REVEALED: I'm The Guy Behind The Viral "Insulin Is Free" Tweet

REVEALED: I'm The Guy Behind The Viral "Insulin Is Free" Tweet

More Perfect Union

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@TheQueerLeaf - 13.01.2023 18:36


@WaluigiMangione - 15.01.2023 08:48

Thank you comrade..... The story of insulin after Dr Bunting refused a fortune for the greater good is exactly what we fight against

@typezeroninja - 15.01.2023 18:30

I live every day with type 1 diabetes and was diagnosed at 13. I want to thank you for drumming up the heat in this conversation! While I’m trying to live a normal life and find success like everyone else, I also have this added stress every day about accessing a medication that literally keeps me alive. We have to continue the conversation if we want it to change and it doesn’t always come from people like you who don’t have diabetes. Thank you!

@Modus_Pwnin - 21.01.2023 23:35

Braver than the troops

@Kitty_Demonix - 28.01.2023 19:48

They forgot to add, its only going to get worse. I just don't know how they can sit there and let people die intentionally and not even try to change things even slightly. Ass Holes...

@billc.4584 - 29.01.2023 17:46

Nice. 😋

@petedafook - 05.02.2023 06:08

Very much a "Yes Men" move !😇🤭

@nl1556 - 07.02.2023 20:35

Wait… baby don’t drink water.

@paulcrusse7800 - 08.02.2023 19:49

Thank you for doing this.

@ncubesays - 01.03.2023 18:33

And Eli Lilly has now capped the price.. albeit at more than double the price in the next OECD country

@cowboyyoga - 01.03.2023 20:31

Great video ! Here is something very interesting... Many people do not need on going insulin. It can be removed gradually as one corrects the diet and has help balancing out the meridians. This is done thought the use of acupuncture, or acupressure, and continues good grounding. Keeping the feet grounded is very important, because just like ground stabilizes electricity, it stabilizes our use of energy.

@ret5343 - 01.03.2023 23:10

Eli Lilly just announced they are capping insulin at $35 a month. I won't pat them on the back for doing the bare minimum especially when insulin still isn't free, but this change will definitely help a lot of people. Your tweet may have been an off-the-cuff troll but I really believe your meddling helped make this change happen, at least in part. Thanks again for spending that $8.

@odinoco - 02.03.2023 02:12

Finally, a Journalist that does something

@LeftyPencil - 02.03.2023 02:44

Now $35! Progress!

@Mix1mum - 02.03.2023 03:03

Sean you deserve an award for your 30min of work here, even if it was unplanned, took a single Google search and cost you $8. I bet this video took longer to make than for you to make that move, BUT you had the wherewithal to make it, and the snark to make it effective.

You have my axe sir. I'll continue to look for your name on any future work, hoping you keep to your anti-corruption ways, in the same vein that I know whatever Naomi Klein authors can be trusted. In a world ran by psychopathy it is only the religious worship of truth that keeps us free.

We need more Naomi Kleins and friendlyjordies and an end to current or potential Musks, Bezos, Sachs or Skarellis.

@neru1584 - 02.03.2023 03:47

well now your a huge part of history so good job??

@Davethe3rd - 03.03.2023 01:17

Congratulations! Your shitpost drastically decreased the cost of insulin!!

It should still be free, but progress, nonetheless.

Your name should be in the Wikipedia article for insulin!!

@decentrifytech - 09.03.2023 01:16

So mega food corporations used scientifically created ads to prey upon people's biology to get them to eat scientifically created addictive sugar-laden foods which caused an entire generation of people to become obese with Type 2 Diabetes and now Big Pharma wants to price gouge people sickened by the food industry for insulin?

What a racket!

@MrTwenty20video - 09.03.2023 11:08

Like it ☺

@AnUneventfulName - 29.03.2023 07:07

The day before your tweet went viral, I was at a biomedical conference for historically underrepresented individuals who want to pursue scientific careers. One of the sponsors was Eli Lilly. They hosted a workshop that would teach students how to transition from academia to industry. I was super excited until all they talked about was the pharmaceutical industry (it was indicated in the program brochure that they would generalize their workshop) and promoted their company. At the end, a young man asked if they could give advice about how to negotiate salary. One of the panelist said, verbatim, that money doesn’t buy happiness. This isn’t the case for us students who live an entirely different reality and want to make money doing the things we love. In fact, this isn’t the case for people who don’t have the money to buy insulin to SURVIVE. The entire panel was tone deaf and elitist. When I saw your tweet the next day, it was almost serendipitous. Well done!

@Ex-WolfandFox - 02.04.2023 20:42

Thank you

@HatelivesNextDoor - 20.04.2023 13:18

Give credit to the comedian who inspired you. And who is the REAL reason you take credit for. Hate to drop this channel, but plagarism is the worst. Especially when it is born from your lack of creativity.

@HatelivesNextDoor - 20.04.2023 13:19

Really gonna steal Ben Palmers formula? Then take credit? Absolutely disgusting.

@Thrna_1 - 21.04.2023 17:28

love the last little addition of netflix's corporate greed being their Bojack horseman betrayal. Iconic show should've had a more tempered ending with 7 seasons.

@ellicurus - 03.05.2023 02:56

I’m actually crying right now. I’ve organized talks with other online diabetics, I’ve brainstormed ways we could possibly stand up to them, somehow we could make our need and our rage known. But WE can’t. What are we going to do, boycott? We CANT stop taking it. We will DIE. And they know that and capitalize on it. We need everyone’s help. If you don’t know and love someone with diabetes, someone you know and love knows and loves someone with diabetes. So thank you, from the bottom of my living heart and my dead pancreas, thank you.

@DwAboutItManFr - 03.05.2023 10:51

Why old onsulin versions lose FDA approval? Thid is ridiculous? The government being retarde as always and supposedly creating the problems people claim companies create.

@DwAboutItManFr - 03.05.2023 10:56

A price of something can never be unreasonable, a price is merely what the person who owns something decided to charge, nothing more nor nothing less.

@DwAboutItManFr - 03.05.2023 10:57

Also asking for insulin to be free is bogus

@michellereed3272 - 12.05.2023 19:16

So you’re the guy who did that. In one simple sentence you showed two companies the error of their ways. It’s exactly how one person really can make a difference. It was brilliant and freaking hilarious. 👏😂

@question-marks - 02.06.2023 14:51

This is so good, please impersonate more companies

@892ffffff - 03.06.2023 14:40

you, sir, are the definition of chaotic good

@cathyharris4968 - 19.06.2023 12:13

I love you, Sean. What you did was the best trickster magic!

@youtubeuniversity3638 - 11.07.2023 02:55

8 9 and 10!

@mexzydon - 23.07.2023 17:48

Pls do another one

@AIexanderthefake - 27.07.2023 01:46

Freeeeee rattlesnake poison!!!!!🐍⚕️💉

@williamyoung9401 - 01.08.2023 10:33

Update - Insulin SHOULD be free. Along with all Px drugs, surgeries and treatments. We now return you to your alternate reality.

@Melody_Raventress - 02.08.2023 08:37

You're doing God's work sir. I watched my grandmother, who was an educator for 15 years and a healthcare worker for 25 have to ration her insulin during her medicaid gap. Fuck 'em.

@dairiskuznecovs7233 - 03.08.2023 07:38

im gonna be honest prying on people with problems like that by basicly price gouging them is sickening and they should be punished for doing so

@GregorMcIntosh - 10.11.2023 11:53


@izz5809 - 05.02.2024 02:15

I just turned in a paper about this and u can't believe there isn't more info! All your stuff checks out I only used peer reviewed its true omg. - RN student.

Ps take care of yourself they don't like this! I sound like a conspiracy nut.

@zaqattack1423 - 01.05.2024 02:11

Fucking legened

@adamrmoss - 03.10.2024 05:30

My Hero 💕

@Insomniac_Hart - 16.10.2024 03:13

I'm a diabetic. Thanks man I laughed so hard

@NaomiSmith0515 - 09.12.2024 07:49

Dude, you are the ROBIN HOOD for USA Healthcare REFORM, three shots heard around the world, and no one is listening. Cudos dude, you are a true Hero, Martyr, and Genius. I'm so sorry you had to loss your mother for all this to come to light. Deny, Defend, Depose. Sounds like they're listening now.

@jupirenastein9954 - 09.12.2024 11:06

Kudos ❤ you write well and clearly {truthfully} to the point! I watched several videos… why have you left out The Evilest of them all… Kaiser Permanente! Why? Kindly respond.

@PINKFL0YD-s2h - 18.01.2025 22:34

Who cares

@orangehenryAU - 27.01.2025 08:48

Nice job, discount Ben Stiller.
