Clean and Extract Text the EASY Way - Pro Tip!

Clean and Extract Text the EASY Way - Pro Tip!


3 года назад

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La Bully
La Bully - 06.10.2023 05:27

Thank you for this. It's very helpful. Are you able to please suggest a solution for an alphanumeric string that I need to clean up and convert to number. It's a banking record. It has a "C" at the end to represent a credit. For instance, 800.00C is meant to be -800.00 on the bank statement. (900.00 is as stated (i.e., debit 900.00). So in this instance, I would like to keep the 900.00 as is and convert all numbers that have a C at the end to a negative number. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

shrikant badge
shrikant badge - 15.09.2023 17:55


Jen B
Jen B - 09.07.2023 19:32

Thank you very much. I am trying to extract a specific character string of seven characters that starts with a six that is in a text field the size of a large paragraph. I cannot figure out the code to extract when it is starts with a six and those seven characters.

RoeSync - 08.06.2023 19:48

oh man this is awesome!!! Thanks for tying in the explanation with ASCII - it TOTALLY makes more sense now.

Ryan Bartlett
Ryan Bartlett - 10.01.2023 19:18

Well done. Thank you.

Mayor SD_WISE - 17.11.2022 00:04

Please, which version of excel is this?

Angela V
Angela V - 23.09.2022 11:51

How to remove only first for ex 3 characters?

chetan rane
chetan rane - 08.09.2022 21:58

Ma'am in power query, How to solve the problem of 1000 rows limit reached in filter option as I filtered my data but it was applied only on 1000 rows & not working on after 1000 rows.

El Badlis
El Badlis - 05.09.2022 17:46

Thank you for sharing such a valuable knowledge. The unicode trick is gold. Thanks, Mynda and Phil!

ِAhmed - 08.08.2022 08:31

really amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazin ,, thanks a lot ,, quite voice ,, striate forward without more intro pulse many many info in few minutes ,, really thanks

Samy Ruiz
Samy Ruiz - 28.07.2022 15:48

Great explanation! Super useful!

Drew Bbc
Drew Bbc - 17.07.2022 17:56

Unicode tip was very helpful

lemonmade - 19.05.2022 19:52

Was searching for some other solution and stumbled upon this video. Helped me solve a problem I was banging my head around for the last three days.

Ben Allen
Ben Allen - 24.02.2022 01:28

I don't have intellisense when adding custom columns, is this just due to my old excel version (2016) or is there a way to enable it?

Carlos Bastos
Carlos Bastos - 13.02.2022 04:54

Great tips. I really think that a native regular expression formula would be nice. I managed to use regular expression in PQ through JavaScript but it is very slow. Do you have any tips?

Srinivasan Laksminarayanan
Srinivasan Laksminarayanan - 08.12.2021 06:37

Hi I have a question : I have a huge list of customers names that start with A to Z and I would like to filter those customers names starting from A to L and only show me other customers names starting with M to Z. Customer names starting from A to L is handled by Group A and Customers names starting from M to Z is handled by group B. How do I filter that using power query?
Thanks in advance..

Arturo Guzman
Arturo Guzman - 21.11.2021 05:33


hemanth - 08.11.2021 21:33

HI ..How can I remove a particular text from the column from query editor. For instance if I want to remove the word" city "from the text San Juan city

Ju Ja
Ju Ja - 05.11.2021 17:51

You are awesome! It looks like game when you present it : )

Gloria Sancho
Gloria Sancho - 24.10.2021 09:42

Hi Mynda/Phil! Thanks for the video. It really helped me with a special project.
