Don't Become a UX/UI Designer BEFORE Considering These!

Don't Become a UX/UI Designer BEFORE Considering These!


1 год назад

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Singing Munchkin
Singing Munchkin - 16.09.2023 10:20

I actually dropped out of community college(i took some core classes, but i wasn't into my past major, so i started taking a google university online program, currently doing it), but this is something that my parents tell me: "Nothing is hard/difficult if you are passionate about it" ; "The more you think something is difficult, the more likely that it actually will be". Keep these things in mind, and im sure you guys will do great :). Best of luck to you all!

Erika Narvaez
Erika Narvaez - 15.09.2023 00:07

Designer: presents mock up
Stakeholders: hmmm there’s something I don’t like.
Designer: Ok, that’s fine let’s go over it what do we not feel good about/ need to change?
Stakeholder: IDK how to describe what I don’t like but I can tell you what I do like when I see it.
Designer: 🥴

True story 😂

MT C - 10.09.2023 10:41

For UX begginer I really don't know where to start? I studied visual communication at Uni but didn't have luck landing a job in graphic design coz COVID :( Ended up working in retail for years! but I still dreaming on working in design field one day!! I'm based in Sydney too I was looking at some UI/UX bootcamps like Acadamy Xi/Monash University and they're super pricy! I wonder if there's any UI UX book you would recommend for begginer??

Phillybulcam - 07.09.2023 04:47

I think this is reality for most jobs. Everyone saying he only talks about downs and he’s making it seem worse. Your already showing you aren’t built for this. Everything takes work. Hard work. He told you the cheat code, all you have to do is love your job and be willing to level up just like you would in the game you love. Strive for greatness

Olivia Demetriou
Olivia Demetriou - 06.09.2023 12:22

Hello!! I'm a creative looking to get into UI design. I have artistic background but not in this area. I would love to hear some advice on breaking into the career and getting myself noticed so if anyone has any please do share no matter how small it may be!! or any advice about the actual work itself/portfolio. THANKS!

MrArtist1971 - 30.08.2023 19:08

Hmmm. Been in the design field 30+ years. You're only as busy as you are dependable. Highly skilled? Whatever. The guy that gets it done wins. Fact.

EPICPIXEL - 28.08.2023 14:53

Negative clickbait. Nice job. Way they be different.

Philippe Turgeon - Réalisateur
Philippe Turgeon - Réalisateur - 25.08.2023 05:50


🐼 Panda Story - 📚 a book series about agility
🐼 Panda Story - 📚 a book series about agility - 22.08.2023 18:34

🖖🏻 Like it! ​​🌈

Saashah UX
Saashah UX - 17.08.2023 22:37

Gain practical experience in conducting research, ideation, prototyping, and user testing within the dynamic environment of “UXUI Pros” . Their program offers adaptable lectures that foster efficient and effective learning, empowering students to excel in the field of UX/UI design.

Jamie Fox
Jamie Fox - 17.08.2023 04:31

Shoes on the sofa? I can't believe me eyes! Great video, you say what needs to be said, you're helping me make up my mind for sure.

Clark piggott
Clark piggott - 14.08.2023 19:50

Pretty sure all of these elements of consideration have always been there in the digital/creative space - it’s just the terminology has changed. Never known any creative industry that you have a say until senior level, have ridiculous deadlines, design ideas that get shut down…

Grab your chance and just work hard - that’s the best advice. Listen, learn and venture.

Christopher Garcia
Christopher Garcia - 05.08.2023 06:33

Weird question, what kind of shirt is that?

Deybit Ventura
Deybit Ventura - 01.08.2023 22:42

Añguien que lo tradusca

Rahul Kumar Maddheshiya
Rahul Kumar Maddheshiya - 01.08.2023 10:37

It was really helpful and insightful. I am struggling in learning ux design but now I got all my answers. Thank You!

Monica S
Monica S - 28.07.2023 09:11

what an insightful video! Just graduated from a UX course and currently job hunting. I really liked how you were honest, but also balanced in not discouraging people from pursuing, but really telling it like it is, and giving us things to consider/think about. I have a question though, when it comes to managing stakeholders with either pushing back or going with the flow, what are you tips for assessing the situation in discerning whether it's best to push back or go with the flow?

fathan° - 22.07.2023 02:20


Vegan Nats
Vegan Nats - 19.07.2023 15:52

I love watch your video to learn UI tips or figma, yet let me tell you that...
Japanese smash mochi is always WHITE🤣

cranialjukebox - 18.07.2023 02:52

I really appreciate your pragmatism and honesty. I’m still in school for graphic design and my professor suggested I become a UX designer. I’m very confident about my decision and it’s good to know the pitfalls before I begin.

Tom-A062 - 11.07.2023 13:06

Biggest one: AI builds a site in 90 seconds, this career is dead

Margarita's Dias
Margarita's Dias - 07.07.2023 02:03

We can accept all of these for nearly all tech jobs nowadays. I'm an AI engineer and face most of the issues you point out here almost daily. I need to continuously develop myself, learn new things every day, overcome strict deadlines, and try to keep myself at a point where I find new projects and jobs I enjoy to do it. Social media and hustle culture try to convince people they can get straight to the point. They earn lots of money, experience, and more. Still, it is only possible to learn some aspects that create real value for a business in a short time. Thank you for your honest review; even though I'm working in a different field, I love to learn more about other tech jobs and the background that I spend my hours on projects with people from that fields. 

All fellow UX/UI designers, keep pedaling. It is hard for all of us to break the learning curve and create value from our knowledge and experience, but you can do it as anyone can with passion and an accurate roadmap.

SauGOAT - 27.06.2023 09:21

Hey man thank you for this video. I just signed up for Ux/Ui design bootcamp. I’m excited to see what I can do knowing the future is in my hands and how bad I want it. I was slowly getting scared and discouraged because I haven’t studied in awhile and am inexperienced in the field but nothing great in life is free or easy.

paçoca - 23.06.2023 08:39

damn... now i'm scared and discouraged to do ux design

MaxLib - 19.06.2023 13:22

Every moment? Damn that must be nice.

Enemy - 16.06.2023 22:25

It's not just art. There need to be alot of research. Every choice you make must be backed up with research!!!!!!

Asma habib
Asma habib - 14.06.2023 17:59

Setting a strong foundation is vital!

Srishti Oinam
Srishti Oinam - 12.06.2023 20:24

I was apprehensive. And the points you mentioned points that this doesn't sound interesting anymore. I need more aesthetics and creativity running up on my schedule.

ねこ - 05.06.2023 16:05

I'm a front end developer already. But working with inexperienced ui/ux designers is frustrating. also I need to grow my career. so I'm thinking about becoming front end developer + ui/ux designer. so that I alone can do everything that doesn't require backend heavily.

Dameera - 01.06.2023 19:07

Isn't any role in software engineering like this?

Fun Sun
Fun Sun - 28.05.2023 04:18

What is working hard?

Twl - 15.05.2023 21:50

thanks so much for sharing this video with us all!! Its good to talk about the hard truths of being a ux designer. There is so much videos made today " how to become a UX Designer in 3 months" .. (REALLY?) and it's not that easy.

Michel Theodorou
Michel Theodorou - 12.05.2023 13:02

Jokes on you 😂

Lycankind - 09.05.2023 22:13

Been with thw company for 14 years and loves job. Why do people make these videos? Who really thinks any job or career is going to an easy, smooth sail? I use to work in warehouses for years, hard labor right. I would rather go through any issues with ux design than endure that struggle again.

Amanda DiTirro
Amanda DiTirro - 08.05.2023 19:28

Thank you for your video. I am coming into UX design from a nursing background. I have the opportunity to attend a UX associate degree program or attend a boot camp. Which would you recommend?

VCD Gamer
VCD Gamer - 07.05.2023 23:36

I decided to jump in blindly to UI design with figma. It was incredibly fun. Did a couple of side projects, even remade LinkedIn's website from scratch.
But I obviously want to get a job in this industry soon, so I felt it wasn't enough. I'm currently going through the google ux course at coursera, but after seeing this.......
Well, I'm definitely not giving up. And I'm glad I found this video. At least I know what to expect when I make it into the industry.

but boy oh boy..... things are gonna be tough.....

Andre Jones
Andre Jones - 29.04.2023 02:28

This is an amazing video. I'm experiencing this right now, you touched on everything I've gone through for the last 15 years. Thank you

Constantino Co
Constantino Co - 28.04.2023 12:07

Another thing to consider is the Design Feedback from stakeholders and colleagues. Design is subjective, and it is easy for others to judge your work without understanding the context behind your design decisions. You will get shot from all directions. Be prepared for it.

Anđela Primorac
Anđela Primorac - 27.04.2023 08:02

What I noticed in a lot of job posts is the fact that companies expect you to be a graphic designer, web designer/developer and Ux designer all at once. I guess we will have to go full stack.

B C - 21.04.2023 09:28

UX is like a project manager with a twist. it's just a term/title that tech companies call these days.

Saif Khan
Saif Khan - 19.04.2023 23:37

Bro just need your suggestion I create my own portfolio I have my past work projects and also have a skill in Mobile App design and I apply each and every where I fail in freelancing so I apply for job but still I'm Jobless so can you help me where I can get job or client??

Theresa - 19.04.2023 01:51

thank you for making a video that explains the reality of ux design. I am so sick of the videos that people are putting saying " how to be a UX designer in 3 months!" or "how I landed a job right straight after UX Designer with zero experience!" we hear the glories of being a ux designer but the negative stuff its always hidden. You cannot be a full fledge designer in just 3 months.. its like saying I will spend 3 months learning medicine and I will be able to operate heart surgery on a patient.

Aqdas Majgaonkar
Aqdas Majgaonkar - 18.04.2023 15:41

What about UI designer

Elle - 18.04.2023 03:48

Maybe I'll just make my own products and never have to deal with being bullied by these companies lol

Andrea Kennedy
Andrea Kennedy - 15.04.2023 22:43

Thank you for sharing this knowledge. I'm currently studying to become a UX Designer so this information is extremely useful. I'm not scared away yet;) lol, but even more committed to the work required to break in and thrive in this industry. I appreciate the book recommendation:) looking forward to checking out more of your videos!

Prabhakar's Techniques
Prabhakar's Techniques - 13.04.2023 15:20

I'm thinking about to learn , now 😮??

x—Jaymie J3oss—x
x—Jaymie J3oss—x - 13.04.2023 13:20

the laughing seagulls really discouraged me

Lance Masina
Lance Masina - 13.04.2023 07:12

Thank you for this video, peeling away the glam and giving us the hard truths.
