Nordic Metamodernism, Daniel Gortz (Hanzi Freinacht)

Nordic Metamodernism, Daniel Gortz (Hanzi Freinacht)

Rebel Wisdom

3 года назад

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@siege1289 - 26.05.2021 21:41

This brought a new school of thought to my life. I'm interested in learning about it!

@tomj2810 - 26.05.2021 22:03

What was the name of the Meta theory books and authors?

@VahnAeris - 27.05.2021 00:17

nice stage yellow conversation :D :D :D

@DougRobertson - 27.05.2021 01:41

Meta-modernism is a grift. Be careful

@hmattoon - 27.05.2021 01:59

Holy moly. Last night I drifted off as the eclipse started, and woke up today feeling like one who went to sleep hundreds of years ago, waiting to wake at the right moment when she felt at home in the world again, when she could hear others speak the language that she’d been longing to communicate in for eons but the frustration by not ever being met there sent her into deep deep slumber. Hallelujah! Today is the day I wake up to hear again! I am feeling gleefully in superposition, both hear and there and grounded at peace. Thank you both for sharing this conversation!!! ♥️🙏✨

@telekatron - 27.05.2021 03:47

Good development you guys! I've not got that into the metamodern work other than in passing and in contrast to Integral etc. Read a bit of the critics saying he had an incomplete version of integral and such (Naturally) but I like where this stuff is going, Neon renaissance for sure yay!

@johnjoyner8172 - 27.05.2021 04:27

This was amazing

@ordsmedensmening9702 - 27.05.2021 09:33

Having philosophic materialism as ones frame of mind makes ones theorising about any one Being into a work of social engineering. Meta modernism and popular culture, politics and theorists...cult of sub genre inteligencia.
What is Being? What is One frame of mind? What is not coded?
“...We reached out to the theorists...” wow. You reached out to individuals who are Beings, a life, alive on this point, the earth. These individual Beings have thought processes, needs, a family tree, a personal history, wishes, dreams, sometimes skeletons in closed closets.
What seems quiet clear is how this dude perceive his cognitive capabilities in comparison to “people who are meta modern but yet lacking the cognitive capabilities to comprehend that”. This dude is on the path to finding the way, seems so, hopefully. Can he survive? To some extent seems so. Let’s not become to “culty”. People who love compartmentalised ways of thinking and take pride in defining nuances of Behaviour from a train of thought lacking track. Jordan Peterson is a Being words could describe as a muppish GnostiNihilist. God is all in all. God is 0 0NE activated. 1 in 0. Symbolen för föreningen. Svea rike törnas av Lea Svea

@stephenwalder5888 - 27.05.2021 13:37

I’ve pondered through this dialogue, and figured that I’m actually a Metamagimodernist, but I struggle even saying the word, so I’ve concluded that I am what I am.

@MrStumpmeister - 27.05.2021 15:08

Anyone that found this interesting check out the, I think, 3 chats he did with Jim Rutt. Deep stuff.

@vadimnnm - 27.05.2021 22:49

Ironically got an ad with Ken Wilber before this video.

@Squigglydodah - 27.05.2021 23:17

Many words, little substance

@vadimnnm - 27.05.2021 23:32

If you search for some "modern" ideology that you can put on the flag, something aesthetical, and what you can fight for, then such metamodernism is right for you. Alternatively, to end culture wars, you have to realize that you're a part of the problem. Realize that the same Nazi (as JP would say) and magical thinker(as we all are at some level and period of our lives, according to development psychology) is in you. 
Here "integral" will start

@simonhagen6897 - 27.05.2021 23:48

Is there a scandinavian metamodern/integral community?

@MagnumOpusYT - 28.05.2021 11:28

I'm slightly disconcerted he considered intersectional thought as something positive

@hamzariazuddin424 - 28.05.2021 11:35

I still dont get exactly what Metamodernism is....can someone please explain in layman terms without being ridiculously abstract and ambiguous

@marksplendidtv - 28.05.2021 12:25

Hyper Modernity, John David Ebert

@chrisdungca6048 - 28.05.2021 17:10

All I can say is, finally, Rebel Wisdom is covering Metamodernism. I hope they dive into Homesteading / Doomer Optimism next.

@ScottMarshallscotbot - 29.05.2021 13:27

Dean Radin explains how there is magic in depth- regrettably its hard to integrate and its interesting choice to reject it for its alienating aspects

@kongjie74 - 29.05.2021 16:02

Something unvoiced is how this would work relative to the geopolitical concerns of our being surrounded by hostile nations. Is there a way to integrate the hawk and the dove so that we can have personal and codevelopment without losing the ability to have robust self defense?

@martinzarathustra8604 - 29.05.2021 21:13

So the problem with this is epistemic authority. Traditional religion offers an epistemic authority (the bible, the clergy interpret truth) that allows it to be conservative. Without this grounding in a supernatural being that claims absolute authority; we are stuck with science that cannot guarantee any steady state epistemic authority. Personally I am fine with this, but most people NEED a epistemic authority to give them any kind of reason to be spiritual.

@edwinvanderknaap3445 - 30.05.2021 03:21

There is a lot of Yin & Yang in the topic discussed. There should be an element of the synthesis of paradoxes, enhancements and new possibilities.

@marcoaslan - 30.05.2021 14:43

Complete nonsense, I skip this talk after 13 minutes of babbling.

@antonyliberopoulos933 - 01.06.2021 21:05

Thank you Daniel. Thanks David

@keithprice475 - 05.06.2021 05:33

Very interesting! I'm not quite with him on the place of magical thinking and especially disagree about the dangers of teleology in evolution. That evolution is going somewhere doesn't imply that that should be able to be abused for exploitative ends. This is very about what the actual implications of the falsity of materialist reductionism are... (And it SO is!)

@jeff-onedayatatime.2870 - 07.06.2021 18:07

When I first found out "Hanzi Freinacht" was a pseudonym, I was frankly pissed. But I probably wouldn't have read "The Listening Society" if I knew it was written by some young upstart. (It reminds me of Ken Wilber when he first started out. Wilber was lucky to find an audience within the New Age movement, but it hurt him in the long run, because he's always been bound to his New Age base. This is a mistake Gortz avoided by the use of the pseudonym.)

@jeff-onedayatatime.2870 - 08.06.2021 00:07

I was into Bubba Free John, aka Adi Da, back in the 70s. When I was first married, I took my wife and there was Bubba (aaka Franklin Jones), sitting naked on a dais so we could all sit in "His" "Presence", and my wife pretty much freaked out (she's from a holler out from Morehead, Kentucky) and we never went back. This was in SoCal in 77. But it was those Bubba Free John people who made up Ken Wilber's original audience, and plucked him from obscurity, and Ken can never get away from them, and probably doesn't even want to.

@jeff-onedayatatime.2870 - 08.06.2021 00:28

At 41 minutes Gortz makes a great point about it being imperialistic to be against the magical thinking of animist/pre-traditional societies. So today, in at least a part of the world, the Roman Catholic church is still a valid magical religion (e.g. the doctrine of transubstantiation), a point Richard Dawkins might not want to concede. :)

@missh1774 - 21.06.2021 00:30

hmmm does his sociocultural etiquette of "excessive tabooism" show through his work?

@johnjoyner8172 - 21.06.2021 05:49

How can I become involved in this system? Is there anyone in the souther California area ?

@vladanlausevic1733 - 23.06.2021 12:06

Hanzi is king!

@vladanlausevic1733 - 23.06.2021 12:12

It is very important to go beyond post-modernism, also in relation to aspects as decentralisation, liquid democracy and possibility to co-create solutions and institutions

@vladanlausevic1733 - 23.06.2021 12:15

Emergence is da thing!

@dinomiles7999 - 08.07.2021 17:28

What a phrase ? ' REINVENTS RELIGION '... Really ?

@dinomiles7999 - 08.07.2021 19:02

EGO GOD COMPLEX. He who knows , does not speak . He who SOPAKES , does not know .

@raresmircea - 22.08.2021 22:09

Liked his perspective very much, thanks

@Consciousnesstransformation - 14.09.2021 11:44

Now I know not to buy this kid's books!

@iamlovingawareness2284 - 21.01.2022 02:29

I can’t wait to see what post metamodernism has to say about this

@4real277 - 13.04.2022 15:47

Thank you RW, I finally understand what metamodernism is.

@4real277 - 13.04.2022 15:52

His pushing a few buttons on purpose is a form of sincere “crazy wisdom”.

@garry.sanipasseggtemperaar5110 - 16.05.2022 13:44

oh that's genius, i love that

@operaguy1 - 22.06.2022 11:22

Ok, I'm interested in this worldview, but an answer like that first spin ... ah ........ No. This is an example of the famous "irony" element of MM? Fagedabadit.

@HigherSofia - 27.02.2023 20:37

Wadap, Bateman

@gearoidwalsh8606 - 20.07.2023 18:53

Two Rootless Cosmopolitan f****ts put aside their superficial and autistic differences over whether Conservative Inc deserves a reach around, to agree that blood & soil remains the Great Evil, and that Technocracy needs an esoteric vanguard from academia to manage it.

Produced and directed by Steven Spielberg & Harvey Weinstein.

Soundtrack by Bono, Tom Morello and Pussy Riot.

Financed by Friends of Epstein Island & trained by the benefactors of Jimmy Saville.

@CrowMagnum - 15.11.2023 05:56

Magical thinking is always a relative term, and can be a good tool to dispell fixed worldviews

@CrowMagnum - 15.11.2023 06:20

Ignorance Magic: Practices aimed at the establishment of beliefs which will serve the attainment of desired ends.

Normative Magic: Practices aimed at the adoption of behavior patterns which are acceptable to in-group consensus.

Insight Magic: Practices aimed at the suspension of disbeliefs which may prevent the realization of compassionate means.

Authentic Magic: Practices aimed at the encouragement of honest expressions which reflect the true self.

@HakWilliams - 28.03.2024 08:45

Nordic schmordick
