raising-a-psychopath.blogspot.com | Internet Mysteries

raising-a-psychopath.blogspot.com | Internet Mysteries

The Internet Investigator

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sweet winny
sweet winny - 03.09.2023 07:46

something i caught is that they don't discuss how he responded to attempts to help him. they only repeatedly harp on how punishment didn't affect him and how hopeless it was. did they ever really try to sit down and talk with him? his weird attempt at a clinical approach with the psychopath test and the way he discusses the kid's mental state really rings hollow considering it doesn't seem they really tried much of a compassionate approach. they called him irresponsible for wetting his bed for god's sake. they just took him at his word when he said he just didn't feel like going to the bathroom but didn't they say he's also a pathological liar? wouldn't somebody they describe as having an inflated sense of self-importance lie about having an accident due to the potential embarrasment? they said they were fine with a kid with behavioral problems but they didn't know what that meant. they assumed it was just a kid who never grew out of the terrible 2s. i really hope this kid eventually got/gets the help he actually needs.

Snopp apa
Snopp apa - 29.08.2023 21:55

This person talks about refusing to play with their child, ignoring them, barely having any contact at all apart from punishment and then tops it off with “he’s a parasite and a psychopath.” This boy needed help. It makes me want to cry for him. He probably just wanted to be loved and cared for after all the years of abuse.

Snopp apa
Snopp apa - 29.08.2023 21:52

They didn’t want a baby because it would be too much work and decided to adopt a deeply traumatized and mentally ill kid instead? Then punish and beat him for being traumatized and proceed to call that boy a psychopath and a parasite because he couldn’t resolve all his trauma on his own because you, his parent, refuses to parent him

Snopp apa
Snopp apa - 29.08.2023 21:45

That poor baby. Adopting a child with severe trauma and behavioral issues and that was never raised or taught things then punishing him for acting out, being scared and not automatically knowing things they were supposed to teach him. They adopted him solely to feel good about themselves and to have a little project. The fact that this is happening currently to thousands of children. That poor boy was dealing with trauma they can’t even begin to comprehend and they were punishing him for hours because of it.

Abella Barbie
Abella Barbie - 29.08.2023 20:33

This is not about "judgint their parenting." Everything they did is illegal and considered abuse. Psychopaths have a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors that contribute to their presentation. I hope this post is fake, because those people deserve the worst fate imaginable.

jd 🏳️‍⚧️
jd 🏳️‍⚧️ - 29.08.2023 00:27

that "first incident" with charges is the clearest "symptoms of childhood sexual abuse" thing i've ever seen. kiddo needs therapy and love and support, not some weird dad who's obsessed with pSyChOpAtHy

DisappointingPorn - 27.08.2023 18:19

I wonder if getting a child exhibiting psychopathic tendencies into a church youth program would be helpful.

I don’t mean your delicate, small town sort of church, I mean your big, bombastic, charismatic sort of mega church, something all-encompassing, almost a lifestyle sort of situation where morality is touted as “awesome” and “righteous.” You know the type.

I personally despise such commercial entities (and religion as a whole), but it doesn’t mean these sort of doctrines don’t have their benefits for others.

A culture of living your life because it’s right and putting your faith in a higher power mixed with the hype of manipulated emotions through easy to grasp rock music and light displays you’d see at a high end concert venue is very hypnotizing and enticing.

I have a nephew who, from a young age, displayed frightening anti-social behaviors. Prone to rage, his favorite pastime was inflicting literal pain on his family members, particularly his mother. They were just ill-equipped to deal with him properly.

After being obsessed with the game Guitar Hero, he eventually picked up a guitar for real. But when he was welcomed into the flock of worship music at his family’s mega-church, he changed completely. The church raised him. He fell in love with what he was surrounded by and dedicated his life to the church (either that or he just learned how to imitate what he was surrounded with.)

He excelled in school for once and now earns 6 figures at his marketing job. He’s married with a wife who seems happy, owns a large house, and is no longer openly wielding knives he’s grabbed from the dishwasher or choking out people any longer.

Nothing is going on behind the scenes (that anyone knows of yet). Hopefully nothing ever will.
Harm reduction helps.

oxy - 26.08.2023 00:54

so what im hearing is an adopted 11 year old that was sexually abused was able to escape the house, break into another house and do all that? the kid needed therapy, and medication, and was clearly not okay. to call an 11 year old a psychopath is hilarious. This poor kid has been failed by his parents. How awful. Children deserve better

Smoothie - 25.08.2023 08:34

lmao okay as someone who exhibited some of these behaviours who has known people with these issues we tend to get diagnosed with ODD, ADHD, Autism, FASD, PTSD sometimes multiple of those listed and with more on top of those issues, but can still go on to live normal and successful lives.
What I really want to point out and have people notice though is that he was able to watch hardcore porn without these parents catching him, he was old enough to operate a search engine because they mention his search history so it was after they adopted him that this happens, but before the age of 11. It directly contradicts the blogger trying to sound like their parenting isn’t the problem.
You’re supposed to ease up on the supervision as they get older not increase it when the damage is done.
The first time I got unsupervised internet was at 12 and I was still getting groomed online even at 14, I can’t believe what that would be like as a little boy and not a teen girl, not to mention other forms of sexual abuse he probably suffered. They allowed him to find hardcore porn unsupervised before age 11, it’s that simple.

As someone who had some weird experiences as a child that I’m not sure if it was sexual abuse or not, I can say from experience it messes up your ideas of sex intimacy and bodily autonomy. I still have a hard time feeling like my body is mine and I’m not an object.
He doesn’t consider that a girl he touched can refuse consent and it sounds like he doesn’t know he can either, he’s not a psychopath he doesn’t understand the concept of having bodily autonomy whether from developmental issues or from abuse, this is something he could be taught but they won’t even bother.

They sound unfit to raise any kid, let alone a kid with these kinds of issues. If anyone sounds like a psychopath it’s the parent.

//babyblue// - 22.08.2023 05:35

Im schizoid ans autistic and although i have never suffered any form of abuse growing up, Lucas sounds exactly like the child i used to be. I was violent, selfish, didnt care for rules, punishment or rewards, dissociated most of the time and had no interest in friendships or relationships. My parents took way too long to take me to a psychiatrist, as when i was about 12 i startes fantasizing about murder and suicide, self harmed constantly and had a dangerous interest in violent actions. I started to get medicated only at age 15. Had therapy. Im 21 now, and i can say i have a normal life. I go to college, have friends, have fallen in love, have not been violent in any way in years, have healthy hobbies and outlets and no one who has met me in the last 5 years would ever guess i used to throw other children down the stairs and threaten my neighbors with murder at 8. Lucas needs help. Real help. Hes not a psychopath, hes a victim and Harry is a pos.

Den - 21.08.2023 19:09

As someone who has Reactive Attatchment Disorder, I wish there was a lot more understanding and compassion for the children that struggle with it. There is no way to describe all of the pain and suffering that a child has to endure to cause this disorder. Sexual abuse, emotional torture, severe neglect- these are all things that are extremely common in a RAD child's past. Sure the emotions are intense and a RAD child's mind is hard to understand or to cope with. But they are still CHILDREN. Often the abuse causes severe developmental delays. The kids need a lot of extra love, reassurance, understanding, and compassion. Abuse and abandonment are so normal that these kids don't react to punishment or love the same way as other kids usually do. It is frustrating to watch small children be labeled as "evil" because of something that ISNT THEIR FAULT

MarsMellon - 21.08.2023 15:45

I'm glad you mentioned that you didn't agree with the parents' methods. From the get go they say that Lucas was a match because he didn't have medication etc. But children with working medication might be a lot easier to deal with than a child who has behavioral issues and not a diagnosis yet. "Yet" is a key point because he might get benefit from adhd medication for example. It's difficult to say from this amount of information. Issues that can't be 'fixed' with medication are much more difficult than the ones that can. It seems to me like he's doing attention seeking behavior to the extreme. He hasn't had a stable home and he's testing if something that he'll do would change his parents' mind. It's also alarming to make that list about him, assuming what bad things he's going to do. Psychopathy is a difficult diagnoses but people with psychopathy can live normal lives for sure. It's almost like they don't know how to deal with these types of mental issues.

Bi Bi
Bi Bi - 19.08.2023 07:28

I'm like halfway through and this is so enraging, imagine being an 11 year old child so checked out from past trauma that you can dissociate for hours on end, with no concept of time passing, and your adoptive father decides to write an epic about his diagnosing you as a psychopath. Imagine your guardian saying that you're a parasite and do nothing to help while at the same time blatantly and even proudly describing how he and his wife ignore you and treat you like a pet without engaging you or even trying to get to know you. This man should be ashamed of himself and how he failed this child.

Also, this man claims he knows Lucas better than anyone bc he's his father...even though you purposely adopted an older child so you wouldnt have to experience the first formative years?? And you seem to have no interest in understanding your kid's past in the first place??? Fuck off.

LOSTNEVADA - 15.08.2023 22:11

i feel so bad for the kid. these parents 100% did permanent damage to a child that was already damaged as is.

Ellie G
Ellie G - 15.08.2023 04:13

so many red flags here

a) as a lot of people have mentioned this is clearly a severely traumatized child with a rough upbringing and this guy just latched on to the idea that lucas is a psychopath because he shows behaviors of a child who’s very mentally ill
b) harry pats himself on the back for not using corporal punishment but then states he does things like force him to stand him in a corner and stare at the wall for hours or lock him in his room for days and only let him out to eat and use the bathroom.
c) a lot of the things in his goofy ass “psychopath test” are either products of his own parenting, symptoms of child trauma, or just.. normal things for an 11 year old. not saying lucas is entirely innocent but there’s clearly a lot to blame on the parents here. he “doesn’t have realistic goals”? the kid’s in like 6th grade. when i was in 6th grade all i wanted to do was watch TV, i didn’t give a fuck about school or anything. it was just, going home from school = time to watch TV. he “doesn’t know how to form normal relationships”? maybe that’s because you’ve prevented him from doing things like after school activities, don’t do anything but punish him and have made him a prisoner in his own home.

i feel really feel bad for this kid. of course on the internet there’s always a chance posts are fake but if this is a real story i hope lucas has found his way in life and has gotten real help

ƒate - 15.08.2023 03:59

The victims in the comments is wild 😂😂

ƒate - 15.08.2023 03:54

I think it's a little weird that you blamed the adoptive parents for their lives being threatened

Charlie - 14.08.2023 16:45

Today on "Parents Who Shouldn't Be Near Children".
Honestly, fuck these parents. This dad acting like he knows better than all the professionals - STFU dude. How has child services allowed them to continue to look after this kid?!

Romantic Outlaw
Romantic Outlaw - 14.08.2023 02:02

an 11 year old trying to pin taking candy on another 11 year old? Wow.. strange... how exceptionally psychopathic...

Lucas sounds like the poster child for a csa survivor. Harry's callous inability to feel for a child who's likely been traumatized to the point of being entirely checked out in his most vulnerable years easily flags him as the psychopath here

CJ Hunt
CJ Hunt - 13.08.2023 22:39

>couple agrees to adopt a kid with behavioural issues
>the kid has behavioural issues


Evan Rich
Evan Rich - 13.08.2023 12:47

Just gotta say, these ableist MFers deserved to get their own "punishment" in losing their freedoms. I'm glad other kids didn't get stuck with them as parents, but if they'd chosen a child with "mental issues due to genetics" maybe they wouldn't have adopted a child with such serious lack of emotional response

AngiShy - 12.08.2023 22:16

Oh my god...he IS a classic example of a typical psychopath 🤦‍♂️ but instead of making a stupid blog to whine about the kid or doing tests he found on the internet or some useless therapy, how about taking him to psychiatrist to do some legit tests and prescribe him medication to balance hus behavior 🤦‍♂️ its not that hard to do so lmao

stinkymoth - 12.08.2023 17:08

that poor child. there are so many signs of csa here. that child deserves a loving family who want to help instead of armchair diagnosing them with psychopathy.

Keatyne_bunn - 11.08.2023 03:50

This feels like he wanted to live a "we need to talk about kevin" moment so bad.

Andrew Duffy
Andrew Duffy - 11.08.2023 02:58

We’ve tried nothing and it hasn’t worked: the blog

Semantic Dragon
Semantic Dragon - 10.08.2023 16:55

This is classic, "I've reached a conclusion, which must be correct, and now that every professional has disagreed with me, I shall seek validation on the internet". I would bet that if they'd gone into this sincerely trying to help, with an open mind, Lucas* would be in a better place now. Sadge.

SleepParalysisDemon2 - 09.08.2023 17:09

Even if I had all the complete facts regarding this case ( meaning it’s true ) I wouldn’t judge the actions of the parents, teachers, social workers, etc,). Easy to talk the game without having walked the walk. On the other hand, it seems Lucas’s parents are absolving themselves of any guilt by their little psychopath checklist. Without education and clinical practice, there is no checklist for a psychopath. There are too many variables, and there are clinically not very many true psychopaths. I don’t believe this, personally..but that’s my own opinion. Just seemed like fiction written around what someone found on the internet regarding psychopathy.

Cal - 09.08.2023 14:52

I'm not a parent, but this fella seems like he's NEVER been around a child. Poor Lucas - he deserves so much more from a parent. The fact that Harry has assigned that he's going to be an irresponsible, violent offender is horrifying.
Tbh, Lucas seems like he went through horrible stuff, but rationalises in a way that a child would.
What weird predictions are they placing on this kid to talk about his expected marriage and whatnot? I'm appalled.

L bird
L bird - 08.08.2023 17:19

When I was about 8 I was playing with my dolls and put one in “time out”, I forgot about it and it got left for about 4 hours, when I remembered I hugged the doll and cried while profusely apologizing for about 15 minutes. I was terrified that I did that to a doll, I can’t imagine not caring for an actual human child

4niasomnia - 05.08.2023 23:56

Assuming this wasn’t a creative writing exercise, way to compound what sounds like CSA trauma with emotional abuse and neglect.

Amanda Smart
Amanda Smart - 04.08.2023 16:59

It’s funny you like EXACTLY how I was picturing you in my head haha love the videos!

Pugette Pugs
Pugette Pugs - 04.08.2023 08:46

Thia dude diagnosed the kid and is reaching to fit his narrative.

Kid has no concept of future but will wait to get what he wants.

Kid is unbothrerd by punishment but will lie to avoid being punished.

Kid didnt have any juvenile history yet but oh he would if he could.

Just stop. He should have stopped years ago. They are not the right parents for this boy, i wouldn't have been just like majority of people. Give him a chance to get to the right family instead of keeping him imprisoned in a house that hates him...

Jules - 03.08.2023 22:10

My favorite part of every video is when you say “investigeeet”

Moshe Dixon
Moshe Dixon - 01.08.2023 21:38

It sounds like this kid might have DID, he hits all the risk categories and theres some hints here of dissociative tendencies. I really really hope he meets a professional who can handle such a complex trauma case and he manages to find some peace and happiness
Edit to add more: holy shit some of the stuff hes rating this kid on is like, just child behaviour. I was ADHD and depressed as a child in the ages he's talking about and i would hit a lot of those categories. I simply could not get it together to understand time, risk and reward, interpersonal relationships etc because I was so mentally stressed all the time. I also wet the bed almost every night until I was 11, and although my "choosing" to lie in it was from anxiety and not neglect, I certainly was not truly in control of that choice because, guess what, i was A KID!! A traumatised kid!! Gosh this makes me so angry. These guys are so unequipped to deal with a foster child 😢

•Dusk the Owl Gryphon•
•Dusk the Owl Gryphon• - 01.08.2023 14:17

The people who made this site clearly don't know that all of us were/are leeching off people at some point. It's called not being fully developed.

ydechen - 29.07.2023 11:20

Omg I remember stumbing upon this blog way back when I was an undergrad in psychology! At the time I was still under my own dysfunctional family and not well educated about parental abuse. I remember feeling very torn about whether the child was actually psychopathic or the parents were just overreacting.

Around the same time I also found another blog by a woman who was convinced the mafia (or FBI? Police?) were trying to kill her by poisoning her tap water, groceries etc. She knew how ridiculous it sounded but still found all kinds of 'proof' around the house that pointed towards that conclusion. I wish I can find that blog now (forgot what it's called but it's probably also deleted now given this was over a decade ago) and read it again with what I know now. It was an interesting foray into psychosis and delusions.

DON TWAN - 28.07.2023 08:07

This is what happens when you don't beat the child.He might not be able to feel emotions,right from wrong etc...but would feel the pain of dads size 13 boot upside his head.😮

its...yor! - 28.07.2023 02:58

Im not gonna lie i also feel bad for the parents.

Shiggy Miyamo
Shiggy Miyamo - 23.07.2023 11:17

A few of those punishments are a bit much, but only at this point in time would someone say that taking away the Playstation is cruel

Marquee Mark
Marquee Mark - 22.07.2023 02:00

Making your child stand in a corner for 4 hrs is abuse. I think these parents created the idea that he was a psychopath and didn't have emotions because the harder thing would be actually caring how your kids feel.

Tylerisntasheep - 20.07.2023 09:31

wow this makes me feel bad for the kid! what the hell??? Making your kid stand in a corner for 4 hours? "You wouldn't get it I have to abuse my traumatized child" OK DUDE.... Genuinely appalling and unempathetic behavior from someone trying to position themselves as some moral authority over his "psychopathic" son. From what I am familiar with, this isn't a diagnosis, and you can't diagnose children with ASPD.

Niko - 19.07.2023 10:57

The idea that Harry and his wife continued trying to use time-based restrictive punishments for what sounds like almost a decade of it not working was probably the first sign that there was considerable room to improve in his parenting methods. Also the fact that he is completely unable to empathize or try to understand why Lucas behaves the way that he does outside of the most extreme pathologizing he can come up with. Harry's parenting style is more likely to foster dangerous tendencies than any medical/mental condition Lucas may have, and given that Lucas may have well already been carrying existing trauma from before the family adopted him, it certainly would have exacerbated them. Additionally his focus on the behavioral "taming" of perceived acting out (bed-wetting, hyperactivity) doesn't really prove anything about being a good parent, it just focuses on things that other people can perceive as being proof of a good parent, rather than actually trying to affect any meaningful positive change in Lucas's life.

tristen kobewka
tristen kobewka - 16.07.2023 03:43

Every single paragraph of this stung as someone with severe childhood ptsd. This child was severely depressed, had no emotional range and was acting out and they figured "wow this child is a monster" no he's in pain. What is wrong with people?

Meems - 12.07.2023 14:12

Lukas is the ultimate stoic

Driller666 - 10.07.2023 20:40

Rather than his kid being a psychopath, I think this parent is a narcissist

Elizabeth - 08.07.2023 07:27

Or actual parenthood for that matter. The father isn’t concerned for no reason. We do know our children best, & I cannot imagine how frantic I’d be if my child were displaying these behaviors consistently.
