Labour's Plans to End Democracy: David Starkey

Labour's Plans to End Democracy: David Starkey

David Starkey Talks

3 дня назад

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@jeffharmed1616 - 04.07.2024 09:54

Back to your best for a incisive exposure, thanks

@user-ss5og4fx8z - 04.07.2024 09:29

I agree, I also expect Starmer to resume progressing the projects his boss Blair was working on till we all got so sick of him, in 2007.

@dannycarr7611 - 04.07.2024 09:21

Warp speed vaccine before virus

@peterashcroft8058 - 04.07.2024 09:18

Labour do not deserve a majoriy of this size nor do Tories deserve to win (nor will they). Therfore vote Reform in the 9 seats they can win and then everywhere else vote to stop Labour by voting Tory or even Lib Dem if it stops Labour getting a huge majority.

🇬🇧. Seats where Tories should vote Reform:  Clacton Ashfield Barnsley North & South Easington Hartlepool Kingston Upon Hull East Normanton and Hemsworth Rotherham South Shields Boston and Skegness  

Everywhere else vote to stop Labour even if that means voting Tory.🇬🇧🇬🇧

@BazBrady - 04.07.2024 08:58

KIa Cars hopes to continue the Bliar/Saint Gordon agenda

@user-kg4se2ux5f - 04.07.2024 08:37

Who is it that's voting for labour anyway ?? They must be thick !

@TwoSopranos - 04.07.2024 08:24

Intellectuals like yourself are needed to help run the country, may I draw on the example of Goethe’s successful ‘reign’ in Germany. If you started your own party you would get a lot of votes.

@JasonCunliffe - 04.07.2024 07:36


Appears 4 times in 2024 Labour Manifesto

@susanpockett4314 - 04.07.2024 06:52

Wake up, old man. The word at this point in history is Reform-ation, not Restoration.

@kevinroyall8829 - 04.07.2024 04:50

If you think Labour could do worse than the Tories, think again.

@ArchangelIcon - 04.07.2024 04:47

A man who stood for leadership of his party on a manifesto he didn't believe in, in order to win... then U-turn on every single policy... that shows the principles of the man.

@markcaiger-watson1104 - 04.07.2024 04:14

Britain needs R E F O R M

@landsea7332 - 04.07.2024 04:01

Here in Canada , Pierre Trudeau pulled the same stunt . In 1982 , he brought in a deeply flawed Constitution , and the Supreme Court over rules Parliament based this flawed Constitution .

But even worse , Trudeau created an unelected Prime Ministers Office , and Created Cabinet Confidentiality Laws
which are protected by his flawed Constitution . So all the power is held by the Prime Minister , and the unelected PMO , and they can hide their corruption by claiming Cabinet Confidentiality .
Cabinet Ministers are clapping seals , who have their talking points written by the unelected PMO .

@privateaccount5400 - 04.07.2024 03:55

Better than a tory gov

@justinehayward2553 - 04.07.2024 03:28

I wonder, how many of the 'commentators', given the shoot from the hip comments below, actually watched and listened to this 43-minute video? And, are below the age of 60?

@itslife761 - 04.07.2024 02:50

Farage for PM...get real you UK VOTERS

@itslife761 - 04.07.2024 02:46

Britain sowed SEEDS of its own destruction by allowing Islamists immigrants and other races into the were warned by enoch Powell

@englishtom172 - 04.07.2024 02:46

After this presentation maybe we should refer to him as Keir Stalin!

@englishtom172 - 04.07.2024 02:37

He never sent Jimmy Saville to jail when he should have. I believe this is why he got his knighthood. Starmer is a snake, totally untrustworthy, an awful man.

@jennyellen2606 - 04.07.2024 02:30

Wonderful !

@johnbrooks3407 - 04.07.2024 02:21

I did 30 years, learning the skills to be a toolmaker and a few years ago I gave the trade up to work as stage crew,,, its very hard work and low pay but fun working in a team of 80 people putting a stage up in 8 hours,, toolmakeing has become so deskilled by teck over the parst 15 years its become boring and useless making carp people dont need to make a toff richer than is morral..

@johnbrooks3407 - 04.07.2024 02:15

He has to put poporshinal repentance so no magorty can never happen again. Meaning all mp will have to do some work and realy sort it out but looking at facts and working together not just pumping a buss word to the wet brains of Britain,, sorry very dislexic engineer

@sarahouston5704 - 04.07.2024 02:08

IMHO Rishi is too rich, too religiously remote, too disconnected to this realm to care ! MMW’s he is SO engineering his own political demise (because he can’t hack it allegedly!) so that he can just flit off to SoCal with his SoRich wife! Just my humble thoughts as a devastated life long Tory voter! How he muscled himself in to be an unelected Tory Leader, then to do nothing with it!!! is beyond comprehension imho

@garethmartin6522 - 04.07.2024 02:03

What utter lunacy. You are quite insane.

@roberthancox - 04.07.2024 01:35

Starmer will be replaced as Labour leader with someone far worse in order to reinforce their policies.Starmer is the softer version of what is to come.

@user-lh3si8sl8o - 04.07.2024 01:32

I don't listed to old frustrated farts like Starkey. He argues on the level of the daily mail.

@allisterwhitehead - 04.07.2024 01:27

Of course Labour will destroy democracy in Britain and Britain deserves it because people like you said nothing when democracy's great advocate, Corbyn, was totally destroyed by false allegations emanating from the establishment both within the PLP and from outside it. Why did you do that? In truth, democracy was destroyed during Corbyn's time as Labour leader and you have its blood on your hands. Now we all pay the price with an authoritarian idiot placed in a seat of power by the establishment you serve. Well done. Twit.

@oreilly1237878 - 04.07.2024 01:05

They are all fascists together,wheather Labour or Conservatives.

@davidjballantyne - 04.07.2024 01:00

This just seemed like nobody saying nothing.

@jackmchammocklashing224 - 04.07.2024 01:00

Rushi with an 80 seat majority calls a flash election, WHY WHY WHY put in this position Lunatic

@PaulTaylorHypno - 04.07.2024 00:59

A National Treasure. Thank You David.

@d24461 - 04.07.2024 00:46

I've never heard such bullshit in my life. After the catastrophic 14 years of destructive small state. This dinosaur should go back to the medieval period he loves so much.

@jackmchammocklashing224 - 04.07.2024 00:40

Starmer his father was a Tool maker, Well that is bang on, He is a Tool

@georgetaylor2640 - 04.07.2024 00:39

What a load of whingeing piffle - tedious to listen to.

@jackmchammocklashing224 - 04.07.2024 00:38

RISHI Knows the price of everything and the value of nothing (he and his family have so much money it is meaningless, yet I as a pensioner on £145 know a pint of milk costs me 60p)
I doubt RISHI or STARMER Know what copper and nikel is It is in your pocket and you use it to buy milk or bacon

@HendryJames-l6o - 04.07.2024 00:31

I find myself agreeing completely with David Starkry regarding the failings of Sunak and the Conservative party as a whole, who have lost their way since 2010 under the stewardship of the Blair Clone, Cameron with their subsequent allegiance to Blairite policies to date. As for the dire warnings of a Starmer Regime, he is 100% accurate in his anaysis of the appalling qualities on offer from this bloodsucking control freak. The only issue I find fault with Starkey on is his apparent ignorance or forgiving nature in his support for an experimental drug, which was forced on us by our Poliiticians and Media etc as a scientific breakthrough rather than the money making scam for Big Pharma and asscocited bodies, it always was, in my opinion.

@Nedxr777 - 04.07.2024 00:14

Starmer WONT end democracy in the U.K. There is already NO Democracy in the U.K. , only the U.K. and Belarus in the whole of Europe do not have proportional representation…. We are less Democratic than Russia !

@jamesbyrne9312 - 04.07.2024 00:13

Starter was a law expert. And you say he's not intelligent. Funny.

@MadLFC - 04.07.2024 00:07

What absolute utter bollocks.😂

@jamesbyrne9312 - 04.07.2024 00:07

Starkey you really are a tool for the elites these days.

@davidleighton7557 - 04.07.2024 00:05

David Starkey is a genius. I hang on to his every word. Very few people have ever impressed me, and I have been around a long time. David Starkey is a rare talent indeed, and his insights are magisterial. The tories would do well to listen to his teachings.

@gmseed - 03.07.2024 23:52

What - so the UK currently has a democracy? Write down the 10 key properties of democracy and all of them are violated by UKGov.

@danielduggan7126 - 03.07.2024 23:51

Starmer is straight out of 1984, we won't have to wait too long to see authoritarian policies based upon identity politics, denying personal choice and limiting hard-earned freedoms. Starmer being elected to a 2nd term will trigger the worst of the onslaught on the British public.

@JayHochstedt - 03.07.2024 23:47

Many plaudits for identifying Keir Smarmier (not a typo) as Widmerpool from Anthony Powell’s brilliant cycle “Dance to the Music of Time”.

@philc1773 - 03.07.2024 23:42

Vote Reform....Starmer is despicable

@zippybungle2749 - 03.07.2024 23:27

Democracy has chosen Labour. Suck it up buttercup!

@tombowen6430 - 03.07.2024 23:01

This Tory half-wit supported Boris and his unprecedented attacks on British democracy yet has the neck to attack Starmer. Best ignored.

@timshaw804 - 03.07.2024 22:57

The outstanding question is , why does our system only attract the least competent
