Subsistence - DAY 4 - Almost a Home - More Mistakes Made

Subsistence - DAY 4 - Almost a Home - More Mistakes Made


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@GamerDave1974 - 31.10.2023 09:14

Dude, Everyone sucks when they first started playing a game lol. I personally really enjoyed this episode and looking forward to the next in the playlist.

@GamerDave1974 - 31.10.2023 09:03

Surprisingly pretty game, even if from 5 years ago.

@RPRKNG - 21.11.2018 06:15

Rabbits give cloth like chickens give feathers. Also, there are no poi's or cabins in subs,
the only man-made structures that exist are the ones you make, and the ones the hunters make.
that's it.

@Sungaze1111 - 14.10.2018 08:09

It's a really good idea to have the woodburning stove using the bpu to craft it by the second day. The logs burn longer, and try not to let the fire burn out. biofuel is crafted under the health tab. It uses those green plants. And a chest is handy, low cost but stores your extras. The grubs you can eat or fish with and eventually with an animal house, feed your chickens. Chickens you can chase and jump, the jumping seems to freeze them, and usually by the third freeze you can catch them with F when you're right on them.

@adampyro834 - 04.10.2018 22:21

I played Subsistence about a year ago, struggled finding Sinew at the time so i stopped playing... Really hoping that's easier now. i think the kelp is found in the small lakes/ponds where you see reeds around the edge but not sure if its limited to that or not. my last base was near the middle, some say that is bad for the hunters because they surround you but its no different if your in a corner. hope your still playing this so i can see whats changed although i have redownloaded it and will start playing again too

@doomqc89gaming20 - 02.10.2018 01:19

Hey Capp00, cloth can be found on bear, wolf, cougar and deer but the best source are rabbit. You're guaranteed to get one cloth when you butcher a rabbit. The bow is great for getting rabbits, don't try to run after them you won't be fast enough. You can't find cotton in the wild but you can find seeds in crates. Hope it helps. ALso there's a lot of fiber in the game, it's just hard to see them early on, you get use to.

@necron99.aka-sammyboy92 - 30.09.2018 21:44

A few months from now, you’ll look back on this “struggle”, and laugh!

@necron99.aka-sammyboy92 - 30.09.2018 21:19

CAPP: What do u like better: 7 days or this game?

@droidekaone3536 - 28.09.2018 23:56

Please don't stop making these! They're some of my favorite videos on the channel!

@Vasanum777 - 28.09.2018 17:03

Game wisdom for anyone who feels like they suck at a game, don't lose heart there is always someone worse at it then you 😁

@drunkbillygoat - 27.09.2018 09:34

2 dislikes? who are these monsters?

@nigelcurtain4731 - 27.09.2018 02:24

yep night is dangerous -the long dark is harder and a lot more difficult /.

@nigelcurtain4731 - 27.09.2018 02:19

well that was some bad luck -
the struggle is real but worth it .

@toekneejuliano7841 - 26.09.2018 22:11

This game looks great. You definitely make these games look fun to play. Im just waiting on 7dtd to update to alpha 17.

@FrankMcCauley - 26.09.2018 16:00

Looks like you're having a blast Cap. I've found the worst part of dying is the animal that killed you is still near your body when you respawn.

And I don't know if it's been said since I won't read all the comments, but rabbits drop cloth when you butcher them.

@omekoskos - 26.09.2018 09:59

Begin your day by chopping up 5 to 10 trees near you and then chop every big tree you come across. While running around make planks and cordage. by the time you get back home you should have enough to make a few walls and stuff like that. you are doing great. good content.

@deadfrontiersub2416 - 25.09.2018 19:00

Sorry i heared in my ear is deadfrontier xD

@deadfrontiersub2416 - 25.09.2018 18:15

Did you say deadfrontier, btw deadfrontier is a good game can you make vid for that 😀

@cpt.martinwalker6268 - 25.09.2018 12:57

What does the 00 stand for in capp00???

@cpt.martinwalker6268 - 25.09.2018 12:51

When's the next 7DTD video is coming up???

@jeffrey8820 - 25.09.2018 07:57

I was waiting for you to find a mountain lion when you got up to the snowy part 😆 at least they make noise when they are nearby and not just before they attack.

I would spend time farming wood because you will need a lot of it. The base command unit allows you to build a bed that gives 1 free respawn and you can use the energy from your base to buy more.

Keep up the good work! Glad you didnt quit after that night.

@JnixMarshel - 25.09.2018 07:01

Capp00 "I'm sick of these mf'n caves in this mf'n game" lol

@jackflint7016 - 25.09.2018 06:12

Keep up the good work. It's good seeing someone play from beginning and learn to play. I remember games used to come with instruction manual. Lol

@heartsdale7893 - 25.09.2018 04:09

When the video started and I saw all of those skulls my first thought was, "oh no".
This game seems so brutal. Glad you're continuing the series. It's really interesting to watch.

@bradenlindell5718 - 25.09.2018 03:46

Remember to collect lots of wood early in the game. Stay close to your base and keep the fire going as long as you can until you can keep a collection of firestarters. If you die at night and there isn't anything too valuable in your inventory, wait for sun rise before respawning.

@jpwhataboutit - 25.09.2018 03:40

Don't need to thank us for sticking around with this series. Having you struggle a bit and learning as you go, it makes it more entertaining. We are all in it for the long haul with you Capp!

@diegoisarockstar - 25.09.2018 03:02

Rip seven days

@liamspivey5106 - 25.09.2018 02:50

A major must in this game is to put your bandages on your hot bar . That way if you get attacked by a Wolfe for instance you can quickly hit the number key whilst running and heal quickly . Most players keep the bandages on the number 8 key . I do as well . You learn from your mistakes in this game and patience is key in this game . You will progress quickly after a few in game days but be patient at first .

@rob5214 - 25.09.2018 02:10

they are called hunter bases great game :)

@bloodkytten1381 - 25.09.2018 01:18

Capp00, with having four walls and a roof does help but the fire is the bigger help (keep it fed with wood 24/7) especially since resources are what they are. One thing that can help is getting the resources needed for a shirt and boots (they will help deal with the cold a little easier). Other than that, another fun excursion. ^.^

@chriswebb98 - 24.09.2018 23:22

Good job Capp00, I picked this game up Saturday and you have gotten me addicted to it. This game is so much fun. Like you, my only thing I would change in this game would be adding just a little for fiber plants. It don't have to be a whole lot just a little more. Your doing great.

@AeonSaint - 24.09.2018 22:10

Nice video, glad to see that you're not giving up.
You need to chop WAY more wood, and as soon as you have the woodburner, keep that burning 24/7.
You can get cloth from the rabbits.
As for the hunting, it's easier to hit the rabbits/chickens when you see the green health bar.
I know it's tricky getting that close to the rabbits, but it can be done.

@SirHook - 24.09.2018 21:50

lol you walked right by the arrow your shot at the rabbit. but the game dose look like fun.

@TexasSpartan099 - 24.09.2018 20:38

Great video! Learning from the deaths is what matters. And I also love the Wreckx n Effect song you referred to. 😆 It looks like a merciless game.

@CmdPingu - 24.09.2018 20:33

This game ain't my style but I'll leave a like since your commentary is always fun to listen to and always enjoyable

@kickslc3724 - 24.09.2018 19:52

No cabin, and butchering a rabbit will get you cloth. :)

@PREPFORIT - 24.09.2018 19:33

I think You did Great
NO one is good at playing it Right away.
It takes practice and it is ALL on the luck of the Spawn.!

@bladesrain3802 - 24.09.2018 19:18

I just went through that last night... I agree with Glock9 it is unforgiving but addictive.

@Hogiewan1 - 24.09.2018 19:08

The area around/behind your base is one of the best places on the map for fiber. Also, you can grow cotton or find it in a crate, but the easiest way to get cloth is rabbits or wolves. You will have to craft nearly EVERYTHING like rifles, pistols, shotgun, etc. One last thing, there isn't a cabin or POI in this game.

@spoon1272 - 24.09.2018 18:58

If you jump while you are running you run quicker. You can also catch chickens by hand while running & jumping. Just beware that they do like to run towards bears & wolves. Keep the vids coming Capp. It's great to see the average Joe playing the game rather than someone who has been playing it for ages. You get to see what the game is really like, difficulty wise.

@IRISnGEN - 24.09.2018 18:57

Nice video
