADIKA - 08.07.2024 03:58

Family is very important but there is no logical reason for every individual person to have to get married and have kids. There are plenty of others out there doing it and in some country even doing it to the point of over population.

@stevelawrence5123 - 08.07.2024 04:16

I'm paywalled out of a Bentley Convertible. How unfair !

@rrg019000 - 08.07.2024 05:45

There should be an intro to algebra test necessary for getting a TikTok account. Would weed out 99 percent of the faff

@mikeruhland6928 - 08.07.2024 06:01

people creating value in exchange for value. A is A. Capitalism is the only humanist system.

@jsal2284 - 08.07.2024 08:14

Defund child support and alimony
