How to Use OpenAi Playground Tutorial (ChatGPT Alternative)

How to Use OpenAi Playground Tutorial (ChatGPT Alternative)

Daragh Walsh

1 год назад

129,375 Просмотров

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Gashumba - 28.08.2023 02:59

I guess this no longer works! API has been moved...

Luretta345 - 21.07.2023 14:06

've read all openAi Privacy Policy but I still don't understand a thing: is it legal in PlayGround to switch off the moderation option?
in the Option setting in PlayGrond it is written: "Content filter preferences: The content filter flags text that may violate our usage policies. It's powered by our moderation endpoint which is free to use to moderate your OpenAI API traffic. PLAYGROUND WARNINGS Show a warning when content is flagged
A warning will be shown when sexual, hateful, violent or self-harm content is detected"
So it is legal to switch off that or not?
I ask you that cause if I try to help me to write a "total LEGAL for the world" Fiction story about Fiction Sex for adult, Thriller, Horror, Serial Killer Fiction story o Serial Killer Non-Fiction story it flags me! So what happen if I use PlayGround writing that Fictions with the Moderation Off? I will be monitorized for everything I write in Fiction stories? I will be sued for be an adult or Horror fiction writer? So I don't understand if the moderation filter it is there by default for children or something like that or for everybody? And if it is important for theme why there is the option in PlayGround to Switch Off the Moderation filter? THANK and pardon My bad English

James Joseph Finn
James Joseph Finn - 14.07.2023 03:25

That's the best AI narration I've heard yet. It's still obviously a robot; but, I have to admit, I was fooled for almost a whole minute. Even if someone isn't aware that AI narration is a thing, they'll still definitely be disoriented by the awkward pronunciation. In this case, the phrase "OpenAI" is a dead give away. I may have never been able to tell if it weren't for this one phrase. Which narration tool did you use?

Maria Ribeiro
Maria Ribeiro - 05.06.2023 02:23

Hello, could someone tell me if Playground is now paid? Because I simply can't use it anymore.

Lawrence D.
Lawrence D. - 14.05.2023 18:41

Hello, I add a credit cart but nothing happens. How Can I add credit to my account. I rellay don't find it

Don S
Don S - 12.05.2023 03:49

now i'ts paid

Aleena Amir
Aleena Amir - 14.03.2023 23:20

1 use 2 week than now I type and submit than it's not working not giving answers plzz reply u know??

AZ Y - 04.03.2023 01:33

Short and clear, thank you for share

Hamid Sabzi
Hamid Sabzi - 23.02.2023 23:49

Hello and have a good time
I can't exit the chatgpt program, please help me. The registration page does not open to create a new account, it goes to the previous account that does not have access.

navi singh
navi singh - 21.02.2023 11:22

its showinf internal server error , how to resolve it

Hashina khatun
Hashina khatun - 18.02.2023 17:17

Is it free to use or we have to pay for it ???? Please reply immediately

Crannofonix - 15.02.2023 02:43

To not make it stop, you can also increase the "Maximum length" on the right

ankit singh
ankit singh - 13.02.2023 21:58


Avilexi - 08.02.2023 16:36

Is there a limit of words until I have to pay?

bud ekins
bud ekins - 07.02.2023 00:49

Can it be used to remove an image of a wire? For example a wire holding an object up in the air.

Александър Николов
Александър Николов - 03.02.2023 00:14

When you ask "Are you ChatGPT" he answer "I'm not ChatGPT". And when ask ChatGPT is the Playground ChatGPT, he answer that Playground isn't ChatGPT. Correct! It's text-davinci-003 AI Model. ;) But somewhere read that ChatGPT will be paid.

doxfie. - 01.02.2023 22:17

how do i disable the green highlighting? openai tells me Options but i dont see it

Daragh Walsh
Daragh Walsh - 30.01.2023 15:49

What did you think of the speech to text feature? I used it to dictate some emails and then got Chat GPT to rewrite them. It's incredible. You should really try it out if you haven't already.

shireen khan
shireen khan - 28.01.2023 16:43

So cool...
