What Stimming can Look Like #adhdproblems #adhdrelief #autism #stimming

What Stimming can Look Like #adhdproblems #adhdrelief #autism #stimming

Hayley Honeyman

1 год назад

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Eloise S.
Eloise S. - 12.11.2023 04:59

I have a specific stimm that I have since I was like 3 or 4, and I still do it because it calms me down a lot, that is “massage” some types of fabric, especially my pajama shorts lol. The ones in the video, I do singing and fidgeting things (I am almost making a fidget toy out of lock nuts)

Fetida603 - 08.11.2023 19:02

I'm kind of embarrassed of it, but I almost always sing outside while listening to music (hopefully not too loud). I stop in public transport and inside but sometimes I lipsync or just tap my fingers on something to the rhythm
But I just can't imagine walking by myself not singing
I'm not diagnosed, but I suspect ADHD

whimsii-cal - 27.07.2023 04:10

A stim I’ve been doing lately is going brrrrp! Yknow that thing where you kinda buzz your lips? That. It’s so fun. bonus for funny noise :]

Maisie - 27.07.2023 03:37

Oh my God. It's me. I get words stuck in my head, and lately I've been stimming by saying "Populus deltoides" (Eastern cottonwood) over and over. I'm a botanist, and I often say scientific names aloud as a verbal stim :)

Bonnie Paora
Bonnie Paora - 25.07.2023 09:18

Singing in general is kind of a stim for me, if there's music that i know im going to sing whether i like it or not. Being sick sucks bc i have to hold myself back. If i don't know the words I'll dance or groove to the music

Daniel - 09.07.2023 18:01

I wish I could meet someone like you

Venice Cherryblossom
Venice Cherryblossom - 20.06.2023 07:54

Im most likely on the autism spectrum. I do some stuff ive seen online. I Fidget with basically anything i can get my hands on

Elisheva-Renanah Grant
Elisheva-Renanah Grant - 13.06.2023 09:46

Wait a second! Does pulling leaves off branches and tearing them apart as you walk along a side walk count as stimming? 😱

Maxipollo Tadpole 🏳️‍🌈
Maxipollo Tadpole 🏳️‍🌈 - 04.06.2023 18:20

My brothers would be constantly mad at me for repeating the same verse in a song over and over again. Now i know why. Lol

O C - 03.06.2023 20:10

Lol omg yeah I am definitely guilty of touching everything I can and singing while I'm overstimulated. And then when I'm understimualted I want to do the spanky things. Oof

PlatypiNetwork - 09.05.2023 06:02

Lol I'm stuck in a loop where I can only sing Ohio is for lovers or dear Maria count me in

Evvvvv - 26.04.2023 02:52

what song is that? not the one they're singing, the one in the background while they are hitting the leaves

Tepi - 14.04.2023 22:50

I wish I didn't, I get so pissed off at myself when I do these but it's kinda just an impulse that takes over. Sometimes you do it before you even realise if you're not being extra conscious of yourself.

Tina In Waifuland
Tina In Waifuland - 12.04.2023 10:04

The more I watch your vids, the more I catch myself saying "bruh that's me," I probably should get evaluated or something 🤔 Also, I spank things randomly too and just thought I was just a weird individual 😂 I mean I'm still weird, but I love being weird🥰

🫧charleigh🫧 - 12.04.2023 00:47

oh, so thats why my adhd brother is constantly singing a song of some kind, that makes a lot more sense now!

Jessica Lawson
Jessica Lawson - 11.04.2023 22:44

I masked so much in my teens and twenties that now that I am in my thirties it took losing my job and have a nervous breakdown to realize that I was AuDHD. Seeing you at I’m reminds me that I don’t need to mask anymore and helps with the anxiety for what other people will think of me

Dovahkiin Master
Dovahkiin Master - 08.04.2023 08:17


Arica Newsome
Arica Newsome - 07.04.2023 19:30

I can relate to all of these actually. I don't sing out loud anymore but songs play on repeat in my head (I used to belt the same song all day long). if you give me paper, even to this day, I will turn it into soft mush just by rolling it till someone takes it from me to throw away. I still twirl my hair all the time but not as much as I used to. spanking things? that one I can't relate to 😂

Lucy Jane
Lucy Jane - 05.04.2023 02:27

I meow. A lot. I just say the word “ Meow” a LOT especially when I’m driving

totaldimwit - 04.04.2023 04:01

What's that magnet straw looking figit? It looks like fun but also not super loud

Tara Sykes
Tara Sykes - 03.04.2023 16:22

I don't have a diagnosis but I do a lot of these things. Today I was pretty over stimulated (idk if I can say that without a diagnosis but that's how I felt) and I kept singing bet on it from highschool musical bc slay and I scratch or hit my thighs. It doesn't hurt that bad tho. On days like this I do the bare minimum at school, have earphones in of the song I was constantly thinking about our my favourite song and draw on my tablet when I wasn't doing work. Just basically do my best to not cry the whole day. I only cried once today bc people kept telling me to shut up while I was explaining something. Having a diagnosis for anything would help explain this to teachers and people who get frustrated with me and myself when I won't act how I need to. Your videos help me a lot thank you <3

♡Animus_Miles♡ - 03.04.2023 08:15

I repeat songs all the time. I never knew it was stimming until recently. I also quote a lot of movie quotes.

Bailey - 03.04.2023 02:48

today in the shower i kept singing “ONION BOYYYYYYY” and my gf was like WTH IS ONION BOY

Bailey - 03.04.2023 02:48

i spank everythingggggg

Crow - 02.04.2023 23:46

I do the songs, hair twirling, and hand flapping a lot! As well as just repeating words that I’ve heard generally.

Oliver Heidelberger
Oliver Heidelberger - 01.04.2023 03:01

I need to know what fidget toy u were using is called

Arenze Jeanette
Arenze Jeanette - 31.03.2023 21:38

Yes this is so true ❣️ if I don't sing, I hum for hours on end. It's nice to see how other audhders manage

MmmmMm - 30.03.2023 10:50

I love just like tensing my hands. Like stretching out my fingers so theyre really strained or maybe bending my fingers back

9LivesAliCat - 30.03.2023 06:38

Omg. I have to allow myself to do these things. Otherwise i was diagnosed in my mid twenties, and my parents were in social circles as a kid, well my dad, but I had to act properly around people, I just parroted what I thought was right, and when I got older, I did what my friends around me did, and kept masking and learning behavior. Only a couple friends know how "weird" I am, even I think I am, because I let myself feel my impulses and it allows me to regulate and be around them longer and be happy in their company.

musthavemoxie - 29.03.2023 08:28

I’m not sure if my constant singing a song in my head is an ear worm, my (diagnosed) ocd, or stimming. 🤦🏽‍♀️ All three?

Luke Ocasio
Luke Ocasio - 28.03.2023 17:25

Grow up

A person
A person - 28.03.2023 12:50

I have a sibling on the spectrum and lately I’ve been worried that I might have undiagnosed autism. I hate loud noises and get really agitate when they’re involved, I have quite a few nervous ticks and fidgets that I’ve started to catch myself trying to mask (like letting myself do weird facial movements while I’m alone only) I wear rings because it’s a fidget I can use that no one notices and I have this ringing in my ears very often. I’m always really nervous before social situations and really hate large parties. Am I autistic or just weird? I’ve been really scared because I feel like I can’t tell anyone because they’ll think differently of me. Also I’m female so there’s a higher chance I could have been masking this up until now. What do you think I should do?

A O - 28.03.2023 03:36

Well I learn something new about stimming and myself today. Ps my current song is OMG by New Jeans, it’s an ear worm, so you’ve been warned.

A T - 28.03.2023 03:06

I'm AuDHD and I'm singing all the fucking time lol because it's the stim I got away with the most, didn't have to mask as much

˚ʚ 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢 ɞ˚
˚ʚ 𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐢 ɞ˚ - 27.03.2023 10:56

I do all of these, probably not the first actually I don’t like singing out loud but I will have songs in my head and then I’ll have to listen to them later

strigg - 26.03.2023 18:17

Oh my god the cat smack is STIMMING?!?! i just assumed i was an asshole to pillows lmao

coconutcat - 26.03.2023 06:21

Oh man, I’ll have like one or a couple phrases on repeat for like three days straight or I’ll just keep repeating this one word over and over in different ways or saying it in a funny way and making myself chuckle. Problem is with the word thing, it’s usually from other people saying it weird and my bf sometimes says English words strangely because it’s his third language and I have to be careful to make sure he doesn’t think I’m making fun of his pronunciation. But yeah, felt.

Teenage Dirtbag
Teenage Dirtbag - 19.03.2023 05:45

Bro… I might be fucked💀

STR - 19.03.2023 01:18

Putting my mose against random plants outside while walking

Chelsea 🎧
Chelsea 🎧 - 17.03.2023 05:41

I sing songs over and over!

Hilde_wereld - 16.03.2023 00:55

Okay maybe i’m naive, but doesn’t everybody stim? Like i don’t think i have adhd or something but i find myself stimming quite often.

Kate Jensen
Kate Jensen - 14.03.2023 23:49

Do you ever repeat a word until it doesn't make sense anymore?

ezera - 18.02.2023 07:59

I keep singing where is my mind by the pixies 😂 thats one of my stims😀

asdfghyter - 10.02.2023 18:37

not me constantly fidgeting with my hair at all times

Michael Rios
Michael Rios - 09.02.2023 23:59

why does watching your videos make me feel better?

Joo-li - 05.02.2023 02:39

Everyone gets nice lines from song for their stims... I get Taylor swifts sexy baby's.

no - 04.02.2023 22:19

Singing is a stim of mine. I'm neurotypical but I relate so much to this

Kirsten Jaquish
Kirsten Jaquish - 04.02.2023 22:06

Oh my gosh I do alllll these things! I didn’t know it was stimming

Sarah Marie
Sarah Marie - 04.02.2023 19:53

I had that same line in my head over and over and over at work the other day. I could not stop.

Lilys_planet - 04.02.2023 18:29

I do all of these
