Neverwinter Mod 21 - Highest Item Level Weapons & Rings NEW Masterwork 1400 to 1600 IL Showcase

Neverwinter Mod 21 - Highest Item Level Weapons & Rings NEW Masterwork 1400 to 1600 IL Showcase


2 года назад

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@fear-thebeard1670 - 21.10.2021 07:08

So the current masterwork weapons will be fine and just save my AD instead of buying the new shiny item :)

@mestrahd - 18.10.2021 10:30

Looks like the Resto ring and the Assault ring should have their stats swapped. Crit Sev and Crit for Resto, and Acc/CA for Assault. Both problems solved!

@Dmoe2600 - 18.10.2021 06:42

Hey I got a question about something a little off track. First, I will say that I think the developers dropped the ball big time, when it came to the designs of the bards weapons. They had a great opportunity to really enhance the bars when it came to the design of there music instrument. First the rapier is so thin it’s almost impossible to see it from any kind of distance, so they were already very limited on what they could do with those. So you might think they would make up that ground with the music instrument, wrong, this might have been done even worse. Most the time the only differences between the different lutes are a choice between 3 or 4 different body designs and just variance in color. Perfect example is the Watcher Set that came with the 30k item level pack, if you look at the different class choices for that set, there is some really cool work done. Bard gets a rapier with an archaic looking handle and a twisty blade. The lute looks like 20 other lutes that have the modern guitar body design and just a different color pattern. Same design and pattern on the body as all the other’s just different color. They really missed out on doing some cool things. Do you feel the same, and do you know of they plan on going back and changing things, like maybe they rushed things out to make the deadline??

@davee5384 - 18.10.2021 04:27

Here in a few months when they decide everyones item level is too high and all the companions have been crushed, they will nerf the players, so everyone will have to fork out a bunch of money AGAIN. Nope. I have about 26 days of VIP left. After that, my account will be shelved and the game deleted to make room for a game that doesnt try to ass fuck you every few months.

@ropermia - 18.10.2021 04:19

Could you please let me know If I had a +1 masters weapon with a regular master weapon will it still say 2/2 set?

@yamilrivera3635 - 17.10.2021 13:48

So the ring are useles for dps lol

@kittywampusdrums4963 - 17.10.2021 06:22

How do you get these crafting recipes? Are these the coming changed ones where we have to buy the recipes?

@batmight27anderson60 - 17.10.2021 04:04

Is the sharandar Mastercraft Quest not available get for PlayStation? Because I can't find it I went to the stronghold and the guy doesn't have the mission so I don't know what I'm doing wrong unless it just hasn't come out for me yet

@sayomilove8475 - 17.10.2021 03:16

What about the elephant in the room? One of our explorer charts on xbox is broken...

@Oni-Ryu8 - 17.10.2021 02:24

Cheers bro Holy cow the item levels

@BlueByDaylight - 17.10.2021 02:06

My cleric has 62k item level has 90% outgoing healing if I was to take off my vos ring I'd be losing 4500 outgoing healing rating and 5% crit strike I can say as a experienced cleric this is not a good ring for devot

@Nermaleye - 17.10.2021 00:40

Excellent video my friend. I hope you and your family and your dog is saying safe. As for the item level that is cool and all. But it's disappointing that they never put anything different on the weapons if you're going to get something better. But they put very little thought into the process of recipes or weapons. It would be nice if they used there brain to make it where if you get a +1 then you can change the stats plus give it a name. Also I think that they need to either change the RNG on the Dungun in the Vault of Stars, or they need to star thinking out side the box an making side quests where players could also get some of the items but it mite take longer. Nermaleye signing out.

@VERGILDEVILL - 16.10.2021 23:47

So they are so lazy to even work on transmutes

@fallwitch - 16.10.2021 23:23

What is the default bind status on this stuff?

Nice to see you, thanks!

@akumanyc8345 - 16.10.2021 23:22

I bet when they introduce mythic wepons, mc set will be 1450 and +1 will be 1500 il

@metalac7282 - 16.10.2021 21:53

Buraz samo me zanima jel si probao dmg sa ovim zajebancijama ? jeste veci item level al dal je bolji od band of air + the red eyes glare + lionsheart na sve max ilvl itd?

@ansfridaeyowulfsdottir8095 - 16.10.2021 21:44

Thanks for this video. But a +1 ring surely should not have the same stats as a normal ring? Isn't item level based on total stats on the gear? I am hoping they change Accuracy and Combat Advantage to Crit Strike and Crit Severity for the Glowing Restoration ring.



@gond9166 - 16.10.2021 21:39

I'd take away all items ingame exept mounts. Leave the game as purely skill based. And force these assholes to make NEW zones to explore. Not old reworked zones. NEW ones!

@1ss_Bryan - 16.10.2021 21:31

I’ve never bother to even go to the shop and craft things up until your recent video showing these equipment.

I would like to get the equipment for the IL but my shop is at lvl 1.

Would we be able to get this gear from the trade house? Or at least the weapons? I mean that’s how I got the Primal Huitzauhqui. I hope we are able too.


@miguelpena4694 - 16.10.2021 20:29

How u sparkling ✨?

@dazlee3257 - 16.10.2021 20:19

Personally I don't think there's anything there worth the cost, I mean unless you're maxed a mythic insignia would make up the wep item level difference and the rings seem kinda meh considering VoS rings are 1500 iL with better stats, just my opinion.
Thanks for taking the time to craft and show 👍

@handerly7992 - 16.10.2021 20:00

the reagents can drop and got few from 1st/2nd boss nothing from 3rd boss yet or if it even drops anything

@davidrobinson6554 - 16.10.2021 19:34

The Glowing Assault ring would be great for my HR

@funkchild75 - 16.10.2021 19:33

Hmph. Interesting. Thanks, North. 🍻

@akisosi - 16.10.2021 18:59

Nice work m8. Again and again u do so much 4 our community.
Stay safe, hopefully your family will be well.
Ps. Im feom console and i have char in mimic prev server on pc. Iwould like to check mw stuff by my self but i have a minor problem there.. I dont have any ad to unlock mw recepies.. By any chance some1 here willing to help me a bit someday before it goes to live..

@tdhalljr9 - 16.10.2021 18:47

What are those vos drops for, shard of dawn, displacer beast whisker, snowflake...?

@josephjohnson5415 - 16.10.2021 18:45

The treadmill never ends. It's simply surrounded with the corpses of those too tired to keep running forever.

@douglaspatton819 - 16.10.2021 18:40

