Tips, Website Changes and a Coupon!

Tips, Website Changes and a Coupon!


8 лет назад

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@StylHarmony - 09.02.2016 21:42

Thank you for the info !

@AngelPettengill - 06.02.2016 22:21

Hi! Thank you for the amazing videos! I'm curious, how do you keep your coasters from getting ANY lint in them? It seems that no matter how perfect I clean a space, I ALWAYS end up with little tiny specs of dust :(

@nytflyt7 - 06.02.2016 21:38

Thank You Miss Mona for this particular tutorial as I had no idea bout your "image store" !?!?!? WOW....soooo much more to play with!!!! Verrrry cool and since I'm not techy at all, your explanation made it so much easier for me to navigate around your "store"!!! Love ya & keep doin what you've been doin cuz U R the bestest!!! oxox lynda a.

@SuperHumanC - 05.02.2016 14:53

Your channel is awesome! I can't wait to check out your website!! Thanks for sharing ask the fun stuff with us!! 🙌

@loriceresia - 05.02.2016 07:34

Shoot, because it wasn't highlighted I don't think it worked!! I changed my setting to public, any other ideas???

@loriceresia - 05.02.2016 07:33

Omg Mona I had no clue you couldn't respond!! I looked at my settings and really don't know what to do? Lol I tried some things I hope they work!!!! Any ideas would be great!! Thank you!

@ModularOrigami1 - 05.02.2016 07:17

Great channel! awesome videos!

@billiemontgomery8646 - 05.02.2016 02:56

Mona, thank you for the video about your webpage! I am one of those people that does not get along well with computers. I have this way that kills them. When I clicked on the website in the description, I got sent some place that looks complete different! It just shows thumbnails to coasters. Can you please help me with where I might be going wrong? Thank you!

@PhoebesWorldProductions - 05.02.2016 01:21

=) Ok, heading over to your website. =)

@lisavasquez317 - 05.02.2016 01:12

