Commonwealth Games Venue Tour 2022

Commonwealth Games Venue Tour 2022

Birmingham City Council

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@amirulamin9253 - 20.10.2018 21:41

Track cycling use the ex Olympic velodrome? That at London right

@richardgoode5314 - 25.10.2018 15:36

A commonwealth venue as till option as a London as with Manchester, as construction to a new or develop a venue as a commonwealth games.

@professorpodcast3029 - 09.06.2020 10:09

This will fo wonders for Birmingham as it's always been overshadowed by London, Manchester, Cardiff and Edinburgh

@chesterdonnelly1212 - 20.07.2020 14:02

This has all changed now hasn't it?

@danb2450 - 03.09.2020 10:04

Cool. Wondered what they were building in Smethwick near me - it’s the aquatics centre 😎

@Patrick.mcr2112 - 20.08.2021 20:17

i live near birmingham so weve already applied for tickets and it said the gymnastics was in the nec! I'm mega confused now

@michaelfrankie8443 - 12.10.2021 20:36

They are doing a lot of making certain areas look nice, it's only for the games when there over things return to normal its just another lie

@gofurrohim1426 - 04.07.2022 10:03

Change Change Birmingham to be a La Viola's city in the UK :)

@jahmah519 - 14.07.2022 08:02

Birmingham is the heart of England & representing this beautiful green island as the major host of the prestigious Commonwealth games, the games may never be the same again after this, so many countries talking of leaving, so if the nation can get behind Birmingham which I never really hear critise any other City in Blighty, sometimes I hear retaliation to other people's negative remarks but its quite a humble City with folks who are the salt of the Earth, I love Britain's 2nd biggest City & admire its peaceful approach, I drive through Birmingham, Wolverhampton Leamington & Coventry & what is being prepared has left me in awe with excitement. Birmingham a former industrial manufacturing powerhouse I know will more than deliver, it will impress us all 💚

@coachaceofmen - 19.07.2022 21:13


@dazski1 - 21.07.2022 18:59

Old video as cricket at Edgbaston cricket ground is not mentioned nor Rugby 7’s at the Coventry arena & there is no commonwealth village at Perry Bar them plans were scrapped due to the high cost, so using hotels & universities instead for athlete villages.

@shehran6936 - 22.07.2022 02:52

They're going to use Villa Park? Aston is a dive. It's a town that the council has forgotten and has received no development since 2005 when a doctor surgery was built. People will see the worst of the country driving through Aston.

@vizheadrms - 26.07.2022 21:12

Why did you have to zoom out from London at the end..... Thats a face palm right there.
