C-3PO Crashes a Pentecostal Revival

C-3PO Crashes a Pentecostal Revival


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@jackmeeellleee4896 - 20.11.2023 23:27

ba da daa daa melkornpo fango viligo sla pookie lam dangpå shoola boola

@kendallkahl8725 - 19.11.2023 05:59

Paul talks about speaking in unintelligible tongues for the edification of self but not the Church as a whole. They have found people that do glossolalia have brains that shut down an area of their brain that would normally distract them. Paul talks about running out of words to express things to the point of groaning but God gets it.

@user-ch4ex3yy4l - 18.11.2023 12:08

The creator of this video is woefully ignorant of the scriptures. Mocking from ignorance due to lack of study is sinful.

@sartoriusrock - 18.11.2023 00:49

I'm sitting here wondering what "homeboy" is in Latin...

And as a Catholic audio engineer who goes to the Latin Mass, why have I not pulled the audio from this clip and reversed it to try to figure out??

@mistermurtad2831 - 16.11.2023 09:12

I wish I could share this on FB, but it would upset my family.

@KildaltonBTS - 29.10.2023 23:08

The “language of angels” is a synonym for Hebrew.

@Ellomarshall50 - 22.10.2023 02:54

Pentacostalism and hermeneutics aren't a thing!

@bowinghearts - 17.10.2023 00:35


@chasingthesavior7490 - 15.09.2023 16:39


@Joe-hu7lx - 15.09.2023 00:13

C3P0’s AI is on point

@minngael - 08.09.2023 20:32

Pentecostals- Quakers without ADD meds...

@consultant_of_swing2146 - 05.09.2023 15:36

Retrofitting the pulldown screen to cover half the window is perfect.

@davidhensley76 - 15.08.2023 05:11

Señorita vanMeter

@marinoderienzo3176 - 22.07.2023 07:05

A lady at a non-denominational, categorized as a Southern Baptist Church for tax reasons congregation broke out in tongues right as spiritual stage band music concluded and the transition into a funny video started. The Christian jokes kept coming but the lady was still going off and it was getting really awkward and they finally took her outside to finish. I was hoping they would stop the video to figure it out but it would not stop the show.

@adamandsethdylantoo - 22.07.2023 04:27

Something I hadn’t thought of before but that makes perfect sense is that, perhaps, the interpretation of other tounges means that you can understand someone speaking to you in a human language without ever having heard it or understanding it. More than interpreting glosselelia, the church could use missionaries who can go into foreign lands and understand the language there (or have a better knowledge on top of human teaching) of the native language

@YodasTinyLightsaber - 03.07.2023 23:59

I love Donall and Connal so much that I wish I was Lutheran instead of Baptist. I also wish that the JWs that came to my house on Saturday spoke English so that I could ask them about the "true name of GOD" from a prior video. Keep on rolling, @LutheranSatire!

@uza3ul1 - 13.06.2023 01:55

Thank you.

@onehungrypanda316 - 23.05.2023 14:33

Please do another c3po video!!!!! :)

@davidstair9657 - 01.05.2023 22:49


@onliwankannoli393 - 30.04.2023 19:10

But I wish C-3PO had warned us back then about the devil-spawn sequels.

@semorebutts6960 - 25.04.2023 08:44

I make weird sounds when I have a mussel spasm.

@Bibleguy89-uu3nr - 25.04.2023 00:29

I love the “you guys” in the intro

@valdotc8559 - 24.04.2023 17:11

The Bible says: "For anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit. (...) Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves, but the one who prophesies edifies the church" (1 Corinthians 14.2,4). So, if I talk, say, in Russian, im talking to people. Russian people would understand me. I wouldnt be edifing myself, but the church (russians). The Bible also says that if someone speaks in tongues and theres noone to interpret, should pray quietly. It doesnt make sense at all praying in a foreign language quietly. So human languages LITERALLY arent what the word is talking about. If we combine this text with acts 2, we'll see that in pentecost people were praying in strange tongues and the others would be understanding in their own language.

@tonystark8757 - 24.04.2023 07:58

Who needs Tongues anyway? Us Catholics can just speak Latin and people will still think its gibberish or Tongues! And we can still understand each other! Jk, good video.

@cindycampbell3761 - 20.04.2023 14:01

"Unexpected case of Lutheranism." 😅

May the Force be with you.....I hope someone gives the right response😂

@erikgriffith8857 - 18.04.2023 16:52

It might be important to distinguish between Pentecostals at large and charismatics which are a smaller subset that emphasizes a "heavenly language."

@amandafessler2154 - 15.04.2023 05:25

Heard a story from my Dad who attended a Pentecostal Church some time ago. They were doing the tongues, and they had a guest from some African country. He abruptly gets up and points at one of the ladies tongue speaking on stage and says "That's my language! She's blaspheming God in my language!"

I think it might have been a bit much for them to kick her out after that. At least they could have checked her for a demon first.

Also why it's important to have an interpreter. You never know when crazy stuff like this is happening.

@8thMusketeer - 14.04.2023 09:25

In all seriousness, the prequels were awesome

@Puddlewiggle - 13.04.2023 21:52

Link to the second video? Not finding it via a totally lazy half-hearted cursory search.

@bonjovi1612 - 03.04.2023 13:00

Yep, demons are still around.

@bufficliff8978 - 22.03.2023 19:51

The Holy Spirit actually did have me speak Russian once. I didn't know what I'd said; a Russian told me the next day. I don't like to talk about it. I don't have any answers, but it has to be worked into the worldview of Christians that it happens.

@hezekiahthomas837 - 17.03.2023 02:10

So all pentecostals are wrong the gifts have ceast and the only true church is Lutheran got it

@imthepantyraider1 - 12.03.2023 02:48

C-3PO mistranslated, he said brother, not homeboy

@not-normal771 - 09.03.2023 11:31

Sorry to burst bubbles, Lutherans, but I actually did speak in tongues.

This happened 30 years ago. I was at a Pentecostal youth camp. After the service, there was a call for people to come to the alter to pray. I went up. Many people laid hands on me. I was sincerely repenting to God after experiencing a childhood of extreme abuse and severe neglect. The Holy Spirit consumed me into the light, removing me from my human vessel. I was in the light for over 2 hours while the Holy Spirit took over my body and sang, danced, ran, spoke in another language and who knows what else with several hundred other teenagers and adults worshiping the Lord. I wasn't there to see that 2 hours. I only know because I was told after. Eventually, I woke standing in front of two friends from my church. I couldn't hear them or anything at first but could see them giggling at me. Eventually, I could hear again but it was muffled. I couldn't understand the words they were saying. I couldn't understand the words I was saying either, because it wasn't English. No matter how hard I tried, the words that left my brain came out of my mouth in a foreign language. I was so confused in that moment. It was as if God had somehow changed the entire audio track of myself and everyone around me. After a few minutes, I was back to normal and I was very confused. Since then, He has shown me much.

This world is in real peril. He's very disappointed. I suggest to everyone who reads this that you repent and ask for God's forgiveness. He is quite real and He is displeased with many of you. He loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you, like He has had with me all of my life, even before I was spiritually reborn. There is a spiritual war going on and humanity has strayed from the path He laid out for us.

With all of that said, I thought that this video was quite accurate. I saw many fakes in my time at the church. I didn't even fully believe in tongues because the people I had witnessed, were acting just like the folks in this video. Posers. I know for a fact that it is real, but rare, as I've not found another like myself, yet.

@pre-debutera6941 - 03.03.2023 21:54

Shlaba haba twing bing noogie aba bingo

@mulkster39 - 27.02.2023 00:38

This is so relevant for the latest rival in the news... 😉

@mkinchen6643 - 20.02.2023 22:41

Damn this is hysterical!

@apelogetika - 14.02.2023 23:38

C3PO sounds like chatGPT 😅

@whitewolf1298 - 11.02.2023 21:24

I agree with 3P0. The Midichlorians were stupid.

@danielhayes7967 - 20.01.2023 18:26

Interpret this "Speaking." "Sususudio."

@1776concernedcitizen - 05.01.2023 01:22

I loved the humor here. I have a pentecostal friend who speaks in tongues. We have had some interesting discussions about Corinthians and spiritual gifts.

@alexgarza788 - 30.12.2022 03:35

Did that future video mentioned by C3PO ever get made? 😅

@aaronheth5888 - 29.12.2022 06:49

The backwards Latin had me laughing for nearly a minute

@paulsoldner9500 - 23.11.2022 12:27

I was almost on board until you started shittalking the prequels.

@Flyboy_73 - 31.10.2022 17:03

Pretty sure you got a demon there Darrel. 😂😂😂

@matthewstanger1423 - 30.10.2022 09:34

From what I believe it's a gift giving to the Jewish people.
