Zero Point Tech - Navy UFO Patents?

Zero Point Tech - Navy UFO Patents?

Chris Lehto

1 год назад

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@josephmarchal9566 - 29.11.2023 23:38

Chris, you are so great with information. You would have made a fine professor.

@mrspook4789 - 12.11.2023 08:57

I'm skeptical.

@strangeanimal1535 - 06.09.2023 16:48

Facinating. Now build the damn thing. Could it be we did already ?

@calebromo1 - 31.05.2023 18:35

The Pais Effect is real.

@micheldaveau8827 - 04.04.2023 15:05

J.P PETIT a lui- aussi développé une thé même plusieurs thèses sut l'anti -gravite, décriée par la communauté scientifique il y a quelques anné a présent reconnues comme vous invite à les consulter et a donner votre avis sur ce que ce monsieur , a mon humble avis , a vainement démontré...CORDIALEMENT ! 👀🇨🇵👍🙋👀👁️🎇👁️

@DeezNutz-ce5se - 23.03.2023 13:33

Those parents are a farce.
Sound waves inside and microwaves outside? Yeah right that'll work.
The guy just dreamt up these things to mislead other countries.
That's what they've been doing since Roswell.

@jeremiahmullikin - 07.03.2023 19:12

I wouldn't take these patents seriously. It's noise.

@bentinbama1 - 21.02.2023 17:53

Mr pias is using torsion fields or torsion mechanics...spinning electrified rotation....if that sounds familiar it because this was done by the NAZIS back in the 1940's...called the nazis bell. Dr. Joseph P Farrell explains this so well in his secret space program series.

@joeshmoe6930 - 21.02.2023 07:12

"... which hasn't been proven yet, according to the..." entity that lies to you, and hides things from you constantly.

@dumbgamerguy2 - 10.02.2023 00:20

i saw something that looked exactly like that patent

@sonsofthewestredwhiteblue5317 - 21.01.2023 11:11

I believed Bob Lazar the first time i heard his testimony. As cool and absolutely thought provoking as the concepts were, I’m objective enough to call horse shit when I smell it, even if the vendor of such horse shit happens to be advocating for things I’d like to be real.

Everything from his manner, the way he recounted his experience, his stated motivation, the science he was offering some broad brushstrokes with regard too etc.

This was back in the good ol’ 90’s before the MIB’s spent the best part of 3 decades trying to ridicule, undermine, whitewash his contribution (deleting all his MIT transcripts etc).

Whilst the Joe Rogans of the World may waft which ever way the breeze seems to be blowing when it comes to Bob Lazar, I’m dug in like an Alabama tick ✊🇦🇺🤓

What a hero.

@LTS.CJ. - 10.12.2022 19:53

What if the Pyramids were used like this?!?

@LTS.CJ. - 10.12.2022 19:53

This how you create a Dyson Sphere

@josephturner7569 - 29.11.2022 15:23

Well, if you follow certain conspiracy theories, this tech has been in use for years. The only reason to patent it is to stop clever bastards 'rediscovering' it. I wonder if there is a McDonalds on Serpo yet?

@josephturner7569 - 29.11.2022 15:19

I think I think it is amazing that a program* can invent its own cheat code. Is this 42?
* No such thing as matter or energy. It's all just information.

@TenaciousDmitchell - 24.11.2022 18:47

I think it’s fascinating that this information is finally coming to light. I knew the Bob L. story had a ring of truth to it although I’m sure they gave them a lot of disinformation, such as the nine different UFOs , to muddy the waters.

@hexadecimal7300 - 15.11.2022 15:37

Sounds like a modern Biefeld Brown moment, He too did stuff for the military with his "anti gravitic" discs in the 50's I think.

@BrodyLuv2 - 08.11.2022 21:53

It is a patent for a basic lifter, these can be made at home with light woo, tin foil, pins and metal wire with a source to generate the ion wind .

@MrJocko1966 - 07.11.2022 04:20

Gotta start somewhere.

@oblonghas - 02.11.2022 09:03

They’re just gonna try to use it to enslave us

@melparrishjr - 30.10.2022 04:16

Pais knows what he's doing. It's just like it was with Nikola Tesla! Having so many ideas floating around it the big brain... not all on paper like you'd expect! They sometimes omitt certain essential details. Especially when they'd like to think they have all the time in the world but the world doesn't like to be kept waiting... Tesla had better order in his mind than he ever did on paper! Can you imagine how many drawings and schematicts he must've scrapped because it was nowhere near as easy to draw them as it wss to envision them in his mind? You can build a whole house in your head without a stick of lumber in the yard... Assemble an entire car in your imagination without so much as a wrench in the real world. Tesla was not the only one either! Einstein, also engaged in some very fruitful thought experimets. He may not have been an inventor but he was a patent clerk and to do that you've got be able to envision those things and spin them around in your mind's eye. Pais must've unintentionally left something out. It's happened to the best of them!

@richardcottone6620 - 26.10.2022 15:57

I dreamed about an acoustic engin for space travel in 2003

@dougrobitaille2046 - 24.10.2022 18:22

Really good stuff! 🎃🇨🇦🖖

@jpslayermayor9293 - 22.10.2022 13:17

Note= when Pais says "Creates a vacuum" he means a gravitational vacuum towards which the craft is sucked or drawn

@skrungy1428 - 20.10.2022 03:30

Ok so these craft will not use propulsion to move. They will generate their own inertia. It’s an entirely different thing than propulsion which uses friction to generate inertia. Instead of being pushed and propelled they will be pulled through space.

@gregzambo6693 - 15.10.2022 14:46

If it hasn't been proven experimentally then it is no better than fiction - but hey, I would love to see something actually effect gravitation. Thanks!

@Nathanaelsun22 - 11.10.2022 05:52

Your channel is SOoOhoooh GOooOOoood! Your style is a total delight, and the quality of the channel and the content is really the business. Cheers!

@sg-oe9wb - 09.10.2022 21:47

Its just psy-ops, trying to convince the adversaries that they have something they don't actually have. They'll have teams of physicists chasing fairy tales to catch up, great move Navy.

@ethanwilliam9944 - 08.10.2022 04:41

Idk.... but the plot thickens. I really wish the powers that be would fully disclose what the know about uaps. The suspense is killing me! What really amazes me is when I try to bring the topic up for discussion amongst friends or coworkers, I'm amazed at how many people just couldn't care less and just arent interested. I dont get it.

@nomcognom2414 - 07.10.2022 11:32

Without need to read the patent applications one can immediately tell it is all laughable gobbledygook. For at least 2-3 reasons.

Reason 1: what Chris Lehto "explains" during the first 5 minutes (when I stopped watching) is pure nonsense.

Reason 2: when a corporate or Defense organization develops something truly revolutionary in the aerospace, armaments or defense systems sector, something you don't want to be known and copied by adversaries within at least 20 years (after which patents expire) YOU KEEP IT SECRET. And a patent is the opposite of secrecy, it is a publication. Patents are intended to put things in the public domain so everyone can copy them in exchange of 20 years of exclusive rights to exploit the invention commercially, wherever you filed your patent application. Besides, a patent application needs to include all essential details so the invention can be understood, replicated, and work, without which it is not granted. I am pretty confident these patent applications do not include all necessary details. The patent might still be granted when it shouldn't, but such a patent is worthless in itself.

I first learned about these patents through a Ross Coulthart documentary when it was released and I nearly wrote him to explain how these "patents" must be pure BS and can only be explained in terms of deliberate disinformation. This must be to keep amateurs (UFOlogists) entertained for some reason, because foe country R&D organizations will be familiar with patenting vs industrial secret, and will never buy into such BS.

Reason 3: Finally, it is rather ridiculous to imagine that some unknown "genius" can suddenly invent on his own something so revolutionary, out of the blue. Highly unlikely. And there is absolutely nothing in physics, to my knowledge, that could cancel the mass of an object. Talk of electromagnetic radiation, inert gas, resonance, etc. here is cheap SF talk. You can levitate a train but not make it massless, nor weightless. Various technologies exist to make things levitate and even fly unconventionally, but everything uses well known physics, nothing bizarre and mysterious. To make matters worse, the guy's name is ridiculous too, suggesting a poorly conceived fake ID or else some real (in spite of unlikely) person, happy to let his ID be used. Salvatore is Italian, while Cezar Pais are Portuguese/Brazilian surnames (Cezar is not a middle name). It doesn't make sense. It is very unlikely.

BTW, see if these patent applications were also filed in China, the EU, Russia, Japan, South Korea, India or some other country with enough industrial or internal market potential to be conceivably interested. I bet these patent applications were only filed with the USPTO, which will be yet another sign of this being pure disinformation aimed at History Channel and Ancient Astronaut lovers. An actual invention coming from a significant organization, an invention that can safely be made public and which its owners intend to commercialize will always be protected by patent applications in other relevant countries.

@sedigives - 06.10.2022 21:43

If the CCP had boots on the ground in Russia for training exercise or natural disaster aid, your witnessing the end of many things! No one would believe it because China has never attacked another Country ever! If Russia can't stop the bleeding, Putin's a dead man, They will not allow him to launch unless he gets the people behind him and some are. So we may never find out what's up with ET's but they are watching. I think we know when it's time, deep down & we lose our minds.

@williamjeffreys2980 - 05.10.2022 18:37

Room temperature super conductors by themselves would change the world. No heat generated, no loss during electrical transmission. Wire gauges for the same application would be much smaller. No heat means you could cram as many logic circuits into a space as the space would allow. No need for the massive refrigeration for data centers. Electric motors would be smaller yet more powerful..

@arkade- - 05.10.2022 09:04

Wait I thought you couldn't file a patent like this unless you had a working model and could prove that it deserved a patent.

@VooDooTube... - 04.10.2022 22:55

In the movie Bob Lazar Area 51 and flying Saucers. At 1;17;00, onwards, listen closely when Mr Lazar is talking about the FBI and police turning up at his Home/Lab. He states that while stood at the door and sorting his keys he looked up and suddenly they were there, talking behind him. He says it was strange considering he could see all around him. Notice, while he is describes the event he looks quite bemused and even says “I thought that was really strange”. I think the alien have cloaking technology and used it while approaching Mr Lazar and this is what he was experiencing. If one has the technology to manipulate gravity, then one may be able to bend light and become invisible. I believe aliens are all around us even in the big cities and use technology so we cannot see them.

@Alekosssvr - 04.10.2022 15:46

Patents make no sense. Confuses acoustics, microwaves, zero-point energy, fusion, and other completely disconnected phenomena.
Looks like techno mumbo-jumbo to me, as an Engineer, and to Physic scolleagues of mine.
Patent officers were right to reject the patents. Military intervened to get the patents accepted.
Now maybe this IS an attempt to describe reverse Engineered system but IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Of course this hasn't been validated because how could it?

@David-DK-Kerr - 03.10.2022 18:18

Glad to have found your channel! I have watched several already… exciting times!

@aurelianii9001 - 03.10.2022 01:25

Some of these patents have working models already. If not all. Or they wouldn't be patents

@TheValarClan - 01.10.2022 20:29

The idea of reducing something to have zero mass effect does allow for one to go faster than normal. The trouble is electromagnetism or a magnetic field does not affect gravity. One needs to find the bridge between those two fundamental forces. Considering gravity is curvature of space one would have to work out that first. On the right track I will say that

@philipswain4122 - 01.10.2022 16:06

Hi Chris, I’m a US and Canadian patent agent. I’m compiling a dossier on this tech and other “UAP tech”. I have access to the prosecution history of the patent applications and I’m presently analyzing how the applications were examined at the Uspto. I’m also a chemist by training and so I’m able to tease apart the science behind this tech. Fascinating to say the least.

@RoscoesRiffs - 01.10.2022 15:43

I wonder why the Air Force would permit him to patent these inventions? If they offered priceless advantages, wisdom would dictate ironclad secrecy. An everyday example is the secret formula for WD-40, which its creator realized is far too valuable for a mere 17-year protection period.

@LostAnFound - 27.09.2022 14:41

It's worth looking into, "High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generators," recebtly written about by Pais (related patents and publications) as well as Dr. Robert Baker (92), founder of Gravwave, a Naval and DOD contractor.

@juancarrero6652 - 25.09.2022 07:28

The first patent looks exactly like the TR-3B 😲😲😲

@juancarrero6652 - 25.09.2022 07:26

He sounds Hispanic even though his will can probably change humanity if it hasn't already and yet we are frowned upon go figure 🇵🇷🇺🇸💪🏼for life mothers F ers.

@punkypinko2965 - 22.09.2022 04:18

But what about the Flux Capacitor?

@boa1793 - 19.09.2022 23:26

I thought his name was made up by the CIA, the FBI or the military and meant “save the country.” Then he would have been not a real person, someone “they” wanted to create to explain why they might come up with spacecraft like vehicles. It’s always fun to blame things on “them.” I always wanted to change his name to Salvatore Mundo.

@mauriciogranados7833 - 19.09.2022 20:04

Los militares, especialmente los de Norteamérica deben recurrir al robo y plagio de tecnología alienígena mediante torturas, sometimiento y amenazas que es lo común de los militares para ganar guerras e invadir países; no son ideas brillantes por deducción sino robo descarado para intereses propios. El tal Salvatore Pais y sus compañeros militares no son genios sino delincuentes, ladrones de tecnología y asesinos que usaran tales conocimientos para sojuzgar a las naciones.
The military, especially those of North America, must resort to the theft and plagiarism of alien technology through torture, subjugation and threats, which is common for the military to win wars and invade countries; they are not brilliant ideas by deduction but brazen theft for their own interests. This Salvatore Pais and his fellow military are not geniuses but criminals, technology thieves and murderers who will use such knowledge to subjugate nations.

@CaptainTrips - 18.09.2022 14:14

You should talk with Steven Greer. You two have a lot in common

@dreed7312 - 18.09.2022 13:05

I think it's time to put investigative resources on the pilots telling tall tales about tic-tacs and orbs. I'm pretty sure everyone involved with To The Stars is a fraud, now we just need to nail down these other charlatans. Harry Reids corruption needs to come to an end and anyone in the military that was involved needs to be exposed and the loopholes closed so it can't happen again. If anything the pilots saw a navy drone, and all the rest is embellishment.
