How Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?

How Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Work?

Psych Hub

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Melisa Uchida
Melisa Uchida - 04.11.2023 00:57

I think this station is created by a pharmaceutical company. Notice how they put …”went to a psychiatrist and was treated with medication” first. When the title says it’s a program on CBT. Yes, they describe CBT, but only after saying that medication was the prescribed treatment.

Jayxmonster - 25.10.2023 09:32

I start soon i hope it helps

Astronomical TDS
Astronomical TDS - 21.10.2023 05:52


Bill Wickert
Bill Wickert - 05.10.2023 22:59

The problem with the CBT is you have to actually believe the positive thoughts. Just saying them will no no good at all.

Trying to become famous
Trying to become famous - 22.09.2023 07:04


KerbalTube HD
KerbalTube HD - 13.09.2023 12:05

I tried CBT once and now I can't have kids anymore.

mystage11 - 11.09.2023 10:44

I have no support system I am ignored my room. My roommate, a co-owner car with roommate. She uses it every day. I can be a week or more in the house and I have to beg to get my needs met. Roommate does not notice when I am out of things and does not care. I have no family no friends I am truly stuck in alone. What can a psychiatrist do for me other than tell me to go for a walk. Why am I going to go what am I gonna do? Nothing feels good,

Jesse - 08.09.2023 07:35

You fucking would say that he needed medication too wouldn't you. This is a client who was clearly able to handle his thoughts, yet he was put on medication anyway, just like what happens far too often in reality

Icyl - 06.09.2023 18:25

Ok but how does CBT work against negative, ubproductive but true thoughts?

Monrow Williams
Monrow Williams - 15.08.2023 05:45

I had negative thoughts about other people because idk wats on there mind each day im not a mind reader but thats my only problem

Susan Kingsbury
Susan Kingsbury - 05.08.2023 08:31

Cbt doesn't work for me, therapists keep pushin it on me. I just need them to try a different aproach. Therapy is such a waste of time now, and I'm just so angry and close to screaming.

Trying to become famous
Trying to become famous - 11.07.2023 04:57


Rolling Coach
Rolling Coach - 05.07.2023 14:13

I hate it that people are diagnosed as mentally ill if they feel overwhelmed with negative thoughts. I say they are not ill, they just haven't been taught the right skills to rebalance themselves when the scales have tilted to negative. That is because at school we learn interpret poetry instead of how to properly deal with life and its challenges. And while cbt is great, more may be required to regain your balance. If you fell into depression it is likely that an old trauma was triggered and no amount of rationalizing is going to heal that. But EMDR very often can.

Hans Kraut
Hans Kraut - 29.05.2023 22:28

due people like "maybe im depresed, maybe they hate me........ oh no they love me my life is great i just wasted tonns of ressources and now i will go all over social media about how therapy is so awesome" pro therapy bias - dont believe it prove it research it unbiased

Khalfrank - 23.04.2023 22:42

CBT = Gaslighting

Something this stupid video left out.

Дима Иванов
Дима Иванов - 13.04.2023 22:45

I love how here people talking about CBT and it's positive affects, while even with context they sound amusing.

gamingwithmia84 - 13.04.2023 20:49

I have just started CBT ,but feel so negative about it (like I don't believe that someone can change my thought pattern) has anyone completed CBT and found their life improved?

Amy Bogaski
Amy Bogaski - 12.04.2023 05:20

By far, the best CBT video, I have listened to. This is exactly how I am seeing myself, and I know now that I am working CBT slightly.
You’ve given me hope that CBT is going to continue to help me the better I get at it

Avalon Justin
Avalon Justin - 10.04.2023 21:59

It makes me feel bad to hear people being down on themselves. CBT can really help change someone's thinking in a positive and realistic way.

Ishana R. Islam
Ishana R. Islam - 10.04.2023 19:06

Anyone can help me with “contribuition of CBT in the field of counselling” ? Please

Abid Alwi
Abid Alwi - 03.04.2023 18:45

Cendol Pulut Tapai

SpareSomeChange - 26.03.2023 21:13

I just googled "CBT" and got lost for a couple of hours.

Pingu - 07.03.2023 06:24

I'm too immature to think of anything other than "chicken and ball torture" whenever I see CBT

wind spelling
wind spelling - 06.03.2023 13:57

All i can say is that cbt is a condition in which one's think that nobody will understand me or how they treated me, am I ok in those clothes, judgement

Gisselle Penaloza
Gisselle Penaloza - 27.02.2023 20:32

Rhiannon Jones
Rhiannon Jones - 21.02.2023 07:25

My mum was sacked for malpractice. CBT isn't worth it. Try the mental health charity online MIND for information booklet only or advocacy if you are illegally locked in a psychiatric unit. The medication is also awful. And peer support groups are worse. A bibliotherapy book list or CBT workbook you buy and do at home is better. You only need 1-12 sessions with a psychiatrist and an anti psychotic or anti depressant if you have a psychiatric illness like Schizophrenia. My mum stole the case notes and had access to people's sensitive data. CBT is 6 sessions of coping techniques and other advice. You don't really change your thoughts. You just learn stuff like why you have depression, keeping clean and tidy, to sleep at night, talk about how you feel more, that it's normal to get depression, not to make a mountain out of a molehill, to break down tasks to small tasks, eat regularly and healthy, exercise, and take breaks, and get fresh air. And your depression is real please don't kill yourself. And an anti depressant

Publio Zinj
Publio Zinj - 17.02.2023 00:19

"Just think positively dude" what an absolute joke. This is all psychology has come up with? Next therapy appointment you go to refuse to pay, then tell your therapist that they should just think positively about working for free.

Self-Proclaimed Artist
Self-Proclaimed Artist - 24.01.2023 10:20

i searched cbt for something else…

Emma Louie
Emma Louie - 22.01.2023 01:53

Therapy doesn't work especially CBT. I read a book about CBT a long time ago I think a counselor wanted me to read it. In fact I had like two books about it. It was horrible. I was meant to go through every single thought and then control all my thoughts and only allow myself to have good thoughts. It basically forces a person to go into massive denial. It never worked for me. Do you know that the counselor who recommended it never did follow up with me. They never check in to see how you are doing or if it's working for you. Then if you act too positive people also hate you for being too positive because it's kinda fake.

Angelica.786 - 21.01.2023 22:36

Which therapy is required for person who is afraid to walk alone and fear of falling and never getting up and always scared to go out of the house alone or with someone because feel scared to walk and kind falling feeling but never falls

Turkish and American food
Turkish and American food - 20.01.2023 03:24


Larry Knight
Larry Knight - 14.01.2023 02:42

schizophrenia $x

Carlos Shirah
Carlos Shirah - 11.01.2023 19:42

*ock and *all torture

Crystalline Wisdome
Crystalline Wisdome - 10.01.2023 17:38

bro johnson and johnson, you dont do shit for humanity. i helped myself because i knew the whole health care system is only about making big dollars. i started meditation and mental hygiene. thanks devil i dont need solutions from you

Gerrardino Valisno
Gerrardino Valisno - 27.12.2022 05:20

Thank you for your videos. I love how simple are them and informative. There's not so much unecessary animations. And it's created the way the audience can realistically relate and understand themselves.

✨ Aesthetic Toca Girl ✨
✨ Aesthetic Toca Girl ✨ - 21.12.2022 03:52

Im pretty sure actually Ive managed to convince myself I have ADHD, I have most of the symptoms and I’ve taken tons of online tests that all say I probably have it, if only my parents actually cared abt it but nooo everyone gets stressed everyone feels bad sometimes 💀

Tresator Nemam
Tresator Nemam - 19.12.2022 16:20

I don't see how this helps anxiety. Okay, I can think differently but that doesn't stop the anxiety that's coming with the negative thoughts.

Tasha Morriss
Tasha Morriss - 18.12.2022 11:05

I'm a mental health (MH) professional. I will tell you now, that the best thing I ever did for my own mental health (which many of us MH professionals neglect), was to cut out all the negative ppl from my life. I simply stopped communicating with them - no explanation or anything. I'd had to move from a place I loved to my old town to help care for my Dad, who unfortunately became ill. As soon as I contacted one of my so called friends I'd known for many years, she immediately started complaining about everything in her life - as she always does. She had gotten ill quite a few years ago, but is better now thanks to live saving medication, so I never called her out re her negative behaviour (and I'm a pretty straight forward person). I'd know this person about 40 years. The very last straw came when she started telling me how to do my job - an area that she has never worked in, or even been associated with. She has always been a know it all type of person - and thinks she is better than everyone else. We had an unproductive argument, and I just said I have to go as I was tired - I'd gotten stuck in an airport about 2 nights before, so wasn't happy about sleeping on a chair all night, and was still horribly jet lagged. My friend also knew this but did not offer any words of sympathy etc. I thought long and hard re our argument and about how this person had always put me down over the years, never supporting me, whereas I'd supported her pretty much through everything. I wondered why I tolerated her behaviour, then just decided that I did not need to. I was feeding her ego - giving her an ear to complain to re everything - MH professionals unfortunately get that all the time. So I cut her out of my life, and everyone else who is negative. I don't live here permanently anyway, but have to stay here for now. Ask yourself: why do you tolerate everyone else's criticism? Do they know - or care - re your life circumstances? The best thing to do is tell them straight that you don't appreciate their criticism but rather, a helpful ear would be better - nobody has all the solutions to your life problems. Otherwise, if they continue to be negative either ignore them, or simply don't contact them - they will get the message eventually. Or if you don't want to do that, one friend told me she just agreed with the negative cricitism, said 'You're probably right!', smiled, said Bye then walked away. This would not work for me however. I can't tell you now how wonderful it is to not be around those ppl anymore!! Nobody needs more criticism in their life. Do not tolerate it and don't be made to feel guilty for not seeing those ppl - you deserve better friends than negative ones in your life!!

steve guzun
steve guzun - 16.12.2022 22:47

i am very depressed, im gonna kms, but when i engaged in CBT my balls became purple. Thanks Psych Hub ;0

NE14ABJ - 15.12.2022 19:39

Just been diagnosed with ADHD, ASD & OCD. I feel like my world has spiralled further due to the thought that if I had known sooner I could have done something about the last 42 years of my complete (oblivious) life and made it better. Most will say you shouldn’t dwell on the past… you’re right but let me tell you something that it’s easy for you to say. It is not easy when like I say just finding out I have disabilities as well to add to the others it really angers me and I feel cheated! Child abuse felt like the norm growing up as I thought parents must beat their kids severely with blunt force when the child had done wrong but no that lasted 14 yrs and finding out at the age of 14 that this is not normal when I visit a friends house for the first time and found out that’s not the way I’m treated just how I saw how they was with each other… that put me into a serious addiction phase for 4 years which led to a complete breakdown. I could go on and on but I shouldn’t dwell on it they say?! Not easy to do but I am trying to be positive by getting the help I need and only then, hopefully, I’ll stop feeling like I wanna die most days. 🤞🏻

LatentOwl - 10.12.2022 23:20

It doesn't work.

IAMTracee - 09.12.2022 20:53

No your boss is taking advantage by making you the work they don’t want to do and is above your pay grade

Real Brown Human
Real Brown Human - 11.11.2022 00:40




Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 08.11.2022 18:41


Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 08.11.2022 18:40

Close there practice

Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 08.11.2022 18:40


Paul Nolan
Paul Nolan - 08.11.2022 18:39


N A - 02.11.2022 04:24

Their use of the word “partner” makes it hard for me to trust this video.
