Breaking the x86 Instruction Set

Breaking the x86 Instruction Set

Black Hat

6 лет назад

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MaTo LechaT
MaTo LechaT - 17.10.2023 22:50

love you !

Hostile - 08.09.2023 13:04

x86 was created by HP in the 60s. They didn't really do anything with it.
The military was working with it and john wrote some theory for ai to help create solutions to make things better by looking for solutions for calculations etc..(I have no idea how it works).
They were able to make big jumps in the 70s in tech and then role out cpu tech slowly in small jumps rather than a large one to stay competitive.

xDR1TeK - 03.09.2023 15:52

Remarkable person with a unique mind.

The Real Patricia Whackus Bonkus Jr. III
The Real Patricia Whackus Bonkus Jr. III - 18.08.2023 12:30

The Altair 8800 was a mistake

Chris Dickens
Chris Dickens - 18.08.2023 07:16


That Guy
That Guy - 26.07.2023 14:30

well if you have
E5 DF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 00
why rollback and not try
E5 DF 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01
to see if that also changes anything

gloverelaxis - 10.06.2023 07:01

every shareholder/owner of Intel should really be in jail

Derfie McGoo
Derfie McGoo - 23.05.2023 08:21

Just because an instruction executes doesn't necessarily mean it's an undocumented instruction. It might simply be an unintended consequence of the processor's design, a sort of "ghost" instruction that doesn't serve any real purpose.

Derfie McGoo
Derfie McGoo - 23.05.2023 08:21

Wasnt there an instruction that would let you fry eggs on a celery processesor?

Яблочный пирог
Яблочный пирог - 08.05.2023 15:20

strange, but the link to this video was sent to me ChatGpt

D Mankefor
D Mankefor - 21.03.2023 18:17

through out the presentation I could only think of (QUANTUM-COMPUTING)1 solution to the problem he mentioned.

Deckard 5 Pegasus
Deckard 5 Pegasus - 20.02.2023 02:32

Is this guy still alive? or did the FBI/men in black visit his house?

Farzher - 04.01.2023 14:57

sandsifter is a cool name

pillarcloud - 13.12.2022 08:04

Ever heard of the Talpiot Program?

etmax1 - 13.11.2022 16:27

Great well explained video, thanks

TheDomesticatedSloth(William Raezer)
TheDomesticatedSloth(William Raezer) - 05.10.2022 08:50

What is most likely, is that the opcode streams are grouped in such a way that instructions are deduced.

42 - 12.09.2022 19:46

Damn, this has the feel of a physicist in the 1920s first putting enough plutonium into one place and seeing what happens. You just don't know, and what you might find might very well be groundbreaking

Quality Edits
Quality Edits - 28.07.2022 16:09

what a talk! phenomenally creative, important, and useful. i understood almost all of it despite knowing next to nothing about x86, barely anything about process/OS security schemes and how their traps/exceptions are passed around, what the rings mean, and just generally being very new to OS and hardware stuff.

Lucas Simoni
Lucas Simoni - 04.07.2022 10:28

I'm afraid of running that and NOT GETTING A BLUE SCREEN/KERNEL PANIC, and the CPU just corrupting some files, or doing something crazy with the OS, etc. I'd run with my storage detached physically from the motherboard and no network cards online.

The Habsburg
The Habsburg - 20.03.2022 11:23

The major banks are ran by men, and they hold the government hostage.

You know where this goes

Alex C
Alex C - 05.03.2022 20:04

Did he release info on his f00f bug discovery?

Nobody Important
Nobody Important - 26.11.2021 05:21

"Rizen" man can't even say Ryzen correctly

Sam M
Sam M - 21.11.2021 17:21

I watched this video 𝟓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒!... not because I didn't understand it but because it's just wonderful and so INTERESTING. Amazing Black Hat

Not Gate
Not Gate - 12.11.2021 00:50

Incredible talk

Emily Loucks
Emily Loucks - 27.10.2021 21:22

If you've ever had your mind hijacked by a narcissist, this is how they do it. If your parents, the original Architects of your mental CPU, got you to trust them over your instinct (they hid from you the key to your own TPM...), then anyone who watches you think for more than a split second about your boundaries will exploit that self doubt. Never let anyone escalate their privileges higher than your own TPM. No one can hack THAT but YOU!

Foo Bar
Foo Bar - 25.10.2021 10:16

Bravo! Just brilliant.

stephanie - 03.10.2021 20:23

This is incredible

יובל כהן
יובל כהן - 29.09.2021 19:18

4 years later , intel IME is thriving

Timothy Carpenter
Timothy Carpenter - 11.09.2021 02:32

Execute Order 66 !!!

233kosta - 31.08.2021 23:38

I should imagine a lot of these undocumented instructions would be work in progress, perhaps left there for eventual future use, perhaps used to reduce the cost of prototyping, but the coordination between x86 manufacturers does raise some serious concerns. These could be anything from hyperoptimised inverse square root calculations to deliberate holes in x86 security, put in place for "the right people"... See "idiocy of back doors"...

It could also be as simple as Micro$oft (or Apple?) paying them a handsome sum of money to implement a custom instruction set just for them without telling anyone.

Ammar Ahmad
Ammar Ahmad - 22.07.2021 13:52

Is this Intel sponsored by any chance

Andrew's_Lab - 23.06.2021 10:27

This is really well explained.

Oliwier Nowicki
Oliwier Nowicki - 22.06.2021 23:33

Guys, do not buy Facebook CPU XD

John Undefined
John Undefined - 10.06.2021 17:52

A few things come to my mind:

He talks a lot about "trusting" the processor. I don't think that anyone truly trusts the processor any more than they trust the software. We just have fewer options when it comes to the processor. We can either use a computer or not use it.

If I were nefarious and wanted to hide a secret instruction, a couple good candidates would be an "undefined" opcode with ESI and EDI set to special values or DS: MOV AL, AL (an effective no-op that no one would ever use) again with ESI and EDI set to special values.

The gaps in the op-code table are supposed to be values that do not correspond to an instruction. They may be filled in by later processors. This is, after all, how the processors have evolved.

He says he is doing the entire thing in ring-3. I happen to know that accessing the CR2 register requires ring-0 access. Maybe the operating system is facilitating some of these things. But it still struck me as odd.

Setting all the registers to zero is a good start. But some of those instructions include address offsets, which can still overwrite your "supervisor" code. (Okay, he addresses this one.)

As for the priority error for undefined opcode vs page fault: Yes, it is an erratum. They decided it was a documentation error and fixed their documentation. First off, I can see where they might miss this. Very few people, outside of maybe myself, are going to deliberately execute an undefined instruction over a page-faulting area. Admittedly, I do a few unusual things. I have used MOV CS, AX as a processor check (runs fine on 8088, undefined opcode on 286, man I'm old.)

I miss the days when computers would detect a processor shutdown and just reset the processor. You could use certain memory locations to tell the BIOS where to resume execution. Ah, good times, shut the processor down 20 times and return to DOS like nothing ever happened.

slookify - 10.05.2021 14:43

so much respect for those smart people

JOHN SMITH - 04.05.2021 08:00

absolutely incredible stuff.

🐮🍺cow杯 - 02.05.2021 10:29

How can the pagy fault analysis exist? why the processor allow instructions be loaded from two different pages. and why manufacturer don't kill this buggy function.

Rudi Winkelstein
Rudi Winkelstein - 09.04.2021 17:46

This is why we need RISC-V

TheNoodlyAppendage - 02.04.2021 19:21

He is shortlisted for a job in heavens r&d department.

John Jeffo
John Jeffo - 14.03.2021 06:57

Are there registers they don't tell us about?
