Teach Toddlers to Poop in the Toilet | Dealing with poop refusal & helping your child release poop

Teach Toddlers to Poop in the Toilet | Dealing with poop refusal & helping your child release poop

Slumber and Bloom

1 год назад

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jane barlow
jane barlow - 07.11.2023 07:58

What do you do for helping them to comprehend pooping?
My son is 2 and I feel like he doesn’t really understand pooping on the potty, almost like he doesn’t have the urge when on the toilet

jane barlow
jane barlow - 07.11.2023 07:50

I have purposely let my toddler watch me use the bathroom. But I don’t tell anyone because I would feel really judged

Joey Delgaudou
Joey Delgaudou - 30.10.2023 22:11

Try a tummy massage clockwise motion bicycle his or her legs try a pedialax enema or a pedialax suppository glycerin daily rectally or a cotton swab with Vaseline petroleum jelly rectally daily

Amanda Gabehart
Amanda Gabehart - 03.10.2023 23:15

We are desperate and in need of advice? Our 4 year old daughter absolutely refuses to poop in the potty. She will squeeze her cheeks together when she feels it coming out and hold it in. We’ve been dealing with this for over a year now. She did have constipation issues at first but we’ve been giving her fiber gummies that are helping that. It’s like she’s scared to let it come out and we are failing at healing her. Everyone is about to blow our tops!! Please help?

Joy Joy
Joy Joy - 07.09.2023 23:07

My daughter 4.5 year old still potty trained. She refused to poop in the toilet she said she scared. Now she go to school and put pulls up. Teacher ask if still potty train and diaper all the time. I told when she only wear panty. Im being stress, idk if we still sent her to school.

Crypticypher Cc
Crypticypher Cc - 31.07.2023 08:21

Use a potty pad let him squat over it naked tell him to fart and he might poop if that don't work tickel him if he has to poop and starts to pee tell him. To try to fart oops they will poop and won't know you tricked him to poop outside of the diaper

Samantha Merchant
Samantha Merchant - 28.07.2023 17:30

We have done all of this nothing works hes 3 now he poops in his pants at summer camp

tyba87 - 19.07.2023 13:11

My son is pee trained. But he just doesn't sit to poop so it's impossible to get him to poop on the seat. He doesn't push at all when he sits. But as soon as he is in his pants and stands, he will poop. He is 3.4 and I feel like I have already left it too late.

Twin Flame Acres
Twin Flame Acres - 05.07.2023 03:46

My son doesn’t hold his poop, he just seems to not go in the potty… he’ll just poop in undies, I don’t want him back in diapers because he pees so well, but poops in undies every time even if he just went pee

Kasey Wunderlin
Kasey Wunderlin - 23.04.2023 02:34

Sounds like my 4 year old

Hayley Sulfridge
Hayley Sulfridge - 07.11.2022 07:16

Thank you for this! My son is pee trained and scared to poop train, so I’m glad i haven’t pushed it! I just had no idea where to start.

CubsWin Now
CubsWin Now - 07.10.2022 06:30

Apple juice works 😇

ben Miller
ben Miller - 29.09.2022 00:56

how to you potty train when me and my wife are incontinent and wear diapers all the time? are daughter is 2 help

Jennifer Zito
Jennifer Zito - 17.08.2022 19:13

Great tips thank you! How can I use chia seeds in my sons diet?
