How to Import and Position CUSTOM TEXTURES in SketchUp!

How to Import and Position CUSTOM TEXTURES in SketchUp!


3 года назад

36,994 Просмотров

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@iamptm - 15.02.2022 19:30

What's the sale price of the course? Ty

@johnjlopez - 15.02.2022 19:31

Excellent clip.
To add to this, Eneroth has a very handy (free) addon called "texture positioning (tools)" that allows one to rotate a texture 90' with one click or a different button to randomly move the texture to avoid patterns. She has so many useful addons but I use this one by far the most.

@Randor10 - 15.02.2022 20:41

There could not be a more timely video. I was just beginning to model physical furniture in my house and was getting tired of the few materials available in SketchUp. Thanks for the techniques.

@ys4448 - 15.02.2022 22:00

nice !!!!

@priyamina.neekosam - 15.02.2022 23:15

Sir, how to make a sketch model which can be seen by client without installing any sketchup viewer by the client

@bigdaddyyc - 15.02.2022 23:34

You're videos have been super helpful for me. You've got great instructional skills.

@LewisKauffman - 16.02.2022 03:15

Thank You!

@MissTopDJ007 - 16.02.2022 03:27

I'm new to sketchup and trying to learn about the architecture industry. If I want to be the person who uses sketchup and design structures using sketchup, what job title would that be? Do those position get paid well?

@laurenjill4810 - 16.02.2022 04:01

Your videos are the best. Anytime I search a tutorial and I see your channel pop up, I automatically click on them. Love your clear instructions and the pace isn't too fast/slow. Do you use Unreal Engine? I would watch the hell out of some UE5 tuts.

@gianlucadecicco5921 - 16.02.2022 06:34

You're the man Justin.

@eDrawing99 - 16.02.2022 14:40

I am new learner about SketchUp. Your videos so many helpful, Thanks.

@Deontjie - 21.02.2022 18:55

SK Material Browser did it for me.

@dennishommel3002 - 21.02.2022 23:53

Great video on how to use what's available, but is it possible to save materials / textures as skm files to use in other similar projects? I want to import some graphics and save them as skm.Thanks!

@morganf.doublewood1952 - 13.03.2022 23:58

Wow~ You just solved my problem in a flinch! That was such pain in the a** kind of headache for me... Great! Thanks a million~

@willbingham8811 - 29.04.2022 20:06

I recently upgraded to 2022- why did Sketchup remove the "My Textures" folder in materials- I miss being able to have a collection of frequently used custom textures that I've created and refined- that are accessible foe each new project- without reimporting every time.

@shynnsup8383 - 08.06.2022 04:37

Wait, you are trying to tell me sketchup does not have BOX MAPPING!?!? No way I am going to do this x6 times per OBJECT!

@ShinLeeChan - 16.08.2022 22:22

Its super extensive work to make this for every face of an object.
For a complex project would require tons of time just for this.

@Great_Silvia - 13.09.2022 09:09

Jaw dropping lesson! Thank you!

@Great_Silvia - 13.09.2022 09:35

Eye watering! You helped me so much! Thank you again!

@lasherramientasdechuy - 11.12.2022 06:51

I'm having trouble finding the texture tab to position my texture when right clicking on the selected face on my model. I'm using SketchUp make 2017 on a Windows 11 laptop. Anyone else having the same issue ?

@tommythecat314 - 18.09.2023 14:42

Hi, is it possible to apply real texture to a sketchup surface (imported, sculpted or drawn) in stead of a photo of it?

@legacyfound - 12.01.2024 00:18

great work Justin but your materials window differs considerably from that of SU on a Mac . I have to fiddle with the option command and what not to get the color disk to appear --- as part of the specific material Im trying to edit. What do you recommend for editing color on a given material in a Mac SU version ? (Issue appears to be the same on SU 2023 as it was with SU ??10

@Rc_Sidewayssid - 15.01.2024 21:19

i don't have texture option can u help thx

@mihaithemystic2890 - 31.05.2024 19:29

How to add a custom texture to a large wall and the same texture without being resized on a small wall, so they look the same, but i need to know if there is a fast way of doing that, cause i have plenty of objects with different sizes that need the same texture and the texture needs to be the same on all of them,, and not re-sized/re-scaled.
Doing manual resizing is not optimal time saving for me, it would take ages.
Nice tutorials by the way, learned some stuff that i didn't know, cause didn't need to, but i may need that in the future.

Ответить - 03.06.2024 00:23

Whaaaaatttt I have been yearss without knowing this! I always understand SketchUp was not good with texture, but this complete changes everything! Great great tutorial!
thanks for sharing

@martiangirl86 - 31.01.2025 07:16

