The Origin of Primates

The Origin of Primates

Professor Dave Explains

3 месяца назад

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@olboyhim3371 - 13.05.2024 17:47

Homo genus and dinosaurs never occupied earth at the same time

@paulgemme6056 - 13.05.2024 11:52

Be exalted, O Lord, in Your own strength!
We will sing and praise Your power.

@catman2261 - 10.05.2024 18:29

I get a pain in my chest every time I hear my religious uneducated father say, "I didn't come from some monkey."

@lostfan5054 - 29.04.2024 21:37

Thanks for this series, Prof Dave

@mrredritehand - 28.04.2024 18:06

A wise man once said,
"In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey"

@philsmith7398 - 13.04.2024 22:10

A bit dated "Prof". Eukaryotes from a fusion of Archaea and Bacteria, and endosymbiosis of another bacterium to form the plants. LUCA could not have eukaryotic then, as depicted with a nucleus and ER.

@janbox888 - 13.04.2024 16:35

Why are primates not still evolving into humans ?

@devincross3295 - 27.03.2024 17:46

Extremely interesting stuff

@johnsmith42688 - 26.03.2024 11:36

O these comments are going to be 🔥

@danieljackson269 - 25.03.2024 12:35


@matthewvandenelzen2337 - 22.03.2024 03:36

American Journal of Human Evolution

4 December 2018

"More than a decade of DNA barcoding encompassing about five million specimens covering 100,000 animal species supports the generalization that mitochondrial DNA clusters largely overlap with species as defined by domain experts. Almost all animal species have arrived at a similar result consequent to a similar process of expansion from mitochondrial uniformity within the last one to several hundred thousand years.”

@jamiegallier2106 - 21.03.2024 09:36


@southernbrain691 - 19.03.2024 00:49

I sense a war in the comments,should we seek cover? Or do we use this video as the lure and hunt them down?

@jakkmcknight2933 - 17.03.2024 05:17

Best definition for "primate" I've found so far:

“Primates” are collectively defined as any gill-less, organic RNA/DNA protein-based, metabolic, metazoic, nucleic, diploid, bilaterally-symmetrical, endothermic, digestive, tryploblast, opisthokont, deuterostome coelemate with a spinal chord and 12 cranial nerves connecting to a limbic system in an enlarged cerebrial cortex with a reduced olfactory region inside a jawed-skull with specialized teeth including canines and premolars, forward-oriented fully-enclosed optical orbits, and a single temporal fenestra, -attached to a vertebrate hind-leg dominant tetrapoidal skeleton with a sacral pelvis, clavical, and wrist & ankle bones; and having lungs, tear ducts, body-wide hair follicles, lactal mammaries, opposable thumbs, and keratinized dermis with chitinous nails on all five digits on all four extremities, in addition to an embryonic development in amniotic fluid, leading to a placental birth and highly social lifestyle.

Credit to Aron Ra.

@jwb932 - 17.03.2024 01:26

Hey, Dave. Did you see the Netflix special about the evolution of life? I thought it was good, but I'm glad you went into more detail about primates.

@deed18 - 17.03.2024 01:06

Science isn’t inherently dogmatic, but scientists can be.

@kidslovesatan34 - 15.03.2024 15:55

James Tour is much more basal and closer to lemurs than anything else.

@krbaclpezo7069 - 15.03.2024 11:40

I watched your popular debates and laughed a lot thanks for that. I don’t get half of debate about life beginning but it was also fun. Great job man congrats.

@user-im5qk6vs9l - 15.03.2024 10:03

Tholins and volcanoes are too big for YEC

@user-im5qk6vs9l - 15.03.2024 10:02

Welll, incase creationissts invade,

Explain transition fossils.

Explain chromosome similarity between apes and humans and horses and zebras and whales and dolphins

@maxpig210 - 15.03.2024 08:31

Can you do a video on polyphoidy

@jordopia - 14.03.2024 22:52

Love that colour gradient metaphor. I like to tell people to try to imagine 500,000 pictures of individuals down a hallway with a chimp at one end and a person at the other. Now make the necessary changes from picture to picture to make the chimp face morph to a person face incrementally. Would you be able to tell the difference from one person to the person immediately next to them since they have only changed 1/500,000th what about 2 over? What about 200 over? Now I tell them 200 over is the difference between them and someone who built the great pyramids. Just 499800 generations to go. Then I explain that our common ancestor with chimps wasn't a chimp actually and that the chimp is just a place marker for the thought experiment. My methodology is also loose and based on an estimated average of 20 years between generations from our LCA with chimps to now but it works for a thought experiment.

@saboorsafi2705 - 14.03.2024 21:29

TEACHER , I love you ❤
Everything that I need are here in your channel ❤

@Ferst60 - 14.03.2024 17:22

Please make this mandatory teaching in all schools. Maybe we can deprogram the creationist cults

@bells3145 - 14.03.2024 16:29

I have human evolution this year it helps a lot ..... Thanks ....

@normanmendez636 - 14.03.2024 15:35

grabs bucket of popcorn

@JDoe-pe9wq - 14.03.2024 11:07

Hey Dave did you see how they banned TikTok over palestine?

@Ratciclefan - 14.03.2024 09:34

Nice video as always

Also, "Purgatorius" is a really badass name for such a tiny animal lol

@TJtheHuman - 14.03.2024 09:10

I do wonder about the evolution of primate vision compared to other mammals. Our ancestors were probably the few who came out during the day during the Mesozoic.

@user-hx7xd6jq9x - 14.03.2024 08:21

Wow great story 😂

@xl000 - 14.03.2024 07:29

your channel would benefit from a professionally made intro.

@objective_psychology - 14.03.2024 02:42

Angiosperms are likely way older than primates

@objective_psychology - 14.03.2024 02:41

plesio- is usually pronounced /ˈpliːziə(w)/

@bainides - 14.03.2024 00:56

this is great!

@infinitemonkey917 - 14.03.2024 00:33

Why did they survive the K-Pg extinction? Being opportunistic omnivores?

@TheIronDove - 14.03.2024 00:30

what did you evolve from

@ChalvosClifford - 13.03.2024 23:35


@maxdoubt5219 - 13.03.2024 22:48

Look for accelerated speciation during times of rapid environmental change. Thus morphologically similar but genetically divergent parent & daughter species can be distinguished as pre vs post some volcanic eruption or ice age or, if our retroviruses can tell the tale, a disease epidemic.

@maxdoubt5219 - 13.03.2024 22:32

All mammals have a Gulop gene. That's the gene that codes for the production of the biochemical equivalent of Vit. C. If your Gulop works - as it does in the vast majority of mammal species - you're scurvy-proof! Your body can synthesize the Vit. C. protein/enzyme from whatever you eat. But the primate gulop is a dud. And primates are the only order of mammals to all share this mutation. Thus all monkeys and apes must get Vit. C in their diets or die a very unpleasant death.
How did this happen? Accidentally. Long ago an ancestor of all primates happened to be born with a switched-off Gulop and passed that mutation down to all its descendants, including humans. But wait! Evolution says bad mutations are supposed to get weeded out, not passed down! True, but what did all our primate ancestors eat? Fruit & green leaves. Plenty of C. Thus this mutation remained hidden for megayears until sailors tried to get by on nothing but hardtack & water and landlubbers on bread and porridge. Then scurvy emerged to become endemic and kill millions.

@briwood6328 - 13.03.2024 22:30

Are you not going back to Twitter

@DanielMWJ - 13.03.2024 22:04

I knew most of this in general, but the early evolution of primates/pseudo-primates was all new to me!

@chudu69 - 13.03.2024 21:07

Lots of love from India ❤❤

@mokshshah1242 - 13.03.2024 21:01

Oh boy the creationist are gonna have a field day with this one

@AquaEclipse324 - 13.03.2024 20:58

Yippee! This was partially covered in my Human Biology course earlier this semester! I've already done the exam for that part of the course but it's always nice to revisit this.

@crescentmoon2806 - 13.03.2024 20:16

Man am i in time for the young earth people and evolution deniers?? 👀

@Inertia888 - 13.03.2024 19:46

When I think about the formation of life on Earth, and I picture the Hadean, and Archean, lending their energy to the simmering rise in complexities, in the warm waters of the Proterozoic, I imagine the energy that must have been absorbed into so many, countless chemical reactions. Electrons zipping from one orbit, to the next. I can't help but to see a similarity, between the explosion of new life, at the Cambrian, and crystals falling out of saturated solution.

@LunaryxDiarmait - 13.03.2024 19:27

Purgatorius sounds like an animal that got stuck between others.

@quazzydiscman - 13.03.2024 19:22

Too many big words... Too many complex thoughts... Aaahhhggghhherrgghhr!!! Blast you you devil! Evolution is a lie! You're a NASA shill! The earth is flat! Jews own space! Reptilian overlords run pe*ophile rings! You're trapped in the matrix! Red pill red pill! Orange Jesus has come to take me away haha!! Hehe hoho to the happy home in the sky with Jeeeeebus!!!
