A Short Guide to Remarkably Easy CCR in Eu4

A Short Guide to Remarkably Easy CCR in Eu4

Lemon Cake

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@cathedral_psyker4785 - 17.10.2023 05:36

1520 revoke as Austria with Prague center, form Rajputana, Tibet, then Khalkha or Khoshuud. From here flip to Hindu or go for animist then Mayan. Give all provinces to revoke vassals to do so.

15% from Rajputana, 25% from admin, 10% from reform hofgericht, 20% from mayan or Hindu. With Hindu you pick shiva and the viswanath monument. With mayan you just 100% a Mayan nation and offer tribute.

I think it works out to 79% ccr. Rajputana is nice because it’s not an end game tag but still has better ccr than most formables. If you form mughals while having the steppe politics event open, then it’s 89%. That gives a buffer for ccr from incidental corruption or war exhaustion.

But sticking with rajputana you can form any tag you want after world conquest. Revoke the privilegia allows your income to be a higher ratio than dev, so you can easily buy down corruption. Revoke vassals can also bank conquests if you don’t want to core land, making it easy to switch religions. They also guarantee income so you can unstate and culture switch. Once you’re done doing a wc you can flip monarchy, get a parliament, and then efficiently diplo annex them.

With barbaric despoilers and max ccr, your razing means you at least break even or even profit in admin when conquering provinces. I think that if you’re not going for an hre wc, horde Khoshuud from Austria is really efficient to do a one culture with other tags.

And you could form Alaska or US by giving colonial Australia land conquered in the old world. You could actually exploit this to inherit the entire world from colonial Australia without ever coring it. Just raze and give the province to them for free mana. Full world inheritance without becoming an end game tag like the HRE.

@ArianneBlaire777 - 28.07.2023 17:30

This is way easier than my maya into italy method when origins was out

@bulletman6352 - 08.07.2023 08:48

Or for the last 20 precent ccr become Mayan or for the last 10% become coptic if this is world conquest I’d reccomend mayan cuz it’s cracked

@lyonard9226 - 02.07.2023 16:05

Another way to get -80% core creation cost is playing with Qing as Emperor of China. First, Qing has a -25% core creation cost in its ideas; if you take administrative ideas you have another -25% (-50%); with a decree of the mandate mechanic you get another -10% (-60%), and with one of the reforms you get another -10% (-70%). Forming Qing while being Emperor of China automatically converts you to Confucian, which has the ability to harmonize religions. If you conquer into India you can harmonize the Hindu religion, which gives you access to a monument in India for nations with Dharmic religion as State or syncretic religion which gives another -10% core creation cost (-80%). All of that permanent and without claims.

@zord1352 - 01.07.2023 15:21

If you form Mughals as Muskovy after you acchive the mission and turn to Hindu and upgrade the monument in India, you get 85% with only 1 idea group.
I know there are plenty of ways, but it's fun. Actually Timur/sons to Mughal can have actual 80% for 25 years by an event.

@youtuberobbedmeofmyname - 28.06.2023 19:21

The thing about Florry's setup is that its an involved and elaborate setup from day 1.
You reap most of the benefits much earlier on and in a way, it was possible to carry his strat to a couple other countries.

@samharoutunian6058 - 17.06.2023 06:11

now for ideas, now for the ideas

@SuperKILLINGMASTER - 12.06.2023 18:05

Pretty sure you also forgot the russian mission for invading sweden, I believe it gives another 10% ccr but I only played russia once since the update and it's already been awhile

@user-jh8xg2yg1q - 11.06.2023 15:36

100 innovativeness give u 10 all power cost. And its easy to reach

@sasi5841 - 10.06.2023 09:49

In patch 1.34, in the VU mod, Japan had a monument that gives 30% CCR

@sasi5841 - 10.06.2023 09:40

In my last campaign as trebizond to greece on the VU mod, i managed to get 95% ccr. I just had to rely heavity on monuments. i also stacked several missionary strenghth and warscore cost modifier. By 1690s, i was able to annex most of china in a single war, then core them and convert the provinces to orthodox faster than rebes could spawn, my tolerance of true faith was 20+ and tolerance of heretics /heathens was 3.5.
Monuments are awesome

@Masterpsychoo - 03.06.2023 15:22

Or you could capture some coptic provinces and convert to coptic. Get one holy site, choose the CCR reduction. At the time you get to the provinces in the south the ottomans will most likely already own them and they never convert anything to sunni.

@robertalaverdov8147 - 03.06.2023 03:48

I recently did a Russia WC by 1682. Which is nuts as the last time I tried it as the Ottos it took me until 1763. And I'm no expert. With the CCR reductions your cores come inn before any rebels can spawn. And with all the unrest modifiers you can grab, plus the gov interactions. You basically never have rebels. Just constantly conquer. As long as you have admin to core its a cakewalk.

@BSideWasTaken - 03.06.2023 01:56

One little problem I thought of, to "Establish Lifan Yuan" you'd need to first be Emperor of China thus losing your Russian govt reform bonus

@justdoitlater9507 - 03.06.2023 01:46

even easier, and achieveable within 20-25 years of the game:
play mughals and switch to hindu.

mughal traditions 25%
Admin ideas 25%
conquering hindustani culture group 10%
switch to hinduism and choose shiva 10%
conquer Varansi and upgrade the monument to lvl 3: 10%

@lilysowden4035 - 02.06.2023 23:01

Turks also have some great ways to stack CCR now. 25% in ideas, 10% from their gov mechanic, 10% from an event at 200 provinces and I believe 5% in one of the gov reforms

@sammeargaming9967 - 02.06.2023 21:53

Super cool vid! Interesting stuff. Gotta apply it to my EU4 runs!

@amilavxilmen5632 - 02.06.2023 12:33


@extinctzebroid - 02.06.2023 10:50

If you start as Brandenburg, you can get the new nobles privilege for 10% ccr cost which you should be able to keep if you form Russia by culture swapping. This would also make it easier to become the Holy Roman Emperor for 10 more meaning you can skip court ideas.

Edit: If that first mission is only available for Muscovy and you can't get the 15% from it if you form Russia as another nation, then you could instead form Prussia as Muscovy and then go back to form Russia. Flipping to Protestant may be a pain though

@hiptoptoe4847 - 02.06.2023 10:02

This powerful core creation cost reduction actually makes its way to the modern day, they can even attempt to core provinces they don’t own or control! Truly powerful stuff
